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dorm room checks??


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I was talking to a new college freshman this morning at church.  He said he had to get his room clean in time for room check on Thursday.  I was really surprised.  I don't think I've ever heard of a room check in college.  I think we might have had checks if there was suspicion of something prohibited.  A hall mate of mine stole the couch from the lounge and had a cat and I don't remember her getting caught.


He was listing the things that had to be done (take out garbage, sweep, clean bathroom,etc).  He had a female student with him from another dorm and she was expressing the same thing.  I don't hate the idea as some rooms really did become gross when I was in college.  I was just very surprised.  Is this something any of your kids have experienced? Am I the only one who didn't realize that some colleges make the students clean? Of course, I would expect military academies to have these sorts of rules but it really wasn't on my radar.


This is at a medium sized Christian university.

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Much more common at Christian universities - and the more conservative the university, the more common and elaborate it is.


The A Beka school, Pensacola Christian College, has daily chore lists and lights out by 11.15 on school nights! It's midnight on Friday and Saturday. 



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Ds is at a small state school, and they have room checks.  Freshmen have it twice a semester and everyone else once a semester.  It's mostly to check on room cleanliness and is no big deal unless your room is an unhealthy disaster.  Housing will charge you to have it cleaned if you don't do it yourself within the next week. 

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Middle son - as an RA - has to do room checks periodically.  He needs to check for fire issues mainly.


I haven't heard youngest say anything, but I also haven't asked.


I also don't recall oldest saying anything, but it's not the type of thing he'd have mentioned.


When we visited some Christian schools they told us they do cleanliness room checks - often weekly if I recall correctly.

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DD will have them this year.  I think it's mostly for fire issue things.  Like Creekland said.  There may be some cleanliness stuff as well.  She goes to a small Christian college.


Personally I think it will be good for her.  She is messy and has a home reputation for not putting things away.

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My daughter attends a large, liberal state university in urban New Jersey.  They do room checks in the dorms but mainly for fire and safety issues.  They are looking for space heaters, overloaded plugs, fridges that are too big, etc.   But, it usually results in some cleaning as they take out any empty bottles and cans from beverages that are not permitted in the dorms (regardless of age), and make sure the plugs, etc. can be seen.

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My daughter went to a small liberal arts college, and they had room checks before the students were allowed to check out for each break and at the end of each semester.

Same here. I thought the check before leaving for long breaks was a good idea, although I don't recall anything like that back when I was in school.

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Thanks.  I went to a large public state school and my brother went to a different large public state school and I had never heard of this. Some of the level of grossness was just too much.  Boys, in particular, at that age seemed to be okay with having food rotting on their desk, etc.  I am not sure if one of my boys would lean in that direction if left to his own devices.  It is possible.  :(  


It is hard for some young people to make that adjustment and I can see how this could help some of them.  

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As an RA forever ago. We had to make two checks in the first semester and two in the spring. One at move-in to make sure nothing was broken and to make sure they did not have anything that was not allowed - mostly a hot plate etc.. as the other stuff you would hide, and one before Christmas break. We asked the girls to empty their fridge of anything that would go bad and then tell me when they were ready for me to look. Basically same thing spring term - at spring break and then at the end to make sure nothing was broken.  I did have a girl who saved her dissected in her fridge and told me she was taking it home for Christmas. I never found anything 'illegal' but apparently they were all good at hiding stuff. 


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My dd's big state uni has dorm checks once or twice a semester, for safety reasons.  The rooms are checked to be sure they are in compliance with specific rules.


Last year, my dd was dinged for having more than one strand of Christmas lights strung up around her room--she plugged three strands together, and you can only have one per outlet.  That was an easy fix.


She also got a notice for her typical coffeemaker in her kitchen. I knew his wasn't against the rules and called the school on it. It was removed from the report.


It's not a big deal for them.  They know about it ahead of time. Dd does find it unnerving to know someone will be in her space, looking at her stuff.

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My nieces are both RAs at largish State Us and they have had to do safety checks--typically related to fire and electrical issues.  Ie-appliances, appropriate surge protection, extension cords, candles, and such.  They have also found plenty of other violations of campus regs that get wrapped up in the inspection.  I'm not sure cleanliness is an issue (unless it is so gross that there are health and safety/infestation violations).

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Much more common at Christian universities - and the more conservative the university, the more common and elaborate it is.


The A Beka school, Pensacola Christian College, has daily chore lists and lights out by 11.15 on school nights! It's midnight on Friday and Saturday. 

Yes, this. Very conservative religious institutions still do them. The young man we know that is at a liberal one has never had one.


Never had one at Oberlin way back in the day!


Pensacola is so strict that once it is lights out, if you remember you have laundry downstairs, you have to leave it. Bathroom privileges are all they have until lights on in the morning. They get punished for leaving the dorm floor or making any noise at all.


Kentucky Mountain Bible College is just as strict.

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