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Why would orange juice cause an UTI?


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Yesterday I drank maybe 6 cups of OJ and woke up with a UTI today. Drinking juice at al is rare for me, especially that much, but I felt dehydrated yesterday (started coffee again) and thought slamming juice would help me drink enough liquids. I'm almost certain the UTI was from the juice. I very rarely get UTIs, maybe only had 5 in my lifetime.


Side note: I changed the title from OJ to orange juice because I could see how that could cause a double take and land me in the "forum game" thread. Lol.

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It's more likely the dehydration. I am not a medical professional, only speaking from experience. When I don't drink enough water I get symptoms similar to UTI but it doesn't progress to full blown UTI with accompanying pain etc because once the first symptoms hit, I make sure to drinks lots of water afterwards. Orange juice, if it's the store bought variety, might also be high in sugar. My guess is that the combo of too much coffee and sudden onslaught of OJ into your system might have caused these symptoms.


Hope you feel better soon! UTI and anything resembling it is not fun at all.

Edited by quark
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I doubt it caused that. A UTI is usually a bacterial infection. The two just likely coincided so it feels like one caused the other.


The symptom of intense thirst seems possibly related.

That makes sense. I was wondering if there was a slight bacterial issue and the oj/sugar/fructose fed it making it worse, too.

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It's more likely the dehydration. I am not a medical professional, only speaking from experience. When I don't drink enough water I get symptoms similar to UTI but it doesn't progress to full blown UTI with accompanying pain etc because once the first symptoms hit, I make sure to drinks lots of water afterwards. Orange juice, if it's the store bought variety, might also be high in sugar. My guess is that the combo of too much coffee and sudden onslaught of OJ into your system might have caused these symptoms.


Hope you feel better soon! UTI and anything resembling it is not fun at all.

I'm having mild pain. Only drinking up to a cup and a half a day of coffee, not too bad! But I teeter on the verge of dehydration a lot and have to be careful when incorporating coffee. Drinking lots of water has always taken care of my it UTIs (though this could be a reaction to the oj as posted ulthread), so that's good! Either way, you're right: not drinking enough water after starting coffee up again the slamming a bunch of oj because I felt dehydrated = not good! Lol and ugh at the same time. :P

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Oj can make urine acidic - which can feel like a uti.


My Dr had me drink 1/4tsp baking soda in 4oz water a couple times a day.


Eta: we did a full culture, and it was still negative for a uti.

Edited by gardenmom5
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Coffee is a bladder irritant too. If I have coffee and OJ together at one meal, I just about need a catheter, lol! I've had one UTI in my life, for the record, but I've always had a sensitive bladder. One of my kiddos had major issues with lemonade for a long time and most any other acidic drink. As soon as he was at the bottom of the cup, it was like you could set a timer for about five minutes, and then the trips to the bathroom started.


Other big bladder irritants besides citrus and coffee are caffeine, tea, and cola. There are probably more, but those are the "big" ones. 



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Do you take it every day, as a preventative?  Any brand okay?


Yes, I take it every day.


As far as I know, any brand would be OK, but since nutraceuticals are largely unregulated (and many are not what they purport to be), I stick with the NOW brand, as I've been told by someone who knows this sort of thing (phd level alternative/eastern medicine professional) that NOW is reputable . . . Also, NOW items are available on Amazon and very reasonably priced, so easy for me to get.


I discovered it a year ago after a hellish series of UTIs -- about 5 UTIs in less than 6 months -- and the antibiotics that led to yeast infections (hellish, severe) . . . In my desperate googling, I discovered d-mannose and decided it was worth a try. That was a year ago, and I've had ZERO UTIs since discovering it. 


