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Landry Academy Group Buy

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Hi again everyone... I just wanted to let everyone know that I've been really sick since the weekend so if you sent me a message in the last couple of days I'm just about to check and reply to them now.


Still no news is good news on the transferring credits front.


I have at least 4 credits, and maybe more, that need picked up so if you are looking for any extra credits let me know. I'd like to have them all claimed and paid for by Friday at the latest. I'll post an updated total of how many we have left tomorrow whenever I can make it online.

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Hi again everyone... I just wanted to let everyone know that I've been really sick since the weekend so if you sent me a message in the last couple of days I'm just about to check and reply to them now.


Still no news is good news on the transferring credits front.


I have at least 4 credits, and maybe more, that need picked up so if you are looking for any extra credits let me know. I'd like to have them all claimed and paid for by Friday at the latest. I'll post an updated total of how many we have left tomorrow whenever I can make it online.


I am interested in 2 of them.


Sent you a pm.

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Back again, I have made it through all the emails and messages I have had so if you have not received a response from me I probably did not get your message and please resend it.


I have 4 credits left up for grabs and there are two people who have put dibs on them. If those people pass for whatever reason I will update here that they are available again but as of right now I believe they will be spoken for.


Thanks so much everyone. :)

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I am Alison's husband, and I am posting on her behalf. Alison has been battling an infection for the last several weeks, that started out run of the mill, easy to handle at home, and has become a nasty one needing hospital intervention, and is now in multiple places in her body, including pneumonia in her lungs, despite multiple rounds of different antibiotics and other treatments. This has taken way more out of her than she expected it to. She has ups and downs throughout the days but despite her best efforts she just has not been able to stay on top of this buy like she thought she would be able to when she took it on at the start of September. I have offered to step in and get it wound up so she has one less thing to worry about as she focuses on healing.


Anyone who has Facebook messaged her, I have responded. If you have emailed her I am looking for those to respond, but if you've sent an email and havn't gotten a response from me by Thursday then please send a PM on here and I will get back to you.


Those who have bought through these before have said it takes two months, and I know we aren't quite there yet (about 1.5 months right now), but I know that there are people worried about their credits being dispersed, and I can assure you Alison is concerned about getting your credits to you all as well. I can see the original email request with everyone's info sent to Landry but there has been some confusion apparently about whether it made it to the right person so I have sent an email to clear up any confusion about that already and if I do not hear back about it today I will call tomorrow (the 20th) to make sure the right person has the information for everyone.


I am leaving for the hospital in about 5 hours so I should get some sleep. I will be with her all day tomorrow as we have a rare day where a family member can watch our kids all day. I will post another update here either tomorrow night if I get my day wrapped up early enough or else on Thursday.


Please accept my apology on her behalf about any delayed responses or worry they have caused. She feels awful about not being able to keep up with this buy to the level she wanted of herself when she took it on. This infection caught us all by surprise and I am hoping that I can help here and we will have everything sorted out as soon as possible. Please know no one has been forgotten and this is still very much a priority for her, its just her health has to take most of her energy right now.

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A month or so after the group buy I did last year I emailed Landry at enrollment@landryacademy.com to enquire about the disbursement timeline.  They will respond with an approximate date that they plan to get to the disbursements.  I then forwarded that to the other party to keep them informed.  For us, it was 2 months to get one transfer completed.  I'm not sure if that time frame will vary with a large disbursement, but they should be able to answer your questions.


I hope Alison recovers quickly!  :grouphug:

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Tell her RootAnn's family is praying for her! I've been through one of these before & know not to get all freaked out, but I also realize that it is tough when you put your money out there & haven't seen anything for what seems like forever. 


I hope she gets better soon & I hope she doesn't spend time worrying about Landry's transfer. Instead, she should just worry about getting better!

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Thanks for the kind words of encouragement for her health. She sees a specialist today to see what a new pair of eyes can come up with for a solution.


