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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning

- get up- done

- get dd1 packed for GS day camp- done

- get everyone dressed- done

- pick up sitters- done

- drop dd1 off at camp- done

- tidy house- done

- dishes- the awesome sitters did them (they got bored while Juli was napping)

- go to school- done

- pick up dd2 and sitters- done

- pick dd1 up from camp- done

- drop off sitters- done

- school work

- tidy house

- laundry

- dinner- decided

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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I haven't really thought about today yet! Hmmmmmmm


--garden: pick, weed

--yard: weed a bit

--plan meals for week

--plan week

--renew library books online

--exercise: training at gym, 45 min elliptical or bike

--call physical therapy

--find documents needed for dd15's state id card (I really don't want her carrying her passport when she travels this summer)

--call Costco Travel with a cruise question

--daily and Monday things

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Good morning! One kid off to a swim meet, the rest rolling out of bed to get to practice. A coach is coming to watch dd1 this morning (I think.... Maybe this afternoon).

I have random things to do:

Clean kitchen

Clean study


School planning

Quilt while it is cool (the iron heats up the room)


Grocery store

Plan dinner

Other odds and ends

PM Practice


Have a great day!

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Good morning all-another lazy summer day, i hope. My IBS has been flaring up terribly, and last night was a very difficult night. Plus our AC broke, and in Florida in the summer, that's no joke. DH is off to find a capacitor before it gets too hot in here. DS12 and I might have to go the mall or the movies to stay cool. DS9 is in Minecraft camp until noon, so he'll stay cool.


1. return overdue library books

2. clean kitchen

3. laundry--fold the mountain

4. water new sod

5. buy milk, plan dinner for tonight and shop

6. stop by office with new ac filter and pick up fennel tea

7. speak to vet about kippy's medication.

8. work on shawl (knitting)

9. figure out dinner date with Dad

10. drop off L's volunteer application

11. water park with boys later?

******12. pay business comcast bill and electric!!!******

13. go to yoga class at 530--didn't happen due to IBS

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Lalalalalalalalalalalalala...I can't hear you I can't hear you!


Fine then. (Glare)


For Today:

Done Tidy




Done Freeze bread



Done Teach cello lessons

Done Find bunny sitter or come up with alternate plan

Book discussion group. Maybe. I don't want to go.

Mail mortgage payment

Drink water

More laundry


Lunch - leftovers

Dinner - tacos?

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Halcyon, hope your AC  is easy to fix! AC in the south is so important. 




pay bills

tidy house




I wanted to go to tea this afternoon, but I don't think it's possible.  I have too much to do because I have several appointments tomorrow and leave town Wednesday. I'm having a couple of sister days at my older sister's house before I go pick up dd from her summer college program. That has gone very, very well! Dd is loving being on campus, and it's been a great trial run for getting herself up and out to breakfast and class on time. She's making friends with some who will be coming in the fall, so it will be nice to have some familiar faces on campus when she starts. I think the school came up with a fabulous idea when they started this. 



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Happy Monday, Girlies!


I'm the taxi driver today...

1) drop ds1 off at summer school

2) drop ds2 off at my parents' house to work for my dad for a few hours

3) drop girls off at VBs

4) pick ds1 up from summer school

5) pick ds2 up from my parents' house

6) finish ordering curriculum for next year so I STOP obsessing about it. Good grief, I am driving myself crazy.

7) pick up girls from VBS

8) try, in the mean time to remember that I set the kitchen timer to remind myself to change the water by the trees. We've had to cut waaaay back on our irrigation, but we really need to save our trees. So I have a dripping hose by the trees to try to deep water them.

9) laundry

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Got the kids to camp.

Sitting at the car place having maintenance done.  It is conveniently located 3 blocks from the kids' camp location.

Working here at the car place, once I get focused.  Lots to do today.

Pick up the kids at 4pm.

Get the kids to do some work in between activities.

Kids have swim team at 5pm.  I will probably work during that time.

Quick dinner on the fly.

Kids have tennis lesson at 7pm.  Hopefully I can walk during the lesson.

Kids to bed.

More work.

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We had to rush out the house this morning because I forgot the baby had a Dr appointment. Luckily we made it on time.


- dd appointment

- call church to schedule dd's baptism

- fold laundry and put away

- go through my clothes and get rid of any I'm done with

- exercise DVD

- quick clean downstairs

- dinner

- read for an hour

- whatever the kids want to do

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I like these threads. They combine my impulse to waste time online with a tool to actually motivate myself. Here Goes.


