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Why They Hate Her

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I think the sub-title of the article says it all.

"Why They Hate Her - Sarah Palin is a smart missile aimed at the heart of the left"


She's taken alot of abuse, that's for sure, and I can't think of ANYONE who could endure it as well as she has. The media machine is surely against her.


IF you want the facts, look that them, and you'll be impressed. But no, the media won't go there, they won't even mention her accomplishments.


For one thing, Palin single-handedly took on US Senator Ted Stevens (among others), former chair of the US Senate Appropriations, a VERY powerful man on the NATIONAL scene. This isn't "gliding through the glass ceiling" as a recent post put it. This is hitting the big boys, and beating them, and in HER own party no less.


To see so much rage against her, especially from women, go figure :confused:.

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IF you want the facts, look that them, and you'll be impressed. But no, the media won't go there, they won't even mention her accomplishments.


I've looked at the facts. Not sharing your enthusiasm for Sarah Palin's run for VP doesn't mean one is uninformed.


To see so much rage against her, especially from women, go figure.


Not going into a cheerleading routine over Sarah Palin's place on the ticket isn't "rage"; it's just disagreement with your position. As for the "especially from women" card, I'm not sure I'm following you. Are you implying woman should naturally be more supportive of Palin simply because she's a woman?

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She's taken alot of abuse, that's for sure, and I can't think of ANYONE who could endure it as well as she has. The media machine is surely against her.

I disagree. I think most (all?) politicians running for these vital national offices have gone through a similar gamut, particularly in recent years. As I see it the problem here is that the other three "major players" have already gone through their trial by fire, as it were. She was announced later and with less time to go to election day; so it looks like everything is piled up on her, when in fact I think she's had the same treatment as everyone else, just theirs was perhaps drawn out over more time and mostly the hardest hits are already over (hopefully).


On the one side it's great that she's a Washington "outsider", but the down side is that she has to go through the "getting-to-know-you" grilling that pretty much every other politician in Washington has already gone through, and in a shorter period of time.


jmo, of course

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I wanted to post last night about this but didn't quite know where to start. Sarah Palin has most definitely taken a lot of media abuse. I have not seen the attacks against Biden on the front page of grocery store magazines sitting next to covers with the whole McCain family (I've only seen one cover of them, perhaps their are more?) Why should Biden be VP? Career wise, yes, he's experienced. But do you want an admitted plagiarizer as the vice-president?





As for Gov. Palin being mistreated by the media, yes she has been. They have been overly harsh to her for she presents a true threat to the Obama/Biden ticket. Dennis Prager says it much better than I ever could:



My aunt sent me a link to the following blog (FYI - It's out of Israel.) I did not see the original Couric interview of Gov. Palin but I did watch what was posted on this blog. Of the two points in it (re:editing of archived interview), I did not see where the second was edited out. But it is interesting to me to think that the news outlets will edit what they put out for people to see after the fact, thus creating their own version of the interview (and I extend this skepticism to ALL of what our media is putting out there this year, including the bashes against Obama.) I did see the Charlie Gibson interview of her and he most definitely attacked her. She handled it gracefully. Obama's, on the other hand (who does give a very good interview) was treated with kid gloves by George Stephanolpolous.




Lastly, I have another pro-Palin article to post. I really like her and think that she is just what we need.




I'm off to get some things done so I'll check back later to see how this thread goes. My intent is not to sway those who have already stated that they don't like Palin. I merely wanted to present a supporting point of view for the OP.

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Lastly, I have another pro-Palin article to post. I really like her and think that she is just what we need.




I'm off to get some things done so I'll check back later to see how this thread goes. My intent is not to sway those who have already stated that they don't like Palin. I merely wanted to present a supporting point of view for the OP.


I wouldn't call that last article a "pro-Palin" article at all. It's more a commentary on the feminist discussion surrounding her nomination. And I happen to think the author's expectations are a bit off. I would never expect NOW to back Palin simply because she's a woman, given that her background and politics are contradictory to most of the issues NOW holds dear.


