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Help, a close friend is trying to sell me essential oils.


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A close friend is trying to sell me essential oils for my chronic health problems. I am not interested. She and her family also struggle with chronic health problems, so over the years we have discussed many non-mainstream treatments. She, however, tends toward more "extreme" alternative medicine stuff, while I prefer integrative medicine stuff with evidence, or at least plausible mechanisms.


How do I tell her that I am not interested in buying essential oils from her? She emailed months ago in a more general way and I never replied. This time her email is more personalized and needs a response. While I think essential oils can help with topical infections, I don't think they will help my son's behavior or my problems.

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I always go with direct...not that it always works!


Direct doesn't need to be rude or mean.


"I'm glad it helps you. I'm not interested though."


"It was kind of you to think of us but I'm not interested in using eo."


Imho, if you leave the door open the tiniest bit you will leave a glimmer of hope and keep being asked.


So do *not* say:

can't afford it

not at this time

I'll think about it

I'm really sorry I can't


Good luck!

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A close friend is trying to sell me essential oils for my chronic health problems. I am not interested. She and her family also struggle with chronic health problems, so over the years we have discussed many non-mainstream treatments. She, however, tends toward more "extreme" alternative medicine stuff, while I prefer integrative medicine stuff with evidence, or at least plausible mechanisms.


How do I tell her that I am not interested in buying essential oils from her? She emailed months ago in a more general way and I never replied. This time her email is more personalized and needs a response. While I think essential oils can help with topical infections, I don't think they will help my son's behavior or my problems.

Is her health better now after using the essential oils?  That's what I would want to know.


At any rate, I cannot tolerate scents so it would be a deal-breaker for me.  One of my attendants at my birth wore some "calming" essential oil. I asked her to wash it off (she did). 

Emails are easy to respond to, much easier than being put on the spot.  "Oh, thank you so much for thinking of me, but I'm going to stick with (whatever your treatement is) for the time being.  If anything changes, I will certainly let you know.  Hope you are having a great summer!"


I would want to know if she has eliminated any problems though. 

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Trying to say this gently.... if she is a real friend then she will understand and respect that you have a difference of opinion. If she does not understand then she values you more as a potential customer than a friend. 


I don't think this needs to be said gently at all.  It is the truth.  


I have a friend trying to sell me Plexus.  I haven't heard from her since I politely said no.   She isn't a real friend.

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I realize that the OP's problem is centered around the person selling the product, but sometimes people become "true believers" in a product (even if they aren't selling it) and that can be difficult too.  I have a friend at church who believes 100% in her treatments for chronic illness.  Only she and I have similar up and down days and attacks.  I have no problem with her doing her thing but I do internally roll my eyes when she tells people how miraculous her treatment is.  But it would be depressing and mean to point out that she's just as bad as she started out  prior to all the treatment, so I just do the smile and wave thing.  

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HAHA, yes, they are trained to be pushy, so I would not take offense. Just saying no doesn't stop an oils advocate. They believe in it so much, watch seminars, study about it, it is their way of life.


Just say no, lol. Don't give a reason. :) I know from experience.


That being said, I am not "against" oils, I just feel different people like different things. The only oil, that I have tried in the past, that has actually worked, was peppermint, I was terribly nauseous, and it helped almost right away. 

I am pro coffee and chocolate though. I can vouch for them working!!

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I would ignore every single inquiry via email or text.  Delete 'em.  Any marketing contact where the person is not actually talking to me does not get a response.  Why should it?  It's a formulated sales pitch!  Nope. 


Then, if/when it comes up in person, just say, in a happy way, "Oh!  No.  Not for me, thanks!  How 'bout them Cowboys??"  If they push, raise your eyebrows as close as possible to your hairline, look at them like you are surprised at their behavior, and say firmly, "I'm not interested, thanks." 


If they push again, that tells you something about them.  Distance may be warranted. 


Can you tell I don't like becoming a sales target in a friendship? 



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