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Suggestions for how to kick a bad bout of inertia?

Jenny in Florida

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I've been really tired lately -- like, falling asleep on the couch at 8:00 pm tired. Then, yesterday, the only reason I finally forced myself out of bed was that I really needed to go to the bathroom. The kitten we rescued from my car is still living in the master bathroom until we either find him a home or integrate him with our other pets (leaning toward the second option). So, I stayed in the bathroom to visit with him, and the only reason I finally got dressed and left was that I knew my dog needed to go outside.


I made myself take a shower and get dressed for work two hours early, because I knew that if I sat down anywhere, I would have to go through the slow, painful process of getting moving again. Once I was in the shower, I just kind of wanted to stand there under the hot water.


I could go on, but essentially, it was a struggle to make myself do even the most mundane tasks. I made it through work, but then came home and parked myself on the couch, not doing much of anything until I went to bed at 10:00 because I was having trouble keeping my eyes open.


I slept longer than usual and am already on my second cup of coffee, but today isn't shaing up to be a whole lot better.


I need to kick this. My daughter, whom we haven's seen in person since last Christmas, is coming in for Thanksgiving. I want the house to be in decent shape so we can feel festive and enjoy the visit. Then, pretty much as soon as she leaves, I have my thyroid surgery scheduled. By the time I recover from that, it'll be only a couple of weeks until Christmas.


I have this mental list of things I had wanted to have done by now, and I haven't even started one of them, but, mostly, I just feel like someone has glued heavy rocks to my limbs, making it require more energy than I have to lift them and move around.


Suggestions for ways to get myself moving?

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Didn't you just go through a really hectic period of a crazy schedule with little sleep?  Maybe you just need some recovery time.


I know it is probably the last thing you feel like doing, but for me a bit of exercise (even a brisk walk) in the sun can really help me feel better for the rest of the day.  But, I don't have any underlying medical conditions or anything like that.

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Depends on why you're so tired. If you need more sleep, let yourself go to bed at 8 pm for a couple days and see if your energy rebounds so you can meet your goals. I'm not sure if they thyroid issues are one of the primary causes, but even if they are, sleep would probably help to a degree. Are you still missing sleep to drive your son, or has that changed?


If I'm really struggling, pushing through doesn't really work. I end up getting much more done when I put some time into taking care of myself first.



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I am not up to date, but are you doing the thing where you stay up late to transport your son? You might just need some solid, uninterrupted sleep. That's always my first step, for a day or two. Also lots of water to make sure dehydration isn't driving the fatigue.


After I've allowed myself to rest up a day or so, I make myself get the blood flowing with daily walking or other exercise. It seems counterintuitive because I feel tired, but the after effects are good - I feel more awake, alert and ready for activity.


All the usual supplement checks apply - iron, Vitamin D, EFAs, etc. Sometimes I need something I haven't been taking. And as mentioned upthread, seasonal allergies can make me feel sluggish. Also, don't underestimate the effects of the change off of daylight savings time. It takes me while to adjust in the fall (spring seems easier).

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My mind immediately went to depression.

Mine did, too....until I read thyroid surgery.


I'm not sure what your thyroid issue is exactly, but man can a wonky thyroid wreak havoc on a person.


Can you get your vitamin and mineral levels checked in the interim, then see if the thyroid surgery helps?


IIRC, you are vegan, so I'd definitely get iron levels checked. And also do some research into the most bio-available forms for all supplements you may need to take. All are not created equal.

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Are you sleeping at least 8 hours a day, uninterrupted?


Probably not, but I've never been a person who requires that much sleep. 


Didn't you just go through a really hectic period of a crazy schedule with little sleep?  Maybe you just need some recovery time.


I know it is probably the last thing you feel like doing, but for me a bit of exercise (even a brisk walk) in the sun can really help me feel better for the rest of the day.  But, I don't have any underlying medical conditions or anything like that.


We actually finished up with the scheduling craziness at the end of October. 


I do walk with my dog for at least 20-30 minutes most mornings. It's what I can manage on my current schedule.


Mine did, too....until I read thyroid surgery.


I'm not sure what your thyroid issue is exactly, but man can a wonky thyroid wreak havoc on a person.


Can you get your vitamin and mineral levels checked in the interim, then see if the thyroid surgery helps?


IIRC, you are vegan, so I'd definitely get iron levels checked. And also do some research into the most bio-available forms for all supplements you may need to take. All are not created equal.


I've been dealing with the thyroid mess for going on five years. Basically, I have Hashimoto's and Graves, which means that my thyroid function is unstable. I'm on medication to suppress the excess hormone, because when that ramps up, I end up with atrial fibrillation. However, on any given day (or at any given hour, apparently), it may actually be over-active or under-active. 


I'm already on some supplements, and, despite years of veganism, I've never had any issue with low iron.

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Ugh, I'm right there with you as far as lethargy and general malaise goes. I'm perfectly healthy and these short days are just now starting to effect me. I don't know if I need to set an alarm to get up earlier and take a walk outside or what, but I've been glued to the couch for two days and that's just not acceptable. I'm behind on everything!

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I'm already on some supplements, and, despite years of veganism, I've never had any issue with low iron.


I'm pretty sure you're already doing this but would be remiss not to mention ... you are taking your B12? 




Any chance it's carbon monoxide? Do you have a CO detector? 


Could it be post election malaise? 




I think given your thyroid issues, it's more likely that than anything else though...  




But other tips: 


write up a routine so you don't have to think about things and about what to do next. When I'm in a funk, I can't pull  myself together to figure out the next thing to do so if it's written up the day or week before (or if it's just the same day in/day out, I literally just look at the chart & do the next thing.  Even if you can't do it well, or have to stop early due to fatigue, just try to start whatever is 'the next thing on the schedule'.) 


go outside 


play with stimulants. Caffeine can get us over some humps & give us energy but other times it creates anxiety which can manifest as being numb and frozen ...


play fun dance club music 

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