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What's your dc's favorite subject? What's yours?

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Thought it would be fun to share. I was frankly surprised by ds' response.


Ds (5): Penmanship


Me (31): Natural Science


By the way, you don't have to include your age, I was just being fair to ds :D


I really thought he was going to say Literature.

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Mine loves math. And science; and writing; and me reading aloud on anything; and history; hum, pretty much everything I guess now that I think about it. She says she loves school, and I owe a huge debt of thanks to WTM, SBW and this forum for help in getting us there.


Oh, my favorite: WWE. I love it.

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DD, 12, reports that Spelling is her favorite.


My 17-yr-old Jr. at the local high school would say his AP History classes for the past three years - he enjoys the teacher, the student comments (sounds like he has a Luna Lovegood in his class!!!) and history.


Me - I like anything to do with words...except grammar!!!

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Previous years my son's favorite would have been a draw between math and science but this year it is spelling...that's a shocker because he has always dislike spelling until now. We are using Sequential Spelling this year and he actually looks forward to a spelling test everyday. :thumbup:

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My dc's favorite subject is usually whatever they are studying right now. My dd (college) has never met a subject that she did not like except for maybe Greek. My ds likes every subject but math.


They get their love of all subjects from both my dh and me. My husband changed his major 5 times in college because he liked everything so much he just couldn't decide. I loved every subject in college and all but typing in high school. My teacher actually told me that if I had to support myself by typing that I would starve. Both my husband and my last boss have said that watching me type is painful! Fortunately, I have always had someone to do my typing for me. (sorry for the digression)

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LOL! Can we vote already and get it over with???


Well, really, would that be the responsible thing to do? Shouldn't we wait until the next debate to really find out the nitty-gritty stuff and make an educated, balanced decision? Because, you know we have to listen to their soundbites and talking points over and over, we have to wade through so many opinion pieces and blogs, and we have to visit factcheck.org and compare notes with everyone on the board to see who we really want to vote for!


P.S. I'm joking. Can't you hear it in my tone? :blink:

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I love almost everything. The only thing I don't care for is creative writing. I guess math and science are my favorites.

Ds (12) science

Dd (16) math

They both still love read alouds. My oldest ds loves science and math. My oldest dd loved biology and math. My middle ds loves music.

God bless,


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