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Do you do regular activities if a sibling is sick?


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DD is sick and should be home. Yesterday we skipped two of DS activities and one for her. Today we also may miss an activity or two. Do you stay home for siblings to recover or just go out? These are weekly recurring events, not special trips, and I know when I'm sick I would rather stay home, but I feel bad that DS is missing out. I'm just curious how others generally treat sibling illnesses. I know the answers will vary. :)

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I'm with the others. If I could arrange for the healthy child to ride with someone else, or someone to watch a sick child I would.

If these things can't happen, well then it's an opportunity to show how we love our siblings by staying home AND not being angry/mean to them for missing our activity.

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Depends on what kind of sick it is and on whether there's someone who can take the well one to the activity.  In our house, if the sick one is vomiting, there's a good chance the other one will be vomiting soon too, so they stay home.  Not worth it.  Otherwise, if DH or MIL or someone can take the well one to the activity, great, if not, they miss out.  Depending on what the activity is, we may try harder to get the well child to it (e.g. if it's just regular choir practice, whatever, but if it's concert night, we'll call more people to find someone who can take her).

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My kids are old enough to stay home by themselves if sick. 


I would stay home if the problem was gastric distress because that spreads easily and the sick one may need some assistance/moral support. I'll do my best to keep my distance so I don't fall victim to the problem though!


Otherwise, I'll make sure you are comfortable, have plenty of kleenexes, nearby trash can, plenty of stuff to drink, a nice healthy and tasty snack, and the phone beside you in case you need to call. I will call and check on you, so answer the phone and let me know how you are doing. Sleep is best, so just go ahead and take a nap.



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They are too young to stay alone or go to activities unsupervised. It's starting to help me think about a helper who can drive when I can't though. Sometimes DS doesn't care about missing activities but today is park day so I think he will be sad to miss. DH may be able to transport to his night activity tonight.

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If it's a barfing illness or something like the flu that is highly contagious but doesn't show up for awhile, we'd all stay home. Otherwise, my kids are old enough that I typically have a built-in sitter for activities where I'd need to leave someone home.  I'd drop off the healthy kid or arrange a ride for the healthy kid if possible.

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I try very hard to push through.  If the sick kid can sit on the sidelines, we go.  If it's close to home and I can drop off without leaving the sick kid alone too long, we go.  But if the logistics make it impossible to properly care for the sick kid, we'll skip.  (My kids are 8yo and I'm single.)

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If they are old enough and healthy enough to stay home, I leave the sick one home and the others do normal activities.


If they are too little to stay home, not too sick, and a drop off activity, I will sometimes take the healthy ones and sit in the car with the sick ones. This is only if the sick child is feeling up to it and not in danger of randomly puking in my car.


If the child is too young to stay home and the activity requires a parent or the child is feeling too ill to travel, we all stay home. 


I've never had the luxury of having someone available to watch my sick kids or to take my other kids somewhere for me, and I'd never knowingly take a sick kid around other kids.

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