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4 year old boy Toy Suggestions


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I really need some toy suggestions to share with grandparents for 4 year old for Christmas, otherwise we're going to end up with another version of a train set or a dumbed down marble run which will end up at Goodwill, etc. Really, we don't need any more toys, but Grandparents + Christmas, so....


Bonus points for outdoor pkay ideas. He has some Legos but isn't into them yet as I imagine.other kids are. ??? He's also happy to sit with me or a sister and work on something like Snapcircuits (still beyond him, but you get the idea).


Am I better off clutter/organization-wise adding to current toys (trains, legos) or just biting the bullet with a new thing.

Thanks for any help!

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When my oldest was that age, someone got him a subscription to one of the nature magazines for little children--can't remember which one it was. He loved it! It doesn't have the same wow factor when you open it up, but it doesn't add a lot of clutter, is educational, and it is fun for a child to get mail addressed to them each month! There are some for pre-readers that only need a little help from the parent in reading a few stories or helping with activity instructions.


Our kids also enjoyed wooden blocks for years, even when they were "way" older than the typical ages. They combined them with lego figures and other toys to build elaborate creations.


ETA: My youngest got hours of play from a small basketball goal. That depends on the child and interests, of course.

Edited by Jaybee
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Does he have a bike? How about a balance bike, if he's not riding a two wheeler yet? We have a foam pogo stick that the four year olds love, a balance bike, and another ride on type toy - those are big outside play hits. A big hoppy ball is good at that age too.


Some of the remote controlled cars are good for that age group. We have one that was given to us when DD was 3, and it's a lot of fun! It lights up and flips, and is good quality.


Bean bag chair for a reading nook?


Clothes, pillow pets, art supplies.

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I'm getting the 4yo and 2yo magna tiles for Christmas!  I think everyone will enjoy them.  


Play scarves have gotten ENDLESS use in our home.  They get used every single day, by every single kid.  Ours are about 1yard x 1yard square, and we have one in each color of the rainbow.  Search on Etsy for them.  These have been better than dress-up clothes because they are more open-ended.  


I would add to a collection only if the toy gets heavy use.  There's no point in having an extra few trains if the trains only get pulled out once a week anyway.  But if adding to it will add real pleasure, then yes, I prefer to add to a pre-existing toy type.  My older kids get lego because lego gets used all day, every day.  


My little ones were ignoring the duplo cars and trucks we received as a hand-me-down... until I decided they could be outside toys.  Now they come with us to the sandbox every week and they play nonstop while big kids do their sports practice.  Another friend has designated kitchen toys that are "outside kitchen toys"- they take on a whole new dimension when they are allowed to use them outside.  So maybe a cheap set of kitchen toys, but designate them for outside.  


If you want to go a bit bigger, look at Toobeez and similar PVC pipe toys.  If you have a handy grandparent, there are many, many instructions available online for how to buy and cut PVC down to appropriate size to make a homemade kit for a fraction of the cost.  A crafty grandparent could sew curtains and that would be a pretty awesome gift.  



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If he does like crafts and coloring, there's also the Color Wonder sets. They were my favorite things when my kids were younger. I didn't have to worry about the marker getting on anything else. I didn't like the paint sets as much. They seemed rather goopy. For outdoors, there's also just sidewalk chalk or maybe a small basketball goal.

My kids also really liked the Blast Pad for outside. It's small and they liked being able to send things flying!

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If you have a yard, do you have a sandbox? My kids (even the older ones) had so much fun with a sandbox that was a bit larger than normal, with wood pieces inserted to make triangular seats in the corners. Hours of activity when some plastic trucks/cars were added.

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You don't want ANY toys or you don't want them to get something he won't play with?


Our grandson is 4. We always ask dss and ddil what to get either of the boys before buying something.  Ours loves Star Wars (his daddy did that to him) so we got him some dress-up Star Wars stuff that he wears around the house all the time. Is your son into anything in particular? That can really help narrow down their choices. 