Personally, I don't have a problem with her because of her "inexperience." I like that she's an unconventional politician, and if her politics weren't almost entirely at cross-purposes with mine, I'd probably vote for a ticket with her on it. That said, I agree with Kate. I don't think she's experiencing anything that most other presidential and vice presidential candidates haven't experienced. She's just undergoing it in a shorter time frame because the McCain campaign debuted her so unexpectedly.

Edited by melissel
Doh! Mistake...
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I wanted to post last night about this but didn't quite know where to start. Sarah Palin has most definitely taken a lot of media abuse. I have not seen the attacks against Biden on the front page of grocery store magazines sitting next to covers with the whole McCain family (I've only seen one cover of them, perhaps their are more?) Why should Biden be VP? Career wise, yes, he's experienced. But do you want an admitted plagiarizer as the vice-president?




I've heard him talk about this. He also addressed it in an interview immediately after the DNC. When he speaks of how he regrets taking that shortcut those decades ago and how he vowed not to make that a pattern of his life, I have to say he was believable. If someone can show me where he plagiarized again, I'd love to see it.


I imagine all these candidates have made mistakes. I just typed a whole bunch more about one specific candidate, but it's not going to make any difference to anyone. The facts are out there for anyone who wants to do a rudimentary check. Anyway, one hopes that they have learned from these mistakes. If there's an ongoing pattern of personal failure or poor character, that's another thing altogether, of course.


But yes, I have Joe Biden's record and a long, public overview of his character to check. And a tabloid cover that alleges "Joe Biden Oddly Devoted to Wife And Family" or "Joe Biden's Take The Train to Washington Every Day Shocker" or "Joe Biden Made $185K in 2006 Working Three Jobs" just doesn't quite have the same punch. That's why the lack of tabloid coverage.

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I think the sub-title of the article says it all.

"Why They Hate Her - Sarah Palin is a smart missile aimed at the heart of the left"


She's taken alot of abuse, that's for sure, and I can't think of ANYONE who could endure it as well as she has. The media machine is surely against her.


IF you want the facts, look that them, and you'll be impressed. But no, the media won't go there, they won't even mention her accomplishments.


For one thing, Palin single-handedly took on US Senator Ted Stevens (among others), former chair of the US Senate Appropriations, a VERY powerful man on the NATIONAL scene. This isn't "gliding through the glass ceiling" as a recent post put it. This is hitting the big boys, and beating them, and in HER own party no less.


To see so much rage against her, especially from women, go figure :confused:.


Rage? Hardly. If I'm angry at anyone (and I'm not), it's John McCain -- the John McCain I wanted to be President in 2000 -- for picking her. But I really don't have that much extra emotion or energy lying around to spare for that right now.


I'm sure she's a lovely, accomplished person. To think because I'm not shouting her praises to the skies because I haven't looked at her state and local accomplishments is... well, it's not true. It's a tad insulting to say that simply because I don't care for the woman's politics that I'm raging against her or that I just don't know enough. She doesn't get my vote simply because she and I don't have a Y chromosome. She needs more than that to have my confidence, and she doesn't have it.

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I was starting to worry about her competence as well. I missed the few interviews that she has done and I only read some of the transcripts on line.


In doing so, I have come to realize that her largest problem isn't her lack of ability but the perceived lack of her ability. She doesn't speak legal jargon and uses interjections like, uh, well, and oh, and you know.


When really looking at her and listening past the preconceived ideas, she just isn't saying anything worthwhile--JUST like the rest of them!


Biden is a joke (I love his smile, though :-). He just last week made a huge mistake about when TV was invented. If Palin had done that, it would have been on the main news.


And as far as competence, I feel much more competent with someone with my values as VP than someone who came from Harvard and can talk in rings. Sarah Palin's problem is that she's not a politician which many of us equate with the word--crook.


They all mess up and say things badly. And if you turn the volume down while you look at these interviews, you can see the haughty condescending body language of those interviewing her. Their eyes are held wide open and they are almost holding their breath while waiting for her to speak. The way one looks at a child. They're condescending and it is completely obvious. Of all people, I would think that Couric would know better, considering the exact same thing was happening to her when she first got her anchor job. She's lost my respect.


And these aren't my opinions, they're my observations. :tongue_smilie:

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"For one thing, Palin single-handedly took on US Senator Ted Stevens (among others), former chair of the US Senate Appropriations, a VERY powerful man on the NATIONAL scene."