I've heard back from Landry and gotten everything sorted out with them. I will be messaging a few of you this morning to get some information. They need a lot more information for new accounts than either of us realized, including


Student Name:

Student Email:

Street Address:




Guardian Name:

Guardian Email:

Guardian Phone Number:


If you see this before I message you and you have never had an account with Landry before you can message it to me here, or email it to me at 71432james@gmail.com


Thanks for your patience everyone and some of you that have accounts already may see your transfer very soon as the person I'm talking to at Landry said she's already processing our order.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I contacted Landry today and they said they had distributed the group buy semesters. They said that maybe they didn't have all the information needed to distribute ours. I sent a message to Alison but it looks like her account hasn't been active since October 24th, so don't know if she or her husband will get it.

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I checked today & don't have them. I know I gave Alison the info she needed since I've done this before, but maybe Alison didn't send all the info to Landry that we sent her. (It is easier for Landry if you already have an account with them since they can just put the credits in instead of setting up new parent & new student accounts.) 


tcb - Did you email the gmail link listed in post #114? (I think I have her email address in my email, too.)


One of us will probably have to take 'point' with Landry if Alison is out of commission & collect the info requested in #114. I know Landry processed the original transaction, so it is just a matter of getting the credits transferred, but they'll need ALL the info listed in post #114 including how many credits each person paid for. (I know I don't have that info! But maybe Landry has an email with that info that we can cross-check with what the point person collects from people still waiting for their credits.)

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I checked today & don't have them. I know I gave Alison the info she needed since I've done this before, but maybe Alison didn't send all the info to Landry that we sent her. (It is easier for Landry if you already have an account with them since they can just put the credits in instead of setting up new parent & new student accounts.) 


tcb - Did you email the gmail link listed in post #114? (I think I have her email address in my email, too.)


One of us will probably have to take 'point' with Landry if Alison is out of commission & collect the info requested in #114. I know Landry processed the original transaction, so it is just a matter of getting the credits transferred, but they'll need ALL the info listed in post #114 including how many credits each person paid for. (I know I don't have that info! But maybe Landry has an email with that info that we can cross-check with what the point person collects from people still waiting for their credits.)


I emailed the gmail account given in the #114 post yesterday, but haven't heard anything back yet.  I am a bit discouraged.  We already had an account so I didn't give them any "extra" except the things they originally asked for.  Hopefully they are not totally off the grid and get back with us and I do hope too that she is well!  :)  I'll post if I hear anything though...maybe she can pass it along :D

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I sent an email tot eh address listed by Alison's husband. I never heard back. (This was more than a week ago).

Today I emailed Landry and they processed my credits. I already have an account so it was easier. I'm wondering if everyone just emails them the info they need then maybe they can get the credits processed? I'm not sure. I was getting really worried about my credits and the fact that I've not heard back from anyone. But mine was taken care of quickly by Landry. Impressive customer service!

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Ok. I heard from Alison early this morning. She's still really sick & one of her ds's got diagnosed with a heart condition, so the whole family is overwhelmed.

Here's what I suggest -- if you already have an account with Landry, do what Lexi did & contact them directly to get your credits transferred.

For everyone else - try contacting Landry directly with the info in Post #144 and request your credits be transferred. Post in here as it gets done, like Lexi did.


If I can get ahold of Allison's spreadsheet, I'll take point on getting everyone else's stuff transferred, but I wouldn't wait on that if you can do it yourself. Allison indicated that Landry has email addresses that you gave her, so should be able to match those up. PM me if Landry needs Alison's email address or Landry username. I can pass those along as I have 'em.

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Ok. I heard from Alison early this morning. She's still really sick & one of her ds's got diagnosed with a heart condition, so the whole family is overwhelmed.

Here's what I suggest -- if you already have an account with Landry, do what Lexi did & contact them directly to get your credits transferred.

For everyone else - try contacting Landry directly with the info in Post #144 and request your credits be transferred. Post in here as it gets done, like Lexi did.


