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Who are the moderators on the board?

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Who are the moderators on the board?


I was wondering if it was possible for us to know who the moderators of these boards are. I go to a lot of different boards, and they all have a list on the front page of who the moderators are. That way if you have a problem, you can go straight to them, and address your concerns.


I know that there is a moderator and an admin, but these are not real people, unless their parents did not like them and gave them funny names. I think it is helpful to know who your mods are, so that way you can get to know them and what kind of things they find acceptable.


I found out who on of the mods is, quite by accident. I was trying to put her on my ignore list, as it is easier than reading her verbal diarrhea, but it would not let me, as she is a mod.


I also think that as this a board open to people form all walks of life, the mods should also be. How can a mod who is a devout Xtian in any way judge a post written by an Atheist, asking for alternatives homeschool groups that require a statement of faith?


I have seen a lot of bias on this board. Why is it that when a thread is started that asks who is a heathen, was is OK for a Xtian to post in there that she felt sorry for us, and would pray that we would see that we are wrong. After this post, the thread posters went into attack mode against that poster and the thread was locked. Would is not have been easier to delete the offending post, and reprimand the poster in some way? How would a Xtian like it if they were asking for prays for someone, and a Atheist went in there and said you are all wasting your time, prays don't work. That poster (the Atheist) would be banned quicker than anything.


So are we allowed to know who is moderating our posts, or is it a closely guarded secret that only the powers that be can know?

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Who are the moderators on the board?



I have seen a lot of bias on this board. Why is it that when a thread is started that asks who is a heathen, was is OK for a Xtian to post in there that she felt sorry for us, and would pray that we would see that we are wrong. After this post, the thread posters went into attack mode against that poster and the thread was locked. Would is not have been easier to delete the offending post, and reprimand the poster in some way? How would a Xtian like it if they were asking for prays for someone, and a Atheist went in there and said you are all wasting your time, prays don't work. That poster (the Atheist) would be banned quicker than anything.



Actually, Phred did this all the time and he wasn't banned until very very recently... but, I'm not saying either was polite or in any way less rude, just that it happened the other way around too.

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It's a free-to-us forum and we are all blessed to have it available...whether Christian, athiest, or pagan in beliefs. The powers that be can run it any way they like. If someone on here does not like that...I say...find another board! ;)


It's not like you're paying for the use of this one. :blink:

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I agree. We are guests here. We don't have any rights to know anything.


Ditto. They own the boards. They make the rules. Whatever they are. If someone doesn't like them, they can go elsewhere. There is nothing that forces people to be here against their will.

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...the larger point is the bias that some here feel. This is not the first time the subject has been raised. I'm sure there is a substantive amount of discussion that goes on behind the scenes on the topic of impartiality, and SWB herself has noted that what we see here is only the tip of the iceberg with regard to the negative reporting and venting that flows through admins' message boxes.


That particular thread did have a fair number of deleted posts before the thread was locked. While it may seem like no concession to you, Book Crazy, it is also important that the thread was locked rather than deleted entirely.


However, I would still add this thought, based on your original premise: Those chosen to moderate must be able to do so with an enormous level of objectivity -- a level which some may find outside the bounds of their personal abilities.

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I didn't read that thread but I have felt bias towards the more liberal segment here and I'm very moderate. I'm perplexed when I read about the obvious bias for Christians. I don't see it. I feel that some of the secular posters are very intolerant of Christian posts. So who's perception is right?

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I didn't read that thread but I have felt bias towards the more liberal segment here and I'm very moderate. I'm perplexed when I read about the obvious bias for Christians. I don't see it. I feel that some of the secular posters are very intolerant of Christian posts. So who's perception is right?


Probably both, and neither.


I do think there is anti-Christian bias, perhaps caused by the perception of bias against the secularists. I also think that a person's bias can lead them to expect bias from others. It is very difficult for any person to see their own bias, because it is how they percieve the world, and not a conscious thing at all.


Clear as mud? :D

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I personally think it builds a better community if you know who has the power. It would make us all mind our P's and Q's more.


