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Exercise Thread ~ June 14th - June 20th


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The end of my week pretty much fell apart for exercise. I did some walking yesterday while spending most of the day getting sunburned at our local festival. It was supposed to be cloudy and rainy, so we didn't put sunscreen on to start, then when the sun came out we realized that the sunscreen was still in the pool bag, not the backpack we had with us. DH's church team did pretty well in the dragon boat races for being a bunch of middle-aged guys, and the kids mostly had fun. The overall winning team was from a Crossfit gym.


I think I'll get out for a walk with the dog in a bit if the rain clears out. The dog will not go in the rain. A couple of weeks ago, he turned around after half a block and was determined to pull me back to the house when the wind and rain picked up a bit. He's kind of a baby.

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AnnE sounds like a blast!


Yesterday was just my am Yoga, I didn't get to the rest of it, we ended up going shopping and I just wasn't feeling that great. My back/neck/shoulder are sore still and now I'm paranoid about my back so I'm going to be watching my moves. I'm planning core and some light yoga this am. Really hoping for some family outside time today, fingers crossed I feel good today!

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My black lab was being a baby in the rain the other day, too. He's kind of lazy in general, though, so not wanting to walk far in the rain wasn't a big surprise. I just dropped him at home and the poodle and I continued. The poodle is made with springs instead of legs and will happily bounce anywhere.  :laugh:


I've got a mixed doubles tennis game scheduled for this evening. It should be lots of fun. Hopefully my body will have recovered from playing tennis twice yesterday. 'Tis the season!  :hurray:

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Saturday was rest day and Sunday is active rest day with house cleaning. I also ripped up carpet from a bedroom. Although I will say I do not like hardwood. I know that is blasphemous, but there it is. We put in hardwood 11 years ago, and within the first year it was ruined in spots. Now, it looks even worse. I live where there is a LOT of sand. Mix that with dogs, kids, husband and you get what is basically a daily sandpaper rub on the hardwood. I HATE it. I will never install hardwood again. I do not understand why hardwood is so coveted. It is high maintenance, and has no place in my life. One day I will replace the hardwood with something else. One day.


Today back to my butt booster program. Build a booty and Pilates



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Saturday was rest day and Sunday is active rest day with house cleaning. I also ripped up carpet from a bedroom. Although I will say I do not like hardwood. I know that is blasphemous, but there it is. We put in hardwood 11 years ago, and within the first year it was ruined in spots. Now, it looks even worse. I live where there is a LOT of sand. Mix that with dogs, kids, husband and you get what is basically a daily sandpaper rub on the hardwood. I HATE it. I will never install hardwood again. I do not understand why hardwood is so coveted. It is high maintenance, and has no place in my life. One day I will replace the hardwood with something else. One day.


Today back to my butt booster program. Build a booty and Pilates

I prefer tile over wood. Although with the tile we have, I prefer wood flooring. Our tile shows every little smudge and the footprints drive me batty.

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I've lost track a bit.  Sunday: worked in the garden - mostly weeding and watering.  We are having a very dry spring.  


Monday: walked at lunchtime - I remembered to bring some decent shoes to work - my legs can't take walking in any old shoes as I did when I was younger.  Then spent an hour or so in the garden weeding and mulching.  The garden is coming along - pics in the blog in my siggy.  Much of it is finally full enough that the weeding is reducing - you just get the odd weed forcing its way through the desired plants.

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Laura, I would be happy to share some of our rain with you, your garden is just beautiful!



Yesterday was Short and Sweet #3- I completed it all of it as done for the first time!

Walk in the morning(longer) and walk in the evening (short)


Today: Yoga class and swimming tonight

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Monday: Light drill work at home with 19yo dd, with some sprinting (pretty wimpy actually) and kettle bell , double martial arts class in the evening.


Today:  tonight I have martial arts class followed by kettle bell class. During the day I must do drill work, stretch, run and kata work- I'm getting behind on my goals and it's frustrating me.

