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Insomnia Thread


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Considering it's already 4:30am eastern time (US), I assumed this thread would have been started.  Since it hasn't, here it is!


(Thread was mentioned as an option in Susan's thread here:




I'm just too lazy to look up which post # it was.)


So, Susan, should we talk about politics, religion, child discipline, cupcakes or ???  We can't do husband bashing since I married a saint and wouldn't be able to contribute.





Oh wait... you were trying to sleep through the night, not be kept up at night!  Sorry!  ;)

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I guess it's a form of insomnia - considering most folks who aren't actually working a job tend to be asleep in these hours.


Starting Wed I'll be on my job routine, but even then, I wouldn't have to get up THIS early.  My body just thinks it's my time to get up regardless of when I go to bed.  I quit arguing with my body long ago, but I'm not always on the computer so early.  In a couple more months when the time change happens, I'll be up an hour early for a month or so - maybe longer.  The spring change is always easier to handle!


I am off to take a shower now.  In an hour I'll be getting youngest up to shower, then hubby.  I like plenty of time with the bathroom to myself.  (We only have one bathroom.)

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I didn't have insomnia last night, but it isn't uncommon for me, and I need the post count, so here I am. :001_tt2: Besides, we want to keep this on the first page so when people *do* have insomnia, they won't have to look for it, right? :hat:

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There's a possibility of aurora in the mid latitudes -- if you're up and it's dark and not cloudy.  (I get email alerts)


Could you share that e-mail alert link?  I loved watching Northern Lights when I was a kid, but they happen so rarely here that I've only seen them a couple of times.  I'd love to know when to be looking for them.


I actually slept all night. That happens about once a week. 


So you can now add this thread idea as one of the ways to convince our bodies they should sleep more?  I suppose you could only do that if you sleep well two nights in a row... ;)

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Could you share that e-mail alert link?  I loved watching Northern Lights when I was a kid, but they happen so rarely here that I've only seen them a couple of times.  I'd love to know when to be looking for them.




Partway down the page there's a place to enter your email to get the alerts.


I *hope* they haven't started charging for this service.  It used to be the emails were free but if you wanted automated phone calls, that cost something.

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Partway down the page there's a place to enter your email to get the alerts.


I *hope* they haven't started charging for this service.  It used to be the emails were free but if you wanted automated phone calls, that cost something.


It still appears to be free.  Thanks!  No chance of seeing anything where we live tonight however... but someday.  I recall fall, winter, and spring being more common than summer even higher up where I used to live.

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My turn tonight... 3:15am and I'm giving up trying to sleep for now. This time it's definitely stress related though. I dunno know if that's better than normal, no reason whatsoever insomnia or not...either way I'm wide awake.


Rosie I hope your washing survived the gale.


Hope everyone else is having a better night than I

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I can't sleep partly because I took a nap after church, but also because my little baby has a really nasty pimple/boil on her chin and every time I try to sleep thoughts of MRSA keep racing through my head.  :(  She, on the other hand, is sleeping just fine.  At least in the morning I can call the doc to see what I should do.  The internet says either don't mess with it at all, or put warm compresses on it to drain it and then clean it out with hydrogen peroxide/bactroban.

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I can't sleep partly because I took a nap after church, but also because my little baby has a really nasty pimple/boil on her chin and every time I try to sleep thoughts of MRSA keep racing through my head. :( She, on the other hand, is sleeping just fine. At least in the morning I can call the doc to see what I should do. The internet says either don't mess with it at all, or put warm compresses on it to drain it and then clean it out with hydrogen peroxide/bactroban.

The frustrating for me is that I was so incredibly tired after church yesterday but had no time for a nap...after three days of helping my daughter selvage what little they can from their apartment I was pooped last night.


Hope your little one is better soon.

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How much was your daughter able to salvage?  (I just got on, so haven't yet checked to see if you updated that thread.)  That has to be frustrating.


Jodi, I definitely hope the pimple is just that.  Glad she's sleeping well through it.  Best wishes with dealing with it later.