I'm not sure how to reconcile that with this recent exchange:


"Opening statements began today in Stevens' corruption trial. He's alleged to have concealed gifts on Senate financial documents. He's also running for re-election, and Palin was asked if she supports his bid. Noting the trial had just started, Palin was noncommital, saying, "We'll see where that goes."

Associated Press - September 25, 2008 4:13 PM ET

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http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/09/01/palin_was_a_director_of_embatt.html (whole article)


By Matthew Mosk

ST. PAUL -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state's political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.


Palin's name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.," a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state. She served as one of three directors until June 2005, when her name was replaced on state filings.


Palin's relationship with Alaska's senior senator may be one of the more complicated aspects of her new position as Sen. John McCain's running mate; Stevens was indicted in July 2008 on seven counts of corruption.


Palin, an anti-corruption crusader in Alaska, had called on Stevens to be open about the issues behind the investigation. But she also held a joint news conference with him in July, before he was indicted, to make clear she had not abandoned him politically.


A video from just last year with her supporting Stephen's energy plan.


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I am not sure what you mean about reconciling the two. But your comment helped me to see clearly what I've been trying to put into words for weeks concerning Palin.


Palin makes statements that have no content and are purely political fluff, just like the rest of them. And her comments are construed as being ignorant and uninformed or showing her incompetence. The boys do it and it's being smooth.


When police officers attack a young black man for no reason, it's called racism even if the police officer was black. It's because he's been trained by the system to attack those that are stereotyped. It's still racism.


The same thing is happening to Palin, and far worse than what happened to Clinton. Clinton had proved herself in the public eye for years and she was de-feminized, so to speak. Palin is being held to a standard that the other politicians are not. Biden's mistake about when TV was invented was made in the same breath as his comment that politicians need to know what they're talking about. What? Does anyone call him ignorant? Are people saying he embarrasses them as a man? Or make any comments that question his intelligence at all? NO!


No, it's because he's a man. And it's really sad to see her being torn apart by the media because of this.


Now, should people disagree with Palin for her politics? Absolutely! Her being a woman does not require all women to agree with her, nor men either. She should not be voted in because of her gender. And if you don't agree with her politics, that is absolutely 100% fine.


But the attacks on her by the leftist media are brutal.

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I've looked at the facts. Not sharing your enthusiasm for Sarah Palin's run for VP doesn't mean one is uninformed.


Not going into a cheerleading routine over Sarah Palin's place on the ticket isn't "rage"; it's just disagreement with your position. As for the "especially from women" card, I'm not sure I'm following you. Are you implying woman should naturally be more supportive of Palin simply because she's a woman?


Yep, that's me, too.


I've read up on Palin, and I remain unimpressed. I don't harbor any "rage" against her. In fact, I think she's kind of amusing. But I am unimpressed with her academic record, with her experience in government, with her political positions . . . Gosh, just everything.


As far as I can tell, the only common ground I have with Sarah Palin is that we each have a uterus.


Sorry, but that's not enough to encourage me to vote for her.

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I'm sure she's a lovely, accomplished person. To think because I'm not shouting her praises to the skies because I haven't looked at her state and local accomplishments is... well, it's not true. It's a tad insulting to say that simply because I don't care for the woman's politics that I'm raging against her or that I just don't know enough. She doesn't get my vote simply because she and I don't have a Y chromosome. She needs more than that to have my confidence, and she doesn't have it.


I tried to explain this to a certain someone who was taking me to task over my political choices (and breaking my heart at the same time). I said "Of all the candidates available, Sarah Palin is the one that I most identify with. She is the one I would most like to meet at Starbucks and swap mom stories. I would like to sit in her row at church, I bet we like the same praise songs. But I don't think she belongs in the VP position."


Rage? Dislike? Not from my direction. I like a lot of people that I would not want to see as VP.

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Palin makes statements that have no content and are purely political fluff, just like the rest of them. And her comments are construed as being ignorant and uninformed or showing her incompetence. The boys do it and it's being smooth.


When police officers attack a young black man for no reason, it's called racism even if the police officer was black. It's because he's been trained by the system to attack those that are stereotyped. It's still racism.