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Monday I ran 3 miles, then did 30 minutes of restorative yoga before bed. Today I ran 3.75 miles and followed it up with some squats, presses, push-ups, 1 arm rows and planks.  I was able to run without feeling like I was dying the whole time, and I could do 3 sets of 3 squats using the 20lb weight. Slowly getting back to normal.


I did go yesterday to get blood work done, but I think everything is fine, I'm just getting old. :)

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I'm finally getting back to doing "something"  woohoo.


I had a kidney infection and a sinus infection end of april - two courses of antibiotics, + other stuff.  at least my leg didn't hurt . . . now . . . . . :glare:


but - last week, I walked half my normal winter distance (at a slow pace) 3x.  :thumbup1:  it hurts to start, then it get's better, then my foot says "okay, I'm done'.)  I also walked around campus for dd's graduation on Friday. slow, but I walked.

my chiro said my fibia was out of position - again. no wonder it hurt so much. so, he put it back.  and gave me PT exercise -that hurt like :eek: .  and he wants me to do them 10x per day, every day. (cry. seriously, one of them made me cry in pain)  but, Monday - I could walk!  I walked my normal winter path at a 'briskish' pace.  and it didn't hurt!  and the pt exercises are getting easier.  only one still hurts - and I can tolerate it instead of crying in pain.

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I'm finally getting back to doing "something" woohoo.


I had a kidney infection and a sinus infection end of april - two courses of antibiotics, + other stuff. at least my leg didn't hurt . . . now . . . . . :glare:


but - last week, I walked half my normal winter distance (at a slow pace) 3x. :thumbup1: it hurts to start, then it get's better, then my foot says "okay, I'm done'.) I also walked around campus for dd's graduation on Friday. slow, but I walked.

my chiro said my fibia was out of position - again. no wonder it hurt so much. so, he put it back. and gave me PT exercise -that hurt like :eek: . and he wants me to do them 10x per day, every day. (cry. seriously, one of them made me cry in pain) but, Monday - I could walk! I walked my normal winter path at a 'briskish' pace. and it didn't hurt! and the pt exercises are getting easier. only one still hurts - and I can tolerate it instead of crying in pain.

Thank sounds awful! I hope you get better soon!

It turns out I have tendinitis in my foot from lacing my shoes too tightly. My friend showed me how to lace them differently, but my laces were too short, and I was unknowingly tying them too tight. So I'm supposed to rest for a bit. Today I went to my bootcamp class in the rain. 35 minutes doing leg work and some running had me exhausted.

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Brisk walk up a wooded den (valley) with the dog this evening while Hobbes was at karate.  Some midges out, but they don't fly very fast, so we mostly outpaced them.  The den winds out through suburbs into the countryside, past a golf course.  I came back on the other bank, which rises through farmland high above the trees, giving views to the sea.  14,500 steps.

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Hope to do at least 4 Miles of Leslie, maybe more. I wish I had time to workout & do everything I want to get done. Don't we all!  :lol:


 my legs can't take walking in any old shoes as I did when I was younger.  

Me neither. 

And Soror is right. Your garden is absolutely beautiful. 


I fell ill and now I'm behind.

Hope you're feeling better.  :grouphug:


 will walk after dinner this evening---it's supposed to be a bit cooler (like 82 at 8 pm).

Evening walks are delightful. :)


I had a kidney infection and a sinus infection end of april - two courses of antibiotics, + other stuff.  


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I'm finally getting back to doing "something"  woohoo.



Welcome back, hopefully you stay well!



Brisk walk up a wooded den (valley) with the dog this evening while Hobbes was at karate.  Some midges out, but they don't fly very fast, so we mostly outpaced them.  The den winds out through suburbs into the countryside, past a golf course.  I came back on the other bank, which rises through farmland high above the trees, giving views to the sea.  14,500 steps.

I had to look up midges :) We have mosquitoes here but generally if you are walking they don't get you. Sounds like a gorgeous walk.

