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Has your life been kinda boring?


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I was having this discussion with a friend recently. I said she was interesting. She denied it. But it's a different thing seeing your own life, knowing all the details of what has happened, and seeing it from the outside.


I'm sure I could make my life sound absolutely riveting. I've had a lot of life experiences that fall pretty far outside the mainstream. But day to day living? Pretty boring. Not in a bad way, really. Calm-boring, not dull-boring.

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I'm not bored: people around me are interesting, there are books, and my cat is very entertaining! But I suppose a biography of me wouldn't be very interesting so far. That's okay, as no one seems inclined to write one. :D


Oh, I'm certainly not bored. In fact, I'm busy and interested in my life. I'm never bored actually. But my life wouldn't exactly make a riveting autobiography, you know? I may be interested in knitting, for instance, but I can hardly blame people in general for thinking it's rather dull. I can't even talk about it much. ;) Same with many of my other interests. Homeschooling is probably my most interesting interest. :)

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It depends what you mean by boring.  It feels like my life is a constant stream of bad luck and ridiculousness.  Like my childhood was nonstop of the weirdest medical things.  But day to day? Pretty boring.  I'll have kid-free family or friends ask me what I'm up to and I'm like "Math?  We do spelling, too.  And violin.  But that's most of what I do."  :lol:  I think compared with a lot of people I know in my social circles, my life is fairly boring.  No European vacations, no world changing research, no new businesses, no inventions, etc.  So unless they want to talk kids, I sound boring.

Good grief, I thought I was the only one!


A few years back, I got a full-time job for a time, and my boss and team took me out to lunch to get to know me  (small team).  The boss asked what my hobbies were, and I got a deer in the headlights look and said, "Ummm, whatever my kids are doing?"  I didn't have a single hobby.  Still don't.


For quite awhile, my life was the sort of "interesting" that most people could do without.   :lol:   I don't mean to complain.  I'm pretty resigned to it at this point, and it is not even weird anymore.  It did improve a few miles back, but I have a little PTSD over the length and breadth of the ridiculousness so I always have a mental "bug out bag" going.


(I don't even know if any of that made sense. :leaving:  )

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Good grief, I thought I was the only one!


A few years back, I got a full-time job for a time, and my boss and team took me out to lunch to get to know me  (small team).  The boss asked what my hobbies were, and I got a deer in the headlights look and said, "Ummm, whatever my kids are doing?"  I didn't have a single hobby.  Still don't.


For quite awhile, my life was the sort of "interesting" that most people could do without.   :lol:   I don't mean to complain.  I'm pretty resigned to it at this point, and it is not even weird anymore.  It did improve a few miles back, but I have a little PTSD over the length and breadth of the ridiculousness so I always have a mental "bug out bag" going.


(I don't even know if any of that made sense. :leaving:  )

Yes!  It's "Do I scare them with the crazy in my life or just talk about cats and knitting?"  :lol:

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This is so definition-dependent! From the outside my life is very tame.  I have a rich inner life and find enjoyment in the quotidian tasks of my everyday life, and am just really interested in the world.  I think if you're engaging with the world, ideas, culture, people...you can not lead a 'boring' life. So no, although my life has followed fairly predictable paths, it has been wonderful and interesting so far. 

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As a fellow foster/adoptive mom myself, I'm not sure you could classify your life as boring!? I've only adopted one child, and it's been over two years since I did, and I'm still detoxing from that experience. â˜ºï¸ I suppose my life may be boring to some, but for me it feels very full and very blessed. I have lived overseas, but the majority of my life has been spent in two states and as a stay at home mom. Boring? Maybe, but I love my life!

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Mine was until 2 weeks ago my husband got offered a job out of the blue and we sold half of everything we had got in his truck and drove 17 hours away from Illinois to south Texas to find a place to live by his new job  :huh:  Now I am flying back home by myself to pack up the house, 3 kids, a dog and a cat. Suddenly life is insanely interesting. 

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Here is my friend's latest project.........a book for foster/adoptive kids






I am very proud of her.  Yes, her life is a bit more exciting than mine but she is serving the Lord through it all.

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Not sure what standards measure an exciting life? I haven't traveled much worldwide, but some local USA trips. I love traveling and seeing new places, but don't use the amount I travel to measure the excitement of my life. I am blessed with 5 kids, a wonderful husband and great family and friends... there's rarely ever a dull moment... I love my life and consider it exciting in my own simple way :)

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