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Braces for kids #2 and 4 are not cosmetic.  They both have structural issues.  Little dd has a jaw abnormality that can likely be corrected with braces so she won't need surgery.  Ds15....well, when the orthodontist who has practiced 40 years saw his x-rays, he said, "I like a challenge".  He would not have had a functional mouth or teeth without them.




Ds's problems aren't cosmetic either.  But he is happy with his mouth and despite it not being strictly cosmetic, he is not in pain or anything and can eat.  It was a decision that he had a big part of. 

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Friends, my body is a hot mess.  I have clawed my legs because they itch and left many fingertip bruises.  Plus, my ankle and knee that is bunged up as a result of ankle.  I look like the victim of a grisly assault.  Also, I now have petechiae* on my arms due to clawing.




*I have to look up the spelling of this every.single.time.

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Many thanks for the encouragement folks!  (Do we have any guys here...or am I safe to say, "ladies"?)  


DD had a better math day today.  I showed her a different way to look at multiple digit multiplication, AND we discussed the multiples of 10 shortcuts.  No tears...no angry Mommy...no frustrated and scared-looking DD (:-( ).  Today was a win.  


Her situation is so hard.  My husband is severely dyslexic, probably dyscalculic (but was a rule-out on that pending further testing which never happened).  She has spatial integration issues, some developmental vision issues, which have been addressed.  And, she is allegedly ADHD (minus the H).  I question that label because she isn't really that distracted, overall.  I mean...she is...but I wouldn't consider her to be clinically distracted, if ykwim.  


On top of it all..there's little brother, 11 months younger...and he's math-advanced.  He's not gifted...not like some of the mathy kids I see on these boards.  But he'd easily be near the top of his class if he was enrolled...if not the top (because...small town).  He just GETS math intuitively.  Always has.  He easily makes conceptual leaps, generalizes very well, etc.  


That was hard enough for DD, when her little brother soared right on past her a few years ago.  NOW...here comes the next two little brothers and they are also beginning to surpass her.  


Despite our best intentions and discussions about how everybody is gifted differently, etc etc...she has lately started pointing out how it's not fair that C is "soooo good at math" and how she "hates her brain" because she can't figure out math.  I NEVER wanted her to have this kind of experience.  But here we are.  


I may take a look at CLE and see if it might be a good fit for her. I hate to curriculum hop...because truly, we did enough of that in the beginning.  Singapore...Horizons, Jump, etc.  But I'm just not sure MUS going forward is going to work for her.  



I sound like a commercial for CLE.  I was a Singapore proponent for about 8 years until little dd cried every day and didn't understand it.  It was great for my boys.  Little dd is not dyscalculic (IMO) but she is heavily humanities-gifted, as is her mama.  I pulled her out of SM 4A a couple of months into this school year and put her into CLE 3 to back up and review.  I hate Saxon.  I love CLE.  It is the perfect balance of new material, drill, and review.  And the little "light units" are small, approachable, lightweight worktexts.  


I still love Singapore, and I owe Singapore for a conceptual understanding of math for myself and for a great foundation for my mathy boys.  But CLE is it for little dd.  I will ride that wave until I can outsource her math to a qualified professional like Jann.  

Actually, I had a similar experience with Singapore with my middle DS last year.  He had done well in Kindergarten but taaaaaanked so hard in 1st grade.  To the point where I started to wonder if I had perhaps missed some flags in his development and maybe I should have him tested (because LDs run in the family).  There were some key differences, though...and I thought perhaps his struggles might have more to do with 1:1 student teacher anxiety (because that's him all the way) and maturity.  So I decided to shelve Singapore 1 last year...pull out MUS Alpha and then half of Beta for the remainder of the year and summer...and then combine him with littlest DS for Singapore 1 for this current year.  


Worked like a charm.  He is not the most math-intuitive child...but he is doing so.much.better.  





My college honor roll in science/poss minor in maths kid - I wouldn't bet on her to give a correct times table answer. Esp in the 7s & 8s. 

Ds at home is the same.  I'm with Critterfixer. The chart was up on the wall & it was in their binder in the plastic pocket. 

Sweetpea - how about if you put the books away & play store.  Get money, get a good toy (or refurbished real from a business store) cash register and play store.  I want to buy one apple. No wait, two. No wait, I want a pie so I will take 6. How much will that be? 