Morning Routine (kids) -- DONE

Morning Bus-Stop Walk -- DONE

My Morning Routine -- DONE

Upstairs Chores -- DONE

Kitchen Chores -- DONE

Downstairs Chores -- DONE

Plan Supper -- DONE

Bible Meditation -- NO

Knee Exercises -- NO

Early Lunch (healthy w. plenty of water) -- DONE

Grocery Shopping -- DONE

My Grocery Drop-Off -- DONE

Grocery Delivery Ministry -- DONE

Errands (health food store, drug store, ???) -- NO

Afternoon Bus-Stop Walk -- DONE

Pre-Dinner Kitchen Chores

Backpack Routine / Lunch Making (kids)

Reading (kids)

Make Supper

After-Supper Kitchen Chores

Bedtime Routine, Family Prayer (kids)

Bedtime Routine (me)

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Got up at 6 something.  

Dropped ds off at work

Kept driving into the big city.

Got my fasting labs done even though I got stuck with the one bad phlebotomist.

Drove home.

Went back to sleep.  Could have slept longer but knew I had to get up so I forced myself to get up.

Have just eaten breakfast.


Now I need to get on with my day.  It's bad when your 13 year old is telling you to make your bed. . . .

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Good Afternoon.... day 3 of deep cleaning is over!  All three floors have been deep cleaned and I've purged more stuff we don't need and the house looks lovely!   We are having Sophia's 3rd birthday party here this weekend and I'm so looking forward to family visiting.  


Our upstairs AC unit went out on Friday and I'm sure hoping they get our new parts in tomorrow so we can sleep in our bed again.  The second AC unit for the main floor and basement has kept everyone cool and thank goodness we had an extra bed downstairs for the girls to sleep on.   


Tomorrow is dental cleaning day for me and the yard guys are coming also.


Have a great day everyone! :)


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Sitting at the library now, because the car people finished and seemed to want me to leave.  :P


Wishing there was a napping room at the library.  :P  And little elves who would do my work while I napped!

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lots of errands!

email and check book up to date

kids making their own lunches

some fun reading

play with kids, help Ds a bit with his Snap Circuits


To Do:


fold laundry.

return library books

figure out dinner

go to the pool for evening practice and meet set-up

print packing list


begin list of instructions for Dh - Dd and I will be gone for four days later this week. Dh and ds will be on their own with a full fridge and a to do list! ;)

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I feel like I have triumphed over this day.


1 hour hike with dog

trip to store to purchase new hand trimmer thingies cause dh used mine and they disappeared forever

weeded all around the house and trimmed some dead branches out (still have to pick up those piles but it is too hot now!)

2 loads of laundry

vacuumed downstairs

deep cleaned my bathroom

dry cleaner trip

grocery store trip

dusted bedroom and den

tackled and conquered bills on my desk


Oh yeah, removed all the shoes from the den and kitchen....I only put mine and dh's away though. The rest are on the stairs waiting for their owners to claim them.


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Realized I don't have the fabric I thought I did. So the top probably won't be finished before I leave for the meet on Wednesday.

Also, a meet attended in May (where dd2 made qualifying times) is not yet in the database. Makes me nervous....


I have some reading to do, but my house is full of neighbor kids playing video games and it is very difficult to concentrate.


Not nearly as productive today as I had hoped. Laundry is in the dryer though.

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It's been that kind of a day. . . .

I was so tired after story time (very little sleep last night) so I went to lay down for a while. The kids were ramming in and out of the house so much that I finally banished them to their rooms for 45 minutes of SILENCE (!) Still no sleep. I give up.

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3rd load of laundry done


meals done


took ds to swim practice and took a walk during some of it; It is so humid in the south!


ate some of the blueberry vanilla goat cheese ds wanted from Trader Joe's, pretty good


worked on the co-op schedule and established our next planning meeting date



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We got a thunderstorm at the end of swim practice, so no tennis tonight, and no exercise for me.


During dinner I got a series of emails from multiple clients, copied to my boss, who asked me about them before I saw them.  This made me look irresponsible and clueless.  So now I am under the gun to get several things out tonight or else.


This is a tough week.  I have many deadlines at the end of June, plus the kids' day camp this week has an odd schedule that makes my work day awkward.  I just hope my stamina kicks in so I can get everything done in the night.

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