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Should I get yoga teacher certification? Mid life crisis


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I have been pretty down the last couple of months. I think it's a midlife crisis, to be honest. I run my own business but to be honest, it's not enough for me, mentally--i like to learn new things all the time, change things up. I have been practicing yoga for 24 years and thought it might be fun to get my yoga teacher certification--not necessarily to teach, although I could maybe one class a week but more for me. I wonder if i should do this, or if it's just another way to distract myself from my fundamental unhappiness.

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:grouphug:  Only you can answer that question as to what void it would fill.  I just wanted to say two things...


First, it's never wrong to learn something new, whatever the reason!  If you feel it will give you a boost of challenge and something new, then go for it!


And second, I'm sorry you're going through this.  I'm in a bit of the same boat, trying to figure out what to do with my life.  And it's  not always easy to determine what is best.


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Thanks SunnyDays. I love homeschooling, but that will eventually end. I do enjoy my business (I am an acupuncturist)--i run my own practice part time, but I am cutting back my hours in May to focus more on homeschooling and my spiritual and physical health. I really love yoga and thought the environment, meeting other people, practicing something i enjoy, might be good for me. I don't know if DH will agree--the program requires about 10 Saturdays in a row..

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First of all, hugs. I'm sorry you have been unhappy. ;(

If you were thinking about doing it for the money, I'd advise you to run away. Fitness/yoga instructors do not do it for the money. ;). Since you are doing it for continued learning and a possible path towards more happiness, I say run towards it- after you make sure you are going to a reputable place that shares your values. Yoga training could help improve your outlook on life. It will certainly alter your outlook. One caveat- it can be really time consuming. Most certs require many full weekends do training, lots of reading, studying and team teaching.


Eta- you and I were posting at the same time. Obviously you have already researched it and have seen the time commitment.

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:grouphug:  Only you can answer that question as to what void it would feel.  I just wanted to say two things...


First, it's never wrong to learn something new, whatever the reason!  If you feel it will give you a boost of challenge and something new, then go for it!


And second, I'm sorry you're going through this.  I'm in a bit of the same boat, trying to figure out what to do with my life.  And it's  not always easy to determine what is best.


me too.   and it is hard to figure out what is best. 

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First of all, hugs. I'm sorry you have been unhappy. ;(

If you were thinking about doing it for the money, I'd advise you to run away. Fitness/yoga instructors do not do it for the money. ;). Since you are doing it for continued learning and a possible path towards more happiness, I say run towards it- after you make sure you are going to a reputable place that shares your values. Yoga training could help improve your outlook on life. It will certainly alter your outlook. One caveat- it can be really time consuming. Most certs require many full weekends do training, lots of reading, studying and team teaching.

I wouldn't be doing it for money. My sister is a prominent yoga teacher in NYC and she has trouble paying her bills. I would be doing it for me, and maybe for the enjoyment of teaching a class once in a while. 


And I hear you on the time-consuming. The course I am looking at requires one Wed even and one full Saturday for a number of months. I don't know that i can commit that time.


And then I wonder if this would be just another distraction for me. 

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Why not? I thought about doing the same thing 6 years ago and now I wish I had. There was a program to help military spouses go to school and get certifications. So I could have gotten a yoga certification or an associates degree but not a four year degree. It angered me that it wouldn't cover a 4-year degree so I refused to participate. But when I moved to a small town and there seems to be a shortage of yoga instructors and no one wants a math tutor. :glare:


If it makes you happy, then maybe that is just you being happy- not necessarily a distraction from unhappiness.

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And sorry you are going through something similar. What are your thoughts for yourself?


Well, right now I'm trying to figure out my available time... DS has been in private school this year but may be coming back home full or part time next year. 


I've always wanted to write, and I've actually started a book, but I can't seem to get direction or motivation to really dive into it.  :) 


Beyond that, I feel like I've been in a holding pattern pending a bunch of decisions!!  (School for DS, are we moving, what do I want to be when I grow up... you know, the basics!  :) )

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I went to massage school about 20 years ago.  I have to say it was the most fun of all my schooling.  It was a really healing empowering 6 months....and hey, it included daily massage and yoga. :)   It did not lead to a lasting career, but I don't regret it for one moment.  I would think yoga teacher training would be similar.  I've had friends for many years who have loved Kripalu's program.