For me, it has nothing to do with her being a woman. "The boys" expect other women to be so stupid as to not care about her record or leadership ability. They want us to all vote for her because she has a uterus. They portray John McCain as a War Hero and her as a Hockey Mom. Then they expect us to cry "sexism" when anyone dares to question her or fly the BS flag the same way we will for John McCain, Obama, or any other politician out there when it's warranted.


While I am sure most of the women here are of the variety that fully research a candidate and don't just vote blindly, I know real live women who salivate every time the bell rings, just as I know men who do the same. Stupid is as stupid does, regardless of race, gender, or religion.

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Palin makes statements that have no content and are purely political fluff, just like the rest of them. And her comments are construed as being ignorant and uninformed or showing her incompetence. The boys do it and it's being smooth.


When police officers attack a young black man for no reason, it's called racism even if the police officer was black. It's because he's been trained by the system to attack those that are stereotyped. It's still racism.


For me, it has nothing to do with her being a woman. "The boys" expect other women to be so stupid as to not care about her record or leadership ability. They want us to all vote for her because she has a uterus. They portray John McCain as a War Hero and her as a Hockey Mom. Then they expect us to cry "sexism" when anyone dares to question her or fly the BS flag the same way we will for John McCain, Obama, or any other politician out there when it's warranted.


While I am sure most of the women here are of the variety that fully research a candidate and don't just vote blindly, I know real live women who salivate every time the bell rings, just as I know men who do the same. Stupid is as stupid does, regardless of race, gender, or religion.


ETA- My dh and I are big Biden fans and we have been rolling over the TV thing. He caught a lot of flack for that one. Stupid is as stupid does- and it crosses party lines too.

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For me, it has nothing to do with her being a woman. "The boys" expect other women to be so stupid as to not care about her record or leadership ability. They want us to all vote for her because she has a uterus. They portray John McCain as a War Hero and her as a Hockey Mom. Then they expect us to cry "sexism" when anyone dares to question her or fly the BS flag the same way we will for John McCain, Obama, or any other politician out there when it's warranted.


But it's the very language that seems makes me question statements like the one you just made. What does her uterus have to do with anything? Do we bring up the internal workings of men when they're running for office? It rings offensive and sexists--the language of boiling down one's identity to a reproductive organ.


And btw, I like my uterus. It has served me well, :D.


And I think you're right that McCain and others in his camp want women to vote for him because of her. But what is wrong with that? Obama picked an elderly white man to be his running mate because he wanted the shore up the white vote. But no one is talking about Biden's white skin as if it is him. No one references his age as an attack against them personally.


That is what makes the attacks against Palin so ruthless. She is being dehumanized and discredited for doing nothing different than the rest of the boys.

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I posted on the last thread and to make myself clear, though I was critical some of Palin's recent interviews, McCain has a good chance of gaining my vote still, if I do not go 3rd party, which is unlikely.


My concern is that she is being muzzled. You can almost tell how muzzled she is by the lack of discussion the right has given on her interviews. They've been non-headliners outside of the mockers on the other side. She is giving fluff political answers and it bugs me because I heard some interviews with her prior to this and she was smart, strong, and bold. I know some of you want the old McCain back, but I want the old Palin back. I do think there are areas she has weaknesses, and maybe more than she should, though I think most presidential hopefuls have a few. Even so, they need to let her take off the white gloves and put back on the boxing gloves. The media will trash her anyway. Give them something legitimate to trash her on, like the issues they disagree with.


Oh, and I agree with the article posted on why many on the far left (not democrats in general) hate her so much. I know some like that and the emotions start to trump rational thought after the hate gets going hard enough. It's not that there has not been negatives on Obama but it looks like they decided to catch up all at once and dog pile on Palin. Let's hope she's beyond all that and none of this has helped in her hesitant behavior lately.

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She is being dehumanized and discredited for doing nothing different than the rest of the boys.


I disagree with you here because I think out of the 4- McCain, Obama, Biden, and Palin, she wins hands down on the fodder for comedy ticket. She ALMOST as fun as George Bush, and IMHO would be equally disasterous for our country.


Do we bring up the internal workings of men when they're running for office?


Actually, I made a comment to my husband the other day about one of my local races and used some male terminology. I can not repeat it here but it had something to do with certain candidates acting like they are trying to prove who has the biggest.....toy.


