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What should be on my wish list?


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LOTS of books, maybe one in each category, with Well-Educated Mind new edition?




New cookware?


One of those expensive and lovely dutch ovens--Le Creuset or a cheaper Pioneer Woman thing?


Horseback riding lessons? (haha--I got this and a helmet and boots from dh one year.)


A couple of nights at SWB's farm staying in the B&B? (I would like this, along with new pens and paper to write my book, just in case my husband is looking over my shoulder...)


Edited by Chris in VA
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Perhaps ask him to set up a special weekend trip for the two of you? Or a pass to attend local plays/concerts/museums?

I second a weekend at SWB's B&B! Hey, let's make that the WTM gift (for those living close enough to get there). Swamp SWB with requests for dates from our spouses as our holiday big gift!


edited to specify - request dates to stay at her B&B, not dates with SWB herself.  Although a "date" to shadow and chat with SWB would be one cool gift!

Edited by JFSinIL
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I don't even have small items on my list. I honestly can't think of anything I want that is worth the money it would cost, or that is truly a gift for ME and not really gifts for the kids. (Upgrades for the speaker/player system for my van or for my desktop machine would be nice, but really, the kids use them far more than I do or than I would even if they were upgraded.). I keep toying with the idea of one of those desk cycles, but I don't know if it would actually get used or not.


OP, some ideas: kitchen upgrades (I occasionally add to my cast iron or handmade pottery collections), something nice and slightly extravagant for your hobby (DH has picked out a couple of nice knitting bags for me over the years), nice jewelry or watch, new printer, camera, e-reader, new winter coat or boots (nicer than you'd buy for yourself), upgrades for your bed linens or bath towels, heated towel warmer (DH surprised me with one of those eleven years ago, and it still works nicely and is lovely in the winter), upgrade for your school setup (storage, desk, chair).

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I'm getting my MIL and DH this: http://dna.ancestry.com/?s_kwcid=ancestry.com+dna&gclid=CJa_gMixs8kCFUUYHwod5AEC_Q&o_xid=58712&o_lid=58712&o_sch=Paid+Search+%E2%80%93+Brand


They're 30% off through the weekend too which is nice. Ancestry.com DNA kits. My mom and dad did them last year and they're really cool. 


I recently attended a class that addressed doing dna for genealogy. it was interesting - and I always wondered how it could help.  I may do it just for one particular 2nd ggf.  if I could find another possible descendant that would be helpful in locking him down.


one thing that came out is, you want more markers, not fewer. (re: matching markers with someone else)  costs more - but it's far more useful for finding a match.  and you have to set your privacy settings to opt IN for matches to be able to contact you.

Edited by gardenmom5
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I'm getting my MIL and DH this: http://dna.ancestry.com/?s_kwcid=ancestry.com+dna&gclid=CJa_gMixs8kCFUUYHwod5AEC_Q&o_xid=58712&o_lid=58712&o_sch=Paid+Search+%E2%80%93+Brand


They're 30% off through the weekend too which is nice. Ancestry.com DNA kits. My mom and dad did them last year and they're really cool. 


Do you know if there's a coupon code or anything? It's showing up as the regular price of $99 on the website....


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My "wow" item is a kayak.

Hubby bought an inflatable kayak this summer. He's probably taken the kids out in it 20+ times, at least. (I went twice since it is hard for us to go out together since we have little kids to watch.)


We also have and use a jacuzzi tub (two times per week) and fireplace (about twice a week when the weather is cold, and it is, a lot).


Now, will I use the high end espresso machine I found sitting on the sidewalk?


I want a interchangeable lens digital camera for Christmas... We'll see!



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