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CC: How do you celebrate Epiphany?


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We have a church service with a pot-luck.


Mt dds friend has an epiphany party, on the night before usually.  They bake a cake with three beans in it, and they do a sort of hunt for the king statues that have been hidden in the house.  I think they also make crowns.

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We usually go to our parish' creche exhibit that they do the Sunday we celebrate Epiphany (which was last Sunday) but we didn't get to it this time, unfortunately.  So I was thinking of doing something tomorrow since it is the traditional date for Epiphany.  Lots of people bake King Cakes.  This is a Mardi Gras tradition but it really stems from celebrating the arrival of the 3 Kings.  So you could do that.  That isn't appealing to me though since we had way too much cake this Christmas season and I want to cut way way down on our sugar intake.


So I was thinking of maybe just reading some poetry like this one by Longfellow and that great one by T. S. Eliot


Also!  I am about to run off and teach a class of second graders!  You can find on line resources that have fun activities for kids.  I am doing a bit with my kiddies today with fun stuff gleaned from here.

Edited by Faithr
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We celebrate Theophany (Epiphany) in the Orthodox Church with a Divine Liturgy and blessing of the waters as this is the feast day of the Lord's baptism and the public revelation of God in the flesh. We sing special hymns and everyone gets blessed with holy water which we take home in flasks for personal use. We often have a separate service for the Greater Blessing of the Waters in which parishioners walk or drive to a nearby large natural body of water to bless it. Then the braver and healthier among us dive into the freezing water! It is customary for us to have our homes blessed after Theophany and before Great Lent.

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Where I'm from Epiphany is a big deal. The three wise men bring gifts to the children to celebrate that they brought gifts to baby Jesus. The kids go out, cut grass for the camels and leave it under the tree. Children festivals are plentiful with grown men dressing like the three wise men and having kids come and tell them what they want. I already took our tree down (last day for our trash to take it for recycling was yesterday). However, after homeschool tomorrow my kids will get the gifts my parents and aunts sent them on the mail.


I live in CA, and very far away from my parents. At their house the tree is still up and tomorrow my nieces and nephews will be coming over to my parents house to get their gifts. The gifts are delivered exactly like Santa.



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We do a special meal with Bible readings interspersed. We light the Christ candle from our advent wreath for the last time. We make a king cake for dessert. We do a little play and dress up as wise men and bring replicas of the gifts and place them by our nativity set. We also finally place the wise men at the nativity as they slowly travel there throughout our house during Advent and Christmas. We do the traditional chalking of the door and light candles and bless each room in our house.

Here is a website that can give you some practical help and inspiration in making it a special day for your family. http://familyfeastandferia.com/

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Divine Liturgy today with the blessing of holy water


festal vigil tonight (vespers and matins)


Divine Liturgy with blessing of the great waters (stream, lake, ocean) tomorrow.


Feast. Lots of food and friends.

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Just got back from Festal Vigil.  This is my absolute favorite Feast Day of the year!     As others have mentioned we celebrate Christ's Baptism and the revelation of the Trinity (called Theophany in the East).   Father blesses the water that is used in church (and in our homes) throughout the year.   Tomorrow will be liturgy and we'll process throughout the church and go ito each room and father will sprinkle water throughout the room (and on us too).    It's a joyous and happy celebration.





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Just got back from Festal Vigil. This is my absolute favorite Feast Day of the year! As others have mentioned we celebrate Christ's Baptism and the revelation of the Trinity (called Theophany in the East). Father blesses the water that is used in church (and in our homes) throughout the year. Tomorrow will be liturgy and we'll process throughout the church and go ito each room and father will sprinkle water throughout the room (and on us too). It's a joyous and happy celebration.

...with house blessings to come!

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