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Pregnant-friendly suggestions to relieve a sore throat?


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I don't own any oils.


I've had a stupid cold for 10 days or so. I've seen the doctor. It's just taking me forever to get over the dumb thing. And I'm so sick of the dry and sore throat. I can't breathe well through my nose so it's aggravated by that. Besides salt water and some warm tea with honey, anyone have any tried and true sore throat recipes?

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I use topical throat sprays that numb. They're not natural, but they're harmless during pregnancy. I've had to use them with each of my pregnancies except one where I didn't get sick the whole time, and my kids are only slightly weird :)

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I use topical throat sprays that numb. They're not natural, but they're harmless during pregnancy. I've had to use them with each of my pregnancies except one where I didn't get sick the whole time, and my kids are only slightly weird :)

My husband suggested this, but I'm having the Return of Morning Sickness that hits in the third tri and I'm not sure I wouldn't vomit afterwards. :(

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I'm not pregnant, but this winter when I had sore throats or dry throats that wouldn't get better I ran my humidifier when I slept.  Some days I ran it in the room I was sitting in. It helped a lot compared to the nights I slept without it.


Spoonful of honey?


Slice or shred some fresh ginger and put it in the hot water to drink.


Short naps throughout the day (at least one?) helped my throat feel better; I noticed it didn't bother me as much when I woke up from sleep. (maybe because I had that humidifier running!)  But seriously, you probably need a nap to help your body get better especially since you're pregnant.

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In The Netherlands they eat licorice to help with sore throat (and just as candy as well). It's pretty harmless, although since it's candy it's not good for your teeth. Also, if I remember correctly it can increase your blood pressure if you eat a pound of it a day. Not that I'd recommend eating a pound of it a day. Just mentioning that because some pregnant people get high blood pressure during their pregnancy, so if you have that this may not be the best choice for sore throats during pregnancy (my blood pressure stayed on the low side while pregnant though, but then and again, my latest blood pressure measurement (not pregnant) was like 98/60).

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Gargle with alcohol (listerine, vodka, or other alcohol, just spit it out & you'll be fine).


Hot toddy (the hot tea makes most of the alcohol evaporate, but there's still some, so I'd try to limit that to once or twice a day).


Chai tea (black tea with plenty of cinnamon and ginger - natural antibiotics and antinflammatories)


Eat something salty and crunchy in texture if the sore throat is due to post nasal drip (my favorites were Funions or Cheddar & Sour Cream Ruffles).


Honey - by the spoonful OR make "lozenges" by freezing drops of honey on waxed paper.




Any hard candy


Gargle with hot salt water if it doesn't nauseate you.

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Traditional Medicinals has a sore throat tea that is very effective. Licorice root really helps as does marshmallow root or slippery elm bark for helping to coat and sooth the throat. I don't care for the licorice taste but still drink it because it is effective.

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The spoonful of honey saved me one time when I was pregnant.  My throat was really inflamed and I couldn't take ibuprofen like I usually would, so a swallowed a spoonful of honey and it made a huge difference.  It didn't really work for me to drink it with hot water. I had to eat it straight.  I think making your own blobs of honey is a great idea.

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