As a plus sized woman, I also recently came across yogasteya.com  I cannot tell you how much I love that these women had the courage to attend YTT as plus sized women and now offer this online.


Do it for you! If it speaks to your soul, then there is definitely value in pursuing it!

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If there's nothing major stopping you from doing it then just do it. I have been vacillating too much between one thing and another and am finally learning forcing myself to let go of all the resistance I've been building up. Just signed up for my own first community college class. I've always wanted to become certified in some way for art&design and I hope this will be my first step towards it. :grouphug:  and good luck to all of you guys!

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I have no opinion about the yoga training but I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're feeling unsettled.

have you looked at The Happiness Project by Shawn Anchor?

Or maybe Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live by Martha Beck?

The reason I suggest these is the thing you say about distractions. In the past, I know when I experienced that (& I have & still do this sometimes) it's because deep down I know what I want but for various reasons (oh hello fear!) I've not done it. So I wonder if perhaps what you might need more than this is a couple weeks with a journal & quiet contemplation & a dose of courage... ?

just throwing this out there. Best wishes.


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And I hear you on the time-consuming. The course I am looking at requires one Wed even and one full Saturday for a number of months. I don't know that i can commit that time.


And then I wonder if this would be just another distraction for me. 


Yes, this is what would stop me.  I need my weekends, truly.  Doing that type of thing right now wouldn't work for me.


In the fall I'll be homeschooling only one, and it's looking like my work hours are going to be less than this year.  So I'm thinking about this sort of thing too.  I've got a few feelers out for work, but maybe I just want to enjoy the last few years of homeschooling.


I looked at a few educational options and decided that I really don't want that sort of commitment.


It's fun thinking about the options though!

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I'm considering YTT myself, I had thought about it about 10 or so years ago but I was scared and thought I didn't have enough experience, yada yada. Now, I finally don't have someone nursing and I'm not pregnant and the possibilities are open to pursue something, combined with the fact that my love for yoga has been renewed since this last baby and I'm seriously considering YTT.


Like you I've felt in the midst of figuring out myself for a good while. So, I'm thinking I know I need to do something but is this *the* thing I want to do? I thought about going back for my Masters last year but honestly I don't really want to do the work and would prefer to be home. I've added working with kids and have enjoyed it, alongside outside yoga classes (instead of just at home) but it isn't quite enough. I want to challenge myself a bit in some way, I love the mental and physical challenges of yoga. I like that I will be learning, the program I'm considering focuses heavy on A&P but it isn't full fledged college which I just don't want to do right now, I want to add some challenge but not too much stress, so it needs to be something that isn't super intense.


If I did YTT it would be for me, not for the money because I know the chances of making much of anything at it, especially where I live would be slim to none and I'm not certain if I want to teach. I know I would like to deepen my own knowledge and I greatly enjoy yoga. The program I'm looking at is 1 weekend a month for 10 months, I seen some intensives with a similiar schedule to what you are describing but I know there is no way that would work for me, so it will take longer but it will be less intense for me and the people I need to help with childcare. I can't imagine that there aren't similar options where your located, if the schedule is a big concern.


I am meeting the director of the program week after next. That is the furthest I've got with any of my ideas so far, usually it is confined to gushing to friends, online research and posting. I'm trying to make myself go out of my comfort zone. I'm exploring the possibility of saying yes and seeing how that feels. I'll be doing lots of thinking and praying until my meeting but a lot I'm just going off of how I feel about it, it seems that always works best anyway (it seems when I try to talk myself into or out of something with my analyzing I regret it in some way ymmv of course- I just tend to over think everything). So, I have no idea of what my right answer is or yours but maybe you could talk to your husband, sometimes speaking out loud about something really gets us thinking and feeling about it in another way.


Good luck, with whatever you decide!


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I have no opinion about the yoga training but I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're feeling unsettled.


have you looked at The Happiness Project by Shawn Anchor?