I take 1/2 tsp of the powder (mixed with a bit of water or juice, it is simply mildly sweet, not nasty at all) OR 1 capsule every day around bed time. (I keep both the powder and the capsules on hand, as the capsules are handy for travel, but the powder is easier than swallowing the fairly large capsules . . . But you can start with just one until you decide if it works for you) In addition, on nights when TeA is on the menu, I often take a second dose -- one before and one after TeA. If no TeA is on the menu, I still take at least one dose each day. I miss an occasional dose with no trouble, and you can experiment to see what works for you.


If your UTIs (or TeA indulgence) are more occasional than mine, you can wait and try it around the times you are having TeA and/or just you feel an infection brewing, but for me, it's easier to take it daily, and my past history of UTIs has me pretty traumatized and committed to preventing them (and my mom and grandma both had hellish problems with UTIs in their post-menopausal life, despite being celibate, so I'm figuring I may as well just take it daily until I die, lol, as even if the TeA dries up in later years, I'm already 46 and so not too many years before menopause will be an issue anyway.) 


It is MAGIC. Love, love, love. Antibiotics are very hard on me, and inevitably lead to a yeast infection (and not simply the easy to treat ones, but one that was my entire GI tract/throat/mouth, too), so each UTI would lead to several weeks of misery and a very angry body with my entire GI, "girl parts", and urinary system is total disarray. Multiply that by a new UTI about monthly, and you're talking utter misery on every level, so I'm just over the moon to have discovered something so very safe and effective!


If I ever feel a little funky like a UTI might be brewing, I take some extra doses for a few days. If you actually have a UTI (or are trying to head one off), then taking a dose every 2-4 hours for a few days is the way to go. When I first got it, I was fighting a UTI (last one!), so I took it about 6x/day for a few days until that was cleared up, then went to my current routine of 1-2 (1/2 tsp) doses each day. 


Ideally, take it right after you pee, so it'll stick around in your urinary tract for a while before you next pee. My best lay-perosn understanding is that the d-Mannose goes straight to your urinary tract and selectively binds with e. Coli, then flushes the E.Coli right out with your pee. E. Coli is the bacteria that causes the vast majority of human UTIs (not so for animals), so that's why it works so well for (most) human UTIs. If you have a UTI that isn't responding to d-Mannose (or comes on despite being on it preventatively), then I'd personally ask my doctor to culture my urine to determine exactly what bacteria is in there . . . My guess is that it's not e.Coli if d-Mannose isn't preventing it . . . and that would be helpful info to your DR as they could use that info to best choose the correct antibiotic and/or preventive measures for you to take (other than the d-Mannose, which I believe is not as effective for other UTIs that are not e.Coli based.) 


d-Mannose is super safe, even for diabetics, so you are fine to take several doses a day indefinitely if desired. 


It is MAGIC. Anyone who suffers from repeat UTIs should try it. I'm not a big vitamin person, and I usually try to get all my nutrition/health needs met from whole foods . . . but, d-Mannose is THE BOMB. 


I'm NOT a doctor, so this is all my personal experience and Dr. Google speaking, although my MD has certainly been impressed that I ended my series of many desperate visits (UTI/antibiotics/Yeast/Thrush/antifungals/UTI/allergic rxn to abx/repeat/repeat) after discovering d-Mannose. 


Good luck!

Edited by StephanieZ
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Yes, I take it every day.


As far as I know, any brand would be OK, but since nutraceuticals are largely unregulated (and many are not what they purport to be), I stick with the NOW brand, as I've been told by someone who knows this sort of thing (phd level alternative/eastern medicine professional) that NOW is reputable . . . Also, NOW items are available on Amazon and very reasonably priced, so easy for me to get.


I discovered it a year ago after a hellish series of UTIs -- about 5 UTIs in less than 6 months -- and the antibiotics that led to yeast infections (hellish, severe) . . . In my desperate googling, I discovered d-mannose and decided it was worth a try. That was a year ago, and I've had ZERO UTIs since discovering it. 