Also spend time rolling coins. Offer the kids a trade in on all the loose coins they find in the car & couch  - ie. find all the nickles and dimes and I'll trade you it for larger denominations.  What 4 'tens' is will become much more real, kwim? 

Also a good balance scale, the one with all the little 1 g and 5 g and 10 g little weights. I'd prescribe weighing beads or beans etc (or just weighing the weights against other weights on the other side).  

And somewhere here I have a book written by a math PhD in which she admits that she was very late to memorize her times table.... 

I wish stuff like this worked for DD, but...it just doesn't.  She blanks.  She does not have the cognitive flexibility to do any kind of number manipulation beyond the very most basic.  Not unless it's written out in front of her.  




I have a kid with dyscalculia. We're working on memorization through Ronit Bird's materials.  We haven't had a good breakthrough yet, but it's our best hope. Public school (when we consulted with them), said just to hand the kid a calculator and move on. We may get to that point this year.

Dr. Bird's materials have long been on my horizon, but I'm just not convinced it will make a difference.  I want to see the materials in person before I commit financially and....thus far...I have not found local sources (ie, library).  


DD doesn't actually struggle with subitization.  And she actually is pretty good are relating the symbol with the quantity.  But she cannot relate the quantities to each other.  


I almost think her difficulties are more with reasoning than with actual number symbols themselves.  


Re: Calculator.  I'm going to discuss this with her IESP team next week.  If she can use a calculator on her standardized tests, than I won't be quite as concerned.  It's generally accepted at the higher levels that a student with dyscalculia is going to NEED to use a calculator for calculations.  Because the mental process required for calculating, plus thinking about the problem, keeping the steps in order, etc...is too much for a dyscalculic.  




I've been coffeed. I like the pillows. They're not worth the $100 they cost when they first came out, but they're nice. Normally I wake up because I'm uncomfortable and have to adjust my pillows but I didn't last night. The kids like theirs too.



You are a commercial for CLE. I have probably looked at it 4 times because of you.


Math makes me sad because we have such high expectations and people become upset when those expectations aren't met. What do you mean your kid is 9 and can't do long division!? I mean my kid is 9 and can't do long division. Go away. I don't even know if that is a ridiculous goal for a 9 year old, I just know adults are insane with math. My old homeschool friend that I don't talk to anymore was upset because her 3rd grader was not on track to complete calculus by the end of high school. She had her doing 1 MUS and 1 TT lesson a day so she had understanding and review. The child *hated* it. It just hurt to watch.


This makes me sad, too.  Because you know what...not everybody thinks mathematically, kwim?  



I agree with you that expectations not being met is a sad thing. That said, it often isn't the parent that is setting the expectations. I've yet to meet a curriculum that didn't expect certain milestones to be met before moving on to another thing. Even CLE, as gentle and plodding as it can be, expects certain things to have occurred in a certain time frame. Aside from telling the teacher to try this or that, there isn't a lot of help in a curriculum for a child who just isn't getting it according to the standard set by the curriculum.

I despise standardized testing for math. Happiest day of my life when I found out that they couldn't yank my kids out of homeschooling because their math scores weren't right up there. We will be doing it, because testing is a part of life whether I like it or not, but rewarding speed in math just seems wrong to me.


I despise standardized testing...period.  


I was actually an awesome standardized test taker.  I scored MUCH higher than my actual ability...just because I was good at reading the questions' intent and weeding out the wrong answers.  I know folks that were much more able, academically, than their test scores would seem to indicate.  


They are not a good indicator of performance, imo.  And I loathe that we are mandated to subject our kids to them.  And that my kids CAN be pulled out of homeschooling if they don't perform well enough (it would be rare...and difficult, but it can be done).  





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It's also Teaching the Classics.  Adam Andrews DVD program (for teachers but can be used with students, too).




We hate, hate, hated IEW for writing.  As in, shoot-me-now-lest-I-gouge-out-my-own-eyes hate.  Given the depth of the loathing, I would be hesitant to try anything else from them.  (I think this is similar to the Saxon Divide.  It's a love/hate thing.  Individual mileage varies substantially.)

