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Putting on your game face


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I can do it, especially if I'm with others, if the situation would be inappropriate to demonstrate my upset feelings, or if it would serve no purpose to display my true feelings (i.e. it wouldn't change anything). I do it by acting breezy and unruffled, changing the subject, or suddenly getting really, really busy with a super-important task that just can't possibly wait!  :lol:


However, I don't do it with my family because, well, they're my family! If I'm upset with something I don't think I need to hide it from them.


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Beats me. I'm an F on the Myers-Briggs, and that's highly accurate for me.

I do think there are times when I don't need to share my feelings and do try to not let them rule my every action. It's something I had to learn and "mature into."

But knowing the difference between being fake and being mature is still hard for me.

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I can do it, especially if I'm with others, if the situation would be inappropriate to demonstrate my upset feelings, or if it would serve no purpose to display my true feelings (i.e. it wouldn't change anything). I do it by acting breezy and unruffled, changing the subject, or suddenly getting really, really busy with a super-important task that just can't possibly wait!  :lol:


However, I don't do it with my family because, well, they're my family! If I'm upset with something I don't think I need to hide it from them.


That is what I am trying to do, but apparently I am not great at it.  

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Practice. Lots of practice. In my old age I have mastered the smile and nod. It keeps things peaceful.

I have always been a person who bottles it up. Opening up in my family left one open to some kind of negative support and who wants to deal with that?

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I can, but it takes effort. The most significant moment I can remember doing it is when my mom was sick. I arrived from out of town to help with her business-- wedding photography--which is also what I did at the time. She'd had a doctor's appointment that day, a Friday, in which she was told she had less than six months to live. Two or three hours later I was behind a camera at a wedding. Although those folks knew my mom was ill, not one other person had any idea we had received such bad news. I did my job and did it well all the while I felt hollow and empty inside.


It was truly a moment of I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.



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I can, but it takes effort. The most significant moment I can remember doing it is when my mom was sick. I arrived from out of town to help with her business-- wedding photography--which is also what I did at the time. She'd had a doctor's appointment that day, a Friday, in which she was told she had less than six months to live. Two or three hours later I was behind a camera at a wedding. Although those folks knew my mom was ill, not one other person had any idea we had received such bad news. I did my job and did it well all the while I felt hollow and empty inside.


It was truly a moment of I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Many, many, many hugs to you. I'm so sorry. 😢

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I can do it but I don't. If I'm going to be in a situation where I have to pretend everything is OK when it isn't I simply don't go. I've never been in a situation where I was forced to go somewhere when it would be inappropriate for me to show how I actually feel. Just because I look pissed off doesn't mean I need to explain myself to people so I tend not to fake my feelings.

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After more than 20 years in the hospitality industry I am really good at it. Yesterday I was having issues with a passive-aggressive cook while I served out last table and I was really surprised at how I was pleased to see them even though I was unhappy with someone else. I smiled and was gracious to them while I was pretty tough with the cook behind the scenes. 

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After more than 20 years in the hospitality industry I am really good at it. Yesterday I was having issues with a passive-aggressive cook while I served out last table and I was really surprised at how I was pleased to see them even though I was unhappy with someone else. I smiled and was gracious to them while I was pretty tough with the cook behind the scenes. 


I grew up with an Asian mom who did this when she was mad at us but had company or something. :lol:


I also have decades in the hospitality industry, but I'm only moderately good at it. I wear my feelings on my sleeve, not for wont of trying.

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Ninja level, here.   :ph34r:


Narcissistic mother. One anxious child. One with a complex medical history. 


I visualize a very, very large rock and chant (to myself), "I am stone. There is no choice." It doesn't sound very healthy now that I am typing it out, but it has gotten me through a ton.

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I'm good with the public. With my family it slips, because I'm more real with them. But if I have to I can be a bouncing ray of sunshine even if I want to strangle someone or run away in terror. I have a highly expressive face and voice and cannot do a poker face, so I just choose to broadcast a different emotion in place of the one I'm actually feeling.


It's rare but I've had to do it a few times in the last few months.


I'm like my avatar even when I'm feeling stabbity. One of the clues I had adrenal fatigue was when I had zero stress tolerance to normal situations and couldn't even fake it.

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I think I've gotten pretty good at it.  I've been doing it for awhile now, as I try to be positive amidst difficult times.  On the other hand, when it comes to being around people who are really hurtful, harmful, or bring me down, it's almost impossible for me to hide my feelings.

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