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Which Smithsonian museums are most kid-friendly?


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We're taking the kids to DC next week for a day and a half. They're 11, 9 and 6. We hope to mainly focus our attention on the Smithsonian museums. Which ones would be most engaging for kids? Particularly a 6 year old? Are there some that are more hands-on and/or interactive? Are there any where kids would really be out of place?


Thanks! :)

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Air and Space is always fun. 


Natural History and American History are also good. Check schedules both of these museums have times when small special presentations are done. I believe there is a hands on room in American History. I think the bug zoo is gone from Natural History--if it's not my kids always liked that when they were small. 

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Agreeing on the first suggestions, but I will also say that my 12- and 9-year-olds really enjoyed the main Smithsonian museum. Youngest DD still talks about seeing Julia Child's kitchen and reading about our food through the decades. We only got there 30 minutes before it closed, and we were really sorry we didn't get to spend more time. It will be our first stop next time!

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Agreeing on the first suggestions, but I will also say that my 12- and 9-year-olds really enjoyed the main Smithsonian museum. Youngest DD still talks about seeing Julia Child's kitchen and reading about our food through the decades. We only got there 30 minutes before it closed, and we were really sorry we didn't get to spend more time. It will be our first stop next time!

Julia Child's kitchen is inside the American History Museum.


American History is my favorite, and Air and Space is my least favorite... but I'm usually the only one who feels that way, ha!


If you only have one day, I would pick one of these options:


A) Spend a half day at each- American History/Natural History, as they are right next to each other. Grab lunch at Natural History museum cafe, or one of the hot dog/food trucks outside.


B) Start your morning at The US Botanical Gardens, right next to the Capitol- doesn't take long, but I love it there... really pretty, nice photo ops... then go next door to Museum of American Indian and just breeze through. Also not a big museum, doesn't take long- but eat there for lunch- the cafe there is top notch, VERY unique.

Then, spend the rest of the day at Air and Space.


ALL of the eateries at the museums are expensive. You won't find many cheap eateries within short walking distance of the mall either- if you only have one day, I suggest just spending the $$$ at a museum cafe, or get hot dogs right outside.


The eatery inside Air and Space is a McDonalds. An overpriced McDonalds.


When are you going? Columbus Day is a *great* time to go into DC... no traffic, and all the permit parking is open and free :)

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We loved Natural History. They have lockers for just a quarter, so it is easy to pack a lunch and eat on the (currently under construction) mall. Check the website to see where the museum staff will be offering interactive events.


The Botanic garden was awesome too. Ask the staff to circle the most kid-friendly spots on your map and you will probably wind up with a private tour if it isn't too busy that day.


Hirshhorn sculpture garden is a great place for a quick scavenger hunt nearby, and it is "open" before and after the other museums.

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Air & Space is wonderful. They've opened some new exhibits in the last year that are really amazing, for both kids and adults. Especially the Boeing Above  & Beyond exhibit.


Natural History is good as well, there is a smaller dinosaur exhibit while the main dinosaur hall is being redone.


American Indian has a really nice kid area for younger kids.


The National Gallery of Art is amazing, and has a tour set up for kids. It's not a tour exactly, but a phone that you can press numbers into for an audio tour of certain works. The paintings are labeled if they are part of the children's tour, so you don't have to go in a particular order. This has been a huge hit for us.


Don't miss the Sculpture Garden - it's a quick walk through for a bit impact. 

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What do your kids like?


We live in NoVa and go into DC a lot. Favorites of ours...

-Natural History. Pretty much everything. One loves the gems and minerals. Others love the ocean exhibit or the mammals. They all like seeing an Imax movie.


-Natural Gallery- They all like the connecting tunnel between buldings that has a really cool light installation. They are mixed on art, but the sculpture gallery is very cool and has a very large collection of Degas.


-Sculpture Garden outside next to the National Gallery, Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden on the other side of the mall is also good.


-One of my kids likes modern art a lot so enjoys the Hirshhorn Museum a lot.


-Museum of the American Indian-for the bulding itself and the food. If you go there start at the theater on the top floor for the introductory film. The film is good and the theater is very cool.


Air and Space is fun, although we prefer the one out at Dulles so go to the one downtown less. I would say most kids like it.


-Botanic Gardens are fun.


-American History is probably out least favorite. None of us really love looking at artifacts as much as something hands on or science related or art. My favorite thing in the American History Museum is the dollhouse, which I still remember from when I was a kid.