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Friends, my body is a hot mess.  I have clawed my legs because they itch and left many fingertip bruises.  Plus, my ankle and knee that is bunged up as a result of ankle.  I look like the victim of a grisly assault.  Also, I now have petechiae* on my arms due to clawing.




*I have to look up the spelling of this every.single.time.


Calamine lotion.



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Medical expert theory on my rash:


I have decided it is not poison ivy.  It is also not bugs of any type.  So that leaves medication/food allergies, contact allergy, or a viral rash.  I lean towards a viral rash, as it is systemically spread from my torso slowly down both arms and legs.  Very slowly.  The original spot is mostly resolved and mostly doesn't itch.  This process takes about two weeks for each affected spot.  The rash has worked its way to my wrists and ankles so I think it is almost done.  My prediction is a six week course, self-limiting.  No, I'm not going to the doctor.  I have despaired of doctors helping me and have taken matters into my own hands...or fingernails.


I know you have all been wondering what the prognosis and correct diagnosis were so there ya go. 





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Friends, my body is a hot mess.  I have clawed my legs because they itch and left many fingertip bruises.  Plus, my ankle and knee that is bunged up as a result of ankle.  I look like the victim of a grisly assault.  Also, I now have petechiae* on my arms due to clawing.




*I have to look up the spelling of this every.single.time.


What is Jean not supposed to say?  Because if it's "perhaps you might want to go back to the doctor, Tex" then I won't say it either.

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We hate, hate, hated IEW for writing.  As in, shoot-me-now-lest-I-gouge-out-my-own-eyes hate.  Given the depth of the loathing, I would be hesitant to try anything else from them.  (I think this is similar to the Saxon Divide.  It's a love/hate thing.  Individual mileage varies substantially.)

No, not IEW.  Literature analysis.  Gorgeous, beautiful, classical and done by adorable, bearded (married) Adam Andrews.  You need to get the DVDs.  Trust me.  You do.  I am not an IEW fan, either, and I love TTC, The Elegant Essay, and many other programs which are PUBLISHED by IEW but have no real connection to the writing program.


Remember that a parent put her kid in my class because she thought it was an IEW writing class?  And it was not.  Not even close.

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What is Jean not supposed to say?  Because if it's "perhaps you might want to go back to the doctor, Tex" then I won't say it either.

She bothers me constantly to put calamine on it, but that stuff is weird and cold and I don't like it.  So there.  


And she already said it because she is bossy.


Jean knows that doctors cannot help me and it is all in the hands of God now. :leaving:

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Your body is creating immune havoc for you. You are allowed to hate it.


I am willing to bet that if it was merely a question of silhouette you could find a way to appreciate it. If I were in pain I'd hate my body too.  :grouphug:


Also, clothes are not well made. Have you considered buying a couple nice pieces and having them tailored? They can tailor for flattery.


I hate my silhouette!  I've been on Sparkpeople for 8 years now.  I track my food and exercise.  My doctor is assisting me.  I'm still not losing weight.  I am hampered by my physical limitations for one thing. 

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Before I take my torn and battered self out into the world, I will say that my plantar faciitis and my sprained ankle are doing battle, and the ankle is winning.  Sigh.  It is a conflicting footwear situation.  Also, I took ibuprofen due to ache in ankle and need to walk today to do errands related to child.

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And get thee back to the doctor, Tex.



There is no help for me, though!  No one can even diagnose me.


I did look up fatal skin rashes, and I don't have any of those so I choose to diagnose it as self-limiting, non contagious, and now I wait...and scratch.

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There is no help for me, though!  No one can even diagnose me.


Let me let you in on a doctor secret about rashes. All rashes look the same. Seriously. A great deal of rash treatment has to do with finding out what does work and what doesn't work to resolve it. Diagnosing does sometimes come from response to therapy.

Which can't be assessed if the patient doesn't come back....





ETA: And try the Sarna if you don't like Calamine. 

I've been wondering if you are sensitive to something that your gut kneading cat is tracking in on her feet, like fragrance from the litter box, but I'm only a critterfixer, not a humanfixer.



Edited by Critterfixer
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I'm hungry and too sick to make food. I've gone to the kitchen like 4 times to try to make myself something to eat. I vomited stomach bile at 6 something. It's now 11:30 and I still haven't eaten. Will someone come make me a sandwich? The poor baby must be starving.



