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Night Elf

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Are they the big palmetto-bug type? My cat has caught a couple of those lately. They're from outside and come out when it's damp. They fly inside toward the lights.


Do you have a dog? Check your dog food bag. They like cardboard and paper bag things.

We live in GA and it seems like they are worse this year. I have seen 10x the normal amount outside.


My cat brings then in, too. Also, they supposedly love plastic grocery bags.

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Also I don't know how far South you live, but if you live in a state with palm trees, you don't want them close to the house.  There's a reason the big roaches are called palmetto bugs. And the ones that are around, you want to have them cleaned up.  In some areas it's called cleaning, in some areas it's called skinning, and I've heard a few other terms too.  Basically, you want to hire someone to come and get all the dead fronds and stems off your tree.  And I do mean hire someone, because there are multiple roaches in every frond, and if you're that skittish about roaches and you try to do it yourself you'll hurt yourself.

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Also I don't know how far South you live, but if you live in a state with palm trees, you don't want them close to the house.  There's a reason the big roaches are called palmetto bugs. And the ones that are around, you want to have them cleaned up.  In some areas it's called cleaning, in some areas it's called skinning, and I've heard a few other terms too.  Basically, you want to hire someone to come and get all the dead fronds and stems off your tree.  And I do mean hire someone, because there are multiple roaches in every frond, and if you're that skittish about roaches and you try to do it yourself you'll hurt yourself.


No, not that far north. I'm in the mostly north in Georgia. No palm trees. Our lot is heavily wooded though. There are a few trees right next to the house.

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I always heard the big ones come in from outside.  When we lived in Texas we had them a few times.  I had DH check over the house for any obvious entry points.  


Sorry.  They are THE WORST.  


I am happy to say I have not seen one in over 10 years in Colorado.  

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If they're huge and they fly they're the American kind I believe. Echoing what is said above they come in from outside (and they are gifted at that) seeking water from what my pest guy says- you don't have an infestation likely in your house. That's the German kind. I hate the flying ones and they are everywhere in South Texas. We spray the hell out of the perimeter of our house and we had every single palm tree on the property cut down as well. HATE THEM. You have my sympathies. Those things cause me panic attacks. I can handle snakes and barn rats and anything else. Flying roaches....noooooooooo.

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The big ones can't live in your house, it's not their native environment. It's the little ones that can cause an infestation.

And if they were breeding in your house you'd be finding baby ones, not starting with 4 big ones.


When we had lots it was because we had chickens. We mostly kept them outside because I'm obsessive about screens on doors and windows and we also block gaps under doors.


But, yes, definitely ICK!

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We inherited a German roach problem in our current rental. I noticed bugs the week we got the keys but before our stuff arrived. I had no idea what they were and was more concerned about the ants. Not a super infestation but even one or two every other day grossed me out. Keeping the kitchen spotless didn't work...they seemed to be after water. Ortho Home Defense helps, but I needed to spray every two weeks.

The best thing we've used is a professional bait call Advion Syngenta. Life changing!!!



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