I've been awake since 3am, but not up until 4 something.  Today is the day youngest leaves home for his sophomore year and someone stayed out with his gf until 5am.  He told me he'll catch an hour of sleep, then return to packing.   :glare:  He's on our couch.


Rather than being the nice mom I ought to be, at that point I decided I'd turn on the morning news, get on the computer, etc.  In a few minutes I'll head out to get chores done.  I normally watch the news at 5am while surfing, so I guess I'm just not changing my schedule due to his staying out all night, then crashing on our couch rather than his bed.



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I'm awake.  Have been for hours.  


I am way too stressed about my son learning to read.  Homeschool parents sure have a lot of pressure.  I should go do something productive since I'm awake, but it is wee hours of the night and I'm tired.


How do you define hours of the day?  Midnight, wee hours, early morning, sunrise, morning, etc.?  Things to think about when you can't sleep.  :)

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Our alarm goes off at 5am. I think I'm trained to wake up at 4:55 to avoid the annoying noise. Not insomnia for me. I know everyone has said exercise but really an early morning, really hard workout will make 9pm and your comfy bed really appealing. Or maybe if you know you're going to wake up too early a planned nap  so you don't have to stress about how tired you are going to be? Get pesky chores done? :grouphug:

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How do you define hours of the day?  Midnight, wee hours, early morning, sunrise, morning, etc.?  Things to think about when you can't sleep.   :)


Not totally sure, but I know early morning and sunrise tend to be my favorite times of the day as long as I'm not rushed during them.

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Not totally sure, but I know early morning and sunrise tend to be my favorite times of the day as long as I'm not rushed during them.


I do love early morning hours too..esp in the winter when it is still dark too.  But, that's only when I've actually slept through the night. 


Creek - I'll update the thread about my daughter... I haven't done so since I first wrote it.

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I could have actually been participating on this thread much earlier, but since we're in a hotel room tonight (due to junior flying out this morning and my incredible dislike of city rush hour traffic), I thought I'd be nice and not brighten the room with my screen (not to mention the typing noise) until we were within an hour of my waking them up anyway.


It's good that there are oodles of things going on in the world and my life to keep my mind occupied for a few hours.  I will definitely need a nap at home later today though.

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I actually slept in today! 6 am. Now to decide what field trip for first day of homeschool :)


Hmm, a beach?  A foreign country?  I could think of quite a few!  ;)


Actually, our first day of homeschooling (ever) we were on a beach in Oregon... quite a wonderful, memorable day.


However, we didn't exactly wake up that day and then figure out where we wanted to go...  :coolgleamA:

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I could have actually been participating on this thread much earlier, but since we're in a hotel room tonight (due to junior flying out this morning and my incredible dislike of city rush hour traffic), I thought I'd be nice and not brighten the room with my screen (not to mention the typing noise) until we were within an hour of my waking them up anyway.


It's good that there are oodles of things going on in the world and my life to keep my mind occupied for a few hours.  I will definitely need a nap at home later today though.


One of my least favorite days are the days when my kids go back to college.  :grouphug:


Hope you get that nap today.

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One of my least favorite days are the days when my kids go back to college.  :grouphug:


Hope you get that nap today.


Ditto with the guys leaving, but on the other hand, it ensures I will get that nap as my schedule will be all mine afterward (at least until I start school tomorrow since they sort of frown upon teachers catching a nap at school!).


How are the apt contents and rental insurance deals going?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I reported some spam on the other boards, then came to search for this one. :-)


Which begs the question (or not...I'm never sure if I'm using that phrase correctly or not) as to why a spam topic has multiple views?? Can people not tell from the topic titles that they are spam?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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So, this thread was NOT at the top. I had to actually use the search feature. Hmph.


I suppose it was a good thing, 'cuz that means not a single person had insomnia since the last reply...right? right?


We'll go with that.  Otherwise, it would appear that we are up, but not checking in on our computer and that certainly doesn't sound right - even if due to sleeping arrangements (here) getting the computer out and tapping on it could wake others up.   ;)

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So, this thread was NOT at the top. I had to actually use the search feature. Hmph.


