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Is this so wrong?

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So, I'm flipping through the channels, watching coverage of the hurricane and what do I see? Geraldo Rivera STANDING ON THE BEACH in GALVESTON. Is it wrong to hope he blows away?


How dumb can you be? He's said probably 14 times in the last 15 minutes that it's "certain death if you don't evacuate" and here he stands (well, leans) in the wind with the waves splashing up on him. Come on!

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So, I'm flipping through the channels, watching coverage of the hurricane and what do I see? Geraldo Rivera STANDING ON THE BEACH in GALVESTON. Is it wrong to hope he blows away?


How dumb can you be? He's said probably 14 times in the last 15 minutes that it's "certain death if you don't evacuate" and here he stands (well, leans) in the wind with the waves splashing up on him. Come on!


Geraldo lives for this kind of stuff. Every time there's a hurricane, he's gotta be there. He wouldn't get much sympathy from me if he were to blow away.;)


He's still trying to make up for the big nothing that came of the "lost treasures of Al Capone"...



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Geraldo lives for this kind of stuff. Every time there's a hurricane, he's gotta be there. He wouldn't get much sympathy from me if he were to blow away.;)


He's still trying to make up for the big nothing that came of the "lost treasures of Al Capone"...





Yes! When I think of Geraldo (which is really never, BTW) I picture him trying to stand up while sheets of rain and wind are pushing him around.

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What I can't understand is that they urge everyone to leave, but they stay. In my opinion actions speak louder than words. I'm sure that there is people who stayed because the media stayed.


I agree!!


It happens here in the Washington DC area during big snowstorms. They tell you not to go outside. Stay home if at all possible! But, our reporters are out there! They justify it by saying, "You don't have to go outside to see what the weather's like! Our folks are out there filming it for you!"


And then we get a shot of poor Darcy Spencer, dressed up like an Eskimo, and you can barely see her through the blowing snow, and you have to wonder what *she's* thinking right then! My feeling would be..."Gee, thanks, guys! Are you enjoying your warm coffee and your heated studio?" (I keep waiting for her to make an obscene hand gesture at the camera) ;)

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What IS it with that newscaster-in-the-rain thing? Some of them just look like idiots! Hatless, jackets open--most have hoods hanging down their backs--the Wet Look is in, or something. It's just plain stupid. And they keep losing the signal, too, so it looks more "desperate" and dangerous. If they'd just go inside, at least we could hear the friggin' newscast without the wind making the signal go in and out!


Geez people!



(Can ya tell I'm a little cranky today?)

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What IS it with that newscaster-in-the-rain thing? Some of them just look like idiots! Hatless, jackets open--most have hoods hanging down their backs--the Wet Look is in, or something. It's just plain stupid. And they keep losing the signal, too, so it looks more "desperate" and dangerous. If they'd just go inside, at least we could hear the friggin' newscast without the wind making the signal go in and out!


Geez people!



(Can ya tell I'm a little cranky today?)


:grouphug:Chris:grouphug: Just some hugs 'cuz I think you could use some. I think you're right, though, about those silly newscasters. Do you think they get hazard pay? What else could be motivating them? Do weathermen ever win the Pulitzer?

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The weather channel has a woman weather-person over there interviewing someone who STAYED and survived. She is asking him why he didn't leave, and discussing how deadly, etc. while SHE is standing there, and has been there through the entire thing.


Gosh the media makes me NUTS!!

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So, I'm flipping through the channels, watching coverage of the hurricane and what do I see? Geraldo Rivera STANDING ON THE BEACH in GALVESTON. Is it wrong to hope he blows away?


How dumb can you be? He's said probably 14 times in the last 15 minutes that it's "certain death if you don't evacuate" and here he stands (well, leans) in the wind with the waves splashing up on him. Come on!


:lol: I dislike him as well.

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Well, she almost did. Did you see him get pummeled by that wave earlier today? Priceless.


:lol: It WAS priceless!! My dh says he's a showboat. I say he's a drama king. Whatever it is, he gets on my nerves.


We sit here in our portion of TX with no power, no hope for power for 3-4 days, at best; 2 weeks at worst. Thank goodness dh has a laptop and we have a generator for the fridge & freezer!! I'm not looking forward to dealing with all this, but I'm grateful nothing happened to our home!! I'm sad for those who have damage.



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Another one who irritates me is that Cantori guy on the Weather Channel. He's always hanging off the dock in the driving rain. For heaven's sake, guys, can't you and your networks see that what your actions are broadcasting loud and clear is that you are not to be believed because you are too dumb to come in out of the rain?


I ignore all the drama kings and queens--their reports are usually useless. (Looky, everybody! It's raining real hard out here!) I sit up and pay attention when they cut to a boring set with a calm and serious expert who is trying to communicate clearly what the situation and risks are to the public. That is information I need to be able to plan and keep my family safe. I already KNOW it's raining.


Who needs weather balloons when we have these guys so full of hot air that they are likely to float up into the storms they cover? Perhaps they could be trained to make themselves useful and radio back details like wind speed, temperature, etc.

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I agree!!


It happens here in the Washington DC area during big snowstorms.


It does drive me nuts that the media makes a big thing out of a little snow, especially in southern New England where the winters are fairly mild. Having lived in several states I find the varying attitudes and fears interesting. The most relaxed people are the ones who can sled out their second story windows, while where I currently live, we close down the town on the mere threat of snow.


If it's less than a foot don't bother me. I've got things to do.

That's what snow tires are for. ;)

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Geraldo lives for this kind of stuff. Every time there's a hurricane, he's gotta be there. He wouldn't get much sympathy from me if he were to blow away.;)


He's still trying to make up for the big nothing that came of the "lost treasures of Al Capone"...




What a priceless TV moment that was. :D

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What I can't understand is that they urge everyone to leave, but they stay. In my opinion actions speak louder than words. I'm sure that there is people who stayed because the media stayed.


I totally agree. Dh says they have good vehicles that are designed to make it out - maybe the landrovers with snorkles - so they're pretty safe. But I just think they're being really bad examples to people. Can't they just set up some webcams and reporters stay a safe distance? Makes no sense to me.

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It kills me that he (and other reporters) are standing in the surf when they can move 6 feet and be standing on dry land. What on earth is the point of that?! I mean, we have a pool, but if there were a bad storm, and I needed to report on it, I would not stand in the pool to do so!


And it also kills me that the firemen had to stand around risking their lives to keep Geraldo on his feet. I would imagine if he weren't pulling that stunt (of standing in in the surf!) they could have found something else to do!

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How dumb can you be? He's said probably 14 times in the last 15 minutes that it's "certain death if you don't evacuate" and here he stands (well, leans) in the wind with the waves splashing up on him. Come on!


Did you see the YouTube yesterday of a grown man and his 13 year old son doing the same thing? He should come up for child endangerment. Family probably would have sued the city if they'd both been swept away.:confused:

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