Eta: I've had coffee and some peanuts. I just want *food*. Something that has to cook with more than one ingredient.

Edited by Slache
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Both boys are going to need braces. I needed them, but never got them. DH needed them very badly, and got them. So I know where all the money from selling my book is going to go... :glare:

My boys both have perfect teeth, with maybe slight overbite. The girls on the other hand...misaligned jaws, shark teeth, and overbites to make a donkey envious.

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Friends, my body is a hot mess.  I have clawed my legs because they itch and left many fingertip bruises.  Plus, my ankle and knee that is bunged up as a result of ankle.  I look like the victim of a grisly assault.  Also, I now have petechiae* on my arms due to clawing.




*I have to look up the spelling of this every.single.time.

We need to find the duct tape because Tex has no self-control.

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I'm hungry and too sick to make food. I've gone to the kitchen like 4 times to try to make myself something to eat. I vomited stomach bile at 6 something. It's now 11:30 and I still haven't eaten. Will someone come make me a sandwich? The poor baby must be starving.


I'll make you an egg sandwich on GF bread, if that would do.  :grouphug:

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Many thanks for the encouragement folks!  (Do we have any guys here...or am I safe to say, "ladies"?)  


DD had a better math day today.  I showed her a different way to look at multiple digit multiplication, AND we discussed the multiples of 10 shortcuts.  No tears...no angry Mommy...no frustrated and scared-looking DD (:-( ).  Today was a win.  


Her situation is so hard.  My husband is severely dyslexic, probably dyscalculic (but was a rule-out on that pending further testing which never happened).  She has spatial integration issues, some developmental vision issues, which have been addressed.  And, she is allegedly ADHD (minus the H).  I question that label because she isn't really that distracted, overall.  I mean...she is...but I wouldn't consider her to be clinically distracted, if ykwim.  


On top of it all..there's little brother, 11 months younger...and he's math-advanced.  He's not gifted...not like some of the mathy kids I see on these boards.  But he'd easily be near the top of his class if he was enrolled...if not the top (because...small town).  He just GETS math intuitively.  Always has.  He easily makes conceptual leaps, generalizes very well, etc.  


That was hard enough for DD, when her little brother soared right on past her a few years ago.  NOW...here comes the next two little brothers and they are also beginning to surpass her.  


Despite our best intentions and discussions about how everybody is gifted differently, etc etc...she has lately started pointing out how it's not fair that C is "soooo good at math" and how she "hates her brain" because she can't figure out math.  I NEVER wanted her to have this kind of experience.  But here we are.  


I may take a look at CLE and see if it might be a good fit for her. I hate to curriculum hop...because truly, we did enough of that in the beginning.  Singapore...Horizons, Jump, etc.  But I'm just not sure MUS going forward is going to work for her.  



Actually, I had a similar experience with Singapore with my middle DS last year.  He had done well in Kindergarten but taaaaaanked so hard in 1st grade.  To the point where I started to wonder if I had perhaps missed some flags in his development and maybe I should have him tested (because LDs run in the family).  There were some key differences, though...and I thought perhaps his struggles might have more to do with 1:1 student teacher anxiety (because that's him all the way) and maturity.  So I decided to shelve Singapore 1 last year...pull out MUS Alpha and then half of Beta for the remainder of the year and summer...and then combine him with littlest DS for Singapore 1 for this current year.  


Worked like a charm.  He is not the most math-intuitive child...but he is doing so.much.better.  





I wish stuff like this worked for DD, but...it just doesn't.  She blanks.  She does not have the cognitive flexibility to do any kind of number manipulation beyond the very most basic.  Not unless it's written out in front of her.  




Dr. Bird's materials have long been on my horizon, but I'm just not convinced it will make a difference.  I want to see the materials in person before I commit financially and....thus far...I have not found local sources (ie, library).  


DD doesn't actually struggle with subitization.  And she actually is pretty good are relating the symbol with the quantity.  But she cannot relate the quantities to each other.  


I almost think her difficulties are more with reasoning than with actual number symbols themselves.  