I always enjoy reading your POV though. I like the way you think. :)

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But honestly, if she had made the same mistake, what would be said about her? She'd be called dumb, stupid, ignorant, and all kinds of names other than Sarah Palin.


And her actions only go to further these "attacks". McCain won't even let her talk. Not sure it's just the "leftist" media that wonders about her abilities.


From CNN


"We've been getting some emails from views out there wondering why we spent some time interviewing Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee and not Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee. We would have loved to interview--we'd still love to interview Sarah Palin. Unfortunately we asked, we didn't get that interview...We're hoping that Sarah Palin will join us at some point down the road."


I'm told that Biden appeared on every major network tonight except ABC (which only turned him down because Palin wasn't available, on an equal-time sort of basis).


It's pretty strange when a candidate can't trust his own running mate to be out there spinning on his behalf.

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I wasn't specifically referencing "rage" in women HERE, but you may want to look





I would call this rage.


And no, she doesn't deserve votes or loyalty from women, but she also doesn't deserve to be attacked simply for being one either. JMObservation.


I've seen this.. thought it was funny. Sandra Bernhard is one woman, and a comic!!!! So she is the example of rage in leftist females?


You know, a little of this can be explained by women in the world fighting to be noticed for our abilities and not just our physical assets. With all the strong, smart, and experienced conservative women out there, one is left wondering why Sarah Palin. Could be that she is a "looker"? You know, the gal who gets ahead in a company not based on her work performance, but how nicely she looks to prospective clients. We all know it happens and politics is no different. :tongue_smilie:

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With all the strong, smart, and experienced conservative women out there.........


And can you drop some names here?






.....one is left wondering why Sarah Palin. Could be that she is a "looker"? You know, the gal who gets ahead in a company not based on her work performance, but how nicely she looks to prospective clients. We all know it happens and politics is no different. :tongue_smilie:



Not to be offensive, but does this comment really, seriously, need rebut?

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Kay Baily Hutchinson? Condi Rice? (Now that's a smart, experienced woman, but her oil ties might be a strike against her.) Christine Todd Whitman?


Just off the top of my head. I'm certain there are many others.




Maybe he's going for the "kill" within government by going with Palin.


I think it's a brilliant match-up myself. McCain has the foreign relations experience, and she's the "pitbull" who can shake things up at home.......pretty smart in my view.

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I'm sure she's a lovely, accomplished person. To think because I'm not shouting her praises to the skies because I haven't looked at her state and local accomplishments is... well, it's not true. It's a tad insulting to say that simply because I don't care for the woman's politics that I'm raging against her or that I just don't know enough. She doesn't get my vote simply because she and I don't have a Y chromosome. She needs more than that to have my confidence, and she doesn't have it.


I could say the exact same thing about Obama (except for the Y chromosome part :D). I read a piece in Newsweek last month (before Labor Day) that said if we don't elect Obama we have not come far enough from our racist past. Well, I am not voting for him because I don't believe in his political viewpoints; it has nothing to do with his skin color. Certainly I should not be expected to vote for him because he is half-black. The same can be said for those who oppose Palin.


The need to twist and over analyze the words and actions of the opposing party is getting really tiresome.


This is

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I could say the exact same thing about Obama (except for the Y chromosome part :D). I read a piece in Newsweek last month (before Labor Day) that said if we don't elect Obama we have not come far enough from our racist past. Well, I am not voting for him because I don't believe in his political viewpoints; it has nothing to do with his skin color. Certainly I should not be expected to vote for him because he is half-black. The same can be said for those who oppose Palin.


The need to twist and over analyze the words and actions of the opposing party is getting really tiresome.


Absolutely. And those who make ads that subtly put in words or images that make evangelicals' radar raise up or subtle racist messages and images are just as bad as those who describe Gov. Palin as "gorgeous" or put her down with subtle sexism.

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And can you drop some names here?


Not to be offensive, but does this comment really, seriously, need rebut?


Why not? Not a Hillary fan, but how many times was her appearance talked about in the primaries... a lot. Her paint suits, less then trim figure, how old she looked, etc. You think Palin was chosen purely for her experience? And you can't think of at least a couple of well qualified conservative women you would like instead? Palin is all there is?


