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I have never seen Blade Runner. I had to google it. :leaving:


Is it good? I mean, in an early 80s kind of way. :D

I thought it was fairly awful. Very little discernible plot. Characters were pretty flat; the acting was sad. But it's a cult classic, so what do I know? :D

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We made it through the first dinosaur movie last night. He bought the whole sequence of movies, so we "get" to watch "the Lost World" next.

If it makes you feel any better, the movies all have the same plot. So you've basically seen all of them now.


I like the Jurassic film scores.

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Watched the movie "The Judge" with Robert Duvall and Robert Downey, Jr. and really enjoyed it last night (with dh).  I never realized how hot RD,Jr. is. :leaving:  How did I never notice this before? :confused1:


I slept weird, but I am only on 10 mg of prednisone now.  One more day. Rash still itches, but it is fading.  My wrist hurts.  I made turkey meatballs and veggies for lunch.  The house is mostly in order.


Talking to the odd father about sending Cousin Robert a gift card for his marriage while dh and the cat share my lap.  I am running out of lap.


Iron Man.  :001_tt1:


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The boys are finishing up school for the day. I think we are going to go for a drive out to the mountains this afternoon. Hopefully that will jump start my imagination, which has been somewhat bogged down in the doldrums of the mundane.

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Iron Man.  :001_tt1:


I never saw this.  Maybe I should.  (I don't think so, anyway....I never remember when I have seen movies.)  Why does he have to be so short?  This eliminates him as a marriage prospect.  Well, that, and so many other things.  

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Watched the movie "The Judge" with Robert Duvall and Robert Downey, Jr. and really enjoyed it last night (with dh). I never realized how hot RD,Jr. is. :leaving: How did I never notice this before? :confused1:



I think RD Jr is one of those guys who


a) Has gotten more attractive as he's aged (and sobered up)




b) Looks very different from day to day, role to role.




Like Hugh Jackman, who is adorable and VERY attractive as Wolverine. But not so much in other roles.

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I think RD Jr is one of those guys who


a) Has gotten more attractive as he's aged (and sobered up)




b) Looks very different from day to day, role to role.




Like Hugh Jackman, who is adorable and VERY attractive as Wolverine. But not so much in other roles.

Yes, he has aged very well.


I am old enough to remember him in "Less than Zero", which, in retrospect, was prescient for his own life.

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I think RD Jr is one of those guys who


a) Has gotten more attractive as he's aged (and sobered up)




b) Looks very different from day to day, role to role.




Like Hugh Jackman, who is adorable and VERY attractive as Wolverine. But not so much in other roles.



Yes, he has aged very well.


I am old enough to remember him in "Less than Zero", which, in retrospect, was prescient for his own life.

Yes, I always think of that too. 


Also in the category of "super hot but just in this role" is Viggo Mortensen in Lord of the Rings.  


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I have heard that horizontally, height matters much less....



I have a thing for Tom Cruise. I know, I know. I can't help it.


I love Ironman. RD Jr has matured wonderfully.

Also liked him in the Sherlock.


Yes to Hugh Jackman.


I see your Viggo and I raise you to Richard Armitage - but not in LOTR


I have a tumblr account ostensibly to follow study trends but mostly I follow people who post gifs of actors. I don't know how that happened.






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I have heard that horizontally, height matters much less....



I have a thing for Tom Cruise. I know, I know. I can't help it.


I love Ironman. RD Jr has matured wonderfully.

Also liked him in the Sherlock.


Yes to Hugh Jackman.


I see your Viggo and I raise you to Richard Armitage - but not in LOTR


I have a tumblr account ostensibly to follow study trends but mostly I follow people who post gifs of actors. I don't know how that happened.






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It's okay.  Tom Cruise does it for me, too.  Short dudes, all....


It's nice being middle aged and married and to be able to say to your husband about RD,Jr. , "He's really good looking.  I don't think I ever noticed quite how much before. Is that bad?"  And he says, "Nah."


RD, Jr. seems very smart, too, and smart is the new sexy.  Oh wait, smart was always the sexy.

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I think RD Jr is one of those guys who

a) Has gotten more attractive as he's aged (and sobered up)


b) Looks very different from day to day, role to role.

Like Hugh Jackman, who is adorable and VERY attractive as Wolverine. But not so much in other roles.


I've always thought he was cute, but when he was in his downward spiral, he was really not attractive. I liked Hugh Jackman in .... Uh...the tear jerker movie of a couple years ago....Les Mis. I liked him a lot in that one.


Also in the category of "super hot but just in this role" is Viggo Mortensen in Lord of the Rings.