Re: Calculator.  I'm going to discuss this with her IESP team next week.  If she can use a calculator on her standardized tests, than I won't be quite as concerned.  It's generally accepted at the higher levels that a student with dyscalculia is going to NEED to use a calculator for calculations.  Because the mental process required for calculating, plus thinking about the problem, keeping the steps in order, etc...is too much for a dyscalculic.  





This makes me sad, too.  Because you know what...not everybody thinks mathematically, kwim?  




I despise standardized testing...period.  


I was actually an awesome standardized test taker.  I scored MUCH higher than my actual ability...just because I was good at reading the questions' intent and weeding out the wrong answers.  I know folks that were much more able, academically, than their test scores would seem to indicate.  


They are not a good indicator of performance, imo.  And I loathe that we are mandated to subject our kids to them.  And that my kids CAN be pulled out of homeschooling if they don't perform well enough (it would be rare...and difficult, but it can be done).  

Ronit Bird has a ton of stuff in e-books. They are quite good. She has a number of games on her website as well.  I would love to chat dyscalculia and more later when I have more time. Remind me of this conversation; my kiddo and yours sound a bit alike.

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That's why I got rid of The Iron Peacock and some of the history extras.  Because FINE ARTS YEAR, yo, and it will take away one day of academics.  But fifth grade only happens once.


Tex is going to test drive 5th grade for me and then send me all her plans. :)

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Let me let you in on a doctor secret about rashes. All rashes look the same. Seriously. A great deal of rash treatment has to do with finding out what does work and what doesn't work to resolve it. Diagnosing does sometimes come from response to therapy.

Which can't be assessed if the patient doesn't come back....





ETA: And try the Sarna if you don't like Calamine. 

I've been wondering if you are sensitive to something that your gut kneading cat is tracking in on her feet, like fragrance from the litter box, but I'm only a critterfixer, not a humanfixer.



(((Tex)))  Please go back to the doctor.  For the rash and the ankle.  

Y'all are ganging up on me!  No fair!


Here's my thinking...btw, the ankle is healing as expected.  It will just take time because it involves ligaments.  


Exhibit A:  The doc (P.A.) did not know what it was.  She essentially threw prednisone at it because it helps most things unless you have bugs and then not so much.  I concurred with her approach because I knew it was mysterious.  She did not tell me to return.  She told me if the prednisone didn't help, maybe it is scabies and I would need a different treatment.  But it did so it's not.  So essentially, she has done what she could for me.  I accept and appreciate this.  I am not disappointed in the medical care or treatment I received.


Exhibit B:  I (and the P.A.) are both 99.99% sure that I do not have a fatal condition.  Therefore, it will improve.  It is actually getting better, just very slowly.  The main issue is probably secondary infection from me scratching myself, but I am made of stout stuff so that is unlikely.


Exhibit C:  I am unwilling to take more prednisone, which would be the likely outcome of a visit to a medical professional.  This appears to be a systemic problem and it needs a systemic treatment, unless there is no real treatment, which appears to be the case.  


Bottom line:  If I felt that a doctor could help me with any of my problems, I would seek medical help.  But I don't want to take two hours and spend $84 to hear, "Well, that's weird.  I don't know what it is, but you are not going to die.  Do you want to see a dermatologist?  Do you want some more prednisone?"  The answer to the two questions is no.  So it kind of doesn't matter what it is if there is nothing that can be done about it, it won't kill me, it will eventually go away, and I don't want any treatment or specialists.  


And yes, I am really stubborn.  Always been that way.  You're welcome.  :D



We need to find the duct tape because Tex has no self-control.


I know, right???

Tex--my kids are prone to this rash, particularly in the spring.  A patch on the torso spreading to limbs is the pattern.


That was actually my top contender, though mine would be in the "atypical" category because it is really just small red bumps spread in a diffuse pattern.

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Medical expert theory on my rash:


I have decided it is not poison ivy.  It is also not bugs of any type.  So that leaves medication/food allergies, contact allergy, or a viral rash.  I lean towards a viral rash, as it is systemically spread from my torso slowly down both arms and legs.  Very slowly.  The original spot is mostly resolved and mostly doesn't itch.  This process takes about two weeks for each affected spot.  The rash has worked its way to my wrists and ankles so I think it is almost done.  My prediction is a six week course, self-limiting.  No, I'm not going to the doctor.  I have despaired of doctors helping me and have taken matters into my own hands...or fingernails.