Here are just a few...


Senators: Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; Olympia Snowe, Maine; Susan Collins, Maine; Elizabeth Dole North Carolina; Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas


Governors: Oline Walker, Utah; Linda Lingle, Hawaii, M. Jodi Rell, Connecticut


Members of the House: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Florida; Deborah Pryce, Ohio; Barbara Cubin, Wyoming; Sue Myrick North Carolina; Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri; Kay Granger, Texas; Mary Bono, California; Heather Wilson , New Mexico; Judith Borg Biggert , Illinois; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; Candice Miller, Michigan; Marilyn Musgrave, Colorado; Thelma Drake, Virginia; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Cathy McMorris Rodgers, West Virginia; Jean Schmidt, Ohio


Cabinet: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State; Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education; Mary Peters, Secretary of Transportation; Susan Schwab, US Special Trade Representative

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Maybe he's going for the "kill" within government by going with Palin.


I think it's a brilliant match-up myself. McCain has the foreign relations experience, and she's the "pitbull" who can shake things up at home.......pretty smart in my view.


How did she kill anything but animals while Mayor? She left Wasilla in debt. Is that killing big money spending? She cut taxes as Gov. but only off high taxes on oil companies, who have slowly but surely been reducing their output and have not increased exploration. What has some of the money been spent on, heated sidewalks. This is small government?

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Wow, I'm impressed with that list Jenny in ATL! Good work!


I'll just repeat myself to that long list: Maybe he's going for the "kill" within government by going with Palin. I think it's a brilliant match-up myself. McCain has the foreign relations experience, and she's the "pitbull" who can shake things up at home.......pretty smart in my view.

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How did she kill anything but animals while Mayor? She left Wasilla in debt. Is that killing big money spending? She cut taxes as Gov. but only off high taxes on oil companies, who have slowly but surely been reducing their output and have not increased exploration. What has some of the money been spent on, heated sidewalks. This is small government?




And do you think the democrats intend to increase exploration anywhere in the US? They would shut down the whole state of Alaska - oil and tourism - and set it up as a wild life refuge, not accessible to human beings if many Washington dems (yes, that's you Al Gore, and others) had their way.


Palin has fought hard against the Washington machine chanting "don't drill in Alaska" - both here in AK and in Washington - if fighting for domestic drilling and opposing dependency on foreign oil doesn't make her an experienced fighter on the both national and international arena, I don't know what does. If there's not drilling and exploration going on in the US, look hard at the democratic party.


Thank you for the interesting morning! I need to go play with my kids now :D cheers!

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Personally, I don't have a problem with her because of her "inexperience." I like that she's an unconventional politician,


That said, I agree with Kate. I don't think she's experiencing anything that most other presidential and vice presidential candidates haven't experienced. She's just undergoing it in a shorter time frame because the McCain campaign debuted her so unexpectedly.


My take on it is that her lack of insider experience is what gives her the ability to take on someone of Ted Steven's "stature" where he was popular for many years. She was perhaps less intimidated by that power because she wasn't right in the middle of it. I think that's a definite plus. And the fact that she's been in the executive seat for years now.


The other thing is that Palin is alone in this scrutiny, which makes it that much more noticeable, and it is condensed, like you said. Biden and McCain are pretty well known on the US stage, and Obama was quite buffered during the primaries partly because of the number of candidates, and partly because most of the press was taking on Hillary Clinton (and/or Bill for some of the things he said along the way).

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Absolutely. And those who make ads that subtly put in words or images that make evangelicals' radar raise up or subtle racist messages and images are just as bad as those who describe Gov. Palin as "gorgeous" or put her down with subtle sexism.


I agree with your comment about subtly using things -- both of the campaigns are using things -- actually some are quite blatant.


I responded though because of the "evangelicals" comment. No doubt there are some in this country who won't consider voting for a person due to race, while there are definitely many who will vote for a person on that basis. I'm not evangelical by a long shot, but I don't think they should be singled out alone for this, there are others who it might effect. And some that might surprise you. One acquaintance really surprised me recently with a comment relating to this subject.


