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Ever heard of this...Low fat vegan diet for teen acne?


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My teen is doing almost the opposite. She does good healthy fats like cocunt oil, avocado and lots of nuts. She is dairy free, sugar free and grain free. She is on topicals and an anibiotic that I don't think is doing anything. Her acne isn't worse, but isn't totally going away.


This would be a radical change. These girls have a diet that literally looks fat and oil free. I don't see how that can be good for the brain. But their acne sure looks better. Thoughts?



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Haven't tried the zinc and we have some here. Just the standard dose or more?


And yes Amy it's cray cray. But my daughter is a trooper and she's already self limited so much I think she would do this for her skin and it might actually give her more choices because of allowing grain, but I'm hesitant bc of the limited or no fats. Feel like trying it on a short term basis though.

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I would be more inclined to do the opposite of the antibiotic, rather than the opposite of the diet.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3038963/


Eating tons of veggies and low sugar is really good for gut bacteria, too.  But I think you could probably get the same results by ditching the antibiotics and adding probiotics with her current diet.  I know that I have to take cod liver oil daily to help keep my vitamin A levels up enough to balance my hormones.  Perhaps pre-formed vitamin A (like what's in cod liver oil) would help her, too?  



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I've noticed dairy is a trigger for my ds. Especially straight milk. How long has she been on the current diet? Even topical acne treatments recommend 8-12 weeks for a decent trial. So I wouldn't switch things before that time frame. I guess I'd be hesitant to eliminate so much for acne and I'd be be nervous about causing other deficiency issues. I do think probiotics are a good idea though


This product has been helpful here.


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Well, it would really lower her estrogen, which probably wouldn't be good overall, as her estrogen to testosterone ratio would lean towards testosterone, making acne worse. 


I had some problems with my skin when I went to college.  Nothing worked until I read Marilyn Monroe used to have problems with ance too, and she fixed hers by spreading Vaseine on her skin thickly twice a day!  After that I rethought my whole strategy, away from drying and towards moisturizing.



My cheap & simple plan for better skin by morning:

  • Have her drink more water.  If she drinks two liters before bed she'll wake up with visibly better skin by morning. Same for Gatorade, which is easier to get down IMO (and possibly safer due to the electrolytes).  This works because acne typically starts with hormone changes that make shedding skin cells more difficult.  When the old dry cells don't shed, they block pores, which builds up oil and causes infection and inflammation. Dehydration causes the cells to dry out faster, exacerbating the problem.
  • Wash with something very mild, non-irritating and non-drying.  Something like Ivory soap once or twice a day.
  • Follow with vinegar as a toner.  Start out with a very dilute mix - 25% white or apple cider vinegar in water, possibly with a few drops of essential oil to make it smell better and kill bad bacteria.  It will burn like crazy with open acne but make a huge difference.  Eventually work up to full strength vinegar.  This works in a couple of ways: the acid helps the skin cells to shed, but it also restores the proper acid balance to the skin, which kills bad bacteria that cause infection, and encourages the good bacteria that fight the bad bacteria to grow.
  • Use a HEAVY moisturizer before bed.  If acne is especially bad, the ointment-based Neosporin is a fantastic one for the first few days or so.  It seals in moisture and fights the infection directly.  Don't continue this on an ongoing basis, because of antibiotic resistance issues.  But for a couple of days you should see a HUGE difference. After that use something for dry skin, not oily or acne prone skin. If you don't have anything like that in the house, going to bed with just vaseline on her face should make her skin better by morning.  And as much as I like natural oils other times, they do not work as well for skin care IMO.  Natural oils don't create the same barrier on the skin that seals in moisture.  Your skin might feel better for a few minutes, but worse in a few hours with a natural oil.
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I would not put my child/teen on a low-fat diet.


My 12 year old has been having a hard time with her skin for about a year. She was using the benzoyl peroxide system from acne.org and it seemed like it was working "ok".

Just a couple weeks ago I switched her to Acne Stop from Skin Obsession. It is a salicylic acid + lactic acid "toner". It's very strong, almost a peel. She uses it once every 3 days. She has used it 4 times so far, tonight will be the 5th, it has made a huge difference in her skin.

I also bought her the vinegar and tea tree oil toner from the same company and she's using that once a day.





They also sell at Amazon. You can read the reviews there.


Skin Obsession Acne Stop Treatment with Salicylic and Lactic Acid. Great for body also! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018QQZMW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_LuPvwbG2C21AK



ETA - she uses jojoba or hemp oil to moisturizer.

Edited by kitten18
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I've been consistently exfoliating for the last few weeks and my skin has improved. I use BHA and AHA, toner, essence, serum, and moisturizer. It's based on the Korean skincare routine. I vary my exfoliator, sometimes using PC BHA 4%, Lotion P50, Mizon 8%, Benton BHA.


