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How often do you re-read books?

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I used to really be opposed to re-reading books because there are so many books that I haven't read left to read and because I didn't really enjoy re-reading books. I did read Little Women twice, once when I was in junior high, and once when I was a bit older. But recently, I feel as if my inclinations have changed and I might really enjoy re-reading some books. So, I started reading Jane Eyre for the second time today. I was just wondering how many of you tend to re-read old favorites and with what frequency?

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I read constantly...about a book a day. There are books I've re-read (literally) a hundred times. I just can't imagine life without re-reading my favorites! We own several thousand books...the only ones I keep are the ones I re-read. So you can tell how many I've re-read!

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I re-read books either because they're some of my very favorites and ones that I feel like you get something new out of every time (Delta Wedding, Absalom, Absalom) or because I just enjoyed them a lot the first go round and am in the mood to read a sure thing (I've read several Anne Tyler books more than once in this category).

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I need to read the same as I need to breathe, if I don't have some thing new to read I will reread an old favourite, some of my books I will have reread a dozen times or more. I often find when I reread a book I pick up subtle links that hadn't been apparent the first time. Some old favorites are like comfort food, for those times when I just want to switch off.

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I have re-read Point Counter Point many many times. I reread Woody Allen when I'm sick. I've reread Rosshalde a few times. Interestingly, both it and Point Counterpoint have a child die of a now curable illness. I did the Mayor of Casterbridge a couple of times, but only because I was writing a novel that was similar in setting.

I've reread the "reviews of imaginary books" called Imaginary Magnitudes a few times, because there is so much there. One Human Minute the same, but I can't look at Lem these days because I so rue the fact he didn't write his autobiography past his youth, except for one tiny glimpse in another book when he noted that he, in his twenties, and Jewish in Poland, and fleeing for his life, left behind some poetry with a thought that it might be so good it would change the Fascist who found it's opinion of Jews (!!!).

And the part of Wind, Sand and Star where the Bedouin finds him and his downed friend...and the language is so beautiful, even in translation, I hold my breath for 3, 4 pages. I read that every time I chance upon the book. I should start reading it aloud to kiddo....

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Books are my friends. I like to visit with my friends more than once. If they are very close acquaintances, then we stay in frequent touch:D I have a few favorite authors (Austen, Jordan, Eddings, Tolkien). I usually re-read their books every year or two. It's a great comfort to read a well-loved story. I have one friend who is like me and another who reads a book once and she's done and actually *gasp* gets rid of it (oh the horror!) :lol: My older dd will be like me. I do make her read some other books, though, because unlike me she doesn't like to branch out. I still branch out even if I do re-read others.

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Rarely do I re-read a book. The last book I remember re-reading (a lot) was "The Outsiders" back when I was in middle school, lol.


Unfortunately, I don't spend as much time reading as I should in the first place, so I try to spend my reading time trying something new.

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My favorites I re-read over and over again. I remember the first time I read The Chosen (my all-time favorite). I couldn't bear for it to be over, and started back at the beginning. I have some lighter favorites that I know I can pick up to read at night if nothing else strikes my fancy (David Sedaris, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, etc.)


I used to re-read books a lot more, as I didn't have any books around that I hadn't read. (And I have to be reading something.) But now I have a large stack of books waiting to be read, so I don't re-read my old favorites as much anymore.

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I can't imagine not re-reading books I love! I've done it since I was young--I can't begin to guess how many times I read the Little House books, or the Chronicles or Narnia, or so many others!


Now, any time I'm feeling out of sorts, or a bit down, or, just, something, I pull out old loves--Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, and so many more. There is nothing like an old "friend", as I consider some of my fave books--and I love some of the books themselves almost as much as some of the stories. I've had some since I was in elementary school, and have been reading them since then.


Plus, you do get something new from each reading--something you didn't notice--some new nuance, some new depth--a good book, especially a deep one, should not be read just once. One reading will never do it justice. It should be read, and studied, as in a literature class. For a wonderful book, I read it, analyze it, pour over it, re-read it, then read about the author, then read it again. And again. And again. I feel it deserves nothing less.

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True confession time.


I have read the covers off two complete sets (or 3?) of the Lord of the Rings.


I read the covers off my Dragonriders of Pern books.


Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan books...yeah, they're looking pretty scuzzy.


The Majipoor trilogy...ditto.


I don't know how many times I've read Jane Eyre. I read it the first time in high school, and several times since then.


Sherlock Holmes...ditto.


Mrs. Pollifax...oy.


I don't know the frequency; mostly I just want eye candy to read at night when I go to bed, and I pick up the old friends.


A number of years ago I just decided to buy my favorite books in hardcover. Thank goodness for eBay!

Edited by Ellie
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I frequently re-read books because I didn't remember reading it the first time. I can't tell you how many times I have watched a movie while thinking that there was something very familiar about it only to realize later it was because I had read the book.


I do remember a lot of things, unfortunately my brain does not seem to catalog them in any order that I have been able to figure out. Sometimes when I am trying to remember something, I feel like I am looking through a giant warehouse of Trivial Pursuit questions. I am thinking that I will make a very interesting (or amusing) old person.

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Does re-listening count? I live with my Ipod connected to my ears. When I need to calm down I re-listen to The Thirteenth Tale. When I need to laugh I listen to David Sedaris.


Of course, I often re-read real books, LOL. It's just that most of my free time I'm working outside or cleaning toilets or cooking or something. My failing eyesight also discourages me from picking up a book but I still do, despite that. I have super powered reading glasses that I use sometimes. I like to re-read Mere Christianity every year because it was so instrumental in my becoming a Christian.

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My failing eyesight also discourages me from picking up a book but I still do, despite that.


Oh, this is becoming a problem for me as well. I already had problems with my far vision and now my near vision is going as well. Maybe, I should invest in some of those audio books as well. Both my db and dh are already converts. Do they have lots of non-fiction available?

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Oh, this is becoming a problem for me as well. I already had problems with my far vision and now my near vision is going as well. Maybe, I should invest in some of those audio books as well. Both my db and dh are already converts. Do they have lots of non-fiction available?


It's awful getting old, isn't it? But I'd rather get old than the alternative.


I started listening to audio books because the large-print section of the library didn't have a very good selection.


I've been a member of Audible for some years now. For about $20 per month I get two book credits. I've listened to some great books. They have all genres. Take a look around their site - there's something for everyone. I've listened to many of the classics this way and I love to hear the reader doing the various voices. Some readers are just wonderful.

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