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American History is my favorite, and Air and Space is my least favorite... but I'm usually the only one who feels that way, ha!


. . . 


then go next door to Museum of American Indian and just breeze through. Also not a big museum, doesn't take long- but eat there for lunch- the cafe there is top notch, VERY unique.


. . .


ALL of the eateries at the museums are expensive.


Me too, I really liked the American History Museum, Air and Space not so much.  The Natural History Museum has been my absolute least favorite, and my very favorite is the Art Museum.


We recently visited the American Indian Museum, and yes, it was a breeze through.  I do remember thinking it may have more appeal for younger kids. With my older kids, we were out in about 40 mins., there wasn't much to see.


We toured the Capitol recently also.  We booked the (free) tour online, got there early, and were offered an earlier tour.  There are hundreds of people milling about, and each tour participant wears a headset to hear the guide.  It was interesting, informative, lots of information, and breathtakingly gorgeous.  From there, we walked through the tunnel to the Library of Congress.  I'd love to take an official tour there, but we did it on our own. Fascinating, including the Gutenberg Bible and Thomas Jefferson's Library.  The most gorgeous building I've ever seen . . .   (And yes, all free.)


For a better variety of reasonably priced food options, go to the Food Court at Union Station!!!  They had over dozen choices, some you'll recognize and some that may be new.  The prices are what you would expect to pay, not the awful shock of food directly on the mall--plus, being a food court, there's something for everyone!  There's the additional fun of taking the Metro to the Station, or it's close enough to the Mall to walk.

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I loathe Air and Space.


Then again, I live here so I've been probably a hundred times or more at this point. It never changes. They're talking about moving the Apollo capsule next month in the main hall... and it's never been moved in the whole history of the museum. There's probably like mold under it deeply embedded in that 70's era carpeting. The whole thing is like that. It smells funny too. But to be fair, the first three or four or maybe even dozen times I went I thought it was okay.


I say Natural History. The Hall of Human Origins is spectacular. As is the Mammal Hall and the Ocean Hall... and soon the Dinosaur Hall will be like that. And there's Q?rius and Q?rius Jr. And rocks and bugs and pretty photos and lots of bones.


My kids like the art galleries, but they're weird like that.

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Julia Child's kitchen is inside the American History Museum.


American History is my favorite, and Air and Space is my least favorite... but I'm usually the only one who feels that way, ha!


Thank you! I could not remember to save my life :lol: I could have sworn it was the main one (maybe that IS the main one? is there even a "main" Smithsonian?), but we just happened to be walking past right before closing and popped in. That will help us get back there when we visit DC again!

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Thank you! I could not remember to save my life :lol: I could have sworn it was the main one (maybe that IS the main one? is there even a "main" Smithsonian?), but we just happened to be walking past right before closing and popped in. That will help us get back there when we visit DC again!


There is no "main" Smithsonian. Lol. :D There is the castle, which is the original building that used to house the whole museum. It's now just a visitor center with not much to see. I think a lot of the iconic Smithsonian stuff is at the American History museum, though it doesn't have the dinosaurs or the space stuff.


Poor forgotten Hirshhorn.

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There is no "main" Smithsonian. Lol. :D There is the castle, which is the original building that used to house the whole museum. It's now just a visitor center with not much to see. I think a lot of the iconic Smithsonian stuff is at the American History museum, though it doesn't have the dinosaurs or the space stuff.


Poor forgotten Hirshhorn.


That must be the one I think of as the main one :lol: I didn't even know there were other Smithsonian museums until we visited DC! We left the Natural History museum and walked right into the next one, so obviously that's the American History museum that I was thinking of. 

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I took my 9 year old to DC for the day last weekend.  It was so fun!  We enjoyed it immensely.  We wanted to see a lot of stuff, so we didn't do much of anything in depth. 


We enjoyed the castle--it was fun to sort of get an overview of the museums, with a little taste from each one.  My son and I LOVED the American History museum.  It was his favorite (and I knew it was mine).  We also hit the Natural History and the Air and Space. 


Another museum we really enjoyed was the White House Visitor Center.  It's a little mini-museum that was just right for my 9 year old, with a nice overview of the WH.  I enjoyed it as well. 



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We LOVE the Hirshhorn gallery. We visited DC in March and that was probably the highlight for my kids. They disliked Air and Space,  liked Natural History, but were very engaged in the Hirshhorn.


Then again, timing of visits vis-a-vis meal time and nap time does go a long way toward forming opinions.


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