. . . feel the need for anonymity. From SWB's response the last time the question came up, I gathered that we (as a group) hadn't yet earned that level of trust. Or, rather, that there were enough people who would abuse that trust (by harassing the mods, even when they were just posting their dinner ideas) to make it impossible for the rest of us to attempt to live with it.


And "power" seems an awfully strong word for whatever it is that the mods exercise. No matter how prejudiced the line judge is, if you keep the ball away from his side of the court, he can't do anything.

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Actually, Phred did this all the time and he wasn't banned until very very recently... but, I'm not saying either was polite or in any way less rude, just that it happened the other way around too.
Please find me an example of anyone, even Phred, going into a thread asking for support, prayers, or asking "who else here is Christian?" and telling people they were wasting their time? Or telling them that he felt sorry for them?
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Probably both, and neither.


I do think there is anti-Christian bias, perhaps caused by the perception of bias against the secularists. I also think that a person's bias can lead them to expect bias from others. It is very difficult for any person to see their own bias, because it is how they percieve the world, and not a conscious thing at all.


Clear as mud? :D


Well said. Clear as mud to me.

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Why is it that when a thread is started that asks who is a heathen, was is OK for a Xtian to post in there that she felt sorry for us, and would pray that we would see that we are wrong. After this post, the thread posters went into attack mode against that poster and the thread was locked. Would is not have been easier to delete the offending post, and reprimand the poster in some way? How would a Xtian like it if they were asking for prays for someone, and a Atheist went in there and said you are all wasting your time, prays don't work. That poster (the Atheist) would be banned quicker than anything.


I don't have time to go look, but I'm almost positive that post was deleted. The situation has happened in reverse, and the mods have shown lots of patience before banning people, imo.

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Please find me an example of anyone, even Phred, going into a thread asking for support, prayers, or asking "who else here is Christian?" and telling people they were wasting their time? Or telling them that he felt sorry for them?


I am not good at searching, but I remember there was a Catholic thread a short while back. It was Catholics discussing being Catholic. Phed posted to it and it had to be deleted.

Edited by Gretchen in NJ
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The idea that a board being paid for not by us, but our hosts, and that we are **just** guests here is absurd. There are hundreds of other paid for boards where the guests do not pay to participate, yet one knows exactly who the moderators are. They know this either in title (where it might say "Mod" under their name) or in name completely (where it might say something like WTMmod or just Admin or ModName as their log in). To say that we have no right to know who the mods are here simply because we are guests and do not pay is not just unfair but elitist. My whole point was that a MOD chose to send me a vehemently threatening private message where she emphatically stated that she was a mod of this board, all while defending her behavior towards others in a specific thread. That is unacceptable for a Mod, who is supposed to be impartial, to do. This person has openly chastised many of this community and has had that thread locked because of it, yet SWB finds this acceptable behavior for a Mod? How come, then, do we not see Bob or Heather behaving this way? My question is a legitimate one and one I feel needs addressing. I want SWB to say that she does not want us here and if she refuses to say that, then she needs to do something about the obvious impartiality being shown here. That she won't speaks volumes. And don't bring Phred or GothicGyrl up in this either. They were banned because they spoke with an obvious dissension against the "norm" and no one liked that. Don't say they had bad attitudes either because they did not. They simply brought other ideas and facets to the discussion that some refuse to discuss. No one likes an opposing viewpoint , especially when it challenges your own (and that's what they did--challenge you). Are we then going to bury ourselves under lots of kissing up instead of allowing, truly allowing free discussion? Or are we going to sit back and just join in on the love fest and pretend all is well?

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I don't have time to go look, but I'm almost positive that post was deleted. The situation has happened in reverse, and the mods have shown lots of patience before banning people, imo.
The post was eventually deleted, but the thread was locked. Given the new policy of not resurrecting locked threads, it's not clear to me that another thread could be started. It's a board rule that we are not supposed to bash the religions of others; I hope that the poster in question was at the very least given a warning, though IMHO, a ban would have been more appropriate.


Political sticky:


Insulting someone else's religious beliefs will result in an automatic one-month ban.

If going into a thread and saying you feel sorry for people who believe a certain thing isn't insulting, exactly what is?

