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Political yard signs

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I'm not seeing as many yard signs this year as I have in the past. Usually, my entire neighorhood is covered with yard signs supporting the candidates from the Democratic party, but not this time. Does this mean that the people aren't planning to vote for Obama, that there a shortage of the signs, or that they don't think they need to bother? What are you seeing where you live?

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Apparently, there is a scandalous shortage of Obama yard signs. For real.




I don't do yard signs, only because no one else in our neighborhood does, and I like it that way. I have a bumper sticker, though.


We ordered our Obama yard sign in late July and it just arrived last week. Big shortage, apparently. Also, DH and I are on our town's Democratic Town Committee, and every year volunteers come to a meeting and hand out piles of yard signs--- not this year. They can't keep them in stock, apparently. We ordered our own.



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There is one property owner who owns about an acre of land on a frequently traveled street here in Sacramento who went overboard. He has about 100 feet of fencing which he painted white and then had Obama's name stenciled in huge blue letter about 10 times. :eek:Unfortunately I wasn't able to take a picture today. I'm going to try in the next few days.


Other than that I really haven't seen a whole lot of yard signs now that you point it out.


I'll be glad when the whole thing is over.



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Come to SW Virginia to see yard signs (they are everywhere), but not Obama signs. This summer there were a handful of yards with Obama signs and no McCain. Now there are 4-6 McCain signs for every Obama. The Obama signs are still in the yards of the homes they were in this summer (so it is not that they are being stolen). I was in Abingdon tonight and I saw a huge sign in the grass next to a gas station that said "I am voting for THE CHICK."

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I live in Northern California...your party affiliation is assigned when you're born or when you move here. Signs are fine as long as they support the Democratic candidate and are cobbled together using recycled Crocs or woven out of hemp. Any first infraction of the law will result in a loss of your monthly allotment of fine Napa wines. A second infraction and you will lose your gym membership and be declared, "Too fat to live".

Edited by Zelda
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I got sick of yard signs being stolen, so I stopped putting them up.


Our McCain sign was stolen the first night we had it up. We've put up political signs for years and never had that happen! I was really surprised. I got another one, and I bring it in at night now. It goes up when dh leaves for work and comes down when the sun does. The man from the Republican party office told me they get a lot of calls about stolen signs. Tacky. If you don't like my candidate, don't vote for him, but leave my yard sign alone!

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I don't see the point of putting up signs for the president or even the Governor. Surely my neighbors don't really care who we vote for and have made up their own minds. DH, an attorney, supports certain candidates for District Court, though, and asked if we could put up signs. I do actually think that neighbors who don't really know anything about local judges might keep in mind that DH and I support the candidates we support and vote for them on election day.

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Interesting. We're having rather the opposite experience of what everyone seems to be reporting here. Though I live in a largely Democratic city, the neighborhood I live in is overwhelmingly Republican. In 2004, there were exactly three Kerry signs in my entire neighborhood, one of which was in my yard, and all of which got stolen on the same night. This year there are at least two Obama signs for every McCain sign. Houses that had Bush signs before have Obama signs now. Since many of you are saying there are shortages of Obama signs, my guess is that's because they all ended up here!!! :D

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I live in Northern California...your party affiliation is assigned when you're born or when you move here. Signs are fine as long as they support the Democratic candidate and are cobbled together using recycled Crocs or woven out of hemp. Any first infraction of the law will result in a loss of your monthly allotment of fine Napa wines. A second infraction and you will lose your gym membership and be declared, "Too fat to live".


:lol::lol::lol: THAT'S funny!

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Our Ron Paul sign is still in our front yard from this spring. Just can't bear to take it down. ;)




We had a big Ron Paul banner hanging from our deck that people could see from the road below. The wind eventually got it after 8 months or so. Oh how I wish the Republican nomination had gone to Dr. Paul....


Since I'm not a fan of McCain or Obama I'm toying with the idea of getting yard signs for all of the third party candidates. ;)

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If the race were decided based on the signs in my area, it would be a landslide. I've counted maybe 4 Obama signs to about 20 McCain signs. Of course I know of a part of town where I could drive to likely find the opposite to be true . . . so ya never know!


We don't have a yard sign, but we do have a window cling in our front window and bumper stickers on our car.

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My neighboorhood is half and half on political signs. We don't do them and I don't really care how my friends vote.


I don't really get them though. Do other people drive by and think, "Hey, I like that house. I'm voting for Obama too!"


It just looks like more garbage blowing around out there. And it drives me nuts when it's not picked up by the 5th of November.



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