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Teen back acne


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I have two teen boys with some pretty significant back acne (pimples).  Their faces are mostly clear apart from their hairlines and the occasional random breakout other places.  Aside from antibiotics, what else can be done?  Would antibiotics for acne really mess up their bacterial mix in their gut?  I only ask because I have had to deal with severe gut issues due to antibiotics in the past and don't want to inflict that nightmare on my kids.



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Would antibiotics for acne really mess up their bacterial mix in their gut?

Yes, antibiotics always cause collateral damage.


DH took Accutane as a teen for his acne. It never cleared up his back acne, although it did clear his face. Over the last two years, we have determined that minimizing fruit intake greatly helps. We discovered this after a month where he went nuts eating banana chips and his back was the worst it had ever been (since I met him).


Recently he's gone nuts with Aldi's toffee chocolate and it's giving him more trouble, although not as much as eating lots of fruit. I suspect, but can't prove, that fructose is the culprit because starchy things don't seem to have the same effect. I imagine that over the next few years we will better determine which foods are causing systemic inflammation that shows up in his skin.

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The no-fail remedy here for back acne has been a clean white t-shirt to sleep in combined with NO SHIRT during the day - preferably outdoors. Going even a couple of days without a shirt really clears up the acne on DS19's back.  I suspect its from not having the material rubbing on the already irritated skin and soaking up oil and sweat.

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I have a routine with ds for this with me washing his back twice daily morning and night with a generic version of neutrogena grapefuit wipes or the mild stridex wipes with aloe in the green box. At night we apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and in am tretinion 0.05% microgel. Also do spot treatment after applying above with salicyclic acid. Also daily showers. At first the tretinion will make the acne worse before it clears and it takes consistency and time of about 8 weeks or more. We do same routine for face. Also, only pea size amount of tretinoin since it is very effective and drying. If needed can apply Ceravase PM lotion to area and let soak in for 10 minutes and then apply medicine. Also, do not apply anything till after skin dries thoroughly about 10 to 15 minutes after washing.

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Ds had terrible backne, esp on the shoulders.


He used an antibiotic combo cream that helped, and showered daily with Dove soap (the bar is mild and our Dr recommended it).

What really seemed to help with the above was putting milk of magnesia on it at night.

He did that at college, and it cleared it. It probably could have been catagorized as cystic acne, it was so bad. He still has a little scarring (no pitting, but discoloration). He keeps it very clean now and continues to just use Dove.

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I developed a severe problem at age 17 . I got a severe burn (couldn't move, couldn't wear undergarments, some blistering, then peeling for days and days) and it never came back. Of course this is probably the worst way to deal with it and probably has long term consequences (that was over 30 years ago). Thankfully, my older two dc don't seem to have these problems. 

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Have they tried using a radically different shampoo/conditioner, or even no-poo?


I mention it because there's some chemical commonly found in personal care products that makes me break out. When I was a teen spending too much money at CVS trying to become glamorous I had terrible backne and other break outs. And I still get it if I'm not careful.


My "beauty" routine now days is very, very plain, and my skin is much better.

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Have they tried using a radically different shampoo/conditioner, or even no-poo?


I mention it because there's some chemical commonly found in personal care products that makes me break out. When I was a teen spending too much money at CVS trying to become glamorous I had terrible backne and other break outs. And I still get it if I'm not careful.


My "beauty" routine now days is very, very plain, and my skin is much better.

I have found this to be true as well.  Any time I use commercial shampoo/conditioners my back and hairline break out.  

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Have they tried using a radically different shampoo/conditioner, or even no-poo?


I mention it because there's some chemical commonly found in personal care products that makes me break out. When I was a teen spending too much money at CVS trying to become glamorous I had terrible backne and other break outs. And I still get it if I'm not careful.


My "beauty" routine now days is very, very plain, and my skin is much better.


Yes, this was going to be my suggestion as well.

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