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My poor husband, painting.


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If you never see me again, it is because my husband killed me! ha ha ha! I have found a hill to die on!


He has mostly finished painting the house. We have two bathrooms left to go. But, the main living area which spans several gallons worth of paint, the living room leads to the tall entry way which leads to the hallways which leads to the family room..so it all has to be the same color. There is no separation so we would have a line on the wall of we attempted to do one room one color and the other the other.


We debated and argued and spent tons of time trying to figure out the paint color. He wanted dark colors, I wanted light. In the end, he saw some homes with Accessible Beige on it from Sherwin Williams and we settled on that. It was not quite right, but, I figured it was a compromise. It was not dark. BUT, we have a lot of built ins and a fire place and crown molding and trim painted in a not-so-white color. The accessible Beige looks not quite right next to all this. It is not really a problem unless you are in our main living area where there is crown molding, fireplace, built in shelves, and trim.


WELL, we painted oldest son's room in Nomadic Desert. It looks GREAT!!!!!! I mean, really really good! And it even looks great with the trim. My husband mentioned that color would be so much better for the living room and such. And I agreed. Later he said it would cost too much and take too much work.


I thought about it. It is worth the cost, and well, he does most of the work. LOL..ha ha ha ha ha ha


OK..so..I am going to break it to him. If you never see me again, you know what happened....

Edited by Janeway
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So are you saying he has already painted this large living area and you are asking him to reprint it? Why not just repaint the trim?

I suggested that. But the trim would be harder. It is not just trim..it is a big sized trim, and crown molding, and the fire place and the built in shelves. The crown molding would really be an issue. But so would the shelves and such. But, I do think it would be better to repaint the trim than the walls, but the walls area easier to paint.

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If you never see me again, it is because my husband killed me! ha ha ha! I have found a hill to die on!


He has mostly finished painting the house. We have two bathrooms left to go. But, the main living area which spans several gallons worth of paint, the living room leads to the tall entry way which leads to the hallways which leads to the family room..so it all has to be the same color. There is no separation so we would have a line on the wall of we attempted to do one room one color and the other the other.


We debated and argued and spent tons of time trying to figure out the paint color. He wanted dark colors, I wanted light. In the end, he saw some homes with Accessible Beige on it from Sherwin Williams and we settled on that. It was not quite right, but, I figured it was a compromise. It was not dark. BUT, we have a lot of built ins and a fire place and crown molding and trim painted in a not-so-white color. The accessible Beige looks not quite right next to all this. It is not really a problem unless you are in our main living area where there is crown molding, fireplace, built in shelves, and trim.


WELL, we painted oldest son's room in Nomadic Desert. It looks GREAT!!!!!! I mean, really really good! And it even looks great with the trim. My husband mentioned that color would be so much better for the living room and such. And I agreed. Later he said it would cost too much and take too much work.


I thought about it. It is worth the cost, and well, he does most of the work. LOL..ha ha ha ha ha ha


OK..so..I am going to break it to him. If you never see me again, you know what happened....

Your title was frightening.


I've had rooms repainted three times. No judgment here. Right now I have a house that has been entirely professionally painted, but one room just doesn't look quite right. I have samples painted on sheets of paper up right now. ;)


My husband will redo it, but he does like it when I get it right the first time. ;)  He will be happier if the pros do it. 


It has to be right. Or repaint the trim bright white, which makes almost any color look better.

Edited by TranquilMind
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I can't imagine being told by my spouse after finishing a massive paint job that I need to redo it all because they changed their mind about the color.


I vote if you want to change the color you do the painting.


:iagree:  and my husband is pretty particular about painting since he grew up helping his dad in his painting business.


And your fixing the title didn't help since it cuts off at "If you never see me again, it is because my husb....."

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I can't imagine being told by my spouse after finishing a massive paint job that I need to redo it all because they changed their mind about the color.


I vote if you want to change the color you do the painting.

Mine would probably be rather unhappy with me and would grumble a lot.


Then he'd probably do it, on the basis that a) doing it is better than listening to me complain, LOL, but more importantly, b) he'll do a better job than I will.

Edited by happypamama
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Just as an argument on your side, SW Nomadic Desert is the paint color the realtors suggest everyone paint their house before going on the market......there's a reason for that. :) 

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Mine would probably be rather unhappy with me and would grumble a lot.


Then he'd probably do it, on the basis that a) doing it is better than listening to me complain, LOL, but more importantly, b) he'll do a better job than I will.

How painting usually goes is I start and then he says I am doing it wrong and he takes over. I will do the middle parts and he will do the edging.

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Definitely help out - we have had a similar issue and there is less grumbling when it isn't just the spouse painting!

And we are completely different - I like to paint all by myself! I suppose it's kind of like cutting grass, where one can see immediate achievement for the work invested. So many things I do/have done require years before fruit is evident. Someone else painting a wall for me is like someone stealing my opportunity for a big endorphine release high!


Yeah, I'm crazy like that.

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IMO, if you hate the color, now that it's on the walls & dried...then if at all possible, definitely repaint! The hassle of repainting is nothing compared to living in a place where you hate the walls. It would be a constant source of subtle stress: the kind that you try to shake off and dismiss but just never can really. It's so much better to have a room you love.


Work out the dynamics of repainting however fits your relationship. If your dh is the one that prefers to do the painting (or prefers that you didn't LOL), then let him know you appreciate it and make it up to him in other ways.

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So far, I have just sat back and said "so, what do you think of son's room?" and he says "oh, I love it! I wish we had painted the whole house that." and I am just waiting for him to say he wants to change, LOL. I think I will wait until we have company and see what the company thinks. I am not sure that I trust my judgement that it needs to be repainted so bad that it should all be changed.

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