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Wandering tentatively in..


Thank you to those that reached out.  It meant a lot.   It's been a little rough going.    The shoulder is taking more time than I anticipated to get better.


Today I'm going to stretch.  

Welcome back friend :) I hope you continue to improve, quickly.



Sigh. Yoga class yesterday, which went well and good. Swimming with the kids in the evening, no real swimming with me (impossible with a 2.5 and 5.5 yr old that I had watch) but we played around and then afterwords we did some various things, like bear walks, frog hops, skipping, etc.


Dr. visit, yes I do have scoliosis but he doesn't think it is an issue. He thought my neck was just muscle tightness but said he would refer me to PT. I'm seriously considering it. My back is still hurting. Yesterday just sitting there slowly turning my head in a normal way it got this horrible pain, now this am the one shoulder is hurting and my rom on that arm is diminished, it was that side of my neck and top of my shoulder now it is all the way to the bottom of my shoulder blade, soooooo not cool, sooooo not happy.  I'm thinking it is due to the fact that I'm a bit off and not balanced and I use that shoulder more. LE SIGH. Can't have this getting ready to start silks in 2 wks!!!

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Nothing Monday with lots of driving for my midwife appointment. Everything went well and I came out with an order for a PT evaluation for my poor separated abs. They probably won't do much until after the baby comes, but I'd like to at least know from them what's safe and what may help keep things from getting worse.

Yesterday we went strawberry picking, so I'm counting a little over an hour of squats and stretching. Today is a housecleaning day, and possibly a walk with kids and dog when the rain stops. I wanted to get out with just the dog before DH left for work, but I overslept. It's just a little more relaxing when I only have to worry about the "kid" on the leash when we're walking in the street in the areas without sidewalks :-)

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4 mile run today, followed by 400 yd swim.  I wasn't going to start swimming because it's only for a few weeks and I can't keep it up once summer swim is done (for the kids) but today I decided that I would just go with it.  I want to try and swim a little at least twice a week.  It did feel good.


Soror, maybe a deep tissue massage?  My mom was having bad neck/shoulder issues and her chiro told her she was just extra tight and to try a massage.  She's gone twice so far and it's really helping.  I hope you can figure out something that will help.  


Snickerdoodle, glad you jumped in.  I hope it continues to improve.  

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Half-hour walk at lunch time.  After work, dropped Hobbes at Chinese class, then walked into town with the dog to return Moby Dick to the library.  Saw sweet ducklings on the burn.  After supper, an hour of watering and mulching.  16,300 steps.  Time for a little telly before bed.

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Hey Snickerdoodle! Glad to see you and I hope you are feeling better soon!


Negin, how do you like Bar Method "dancer's body"?  I have super sculpting 1 and 2 and just love them. Is Dancer's body a lot harder?  Or if I have both the super sculpting ones, should I not bother getting Dancer's body?  I keep thinking I want it, but it is supposed to be super difficult and I get scared, lol.


I have done a tracy anderson mat workout with weights etc yesterday and today. My goal is to get that done every day this week!

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Just read everyone's posts, I love how we all keep on trucking.


Today was a total rest day for me. Last nights martial arts conditioning was especially brutal and On top of that I couldn't sleep last night; when I got up my body was unequivocal in its opinion that if I pushed I would end up injured- being 48 sometimes is a drag.. Hoping to feel great tomorrow.

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Played tennis twice today; first in the morning with ds (which was very fun), second in the evening with the competitive team (which was also fun). We didn't win the match tonight, but I felt a psychological victory in not being nervous, sticking with my game plan, and staying relaxed and positive (for the most part). I still made a lot of errors, but made some good shots, too.  :hurray:

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Rest day for me as well, not even a walk, my pain was just killer half the day and then we had family movie night until bedtime. Today I'm going in for a PT eval and then we'll see what the plans are, I'm a bit afraid of hurting myself more right now. 