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The post was eventually deleted, but the thread was locked. Given the new policy of not resurrecting locked threads, it's not clear to me that another thread could be started. It's a board rule that we are not supposed to bash the religions of others; I hope that the poster in question was at the very least given a warning, though IMHO, a ban would have been more appropriate.


Political sticky:


Insulting someone else's religious beliefs will result in an automatic one-month ban.

If going into a thread and saying you feel sorry for people who believe a certain thing isn't insulting, exactly what is?


:iagree: Well said

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I mean really, this is so high school flashback. Not just this post, but so many lately on the general board.


We all have our own values, beliefs, and priorities. Can't we all just get along and try opening our hearts and minds in attempt to understand each other and possibly learn from each other?


No one is trying to change anyone or needs to defend why they feel the way they do, state it and move on. Skip posts made by those who rub you the wrong way or topics that get your panties in a bunch. (This is not to the OP specifically, but those who have had a difficult time here lately.)


If the boards are a sense of frustration for you, take a board break. I personally think SWB has put up with a lot of crud trying to create a place where EVERYONE can come and support each other in their homeschooling journey. I'm thankful that these boards exist. We, as members should be able to handle ourselves in a mature fashion and not need "babysat". Allow SWB to focus on writing books, in which she so generously shares her wisdom and experience. ;)

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I do not know the situation in question. I will say I do miss Phred.


I wanted to touch on something regarding being a moderator or admin of a board- especially a board this size. It was something I had to learn the hard way. I have a good friend to thank for helping me learn this hard lesson and I will never forget it.


When you become an admin or a moderator, you lose your right to post your opinions. An admin or moderator is of course allowed to HAVE an opinion but should remain neutral in controversial topics. I have personally been involved with and seen situations where moderators start expressing opinions and it has never turned out well.


One of the things I like about this board is that there is a lot of diversity. That's something I don't get in my local homeschool community. There is, just like in any large community, an element of ignorance and prejudice, but I think there is the potential for us all to learn from each other no matter what our backgrounds and beliefs.

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The idea that a board being paid for not by us, but our hosts, and that we are **just** guests here is absurd. There are hundreds of other paid for boards where the guests do not pay to participate, yet one knows exactly who the moderators are. They know this either in title (where it might say "Mod" under their name) or in name completely (where it might say something like WTMmod or just Admin or ModName as their log in). To say that we have no right to know who the mods are here simply because we are guests and do not pay is not just unfair but elitist. My whole point was that a MOD chose to send me a vehemently threatening private message where she emphatically stated that she was a mod of this board, all while defending her behavior towards others in a specific thread. That is unacceptable for a Mod, who is supposed to be impartial, to do. This person has openly chastised many of this community and has had that thread locked because of it, yet SWB finds this acceptable behavior for a Mod? How come, then, do we not see Bob or Heather behaving this way? My question is a legitimate one and one I feel needs addressing. I want SWB to say that she does not want us here and if she refuses to say that, then she needs to do something about the obvious impartiality being shown here. That she won't speaks volumes. And don't bring Phred or GothicGyrl up in this either. They were banned because they spoke with an obvious dissension against the "norm" and no one liked that. Don't say they had bad attitudes either because they did not. They simply brought other ideas and facets to the discussion that some refuse to discuss. No one likes an opposing viewpoint , especially when it challenges your own (and that's what they did--challenge you). Are we then going to bury ourselves under lots of kissing up instead of allowing, truly allowing free discussion? Or are we going to sit back and just join in on the love fest and pretend all is well?


I simply disagree. I asked to join this board, the mods were gracious enough to allow me membership. That membership comes with an agreement on my part to follow their rules. I try to do this.


I am sorry that Phred and GothicGyrl were banned. I enjoyed their opposing points of view; they challenged my thinking. However, they were not banned for opposing viewpoints. They were banned for disrespecting the rules of this board. It is as simple as that.

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I found out who on of the mods is, quite by accident. I was trying to put her on my ignore list, as it is easier than reading her verbal diarrhea, but it would not let me, as she is a mod.



I'm having a really hard time believing that anyone who is a moderator posts in that fashion, or that anyone who posts in that fashion would be acceptable to SWB and PHP as a moderator.


I think maybe you're mistaken... or maybe that's just your personal opinion about that particular poster??