If I can get ahold of Allison's spreadsheet, I'll take point on getting everyone else's stuff transferred, but I wouldn't wait on that if you can do it yourself. Allison indicated that Landry has email addresses that you gave her, so should be able to match those up. PM me if Landry needs Alison's email address or Landry username. I can pass those along as I have 'em.


Thanks so much!  I will try contacting Landry today...

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I followed in Lexi's footsteps yesterday and sent an email directly to Landry since I already have an account with them. By this morning, my 30 generics were credited to my account. As Lexi said, such superb customer service.


If you have a Landry account, you should definitely contact them directly to get your generics credited to your account.


I am praying for the Rowe family. It sounds like they've been going through some deep waters lately. 

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Thanks for the information RootAnn and others. I have emailed Landry again with Alison's name. I have an account with them already so hopefully they will be able to do the transfer. Glad some of you have been able to get your semesters sorted out. Hope Alison and son are better soon!

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I've sent out a PM to several of the people (who may or may not have been following this thread) on the original list Alison posted with the directions (found in this thread) for contacting Landry. If anyone knows of others who weren't on that list, please PM them to check out the instructions posted in #114 in this thread. (Calming Tea - I didn't PM you because I figured you are following along.) I'm crossing people off from the list as you are posting that you got your semesters. There were a few people who bought after that list and I don't know who all did as I haven't heard from Alison since that last email, so my PMing isn't all-encompassing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bumping in case people didn't see this a couple of weeks ago. 


Landry will transfer the credits to your accounts if you send them the info in post #114 via email:  enrollment@landryacademy.com

Then include the following in the email:

Generic Semesters Summer 2018 and beyond from Alison Duncan

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  • 3 weeks later...

Landry Academy is closing. We got an email from my daughter's novel in a year teacher today stating that Landry is now closed. This is in the middle of my daughter's year long class, she is in the middle of writing her novel. What a waste of a semester and we paid for a year and are not getting that. A teacher of one of her semester classes sent an email stating that Landry has not been truthful and I believe that. They had no business taking homeschooling parent's money or hiring teachers they couldn't afford to pay. I assume we will never get the money back from this group buy, I'm out $312 for 6 credits.

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I think the person who arranged the group buy would need to dispute the charges. I tried to dispute mine through PayPal but I can't because it was sent to a friend and not to a business entity. Is there a way Alison can dispute the claims and then have the money refunded?

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I think the person who arranged the group buy would need to dispute the charges. I tried to dispute mine through PayPal but I can't because it was sent to a friend and not to a business entity. Is there a way Alison can dispute the claims and then have the money refunded?

If we dispute, we are disputing with Alison who does not have the money. It would be up to Alison. But this group buy was almost 4 months ago, which may be past the time a dispute can be brought up.

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I'm not saying to dispute to Alison and that Alison should refund me. And no, of course she doesn't have that kind of money. None of us do.


I'm saying that Alison should dispute the charges that she paid so she can be refunded in full. Then she could disperse the refunds. I paid her via PayPal and I'm assuming she had to put all of the payments on a credit or debit card? Unless she wrote a check? I don't know how she paid. Does anyone know?

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I don't think disputes with a business that has ceased operations are going to go through. (On my credit card site, there is a note about trying to dispute an airline that has ceased operations. It says, "If an airline ceases operations due to bankruptcy or other circumstances, you should check their website or call your travel agent. Your tickets may be honored by another airline."


[i believe someone other than Alison made the payment via credit card on her account & she paypaled the money to the person who paid it.  ETA:  The person who made the payment for this group buy is going to try to dispute it through their credit card. I'll update as I hear more.]

Edited by RootAnn
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Hey guys. Alison ended up back in the hospital for Christmas and just found out someone is disputing their portion of the group buy payment through Paypal. She doesn't have the money anymore - she bought the generics from Landry for everyone. You might get your money back from her - but she won't be able to pay her rent this month if the dispute goes in your favor. Seriously not cool because she was doing all of us a favor by helping organize the group buy.


So, if you are the one who disputed your payment, please ask Paypal to drop the investigation. You're just punishing a completely innocent party.

