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Supportive thoughts and prayers for our young people

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It seems to me that over the past few months, many of our members' teens and young adults have suffered some fairly severe health setbacks, either physically, mentally, or both. This time of life is often challenging and stressful without these additional burdens.


Now that dh and I have just returned home after four days at the hospital with one of our children, my thoughts again turn to those of you with young people that are struggling.


May you and your children find good health, emotional wholeness, peace of mind, and joy in the beauty of each and every day.


Oh, and may humor lighten your darker hours.

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I really hope everything was resolved for your child at the hospital, and all is well.


I have parented my share of struggling young people - I try to enjoy smooth waters when I get them. There is much wisdom in your post.

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I am so sorry to hear about your sick one.  I am in the process of trying to wrap my head around my dd's diagnosis of Lyme.  It answers a lot of questions, but raises a lot more.  I spent the entire weekend reading and researching, and the outcome is that I am even more worried.


I hope your young one heals quickly.  It really is hard to see them feeling so bad.  I just want dd to be back to her athletic, smiling, energetic self.  Right now, the illness is making her a completely different person.


It breaks my heart to see the young men and women dealing with this.  Your thoughts are beautiful, timely, and they mean a lot to all of who are dealing with this right now.


Thank you.

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Oh, Lisa :grouphug:


I am waiting for yet another phone call from dd's GI :(


:grouphug: You were one of the moms I was thinking about.  I really hope they can find an answer quickly for your dd. My dd once said she could take a bad answer over no answer at all. At least one could then have a plan. I hope you find a "good" answer soon.


May we be back to laughing about raising "whiplash" children soon. :grouphug:

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Sorry to hear about your child. I hope he or she is doing better! Parenthood never seems to get easier, just more complicated.


It is hard to watch them just want to be like other teenagers but have to really set boundaries as to what they can do. :(


"Yes!" to the bold. Thinking of you and your dd and hoping that she feels better soon. :grouphug:


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Yes, rough time here too.  Enough said.


As a mom, I do what I can.


I wish I could sometimes wave a magic wand and have everything for them be smooth sailing (tears), but that's not how it works.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



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I am so sorry to hear about your sick one.  I am in the process of trying to wrap my head around my dd's diagnosis of Lyme.  It answers a lot of questions, but raises a lot more.  I spent the entire weekend reading and researching, and the outcome is that I am even more worried.


I hope your young one heals quickly.  It really is hard to see them feeling so bad.  I just want dd to be back to her athletic, smiling, energetic self.  Right now, the illness is making her a completely different person.


It breaks my heart to see the young men and women dealing with this.  Your thoughts are beautiful, timely, and they mean a lot to all of who are dealing with this right now.


Thank you.


Leslie, my heart sank when I saw your original post. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  We have had several members with children who've had Lyme disease and it's just tough all the way around. You and your family are definitely in my good thoughts.


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Yes, rough time here too.  Enough said.


As a mom, I do what I can.


I wish I could sometimes wave a magic wand and have everything for them be smooth sailing (tears), but that's not how it works.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


:grouphug: Oh honey, I am so sorry. I know what you mean about the magic wand. We were fortunate enough to have some really wonderful staff at the hospital. When you spend 12 hours a day with someone, you get to talking. I was grateful to two young CNAs, who as a means of comforting me, offered their own stories. They did provide comfort, but also, I could only think that it shouldn't be this difficult for young hearts.


I hope things look up soon for your young one.

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