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Ha! I have been soooooo far behind in my dealing with family photos, putting them in albums, etc. I just didn't even want to deal with them. But today.... well, actually yesterday.... I just decided I needed to do something. So, I started with 2011, the year we got the little girls and went on Shutterfly and made a book. It's big. I'm glad Shutterfly has 50% off books right now. But... It's done. And I decided that since my mind is in the game. I'd start on 2012.


Wow. Um, I think I'd need to start with, ummm..... about 2008 or so. A couple of years before Gymnast was born.  :leaving:

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Dentist refused dental work because of the pregnancy. She would rather be safe. She said I look big for 28 weeks...


I'm confused. I thought the problem was cock. What's the difference between cock and rooster? I assume it's a regional thing. Oh, and saying Easter makes you a heathen so now you're going to Hell unless you repent.


I just learned about this!




This looks pregnantable.


I didn't know there was an ITT cookbook! I want one.


Dental work while pregnant -

I had a filling come out and the dentist refused to do anything about it because I was around 36 weeks. I looked it up on the ADA and there is really nothing they are not allowed to do when you are pregnant. Maybe certain types of anesthesia, and not being too flat on your back. I had been crying every night for weeks. Because I couldn't get a day appointment to either fill it or pull it. So, finally, I packed up my home daycare (I had 3 other kids), and I would camp out at the dentist office DAILY until they finally gave me an appointment. It only took two days of doing this. They pulled the tooth. How much more it would have taken to just fill it, only God knows, but I was happy. I was really happy when Gymnast was born at 41+3, because I would have spent another month with tooth pain if they hadn't pulled it when they did. Jerks. There is a free pdf on ADA about dealing with pregnant patients. Print it out and go armed with information.


Easter -

I guess our whole church is going to hell. We had an EASTER service. TYVM.


ITT cookbook -

RIght now, it's just on google drive. I still have to go back through the thread and cull the rest of the recipes. Then categorize them. A lot probably won't happen until summer. I am copying and pasting from this point forward though. If ITT ever ends (God forbid), we'll have something to remember us by. Besides our own vocabulary.

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Note to self - still on page 865.


Revival Balls

from the Healing Tonics book. They are rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, and iron. It says it makes about 60 balls, but I didn't get that many, must have made them too big.

1/2 c raw tahini

1/2 c almond or cashew butter

1/2 c honey or barley malt syrup

1/2 c unsweetened carob chips

1/2 c chopped, dried apricots

3 tbsp bee pollen

2 tbsp powdered dong quai root

2 tbsp powdered panax ginseng root

2 tbsp spirulina powder

2 vials royal jelly

1/4 c sesame seeds or shredded coconut


1. In a bowl, stir together everything but the sesame seeds and coconut. Mix well.

2. Roll the mixture into littl balls, about the size of a small apricots

3. Gently dry-roast sesame seeds or shredded coconut in a heavy-bottomed pan over low-medium heat, stirring constantly, until golden brown (about 1-2 minutes).

4. Roll the bals in the toasted coconut or sesame seeds. Store any leftovers in refrigerator; they will last for months.


To use: Enjoy just one or two as needed before, during, or after exercise. Note: Drink plenty of water with these; they are very concentrated.

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Wow. Um, I think I'd need to start with, ummm..... about 2008 or so. A couple of years before Gymnast was born. :leaving:

Well,back in the day, before I was even married, I was in to scrapbooking. Like with the fancy scissors and paper and stickers. I would spend half an hour on a page. It took me months to do our wedding album (just the candid shots, the professional ones I just put in a nice book without doing anything to them). Then we got the boys and I started making them each a book a year, with all the stickers and fuss and everything. But it was fun. I'd get together with friends, and a group of ladies at church had monthly scrapbooking nights with food and it was really a great social outlet. And then I realized that at the rate I was going, my boys were going to have to lug 18 huge scrapbooks with them wherever they went and they might be a tad bit resentful. Either that or I was going to have to store them. So I cut back. And then we got dd and my scrapping tapered off even more. And then we started homeschooling in earnest and got the 2 little girls and I haven't done anything with pictures for the past 6 years or so and the little girls were getting a little sad when their older siblings had baby books and they didn't. So I decided to start small and I ordered some pictures for them of the day we met them and decided to just stick them in albums. And then I noticed as I was ordering their pictures that Shutterfly was having a sale on photo books and decided to just go for it. And I started slapping pictures in pages for a family album. It didn't take me too long, since I ended up having some large chunks of time to focus. "Sure, kids, you can watch more tv. Just leave me alone!"
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Dental work while pregnant -