What concerns me more is when some of the issues and substance aren't being asked about due to some concerns regarding race. I'm not sure why, for something as important as the next presidency, we can't be asking for harder answers, more substance, followup questions etc. That's where the experience issue comes into the discussion -- give us answers, not just a slogan. as always, jmo :)

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I agree with your comment about subtly using things -- both of the campaigns are using things -- actually some are quite blatant.


I responded though because of the "evangelicals" comment. No doubt there are some in this country who won't consider voting for a person due to race, while there are definitely many who will vote for a person on that basis. I'm not evangelical by a long shot, but I don't think they should be singled out alone for this, there are others who it might effect. And some that might surprise you. One acquaintance really surprised me recently with a comment relating to this subject.


What concerns me more is when some of the issues and substance aren't being asked about due to some concerns regarding race. I'm not sure why, for something as important as the next presidency, we can't be asking for harder answers, more substance, followup questions etc. That's where the experience issue comes into the discussion -- give us answers, not just a slogan. as always, jmo :)


No, no, I think you misunderstood one part. I am talking about ads (not produced BY evangelicals) that are meant to appeal *to* the fears of evangelicals. Compare the Left Behind anti-Christ movie images to The One ad. (Am I wrong about this?)


I, too, want more substance. Some of what I would have called as a kid "preachifying" is grating on my nerves. Substance, or shut up.


Sen. Obama spoke the other day about how he thought some would not vote for him because he was black, some would vote for him because he was black, and that it was pretty much a wash as far as those numbers went. He said (paraphrase) that his message was for those who were voting because of what he stands for, not for who his daddy was.

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And do you think the democrats intend to increase exploration anywhere in the US? They would shut down the whole state of Alaska - oil and tourism - and set it up as a wild life refuge, not accessible to human beings if many Washington dems (yes, that's you Al Gore, and others) had their way.


Palin has fought hard against the Washington machine chanting "don't drill in Alaska" - both here in AK and in Washington - if fighting for domestic drilling and opposing dependency on foreign oil doesn't make her an experienced fighter on the both national and international arena, I don't know what does. If there's not drilling and exploration going on in the US, look hard at the democratic party.


Thank you for the interesting morning! I need to go play with my kids now :D cheers!


Nope, and I hope they don't. Oil is no longer the answer. Even if we started new drilling today, it would take 10 years before that oil would be ready to pump into our cars. We need to move beyond oil now and use alternatives (which many companies already have). It will be a blow to all those who make their living in and around oil (combustion engines), but we have to do it. That's the problem with McCain & Palin, they want to look back, when we have to move forward. I'm not a Dem and don't look to them as the answer either. We need new fresh ideas and blood, and we as a people have to have the courage to let go of this outdated and gridlocked two party system.



If you cling to your fears, they will bury you.

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I don't hate Palin. And, I don't rage against her. I disagree with her on many things and I'm a registered "Republican" and a Christian of the fundamentalist flavor. I'm a KJV toting, Bible thumping, theologically narrow, abortion protesting, evangelical. I do not support Palin and I won't support Palin because I think she falls into the Dominionist camp. Her statement that the effort in Iraq is "a task that is from God" makes me sick to my stomach. Hate her? NO. Rage against her? No. Think she's a bit loonie? Yes. Think we're better off without a VP that makes the Lord God a war-monger? Yes.

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I don't hate Palin. And, I don't rage against her. I disagree with her on many things and I'm a registered "Republican" and a Christian of the fundamentalist flavor. I'm a KJV toting, Bible thumping, theologically narrow, abortion protesting, evangelical. I do not support Palin and I won't support Palin because I think she falls into the Dominionist camp. Her statement that the effort in Iraq is "a task that is from God" makes me sick to my stomach. Hate her? NO. Rage against her? No. Think she's a bit loonie? Yes. Think we're better off without a VP that makes the Lord God a war-monger? Yes.


I listened very carefully to that, and what she said was that we need to pray that Iraq is God's will, and [pray] that our soldiers are indeed on a task from God. I'm not Gov. Palin's number one fan as regards this election (You *think*? lol), but she did not, as far as I can tell, assume such arrogance as to say that this war is a task from God.


I wrote down the exact quote a few weeks ago and I could try to find it again. She's been widely quoted as saying this, but it is DEFINITELY out of context. There is no question about that unless someone has another source I don't know about.