I don't know if regular posters are taking turns acting as moderator or not.

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I wanted to touch on something regarding being a moderator or admin of a board- especially a board this size. It was something I had to learn the hard way. I have a good friend to thank for helping me learn this hard lesson and I will never forget it.


When you become an admin or a moderator, you lose your right to post your opinions. An admin or moderator is of course allowed to HAVE an opinion but should remain neutral in controversial topics. I have personally been involved with and seen situations where moderators start expressing opinions and it has never turned out well.


I think this is an excellent point. By having in place an anonymous moderator "hat" they can seperate their selves from the job and presumably be more impartial while moderating. Though I do have a sneaky suspicion that moderators are human too...

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I'm having a really hard time believing that anyone who is a moderator posts in that fashion, or that anyone who posts in that fashion would be acceptable to SWB and PHP as a moderator.


I think maybe you're mistaken... or maybe that's just your personal opinion about that particular poster??


I don't know if regular posters are taking turns acting as moderator or not.


I feel this way also. Maybe this person was fibbing about being a moderator?

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I'm having a really hard time believing that anyone who is a moderator posts in that fashion, or that anyone who posts in that fashion would be acceptable to SWB and PHP as a moderator.


I think maybe you're mistaken... or maybe that's just your personal opinion about that particular poster??


I don't know if regular posters are taking turns acting as moderator or not.


I've been wondering this, too. I haven't heard before of regular posters acting as moderators - but then I'm only here sporadically. Anyone care to enlighten me? One of you moderators want to PM me, if you don't care to "out" yourself?


So Sarah - was it that you were prevented from putting a poster on "ignore" that clued you in that they were a moderator, or did you know the person as a moderator from the pm, then found that you weren't able to "ignore" them?

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That is a good point.


I don't think there is a strong anti-Christian bias. Can you give examples?


Perhaps the fact I am usually the odd ball out (the non Christian) I have come to expect bias. My only bias here are people who claim that Christians tend to act XYZ way and non-Christians some other sort of XYZ way. I'm waiting for someone to post that non-Christians have a certain shaped head. Maybe I'm being too sensitive.


Wendy, please know that while I do try to speak the truth whenever needed, the majority of my posts are intended to be read with a light-hearted tone.


My point in the previous post was simply to point out that there is the perception of bias on all sides. So either we are all biased against each other, or none of us is biased but we all assume the other is (which in itself is a bias, isn't it? Now I'm confused.... :tongue_smilie:)

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They were banned because they spoke with an obvious dissension against the "norm" and no one liked that.


I truly have no idea what threads you are speaking of, honestly, I do TRY to stay out of any thread which involves Phred though (he scares me! :scared: :lol:) but I am wondering if you are considering Christianity to be the norm on this forum, or are you speaking of another norm? I am curious, because I was just thinking the other day that this forum is really quite secular and not very Christian at all. That's a topic for another thread though...


As for your other thoughts. I certainly understand your objections, but I must respectfully hold to my first post. This is the Well-Trained Mind's Forum; they can run it any way they want...with prejudice or without...however they want. I can stay or I can go. How other forums choose to run their boards is their choice. These boards are very expensive, or so I am told, and to have it here to enjoy free of charge...or get frustrated over :lol:...is a gift and one I very much appreciate.

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I never would have joined this forum were it not for Phred.


I was very impressed that a forum where his beliefs (or should I say non-beliefs) were allowed free-expression, despite the fact that they were a clearly minority view, was a big enough market-place of ideas for me to join.


I've come to really enjoy the diversity of views expressed here, including the many with with I disagree. It is easy to live in a world of only "like-minded" people, but it is much more interesting to find ones assumptions challenged, and to really think through where you stand and why.


I may not always have agreed with Phred's style (and told him so) but I did respect that he spoke his mind (eloquently).


I'm sorry he is banned. I hope he will be back, because the forum is poorer for his absence, at least that is my opinion.



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I mean really, this is so high school flashback. Not just this post, but so many lately on the general board.


We all have our own values, beliefs, and priorities. Can't we all just get along and try opening our hearts and minds in attempt to understand each other and possibly learn from each other?