I take 1/2 tsp of the powder (mixed with a bit of water or juice, it is simply mildly sweet, not nasty at all) OR 1 capsule every day around bed time. (I keep both the powder and the capsules on hand, as the capsules are handy for travel, but the powder is easier than swallowing the fairly large capsules . . . But you can start with just one until you decide if it works for you) In addition, on nights when TeA is on the menu, I often take a second dose -- one before and one after TeA. If no TeA is on the menu, I still take at least one dose each day. I miss an occasional dose with no trouble, and you can experiment to see what works for you.


If your UTIs (or TeA indulgence) are more occasional than mine, you can wait and try it around the times you are having TeA and/or just you feel an infection brewing, but for me, it's easier to take it daily, and my past history of UTIs has me pretty traumatized and committed to preventing them (and my mom and grandma both had hellish problems with UTIs in their post-menopausal life, despite being celibate, so I'm figuring I may as well just take it daily until I die, lol, as even if the TeA dries up in later years, I'm already 46 and so not too many years before menopause will be an issue anyway.) 


It is MAGIC. Love, love, love. Antibiotics are very hard on me, and inevitably lead to a yeast infection (and not simply the easy to treat ones, but one that was my entire GI tract/throat/mouth, too), so each UTI would lead to several weeks of misery and a very angry body with my entire GI, "girl parts", and urinary system is total disarray. Multiply that by a new UTI about monthly, and you're talking utter misery on every level, so I'm just over the moon to have discovered something so very safe and effective!


If I ever feel a little funky like a UTI might be brewing, I take some extra doses for a few days. If you actually have a UTI (or are trying to head one off), then taking a dose every 2-4 hours for a few days is the way to go. When I first got it, I was fighting a UTI (last one!), so I took it about 6x/day for a few days until that was cleared up, then went to my current routine of 1-2 (1/2 tsp) doses each day. 


Ideally, take it right after you pee, so it'll stick around in your urinary tract for a while before you next pee. My best lay-perosn understanding is that the d-Mannose goes straight to your urinary tract and selectively binds with e. Coli, then flushes the E.Coli right out with your pee. E. Coli is the bacteria that causes the vast majority of human UTIs (not so for animals), so that's why it works so well for (most) human UTIs. If you have a UTI that isn't responding to d-Mannose (or comes on despite being on it preventatively), then I'd personally ask my doctor to culture my urine to determine exactly what bacteria is in there . . . My guess is that it's not e.Coli if d-Mannose isn't preventing it . . . and that would be helpful info to your DR as they could use that info to best choose the correct antibiotic and/or preventive measures for you to take (other than the d-Mannose, which I believe is not as effective for other UTIs that are not e.Coli based.) 


d-Mannose is super safe, even for diabetics, so you are fine to take several doses a day indefinitely if desired. 


It is MAGIC. Anyone who suffers from repeat UTIs should try it. I'm not a big vitamin person, and I usually try to get all my nutrition/health needs met from whole foods . . . but, d-Mannose is THE BOMB. 


I'm NOT a doctor, so this is all my personal experience and Dr. Google speaking, although my MD has certainly been impressed that I ended my series of many desperate visits (UTI/antibiotics/Yeast/Thrush/antifungals/UTI/allergic rxn to abx/repeat/repeat) after discovering d-Mannose. 


Good luck!

Thank you SO much for explaining all of this!  Hugely helpful.  I just started getting UTI's last year for the first time, three in three months.  And in January I'm traveling for 6 weeks and have been a little worried about it.  I'm going to order this today!!

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Thank you SO much for explaining all of this!  Hugely helpful.  I just started getting UTI's last year for the first time, three in three months.  And in January I'm traveling for 6 weeks and have been a little worried about it.  I'm going to order this today!!


You are VERY welcome!! I hope it works for you as well as it's worked for me!!!!! I feel like a d-Mannose evangelist! LOL

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Thank you everyone! I felt better later that night. I didn't know about those drinks that irritate the bladder. Interesting! 


I actually spent the next day helping a friends Marie Kondo her house and the next day recovering. Ha! Sorry it took so long to get back with you. 

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