No kidding. I had a major crush on him in that movie and then I saw other pictures of him later and all that and I'm thinking, "Seriously? Seriously? That's him?"
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Although I have to say the one guy I have been "faithful" to for the last 40 years in all movies and everything is.... Harrison Ford. He has never let me down!

Oh my yes.


Did you see the photo Carlos Santana posted? And there have been so many neat behind the scenes photos from the old SW filming... My dd is a big fan so a large chunk of her tumblr is Harrison.



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Back from the recital. The kids did well and I survived.


The blessed co-op director, however, thought it would be appropriate to schedule all the wind players in the first half of the recital, and then half-way through when they were all done, have them LEAVE the recital to have a rehearsal in another room for another event. What kind of @%#$& idiot does that? And before sending them out, she decided to hold a big group photo. Right before ds was supposed to play his cello piece.


Only 4 more weeks and then we are rid of her.

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I've got a secret, and I cannot tell you until after April 19.


That is all.

This is very wrong.  I don't have patience with secrets.  Are you starring opposite RD, Jr. in a movie???


Although I have to say the one guy I have been "faithful" to for the last 40 years in all movies and everything is.... Harrison Ford. He has never let me down!


Such a sweet guy, too.

Back from the recital. The kids did well and I survived.


The blessed co-op director, however, thought it would be appropriate to schedule all the wind players in the first half of the recital, and then half-way through when they were all done, have them LEAVE the recital to have a rehearsal in another room for another event. What kind of @%#$& idiot does that? And before sending them out, she decided to hold a big group photo. Right before ds was supposed to play his cello piece.


Only 4 more weeks and then we are rid of her.

No one in the history of the world ever did this before.  She is an idiot.

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How about actors that are not necessarily physically attractive but have a very attractive personality?


Owen Wilson would be one. Same with what's his face....the guy from The Proposal...


Ryan Reynolds!



And I was a teenager when I had a big crush on Sam Neill, based on his role in Merlin. Them I learned how old he was and I was like, "Ewwwww..."

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This is very wrong.  I don't have patience with secrets.  Are you starring opposite RD, Jr. in a movie???



Such a sweet guy, too.

No one in the history of the world ever did this before.  She is an idiot.


Oh, man!  That's a good one!  That was not one of my guesses. 

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Also....we've been worried about our dogs being aggressive towards their pet sitter, as they are very protective of the house and they don't know this neighbor too well. So we asked the neighbor to stop by while we were out, just to see how the dogs would react.

Well the wimps ran and hid upstairs. Full size 100 lb and 60 lb dogs.

Nice to know, if somebody tries to break in, my dogs will hide under our bed and let them take the family jewels (of which there are none).

Babies. I bet Gwyneth would do better.


Edited because...too many pronouns...lol.  

Edited by Sweetpea3829
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I am currently planning out the history and literature schedule for little dd next year.  I am done with the weekly plan of independent reading, and I am now working on literature read alouds.  I will read aloud 2,000 pages of literature to her next year, which does not include poetry (or history or science)

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Have you all read Mr. Popper's Penguins? What did you think?


I have a vague recollection of reading this aloud and not liking it much. But that might have been another book. (I am picking out some summer read-alouds.)

I thought it was a cute and fun read aloud.  Little dd is currently reading it as her before bedtime book.  The reference in the title of Deconstructing Penguins is to this book, BTW.*


*literature resource trivia geek

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Have you all read Mr. Popper's Penguins? What did you think?


I have a vague recollection of reading this aloud and not liking it much. But that might have been another book. (I am picking out some summer read-alouds.)



We listened to it on audiobook (because I'm a terrible orator).  It was awhile ago, but I recall the kids enjoying it.  It's a little odd, if I remember correctly.  


We are listening to The Mouse With the Question Mark Tail, for the second time.  They really enjoyed this one.  


They also enjoyed the entire series of The Guardians of Gahool (which can be a bit violent in parts).  

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That's because they're not Karl Popper's Penguins.



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A quick google was fairly unhelpful so you are going to need to spell this one out, little missy.  <hair toss>


I could deal with that. :)

I know, right???  Not quite Alice down the rabbit hole but pretty far-fetched.

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I made a schedule for the read alouds, but it is crowded.  Sigh.  So many books, so little time.  (not a complete sentence)  I don't know what I'm going to do about it.  It pains me.  


I also bathed and changed pj pants and all other garments.  I smell like flowers.  My hair is a scary, tangled, messy bun where it has sat for several days now.  Will need to brush and wash tomorrow. :leaving:


I made the second meal of the day, turkey meat tacos.  

Edited by texasmama
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