Or maybe Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live by Martha Beck?


The reason I suggest these is the thing you say about distractions. In the past, I know when I experienced that (& I have & still do this sometimes) it's because deep down I know what I want but for various reasons (oh hello fear!) I've not done it. So I wonder if perhaps what you might need more than this is a couple weeks with a journal & quiet contemplation & a dose of courage... ?


just throwing this out there. Best wishes.



I just ordered the Beck book. Thank you for recommending it.


I am in kind of in a funk midlife crisis as well. My DS is in school and I work, but my job is very stressful and really not a good fit for my personality. But it is flexible and I am compensated for my stress. But I am not happy doing most of the work. I think it may be one of the reasons I am overweight - eat to procrastinate, eat for fun, eat for stress.


That said, if you can make it work I think you should pursue the certification. I think when there are things we are passionate about and we can immerse ourselves in them, it opens up other doors that we didn't even know existed. I have friends who this has worked for - I have seen their lives really changed from a seemingly minor addition to their life. A snowball effect.


I have a couple things in mind, but the fear of change is something I am still working on. And whether the whole job thing is just the grass is greener on the other side syndrome of a mid life crisis.


Good luck to you!

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I am also considering (eep) acting classes. There's an acting studio near my house that is offering a 10 week program starting in June. I don't want to be an actor but it might be fun to take classes.


Is there a local community theater? Around here people are performing wonderful plays on the local stage. Some are simply outstanding. You can be a very agile actor with all that yoga...  :lol:


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I am also considering (eep) acting classes. There's an acting studio near my house that is offering a 10 week program starting in June. I don't want to be an actor but it might be fun to take classes.


I'd suggest this over the yoga instruction due to the time commitment right now. Also, you often have to teach x number of hours/month to keep your certification.


I speak from experience, I spent the whole summer working on a certification. I don't want to teach anymore as it cuts into my homeschooling, so I'm going to lose the certification. I don't regret doing it as I learned I can do more than I thought, gained valuable skills, and had the summer time available.

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I am also considering (eep) acting classes. There's an acting studio near my house that is offering a 10 week program starting in June. I don't want to be an actor but it might be fun to take classes.

Dh and I took an Improv class last winter. It was a blast--very much a stretch for both of us.


Jump on taking the yoga teacher training...even if you don't 'use' it to make money, you will be deeper, richer, and way more flexible :) Plus you never know where it will lead. I spent ten years in a writer's group--never sold many of my words, but those people have resulted in nearly a million dollars in RE sales since getting my license. Connections are good.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Halycon -- is there a way to make the yoga an expansion of your acupuncture practice?  Or since you're cutting back on that, are you not looking to really add something?  Just distract...I know that feeling.  I distract myself by going outside these days.  It's free!  :lol:


I've always wanted to write, and I've actually started a book, but I can't seem to get direction or motivation to really dive into it.  :)


SunnyDays -- have you tried NaNoWriMo? Nothing like a time limit and goal to get writing!


I just did this last weekend. Really. It was awesome. If I do teach it will be very sporadic but I wanted to do it.


joyofsix -- did you get certified to teach yoga?

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Do it!


We encourage our kids to explore their interests and discover new ones, why shouldn't we lead by example?

I don't intend to use my PTC professionally, but you never know.


If it is "just" a distraction, what's the negative in that?  Maybe a small distraction will clear your head. Maybe it will turn into something awesome.  Maybe it will be life changing.  At worst, you'll "just" feel fit and healthy.  Oh, no!  :tongue_smilie:

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Halycon, I can really really empathize with that feeling. In fact it was a little weird reading your op! I feel as though I'm always trying to distract myself from the unhappy....and at the same time, I feel so 'stuck', that I want to pursue SOMEthing, ANYthing at times. My newest venture is self education. I gifted myself a few Great Courses lectures from the sale, but I don't even know if I'm competent enough to understand them.😣 I am also considering getting the TWSS DVDs just so I can have more confidence when teaching writing. And. I'd love to take horseback riding lessons. But those are really expensive.

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