No one is trying to change anyone or needs to defend why they feel the way they do, state it and move on. Skip posts made by those who rub you the wrong way or topics that get your panties in a bunch. (This is not to the OP specifically, but those who have had a difficult time here lately.)


If the boards are a sense of frustration for you, take a board break. I personally think SWB has put up with a lot of crud trying to create a place where EVERYONE can come and support each other in their homeschooling journey. I'm thankful that these boards exist. We, as members should be able to handle ourselves in a mature fashion and not need "babysat". Allow SWB to focus on writing books, in which she so generously shares her wisdom and experience. ;)


It's times like these that I really miss the rep system. I think this is an outstanding post! Especially the part about taking a board break if posters are finding themselves frustrated here. Absence will make the heart grow fonder. ;)

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The idea that a board being paid for not by us, but our hosts, and that we are **just** guests here is absurd. There are hundreds of other paid for boards where the guests do not pay to participate, yet one knows exactly who the moderators are. They know this either in title (where it might say "Mod" under their name) or in name completely (where it might say something like WTMmod or just Admin or ModName as their log in). To say that we have no right to know who the mods are here simply because we are guests and do not pay is not just unfair but elitist. My whole point was that a MOD chose to send me a vehemently threatening private message where she emphatically stated that she was a mod of this board, all while defending her behavior towards others in a specific thread. That is unacceptable for a Mod, who is supposed to be impartial, to do. This person has openly chastised many of this community and has had that thread locked because of it, yet SWB finds this acceptable behavior for a Mod? How come, then, do we not see Bob or Heather behaving this way? My question is a legitimate one and one I feel needs addressing. I want SWB to say that she does not want us here and if she refuses to say that, then she needs to do something about the obvious impartiality being shown here. That she won't speaks volumes. And don't bring Phred or GothicGyrl up in this either. They were banned because they spoke with an obvious dissension against the "norm" and no one liked that. Don't say they had bad attitudes either because they did not. They simply brought other ideas and facets to the discussion that some refuse to discuss. No one likes an opposing viewpoint , especially when it challenges your own (and that's what they did--challenge you). Are we then going to bury ourselves under lots of kissing up instead of allowing, truly allowing free discussion? Or are we going to sit back and just join in on the love fest and pretend all is well?


This is getting out of hand now, so we're closing the thread. I sent you a PM asking for information because other than the multiple people who use the admin or Moderator title, only SWB, Heather, Bob and Kim have moderator privileges. That is no secret. None of them have been involved in any PM exchange with you. I have not heard back from you about the person you are talking about. If you were unable to block someone because the software told you s/he was a mod and it isn't one of the people listed above, then we have a problem somewhere and we need to know about it.

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I am...flabbergasted.


In the first place, we have now resolved this situation. The "moderator" that the OP refers to was not a moderator, merely claiming to be one, and we have taken care of THAT.


In the second place, there are no "secret" moderators. Kim, Bob, Heather and I are moderators. We have help in the office as well. No one who also posts on the boards has a "secret identity" as a moderator.


In the third place, THINK, PLEASE. There are nearly seven thousand people on this board. Guess what? Sometimes some of you are going to disagree about the moderation. If you get banned, you'll know why--and it won't happen unless you are verbally abusive, rude, confrontational, and the subject of multiple complaints. If someone else gets banned, IT IS FOR THE SAME REASON.


I'm flabbergasted that with the number of different perspectives that we not only tolerate but encourage on these boards, posters will come on here and rave at us for our "bias."


But not as flabbergasted as I could be,because this has been the case for TEN YEARS. For TEN YEARS, we have gotten complaints from Christians who think that we have a "liberal" bias, liberals who think we have a "conservative" bias, and those of other faiths who think we have a "Christian" bias. Oh, yes, and Protestants who think we have a Catholic bias and Catholics who think we have a Protestant bias...need I go on?


This is a board manned by PEOPLE. People are never entirely objective. Occasionally we'll make calls that you disagree with.


Sorry about that. Hope you stay and post anyway. But please post about real topics.


Incidentally, posting on a message board doesn't give anyone an automatic exemption from common politeness. There's been some shocking rudeness on display here.



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