If the relationship is such that you can be honest and they'll honor your requests - I'd first recommend letting them know if there's something he really likes. Then I'd make sure they know anything you specifically don't want him to have. That helps us as grandparents knowing what to get and what not to get. It helps the parents by not adding unwanted stuff to an already crowded toybox. The kid gets something he likes. Everyone is happy. :D

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I really like the building a sandbox idea.


Lady Florida, the reality is, he doesn't need any more toys. At his age and with 2 older sisters and their remaining toys, and a tricycle, balance bike, the girls' marble run, a train set and sundry other things, he is not short of playthings. He does enjoy his outside water table and I can see the sandbox being used a lot.


I'd love to suggest, "hey would you pay for his swim lessons this fall, or some such experience, long-term value thing," but I don't think that would fly. I.might suggest it anyway. :)


Maybe DH and I will build the sandbox. Neither set of grandparents are in a situation to be able to do that (out of town). Thank you all!

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As a grandparent, I would totally be open to paying for an experience/membership/subscription, etc. Of course, I was a homeschooling mom, too - maybe that makes a difference?


Also, If a sandbox is something you'd like, you could suggest the grandparents pay for the materials (not cheap by the time you pay for wood & sand!) and then they could buy him some sandbox toys to unwrap at Christmas.



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I really like the building a sandbox idea.


Lady Florida, the reality is, he doesn't need any more toys. At his age and with 2 older sisters and their remaining toys, and a tricycle, balance bike, the girls' marble run, a train set and sundry other things, he is not short of playthings. He does enjoy his outside water table and I can see the sandbox being used a lot.


I'd love to suggest, "hey would you pay for his swim lessons this fall, or some such experience, long-term value thing," but I don't think that would fly. I.might suggest it anyway. :)


Maybe DH and I will build the sandbox. Neither set of grandparents are in a situation to be able to do that (out of town). Thank you all!


My dh built our sandbox (way back in the day), and my parents paid for the sand. It was used every day that outdoor play was possible. Perhaps the grandparents could buy the sand and some sand toys. 


ETA: Oops, should have finished reading the posts. Yeah, the sand was more expensive than I expected.

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My 4 yr old loves Lincoln logs and plain blocks. Those blocks we convinced the grandparents to buy a few years ago for the kids are the best thing they've gotten as a gift, except maybe bicycles.  Though grandma was a hard sell, she really wanted to get something flashier.  All the fancy sets we've ever gotten have lost pieces and languished, and he doesn't enjoy Legos as much as he might when he gets a bit older.


Outside, the bike, sandbox, and tonka truck type toys have been a hit.  All the sports equipment gets lost and not used much around here.

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I'd love to suggest, "hey would you pay for his swim lessons this fall, or some such experience, long-term value thing," but I don't think that would fly. I.might suggest it anyway. :)




Hopefully they'll surprise you and be willing to go along with it.


Oh, what about a membership to a local childrens museum or zoo or similar?  


We did that one year. He didn't really understand it but whenever they went they told him, "We'll have to thank Nonna and Pop-pop when we see them. They made it so we can come here any time we want." 

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We have had a lot of success with Koala Crates subscription box. The crafts are perfect for 4 yo, everything is included, and I can snap a pic of kid with project(s) to send to grandparents.


Highlights High Five and Click from Cricket media have been our favorite magazine subscriptions, but we also like Zootles from Zoobooks. Getting mail every month is lots of fun for my not-quite four year old.


Magnatiles are definitely a collection worth adding on to or starting.

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My MIL has paid for classes at the YMCA for each boy for birthdays, Christmas, etc before. She gave them a small toy and we talked about how their class was a gift from Amah & Grandpa every time we went. My mother buys us a basic membership to the New England Aquarium each Christmas, and then I pay to upgrade it. So much better than cheap toys that get thrown away come January...

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