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post your holiday fails . . .


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step right up.


I ordered several items from amazon (coming in four different shipments). . . . she lives in texas.   they're coming to me in washington . . . at least it's early enough I can now ship them to her. (the two outstanding are just books - so, book rate.  I may wait until tuesday to ship to see if they arrive.)


at least the shar order is going to her . . . . :glare:


I loath shipping.  it's  the biggest reason I don't see on ebay.

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This was years ago but when I would water the tree, it would suck it up immediately so I kept putting more and more water in.  Turns out there was a crack in the stand and I had soaked the carpet.  We ended up having to move the tree, pull up the carpet and run fans in the room to dry it out.  Another year the tree, all decorated, fell over.  Now we just do fake. 

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I baked my Thanksgiving apple tart with salt instead of sugar.  Major fail!





cringe.  my sympathies.


1ds was little and wanted to make chocolate cookies.  he added the ingredients hmself (he needed help baking).  good thing I tasted it. he didn't want to admit how much salt he added - he knew I'd throw it out.  I kept assuring him we would start over.  he added about a 1/4 CUP  of salt.

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... he added about a 1/4 CUP  of salt.


Yes, my tart ended up with 1/2 cup of salt.  It was sad, but I have to admit it made for a lot of laughter.  My brother-in-law, who is cross country, even sent me some joking messages about it.  This kind of news gets around.




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I have to ask- Did you realize it before or after it was served? 


As I was removing the tart from the springform pan, one piece of apple stuck to the pan.  I put that piece into my mouth and realized immediately that there was a major problem.  Our guests were here as it was baking, so we'd all been salivating for hours and there was no hiding the failure.




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I tried making the turkey in our standalone roaster this year, to free up oven space.


23 lb turkey.  I started it at 10:45 at 325 degrees, thinking it would be ready around 3-3:30.


I didn't want to check it much because the roaster would lose all that heat.  At 2:30, I had just finished serving a substantial snack to get us through the next hour+ and thought I'd peek on the turkey.  The bird was DONE.  The meat thermometer read over 190.  You should have seen me scramble to finish cooking all the other dishes to go along with the bone-dry turkey.  Luckily we didn't have any guests coming this year...

Edited by Cecropia
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As I was removing the tart from the springform pan, one piece of apple stuck to the pan. I put that piece into my mouth and realized immediately that there was a major problem. Our guests were here as it was baking, so we'd all been salivating for hours and there was no hiding the failure.




Still better than a guest taking the first bite! :)

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This was years ago but when I would water the tree, it would suck it up immediately so I kept putting more and more water in.  Turns out there was a crack in the stand and I had soaked the carpet.  We ended up having to move the tree, pull up the carpet and run fans in the room to dry it out.  Another year the tree, all decorated, fell over.  Now we just do fake. 


This happened to us yesterday. Apparently our old tree stand developed a crack whilst we moved the tree into its final position. A full gallon of water ran all over the place. *sigh* 

Edited by thessa516
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Minor fail on Thanksgiving, but it still amused me.


I googled how to keep mashed potatoes warm in a crockpot. I made the mashed potatoes before the guests arrived (much less stressful than trying to do it last minute), put them in the crockpot that was buttered and had a little cream at the bottom, closed the lid, and turned the crockpot on. And an hour or two later when we were getting ready to eat, the potatoes were cold because I never actually plugged the crockpot in. Then to improve the situation I plugged the crockpot in while I was transferring the potatoes to a dish to microwave--what was I thinking? Trying to cover up my mistake? Anyway, after dinner I had a nice crusted-on mess to clean up in the crockpot that never even warmed the potatoes.

Edited by Ali in OR
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1. Years ago, my cat ate the turkey.


2. My last real Christmas tree - I was living alone in a townhouse and I was going to spend Christmas in Japan with my sister. I decided I would buy a tree and then just take it down before I left. I mean, you can't have December without a Christmas tree! So I took it down and literally half the needles fell off the tree. The darn thing was so dead!!! I was vacuuming up needles for months!!!!! I bought a fake tree the next year.

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Very true!  I'm pondering whether I want to bake the tart again for Christmas; it would be nice to actually eat it.




You should!  It sounds wonderful! 


I almost made that mistake this year.  I REALLY need to label my canisters. 

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I almost made that mistake this year.  I REALLY need to label my canisters. 


My grandma did the salt thing once. Which is the reason that, although all my baking and cooking ingredients are in nice glass containers, the salt stays in its ugly cardboard thing - this way, nobody can possibly mistake it for sugar.

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my grandmother had a large jar of salt in the cupboard above her stove.  I used on it berries once.   she kept her sugar in a drawer.  (i think it had a metal lining.)


My salt is in an old peanut butter jar.  my sugar is in an old tupperware container and will hold at least 5lbs.

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My opa raised a thanksgiving turkey and expected my oma to clean it, her eye sight wasn't terrific so we were quietly picking tiny feathers out of our Thanksgiving dinner turkey before we could eat it. Always brings us a good laugh to tears of sweet memories as we recall oma's Thanksgiving turkey

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