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Giving up dairy and starving to death!!


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The scrambled eggs need some bacon.  Costco sells bags of bacon bits to toss in the pan before adding your eggs.


Try coconut milk (the canned kind, like the kind for Thai food - Costco wins again; not the carton kind because that doesn't have enough fat) or coconut cream or some other fake cream for your coffee.  (I assume you eliminated all dairy including butter; if there's any chance you can do butter, I'd make bulletproof coffee.)  You're probably missing the fat.

Edited by wapiti
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if you put coconut oil in your coffee, please make sure to put it in a blender.  It makes it sort of creamy...not milk like, I'm not going to kid you...but if you don't blend it, it will just puddle up on your coffee and be gross.  Blending is the way to go!


I'm sorry you are having to give up dairy.  I have a mild dairy sensitivity but I just can't give it up.  It makes me congested, but everything makes me congested so why bother with the dairy?  I digest it just fine.


I hope it gets easier for you.  My BIL is totally lactose intolerant and lives a dairy free life, he swears it gets much easier with time.  But I guess terrible pain and cramps would be a very powerful feedback loop.


You need some nice dairy free treats to make the next few weeks easier! 

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I'm giving up dairy to see if I could possibly survive a Whole 30. My eczema has been terrible this summer so I'm hoping to clear it up. But, I'm so hungry even though I've eaten a ton! Maybe I'm going to grow soon! I wouldn't mind making it to 5' 3"!

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I eliminated most dairy, which was cream in my hot tea, one cup in the morning and one cup in the evening. I don't use much dairy otherwise. The result is that my hands don't hurt. ::heavy sigh::


Yeah, you need to replace the calories. Not sure if it needs to be another fat or not, but something to equal the calories.


I like ISO's coconut milk Greek-style yogurt. It doesn't taste coconut-y (not that I mind, just FYI). Also, Nada Moo makes an *excellent* ice cream-type, coconut-milk product.

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I'm giving up dairy to see if I could possibly survive a Whole 30. My eczema has been terrible this summer so I'm hoping to clear it up. But, I'm so hungry even though I've eaten a ton! Maybe I'm going to grow soon! I wouldn't mind making it to 5' 3"!


That has been my brick wall with whole 30.  There would be others, lol, but I see that and just say NOPE, lol. I don't eat a lot of dairy, but I like what I eat, kwim? Ok, I'll admit it, it comes down to the coffee and tea.  Some days those are the threads by which hangs my sanity.


But the eczema might make me change my mind.  I hope it helps.

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Smoothies are good for the hangrys. Alternate with avocado, coconut oil, almond or sun butter.

For cheese there's a good vegan replacement. Heart to Home or something like that. I don't care for Dayia cheese.

Use almond and coconut yogurts too.


I've been dairy free for two years. It's doable, but have those items ready and be prepared, nuts etc, for the hangrys when they come.


For my coffee I add chocolate coconut milk.

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Your body has had a shock and it's telling you I NEED FAT, I NEED PROTEIN.  If you give it some of those it will help.  But it will also get better as you go along and say, "No, Body, you can't have dairy--get over it."  It might grouse about it awhile, and your tastebuds will throw a championship temper tantrum...but it does get better.  


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Ok, day one of no dairy is not going well. I've had 3 cups of coffee with no cream, scrambled eggs with no cheese and some nuts and I am legit starving!! Like, my stomach is actually growling and I'm starting to get hangry. What is going on here??


Get something else for your coffee. I'm partial to Silk coconut/almond blend milk.


Get some bacon or sausage for your eggs.


Eat some fiber, maybe some veggies in those eggs, too.

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I was dairy free for 10 years because of IBS. Not something I would have done by choice.


I drank my coffee/tea black or just skipped it.


There are tons of dairy free cheeses, yogurt, ice cream, butter, cream cheeses, etc.


Whole foods is a great place to get started/inspired.


ETA: I even had a dairy free wedding cake!!!

Edited by gingersmom
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The scrambled eggs need some bacon.  Costco sells bags of bacon bits to toss in the pan before adding your eggs.


Try coconut milk (the canned kind, like the kind for Thai food - Costco wins again; not the carton kind because that doesn't have enough fat) or coconut cream or some other fake cream for your coffee.  (I assume you eliminated all dairy including butter; if there's any chance you can do butter, I'd make bulletproof coffee.)  You're probably missing the fat.


everything is better with bacon

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Well, total fail on day 1. I was making pizza for the kids and, out of total habit, ate some of the cheese. Then, since I had already failed, I enjoyed some more cheese in DH's capresse salad. La sigh.

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if you put coconut oil in your coffee, please make sure to put it in a blender.  It makes it sort of creamy...not milk like, I'm not going to kid you...but if you don't blend it, it will just puddle up on your coffee and be gross.  Blending is the way to go!

See, I keep hearing this, but I have to leave the house by 6am. My family would be furious if I ran the blender before 6am. None of them have to get up until after 7.


Half and half it is.

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See, I keep hearing this, but I have to leave the house by 6am. My family would be furious if I ran the blender before 6am. None of them have to get up until after 7.


Half and half it is.


You can use a battery powered frother type thing.  But it really only takes a quick pulse or two to emulsify the oil.  Like two one second pulses.  It's not like you are making a smoothie and have to liquify anything. 


If you can't do that, then I assume you also can't flush the toilet or run the sink.  Which is possible...

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