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Battlebaby and I are home

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And just to tempt my eyes to overspill one more time, when I woke up the morning after delivery and called my mom at my house to give her the details I heard the doorbell ring in the background. She put the phone down to answer it and when she came back she said I had just received flowers from my dh! He set up the delivery before he left on deployment and just "guessed" on the day. He won't be reachable at all for a month (Submarines! Sheesh). I'm looking at a vase of perfect white roses...Seven perfect white roses. I love that man.







That gave me goose bumps! Wow.


Congratulations on baby A.J.! Give him extra squeezes for me.

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It does seem to me that this delivery involved a pouring out of mercy, because I just wasn't emotionally prepared to have a long labor without my dh. I'm tearing up just thinking of the whole event and how well it went.


...a pouring out of mercy for a situation like that.


I've said before that the birth I had to go through without dh was the easiest birthing experience I've ever had. (I actually said to the midwife, when she told me I could push..."Are you sure?!")


I normally don't have anyone present but dh, and the worry of getting kids organized, getting someone to my house to drive me to the birth center, handling my mom being present, etc., was a real weight...but it went so smoothly, it was unbelieveable. And I needed it, so badly.


I'm glad to hear your report, and I'll pray that the remaining time between now and dh's return will be filled with that same mercy.


Thank you so much for your service...our military wouldn't be what it is without good military wives.


God is Good!


Sniff that baby's head once for me!

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I felt prayed for and thought of- It does seem to me that this delivery involved a pouring out of mercy, because I just wasn't emotionally prepared to have a long labor without my dh.


He set up the delivery before he left on deployment and just "guessed" on the day. He won't be reachable at all for a month (Submarines! Sheesh). I'm looking at a vase of perfect white roses...Seven perfect white roses. I love that man.Jo



Wow. That is just perfect.

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Little A.J. arrived on the 2nd of Sept. My biggest yet- 8 lbs 7 oz.


They broke my water at 5cm and I was holding a baby on chest 25 minutes later. :001_huh: I could hardly believe it. NONE of my other deliveries have ever come close to going that fast.


A.J. is healthy...other than the broken blood vessels from the quick arrival.


I felt prayed for and thought of- It does seem to me that this delivery involved a pouring out of mercy, because I just wasn't emotionally prepared to have a long labor without my dh. I'm tearing up just thinking of the whole event and how well it went. So how long can I blame hormones after delivery? ;)


And just to tempt my eyes to overspill one more time, when I woke up the morning after delivery and called my mom at my house to give her the details I heard the doorbell ring in the background. She put the phone down to answer it and when she came back she said I had just received flowers from my dh! He set up the delivery before he left on deployment and just "guessed" on the day. He won't be reachable at all for a month (Submarines! Sheesh). I'm looking at a vase of perfect white roses...Seven perfect white roses. I love that man.







Well, I'm not sure it's hormones, because you have me in tears. God is soooo good. He knew what you needed, didn't He? Bless your heart. Congratulations on that precious new bundle. Praying for a fast recovery.

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Little A.J. arrived on the 2nd of Sept. My biggest yet- 8 lbs 7 oz.


They broke my water at 5cm and I was holding a baby on chest 25 minutes later. :001_huh: I could hardly believe it. NONE of my other deliveries have ever come close to going that fast.


A.J. is healthy...other than the broken blood vessels from the quick arrival.


I felt prayed for and thought of- It does seem to me that this delivery involved a pouring out of mercy, because I just wasn't emotionally prepared to have a long labor without my dh. I'm tearing up just thinking of the whole event and how well it went. So how long can I blame hormones after delivery? ;)


And just to tempt my eyes to overspill one more time, when I woke up the morning after delivery and called my mom at my house to give her the details I heard the doorbell ring in the background. She put the phone down to answer it and when she came back she said I had just received flowers from my dh! He set up the delivery before he left on deployment and just "guessed" on the day. He won't be reachable at all for a month (Submarines! Sheesh). I'm looking at a vase of perfect white roses...Seven perfect white roses. I love that man.







Oh Jo! Congratulations! Welcome little one to the family of WTMers!


I'm thrilled that the delivery went so well for you!

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Congratulations! I am glad your labor went so fast and that you and A.J. are doing well!


My dh missed one of our dc's birth's and one of the benefits (in retrospect) is all of the letters I wrote describing the baby. I wish I had such loving details written for all of my babies.

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Congratulations! I am glad your labor went so fast and that you and A.J. are doing well!


My dh missed one of our dc's birth's and one of the benefits (in retrospect) is all of the letters I wrote describing the baby. I wish I had such loving details written for all of my babies.

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