I suppose it was a good thing, 'cuz that means not a single person had insomnia since the last reply...right? right?


I wish.  Although this time around my insomnia is because of stressful circumstances and I just can't get to sleep. 

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I was reading an article earlier (from Reader's Digest) that said sleeping with animals often causes people to have poor sleeping habits.  We regularly have one or two cats on our bed when the weather isn't nice outside.  Now I'm wondering if there's a correlation...  When we had dogs we tried letting them sleep on our bed, but that definitely didn't work out well.

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Yeah, I reported some spam on the other boards, then came to search for this one. :-)


Which begs the question (or not...I'm never sure if I'm using that phrase correctly or not) as to why a spam topic has multiple views?? Can people not tell from the topic titles that they are spam? Inquiring minds want to know.

I sometimes click on spam accidentally and can't report it from my phone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Been up since 4:30. And I was so darn tired when I went to bed too. Doesn't help that my tummy is giving me grief too. It's going to be a long day


I should have gotten on the computer and we could have chatted.  I got up and combed the cat (a necessary morning task in her eyes), then thought I'd try going back to bed since there is no other day in the next couple of weeks when I'll be able to lounge in bed in the mornings.


It's allowed me to mentally contemplate many, many things from bills, to ponies and farm chores/things to be accomplished, to laundry and other household tasks, to projects I'm going to have my classes do next week, family, diet, health annoyances, and probably more not coming to mind at the moment.  I mentally totally skipped over politics.  Good thing the news is keeping that one front and center.   :glare:


But as always, I ended up having to get up.  The cats were quite displeased that I was an hour late with breakfast and door service!  Even if I want to, I can't stay in bed past 6am - even awake.  If I ever actually had to... I can't imagine how that would happen.

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  • 1 month later...

I have insomnia. Dd is going to camp for the first time tomorrow and I'm the one up all night before she's even left! I'm so tired that it has given me terrible heartburn but I'm stubbornly surfing and posting here on the boards.


that type of insomnia is the worst!  I hope you get some rest and your dd has a wonderful time.

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I'm still catching up on a bit of sleep deprivation from traveling and staying up well past my typical bedtime.  Last night I went to bed at 7:15.


It probably would help if I didn't wake up every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, but I don't foresee that changing.


There's still no way my body will agree to sleeping past 4am - even when I go to bed close to midnight.  Getting up at 3 - 3:30 is the most common.


So far this morning I've showered, cooked and eaten breakfast, gotten dressed and ready for school, did my cat servant chores, sorted through yesterday's mail, read a few threads, checked out the news and e-mail, and am here.  In another hour I'll actually leave for school.

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My most productive time is in the morning.  Yesterday when I came home from school I had great ideas about getting things done, but was so tired... once the news was over... trying to catch up on sleep ruled.  Today after school I'll use caffeine to stay awake longer and try to be more sociable!


In my youth I used to train one of my horses before school in the morning - still showering, etc, afterward before actually leaving for school.


I'd do more now, but I don't want to be too noisy and wake hubby up.  I get him up when I leave - even then - I suspect some mornings he goes back to sleep.  Last night I know he was up past midnight.  He's definitely on a different natural schedule than I am.

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I'm killing time here at school waiting for kids to arrive.  We start at 7:30.  Today will be a boring day (for me) because two of my classes are taking tests.  The other tested yesterday morning (different subject) and are just finishing projects today.  I have their essay questions to grade yet, but that's pretty much it on my agenda until later.


I don't know if it's a good thing or not.  I still feel pretty darn tired and somewhat cranky.  If I had things to stand up and do it would be a nice distraction - a forced "get off your behind" deal.  Sitting without much to do just allows me to focus on things I shouldn't.  Add to that... I'm cold.  Standing would get circulation going better.


Eh - I need to quit complaining.  Life could be far worse.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gah. Insomnia. 


I'm going to waste it watching Crocodile Dundee on Youtube. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. It was playing on the overnight from Melbourne to Adelaide one time and two thirds of the carriage were in absolute stitches laughing. The rest were tourists from overseas. :lol:

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