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Hey guys. Alison ended up back in the hospital for Christmas and just found out someone is disputing their portion of the group buy payment through Paypal. She doesn't have the money anymore - she bought the generics from Landry for everyone. You might get your money back from her - but she won't be able to pay her rent this month if the dispute goes in your favor. Seriously not cool because she was doing all of us a favor by helping organize the group buy.


So, if you are the one who disputed your payment, please ask Paypal to drop the investigation. You're just punishing a completely innocent party.


Wow, that's really, really scummy of someone to challenge their paypal payment to her.


I think she should name them and shame them here, for sure. 


So sad and twisted to go after her. 


This should be a warning to all those who think of organizing or participating in this sort of thing in the future, though. On a million levels, this entire group buy idea was a bad idea. I imagine everyone will think seven times before participating in something like this in the future. Hindsight is 20/20, as always. :(


Personally, I had nothing to do with Landry, the group buy, or anything like that, but I am disgusted that Allison, who volunteered to help here on WTM, would get harmed out of all this beyond her obviously loss to Landry directly.


I'll contribute a cash/paypal donation to her directly to help offset her loss(es) just as my own WTM Board contribution. This board should be a safe place. This board IS special because it feels like a community . . .


If Allison ends up with more losses (or if this one is substantial enough to hurt her), please let me know, and let's start a little fundraising campaign of our own to make her whole. Poor thing. No good deed goes unpunished. Gimme' a paypal addy and I'll send a little bit her way. Sad.

Edited by StephanieZ
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I don't know anything about Paypal disputes, but Alison emailed from the hospital. (As my previous post said, she has been in contact with the person who made the credit card payment & they are disputing it as of last night.)


Alison said she can't prove "delivery" of services - since Landry won't deliver on the credits - so she's afraid Paypal will side with the group buy participant. The way her email made it sound, they went ahead & took money already (just like your credit card will temporarily credit your account while they are disputing something on your behalf). I don't know how they can do that, but the way she made it sound, they did. Her emails are always spotty because of her health, pain meds, and sleep needs with her illness, but I'll keep y'all updated as I hear anything.


I very much doubt that PayPal would uphold a dispute against Alison. She was not selling anything, and she upheld her part of the bargain (passing on the payment to Landry).


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Hey guys. Alison ended up back in the hospital for Christmas and just found out someone is disputing their portion of the group buy payment through Paypal. She doesn't have the money anymore - she bought the generics from Landry for everyone. You might get your money back from her - but she won't be able to pay her rent this month if the dispute goes in your favor. Seriously not cool because she was doing all of us a favor by helping organize the group buy.


So, if you are the one who disputed your payment, please ask Paypal to drop the investigation. You're just punishing a completely innocent party.



 As long as the generics were transferred, Allison provided the item that she was supposed to provide.   She's wasn't acting as an agent of Landry.  


It would be the same as if I organized a field trip to the theater and had already purchased the tickets when the theater wasn't able to hold the performance.  Families would have already paid me.  I would have already bought the tickets for the future performance.  The performance didn't happen as planned.   It wouldn't be my responsibility as the organizer to refund the money spent on tickets.  


I sincerely hope that everyone is reimbursed for their credits and teaching wages.   

Edited by Artichoke
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I'm not saying to dispute to Alison and that Alison should refund me. And no, of course she doesn't have that kind of money. None of us do.


I'm saying that Alison should dispute the charges that she paid so she can be refunded in full. Then she could disperse the refunds. I paid her via PayPal and I'm assuming she had to put all of the payments on a credit or debit card? Unless she wrote a check? I don't know how she paid. Does anyone know?


Just as a warning, I've had some experience with credit card disputes and they don't always end with getting your money back.  In this case, I could easily see them saying that if *you* buy credits for future services, *you* are assuming the risk that the company will go out of business, so *you* are responsible for the loss.  Your recourse is to sue the company in small claims court, not charge back.  


I haven't found those protections to be all they were promised to be.

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