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No, no, I think you misunderstood one part. I am talking about ads (not produced BY evangelicals) that are meant to appeal *to* the fears of evangelicals.


that his message was for those who were voting because of what he stands for, not for who his daddy was.


To the first part, no I didn't misunderstand that you meant some were appealing TO the fears of evangelicals. My point was that singling out evangelicals as the only people (or perhaps best target) for race-based ads seems unfair. They may have commonalities, but they aren't a block either. I don't know, it just struck me as unfair, that's all.


Bravo to Obama, for the second part.


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I listened very carefully to that, and what she said was that we need to pray that Iraq is God's will, and [pray] that our soldiers are indeed on a task from God. I'm not Gov. Palin's number one fan as regards this election (You *think*? lol), but she did not, as far as I can tell, assume such arrogance as to say that this war is a task from God.


I wrote down the exact quote a few weeks ago and I could try to find it again. She's been widely quoted as saying this, but it is DEFINITELY out of context. There is no question about that unless someone has another source I don't know about.


"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [u.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."




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To the first part, no I didn't misunderstand that you meant some were appealing TO the fears of evangelicals. My point was that singling out evangelicals as the only people (or perhaps best target) for race-based ads seems unfair. They may have commonalities, but they aren't a block either. I don't know, it just struck me as unfair, that's all.


Bravo to Obama, for the second part.



Ah, no, not race-based, but end-of-the-world based.


Evangelicals aren't inherently racist, IMO. I would say perhaps less so than the general population, even.

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To see so much rage against her, especially from women, go figure :confused:.



Is it any so different than the vitriol that was aimed at Sen. Clinton?


I see it as a definite left-vs-con. Social conservatism sickens me to the very core. It repulses me in ways that the words of the English language cannot express adequately enough.


And for you? Perhaps the opposite is true.


It is not who Ms. Palin is that bothers me so. It is what she stands for that I protest -- with vehemence. The fact that another woman espouses such putrescence bothers me even more. I expect more from a woman than that.

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I watched a pre-campaign interview with Sarah Palin earlier today on Youtube, and she sounded complately normal, lol, unlike what I have seen of her campaign interviews, which frankly look painful. I read a commentary that said they thought she was being "overmanaged" by her handlers, and I have to agree. She speaks so seldomly to the press, any statement she makes is milked, massaged and squeezed for every last bit of information or inference. If she was out there more, I think they would be able to handle whatever gaffes she made. I mean, Biden makes gaffes all the time, people squawk about it a bit then they move on.


I really did not understand why they couldn't have her make a couple of comments after the debates. I saw Biden on CNN, and he was on there for all of 4 or 5 minutes, tops. He basically said "my guy did a great job, and I'm looking forward to my turn next week" That was it. I'm *sure* Palin could have handled that, and if they asked her any substantive questions, simply say "you know, I want to save any substantive comments for my debate next week, which I'm looking forward to immensely." That's it.


You know, it reminded me of how I am about photos. I *hate* having my picture taken, I avoid it at all costs, because I feel like I look terrible in pictures. I talked to a friend about this in college and she said she felt the same way, but her solution was instead of avoiding the camera she jumped in front of it at any opportunity. Her reasoning was that if she was in fifty pictures, there were bound to be some good ones in there, along with mostly ok ones and maybe only one or two stinkers. In my case, I only end up in one or two pictures, and if they're both stinkers then I'm outta luck, kwim?


I can tell from the earlier interviews that she's intelligent and charismatic, I think the McCain campaign is shooting itself in the foot here. They proclaim that she is capable, she's a pit bull, she's ready to be president at a moment's notice, but they're not letting anyone see that.

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Our God is a war-monger...where in the world do you believe that our God is a pacifist?


I can only recall dozens of FACTS in the Bible that support God is about fighting for His people. How do you explain the decision He made to kill EVERY living thing when they crossed over the river? That meant children, women, men, animals...you name it.


I don't mind those who don't profess a personal relationship with God making these statements but to say that God is against the war in Iraq is just turning your eyes to God...we may not know His Will but we do know his past and can make assessments based on those...isn't that what we're doing with our candidates?



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