I remember as a teen that I was told by nutritionists to take probiotics which I did and it did help.

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One more thing:  if you don't want pillowcases stained with oil from Neosporin or Vaseline, try putting it on thickly for 5-10 minutes like a mask.  Then wipe it off with a dry washcloth the way our mothers used to use cold cream.  Do not wash again.  A thin, protective film will remain and her pillowcase will avoid mysterious stains.

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I feel your daughter's pain!  



Acne is so hard, emotionally.  I have had acne since I was a teen, and still have it today.  The only times my face are clear are during pregnancy and the first six months of nursing.  


Because my acne is hormonal, there is very little that creams and products can do.  The only thing that has ever cleared my skin outside of baby-having is the birth control Belara.  I'm not sure if it's available in the US or not.  It suppresses testosterone production, which is often times the big issue for acne.  I am no longer taking it for personal reasons, but it was great while it lasted.  :-)


I would suggest your daughter be checked for PCOS (polycyscitc ovarian syndrome) at some point when her period has been well-established for a while (not sure how old she is).  If it is PCOS, there are a number of things she can do to minimise symptoms and normalise her hormones.  


Regarding diet, I would definitely stick with paleo, even if it is not clearing her skin.  Make sure she's eating heaping amounts of veggies and lots of good fats.  Acne is partially an inflammatory condition, and looking at anti-inflammatory diets can help some.  


Good luck!!! 

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My teen is doing almost the opposite. She does good healthy fats like cocunt oil, avocado and lots of nuts. She is dairy free, sugar free and grain free. She is on topicals and an anibiotic that I don't think is doing anything. Her acne isn't worse, but isn't totally going away.


This would be a radical change. These girls have a diet that literally looks fat and oil free. I don't see how that can be good for the brain. But their acne sure looks better. Thoughts?




Even on a Paleo diet, I would be cautious of a high omega-6 ratio causing inflammation (acne). 

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Thanks for that Pegasus. I had never heard of him. Interesting about the testosterone. She is a varsity sports player. I wonder what effect that plays on her hormones. She always washes her face right there after practice. Also she has been using progesterone oil for some time at the reccomendation of her doctor because her blood work showed her progesterone was very low.

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My acne got worse as I aged. At thirty, my acne was horrible and no longer responded to treatments. Then, I had a nursing child who was reacting to everything I ate, so I completely changed my diet. My acne went away. Turns out, my cystic acne was caused by peanuts and peanut oil (relevant because many nuts are roasted in peanut oil), and my surface acne is caused by dairy. If j don't eat those two things, I have nearly perfect skin (I'll get a few small blemishes once a month ;-)).


Of course, dairy is my favorite food group, so now that I'm nursing, I do choose to give myself acne once in a while (the painful cystic acne isn't worth a few peanuts, though. No way!).

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So only peanuts and not other kinds of nuts? Just curious as dd has been off peanuts for years, but loves pecan and cashews.

For me, it's peanuts, not other nuts (peanuts are actually a legume, not a nut, by the way). The thing is, if her acne is related to what she eats, it could be anything. My acne is caused by peanuts and dairy, but her acne might be caused by eggs and almonds. Figuring out what is can be tricky. What I've learned for myself is that, for me, acne is not caused by fat; I eat a high fat, low carb diet, but every individual is different.

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Zinc picolonate 50mg if tolerable. We use Now brand. It's really cheap. You can back off to 25mg if there is any stomach upset. That's the first thing I would try. Seriously, you should start seeing some improvement in the first week. Zinc works by helping to regulate hormones. It also helps with hair loss in perimenopause.

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Ok.....Think we are going meat free since we have already been dairy free for a long time. Just want to make sure since we are not doing this from a vegan perspective, do eggs cause anyone to break out with acne like meat does? She needs to get protein for sports and our farm eggs are big here.


Also, she wants to continue being grain free (which I'm leery of) and just continue her psuedo-grains which includes amaranth, quinoa and Minnesota wild rice (which is really a grain free grass).


What should we make sure she gets in her diet for protein and vits if she insists on remaining grain free and removing meat?

All I can think of besides the fruit, veggies and beans, is b12 vitamin and protein powder.


Thanks for any help!

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Thanks. We did the IgG panel and she avoids peanuts and soy.


Eta. I did a search on vegetarian athletes and was happy to see there are some stud athletes in the top lists! I'm doing this with her to be her support. And I'm actually looking forward to it, bc I know we will be eating more veggies.


We do raise our own farm animals which don't have added hormones and are of course free ranging, but I imagine the hormone issue is still present bc they are still animals. :-)

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