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I like Facebook


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There, I said it. Anyone else?


I have exactly 5 friends (2 are my kids).


All my posts are only visible to my children. I send them interesting stuff on a daily basis.


I subscribe to my local newspaper (2), local weather guy, NY times, tv shows I like, foods I like, gluten free sites.


Especially helpful are Crohns support groups (for my son).


I had to use a mail order pharmacy (per insurance) and found an amazing group dedicated to solving issues with the incompetent pharmacy.


I love the Cheaspeake Bay Retriever groups I belong too.


Plus groups from my daughters college so I can keep up with what is going on.


Come Election Day I vote for Facebook!

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I like Facebook. It helps me keep in touch with friends and family have moved far away, even though i still make seeing them in person a priority. It allows me to follow events in groups. I make money on it selling things on consignment groups. And I often laugh at silly memes friends post.


But there are things about it I hate. Like seeing what my friends have liked and suggested posts. I also don't like when I have to unfriend someone because they constantly post negative comments that just bring my day down. But overall it is a positive in my life.

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I like Facebook. It helps me keep in touch with friends and family have moved far away, even though i still make seeing them in person a priority. It allows me to follow events in groups. I make money on it selling things on consignment groups. And I often laugh at silly memes friends post.


But there are things about it I hate. Like seeing what my friends have liked and suggested posts. I also don't like when I have to unfriend someone because they constantly post negative comments that just bring my day down. But overall it is a positive in my life.


if you use the facebook purity extension (browsers only, not on apps), you can turn off seeing what friends like  & you can also filter your feed for key words. 

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I like Facebook.   


Sure, there are some aspects of it I don't love, but I can have some control over most of it.   Sometimes even the crazy is entertaining.  Watching a particular relative trying to correct everyone who is wrong on the internet about the upcoming election is fun for a few moments at a time, as a bystander/onlooker. I don't have to engage, just watch the fun.  :-)


I keep up with nieces, nephews, and their babies.  Old friends and their travels, and their babies and grandbabies. 


I find great recipes from various magazine and cooking sites.   


And, have y'all seen Atlas Obscura?   So interesting and fun.  

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I love Facebook most of the time.  I belong to a lot of homeschooling groups there that have been so helpful to me!  Actually, that's how I found this forum.  I love keeping in touch with old friends and seeing them with their families and watching their kids grow up.  I follow a lot of local pages so I get a lot of local news there, too.  


I hate all the political stuff, and I should unfollow or unfriend some people because they bug me.  Sometimes I'll go through my friends list and just start unfriending a bunch of people.  But most of the time I find FB fun and informative.  

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There, I said it. Anyone else?


I have exactly 5 friends (2 are my kids).


All my posts are only visible to my children. I send them interesting stuff on a daily basis.


I subscribe to my local newspaper (2), local weather guy, NY times, tv shows I like, foods I like, gluten free sites.


Especially helpful are Crohns support groups (for my son).


I had to use a mail order pharmacy (per insurance) and found an amazing group dedicated to solving issues with the incompetent pharmacy.


I love the Cheaspeake Bay Retriever groups I belong too.


Plus groups from my daughters college so I can keep up with what is going on.


Come Election Day I vote for Facebook!

I'm guessing this is the biggest reason why. I like FB, too, but only after I made major modifications to how I use it.

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