I know you have all been wondering what the prognosis and correct diagnosis were so there ya go. 






When I get poison, it spreads to my whole body.  One little area and I end up with it all over my body, even if I have showered and washed/cleaned everything around me. Everyone tells me that's not true/can't happen, but it does.  I have to slather myself with witch hazel and go on steroids every time.  It sucks.  But I haven't really gotten it since I stopped working in the garden center.  Go figure.

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Did I tell y'all that I checked the trunk of my car before leaving Open Gym last night because I wasn't going to be fooled by any fugitives hiding in there and riding home with me.  I've seen too many horror movies to be fooled by that trick.


Spoke at length with the odd father today regarding an issue that his car has.  He thought I might need to come get him at 8 am 20 minutes away and take him home, then drive home, then come get him in a couple of hours and drive him back to get his car.   :huh:  I gave up 8 am a long time ago when I quit my stupid job.  Also, he says that the people who inspected his car charged him more than the $19.90 allowable by state law.  In fact, they wanted $26.  When I asked him how long the repair would take, he didn't know.  When I asked him to call and ask, he didn't have the phone number because the phone books were out on the back porch.  I volunteered to get the phone number for him, but I was at the orthodontist with little dd and could not get it right away.  He said by the time I got done with all of that he would be finished cutting the fat off of his pork and could look up the number so that is how we left it.  Then he called back and decided that it seemed that the repair was short enough such that making me drive back and forth at dark thirty in the morning forty times would not be any good, and I felt like I had dodged a bullet there, I don't mind saying.

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When I get poison, it spreads to my whole body.  One little area and I end up with it all over my body, even if I have showered and washed/cleaned everything around me. Everyone tells me that's not true/can't happen, but it does.  I have to slather myself with witch hazel and go on steroids every time.  It sucks.  But I haven't really gotten it since I stopped working in the garden center.  Go figure.

Dh says that it should be going away since I overdosed on prednisone and all.  I did take a lot for a long time.  It did help.  But it continues to spread some.  

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When I get poison, it spreads to my whole body.  One little area and I end up with it all over my body, even if I have showered and washed/cleaned everything around me. Everyone tells me that's not true/can't happen, but it does.  I have to slather myself with witch hazel and go on steroids every time.  It sucks.  But I haven't really gotten it since I stopped working in the garden center.  Go figure.


I had a similar thing in that contact dermatitis from for ex a new face creme would show up as a raised welts on my arms or chest. Took FOR.EVER. to figure this out because I'd be looking at things like detergent or viral etc & it didn't occur to me that the skin response would be somewhere else. 


The skin is one crazy organ though. 

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Dh says that it should be going away since I overdosed on prednisone and all.  I did take a lot for a long time.  It did help.  But it continues to spread some.  


Is it just red and bumpy, or does it puss?  No puss, no poison I always thought.  (I ask, because witch hazel helped to dry out my poison.  Calamine just caused it to spread to whatever area the calamine was touching.)



Ewwwwwww, a puss-filled poison bump BOOYAH!









Edited because you all are dirty. :lol:

Edited by ikslo
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I know, right???

That was actually my top contender, though mine would be in the "atypical" category because it is really just small red bumps spread in a diffuse pattern.



Wait, do you have tinea versicolor?


The solution to that is to wash yourself with Head and Shoulders morning and night. Anti-fungal creams also work.


You get it (usually) from swimming in stanky ponds or being exposed to water that has bacteria and/or fungus in it.


Like open gym...?

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Is it just red and bumpy, or does it puss?  No puss, no poison I always thought.  (I ask, because witch hazel helped to dry out my poison.  Calamine just caused it to spread to whatever area the calamine was touching.)



Ewwwwwww, a pussy poison BOOYAH!


A couple of the bumps looked slightly pus-filled at the beginning, but most of them are just small, raised, red bumps which occur in a diffuse pattern slowly spreading from my torso outward.  

Wait, do you have tinea versicolor?


The solution to that is to wash yourself with Head and Shoulders morning and night. Anti-fungal creams also work.


You get it (usually) from swimming in stanky ponds or being exposed to water that has bacteria and/or fungus in it.


Like open gym...?

No, it's not this.  Not fungal.  No swimming at open gym, just watching boys and men play bball.

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