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s/o What's your code word?

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for teA?


For dh and I, it is generally a little humming of Business Time....he even created a ringtone of it for when I called his cell.


But about a month ago, it switched to any grammar reference. I was quizzing ds on his Latin with dh sitting beside me. I asked ds to conjugate his verbs and dh (making full use of his middle school sense of humor) made several (very quiet) comments about "conjugal"......I'll conjugate your verbs anytime......


My ds had no idea why mama was laughing through his recitation. If I could keep from laughing, perhaps I wouldn't encourage the 8th grade humor. But the truth is, there is an 8th grader inside of me, as well.


So now, we invite the other conjugate verbs or help the other with a grammar problem.


Corny, but there's ours.


Your turn!

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Quality time. As in "I would love to spend some quality time with you later after the guys are in bed." ;) ;)


:lol: So in this case you really do prefer "quality time?"


(you know the ol' quantity over quality debate?!)


We used to use a couple buzz words from Sat. Night Live, but these days dh barely has to wink. Dc will quiz us on anything they think might be of interest.

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for teA?


Trade. Tit for tat. Quid pro quo.


The sweet man I married is willing to indulge me with a nice back massage before teAtime to work out the giant knot under my right shoulder blade that, without his magic touch, turns into an eyeball-piercing headache relieved only with an X-Acto knife or a pair of salad tongs...or a massage. :D


And then I'm obliged to do something nice for him, no?

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The other night, my husband suggested we put the kids in bed and have some "forshata." I was like ..."huh???" It took him 10 minutes of explaining to me that while, yes, it is a drink at the Mexican restaurant down the street, he thinks it sounds a bit naughty....


Umm...okay honey...whatever. LOL


Prior to that, it was just a gentle humming of the "bow chicka bow bow" sound from the 1970's porn movies!

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Do grunts of various descriptions, silly pelvic thrust movements, eye rolls, patting my butt as I walk us the stairs ahead of him, tight hugs in the kitchen, cracking silly chauvinistic or sexist jokes about what I am really good for, that sort of thing, count as code words? A whole world can go on in front of the kids and I don't think, even at their ages, they realise whats going on, most of the time anyway. If they do they don't seem to care- probably good for them to see their parents being affectionate anyway. Except that the other day we were being silly and I jumped on top of him pretending as dd14 walked down the hall to ask me a question- and she said, guys, shut the door for goodness sakes, and I felt so embarrassed for her and apologised profusely and said we were just mucking about and we would never....gosh, teenagers are a whole other world!

So no one specific code word or theme, but a lot of silliness around here.

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for teA?


For dh and I, it is generally a little humming of Business Time....he even created a ringtone of it for when I called his cell.


But about a month ago, it switched to any grammar reference. I was quizzing ds on his Latin with dh sitting beside me. I asked ds to conjugate his verbs and dh (making full use of his middle school sense of humor) made several (very quiet) comments about "conjugal"......I'll conjugate your verbs anytime......


My ds had no idea why mama was laughing through his recitation. If I could keep from laughing, perhaps I wouldn't encourage the 8th grade humor. But the truth is, there is an 8th grader inside of me, as well.


So now, we invite the other conjugate verbs or help the other with a grammar problem.


Corny, but there's ours.


Your turn!


LOL! I just laughed so hard cereal came out my nose!

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For now, we speak Italian or Latin. But as the boys get older and wise up to what's being said...we'll get more creative.


We do the same thing! But those days are rapidly drawing to a close as we teach Latin and foreign languages. :001_huh: Maybe get into more obscure words, archaic tenses?

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I thought I was the only one with the "giant knot under my right shoulder blade that, without his magic touch, turns into an eyeball-piercing headache relieved only with an X-Acto knife or a pair of salad tongs..."


We heard a story once about a Dh & Dw that used the phrase, "I have a dollar and I know how to spend it" in reference to TeAtime. They financed a luxurious 2nd Honeymoon to Hawaii on their $$ that they saved up sharing TeAtime.

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