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What Is Your Secret Weirdness?


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No, you are not weird!  I can't stand "sugar, food coloring and a bit of ascorbic acid" type candies and neither can Dh or any adult members of our family.


Now, good chocolate, or caramels or toffee, that's another thing! I am all in for that. 


We turned some old bananas into some really tasty banana bread today - first time I've made that in probably a decade or more.  (We make zucchini bread more often.)  As far as sweets go, that's what I like - or some types of fruits.  I tried a Skittle once.  That was enough.


Dark chocolate is good, but I'm not sure I put that in the "sweets" category.  Indulgences, yes.  Sweets like candies and baked desserts?  No.

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I am also one who must have real covers to sleep, a blanket for sure and a quilt is better. We keep the house cool at night.


No closed doors inside for me, except the bathroom when someone is in it. I must have all the room doors open at night and the closet doors closed.



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All bedroom doors where I am sleeping. For example, in my house, my bedroom door is cracked and so are the children's doors. So if I was a guest in your house I might be compelled to sneak around in the dead of night cracking the doors. Although, I have managed to control myself so far.


Oddly enough, it is only when sleeping that the door needs to be cracked. During the day, no problem.

Ack!  I would cry.  All the doors must be closed in the sleeping rooms!  


Silly side story:  when we built this house I did not realize that our bedroom was going to end up with FIVE doors in it.  We have a bathroom door, a closet door, a door from the hall, a door to dh's office, and due to a stupid fire code a door to the outside.  


Now, not only is that an insane amount of doors, I have ALWAYS slept on the side of the bed next to a wall or farthest away from the door.  Completely impossible now.  It took me a couple of months to get over that.  Now we just spend way too much time each night closing our five doors :/

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Ack! I would cry. All the doors must be closed in the sleeping rooms!


Silly side story: when we built this house I did not realize that our bedroom was going to end up with FIVE doors in it. We have a bathroom door, a closet door, a door from the hall, a door to dh's office, and due to a stupid fire code a door to the outside.


Now, not only is that an insane amount of doors, I have ALWAYS slept on the side of the bed next to a wall or farthest away from the door. Completely impossible now. It took me a couple of months to get over that. Now we just spend way too much time each night closing our five doors :/

I will add to my weirdness. Closet doors must be closed. There are monsters in there. The door to the hallway must be cracked open.


My dh and ds have no problem leaving closet doors and drawers open. Which must be closed, yet the door to the hallway is the one they can't keep open.


I am sure this neurosis stems from something my sister did to me when we were kids but my brain has blocked the memory.

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I don't mind being breathed on if its through the mouth, but if it comes through the nose it is nasty.


I haven't really been able to cook with raw meat since I was pregnant with my 3rd child 10 years ago.


I have a thing about loose teeth, too. I've had a lot of nightmares where I'm staring in a mirror and my teeth get loose and start falling out..


My dad can do the alarm clock thing. Even if he has been driving night and day and is only going to sleep for a few hours. I always thought that was impressive.


Oh and I don't really like my feet touched either, but once I managed to get the remote control anetana from my son's toy car stuck inside my foot and had to go to the doctor. It was SO hard to hold my foot still while he came at it with a needle to numb it. Not fun!

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My dad can do the alarm clock thing. Even if he has been driving night and day and is only going to sleep for a few hours. I always thought that was impressive.


That's the thing with this.  It doesn't matter how long one has been awake/asleep or if when one wants to get up is a routine time or not.  It just works.  I look at the clock when I go to bed and know when I want to get up and will wake up at least 10 minutes ahead of time most of the time.


Interestingly enough, if it gets closer than 10 minutes, what I'm dreaming about gets more intense in some way or another - imminent disaster sort of intensity to it.  That gets me up.  Once I had one minute left before the alarm clock would have gone off.  That's when I put two and two together with the dream bit.  If all is "normal" I most often don't recall dreaming.  I actually wonder what would have happened in my dream if I hadn't woken up - how would the disaster have played out?   :lol:  (The disasters are different each time.  It's not the same dream.  It's just always a doomsday sort of thing - at least for my life if not the world.)


Last night I went to bed about 3 hours later than normal and still had no problem getting up 4 hours later - no alarm clock set.  I woke up 15 minutes before I wanted to be up.  That's my normal "weirdness."  No dream.

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I do not sit on public toilets. Ever. I cover the seat with paper towels/tissue and still do not sit down.

I do not sit on toilets in other peoples homes either.

The only time I might sit on a physically covered toilet is when I am sick--ie my head is swimming and I can't reliably hold my balance.

Even though I never come in physical contact with the toilet, I always wipe down the public toilet after I use it.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad this was bumped because I thought of another one, and DH looked at me like I was nuts when I told him.


I can't stand it when a song has the title of the album it's on as one of the lyrics, if that makes sense. It's only fine if it's also the song title. If it jumps straight from lyric to album title, that part of the song sounds like someone is screaming at me. It's jarring.

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  • 3 months later...

I absolutely HATE for my comforter to touch my face. I have to fold the sheet over the top of the comforter every night. The sheet has to be the only thing touching my face.

That jogged my brain!  I do have a habit that my family/friends who have seem me sleeping find odd.  I must sleep with the blanket over my head/forehead -- only my face shows a little.  Also hate my hands staying wet after working/washing face, etc.  Don't mind using the water at all, I just must dry my hands as soon as I am finished with the task.

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I have trypophobia. I cannot look at clusters of holes.


I get sick to my stomach just thinking about toe socks.


I have synesthesia. Sounds have shapes and colors and can debilitate me to the point I have to leave the room to avoid the sound and its effects.


The word bristling makes me uncomfortable.

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I have no sense of direction.  None.  If your directions do not include left and right, I'm sunk.  Tell me something is on the north side of a building, and when I get there, I have to just wander around until I find it.


Also, when I sit down in a restaurant, I prefer to have my back to a wall.  I have never...well, very rarely...felt in danger from those around me, yet I want to keep everyone in view, like some kind of wild west gunfighter.  I really don't know why.  If I'm with people, I don't care as much.

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I have far too many to list..... Though I will give you a sneak preview....

I can fall over a flat surface, fall up stairs....

Don't tell me North, South, East or West. If I'm at home or in my general area, I'm fine because I can just picture my house (with me facing south (the road)) and know that east is left, west is right, south is facing the road and north is facing the woods behind my house. I do better with left, right and land marks (like turn left at the Citgo gas station)

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