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I didn't get to the walk last night (30 lb of cherries to process; dd15 had a bad afternoon/evening; dh wanted to talk about our Alaska trip).


It's been raining for hours and doesn't look like it will be clear for me to walk to the gym, though I remain hopeful :) So training with either the walk or 45 min elliptical or bike.


And then I have to finish the cherries!

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Last night I did manage to finally do a Denise Austin prenatal workout dvd that I've had from the library for a while and is due Saturday. I enjoyed it as long as I could ignore Denise's voice. It just bothers me.


Today will be shopping (big grocery store done by myself before DH left for work, Kohls, party store, and Trader Joe's with the kids as soon as we can get going) and baking for DD's birthday party tomorrow. DD and I will probably walk to baseball tonight, but that will be it. Maybe some stretching since my hamstrings are still sore from strawberry picking.

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Yesterday I intended to do C25k w5 d1, but it turns out I did w6 d1 instead. It was a harder workout, but I'm excited because that means that I'm stronger than I think right now!


Today I walked for 65 minutes and did some arm and ab stuff.


I'm trying to do something every day, but it's a little tricky right now, as I have kids at various camps 1-2 hours north and south of us, and I'm doing lots of dropping off and picking up driving.

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Today was yoga day.  I had planned to do Primary, but decided I lacked the energy and went with a feel good flow.  My hips and hamstrings, as well as shoulders and side body are happy. Tonight I will be standing on a pool deck for a couple of hours.  My kids have a swim meet and I'm a stroke judge.  When I get home I will definitely put my feet up on the wall.  


Soror, hope that PT eval goes well and is helpful.  :grouphug:

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Negin, how do you like Bar Method "dancer's body"?  I have super sculpting 1 and 2 and just love them. Is Dancer's body a lot harder?  Or if I have both the super sculpting ones, should I not bother getting Dancer's body?  I keep thinking I want it, but it is supposed to be super difficult and I get scared, lol.



No, it isn't a lot harder at all. If I remember correctly, I think she just talks a bit too fast :lol:.  You should be able to handle this workout, I think. If you love the Super Sculpting ones, you may like this one as well. You may want to look at some reviews and/or

first. The video fitness link - some are not crazy about it. I would say it's nice to have, but not an absolute necessity, if you know what I mean. It's a good barre workout, but not my favorite. 









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Hello all!

So, I am not injured, ya! My one shoulder muscle is weaker than the other, causing the shoulder and the neck pain. It is my right shoulder, funny thing is that I thought it was getting sore because I was using it more to compensate for my other side being weaker but nope. Evidently just that side is prone to winging out, so she gave me some exercises and stretches. My neck already feels better, she says likely I'll have to keep with the exercises on the one side as I'm prone to this happening. I'm guessing it is an issue now because I have worked so heavily on my upper body that the difference in muscles are just amplified that much more.


So, I feel much better about it all. It was getting worse so it was making me feel nervous but now I understand what is going on and we can fix it! I'm going to slow down my movements as well trying to make sure I'm using both sides evenly.


Yesterday- stretches, light yoga, core- 45 min

2 walks with the kids


Today? Dh is home, getting ready for some more yoga and PT stretches.

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OK, still haven't done anything.   Went to PT yesterday and now my neck muscles on the opposite side are kinked up.   Seriously!  I don't know how much more of this I can take. :willy_nilly:


What a pain!  I hope the Physio manages to sort you out.

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OK, still haven't done anything.   Went to PT yesterday and now my neck muscles on the opposite side are kinked up.   Seriously!  I don't know how much more of this I can take. :willy_nilly:

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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3 mile run this morning.  I stood on the pool deck for 4 hrs last night.  When I got home I did about 30 minutes of restorative yoga, but while I felt good when I went to bed, this morning my legs and body were tired.  The run was difficult.  I had hoped for at least 3.5 miles, but 3 was all I could manage.


Soror, Yay!  I'm glad it's a fixable problem and that you're not injured.


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