I had a filling come out and the dentist refused to do anything about it because I was around 36 weeks. I looked it up on the ADA and there is really nothing they are not allowed to do when you are pregnant. Maybe certain types of anesthesia, and not being too flat on your back. I had been crying every night for weeks. Because I couldn't get a day appointment to either fill it or pull it. So, finally, I packed up my home daycare (I had 3 other kids), and I would camp out at the dentist office DAILY until they finally gave me an appointment. It only took two days of doing this. They pulled the tooth. How much more it would have taken to just fill it, only God knows, but I was happy. I was really happy when Gymnast was born at 41+3, because I would have spent another month with tooth pain if they hadn't pulled it when they did. Jerks. There is a free pdf on ADA about dealing with pregnant patients. Print it out and go armed with information.




my perinatologist was absolutely adamant that the risks that come from dental caries was way greater than dental work.  ACOG agrees with him. I'd try again with the dentist, especially since you are out of the first trimester.

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Hubby is an immigrant, too.  He came from Azores as a 3 yr old.  His first language is Portuguese, but because he developed fluent English so early, he does not have a Portuguese accent at all.  His sisters do, though.  


I strongly suspect that his bilingual home had a role to play in his difficulties with learning how to read.  Being dyslexic was hard enough, but adding in the confusion of both languages...


Just my own hypothesis, though.  



It will be interesting to see how he does speaking Portuguese when we visit his family next week.  He hasn't spoken Portuguese hardly at all in the 5 years since we left RI.  


No, bilingualism does not have a role in reading difficulties. Studies show this over and over. Children that will have reading difficulties are going to have them. In fact, learning to read in one language transfers to assisting to read in another language. This is also shown time and again in studies. It is best if the child is taught in the first language first (vocabulary, grammar, etc., is already ingrained), then taught in the subsequent language(s). It doesn't always happen that way though.


That's what I mostly study when I decide to research stuff. Dyslexia and reading difficulties are not correlated to the number of languages spoken in a home.


Says the bilingually homeschooling mom who taught her dyslexic, LD child to read in two languages. Dd16 showed signs of dyslexia before she was taught to read, it just became more apparent when we started. I only taught reading in one language first (her strongest - Spanish). 2-3 years later I started the other language (English), and it was blaring. These issues are not caused by bilingualism, or we'd have a much higher population of dyslexic children in multilingual homes. 


It is a common misconception. But, this is the answer you can expect to get from someone who teaches bilingual education.  :lol:

Edited by Renai
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Dental work while pregnant -

I had a filling come out and the dentist refused to do anything about it because I was around 36 weeks. I looked it up on the ADA and there is really nothing they are not allowed to do when you are pregnant. Maybe certain types of anesthesia, and not being too flat on your back. I had been crying every night for weeks. Because I couldn't get a day appointment to either fill it or pull it. So, finally, I packed up my home daycare (I had 3 other kids), and I would camp out at the dentist office DAILY until they finally gave me an appointment. It only took two days of doing this. They pulled the tooth. How much more it would have taken to just fill it, only God knows, but I was happy. I was really happy when Gymnast was born at 41+3, because I would have spent another month with tooth pain if they hadn't pulled it when they did. Jerks. There is a free pdf on ADA about dealing with pregnant patients. Print it out and go armed with information.


Easter -

I guess our whole church is going to hell. We had an EASTER service. TYVM.


ITT cookbook -

RIght now, it's just on google drive. I still have to go back through the thread and cull the rest of the recipes. Then categorize them. A lot probably won't happen until summer. I am copying and pasting from this point forward though. If ITT ever ends (God forbid), we'll have something to remember us by. Besides our own vocabulary.

She sent me away because my blood pressure was 80/60 which was caused by the pregnancy. She needs to replace a filling with a crown and I'm not in pain.

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A half hour on a page? That's like lightening speed! I couldn't do anything, even the most plain and ugly page, in under 2 hours. My scrapbooking phase was very short-lived!


Once I'm in scrapbook-mode, I'm really fast.  I really like going to the all-day events, but since so many people aren't scrapbooking anymore, they are hard to come by.


One time I did 99 pages in (I think) 10 hours.  I was flyin'.

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Camp NaNoWriMo. People are beginning to chatter a bit. Perhaps it will be okay after all.


IME nano as a whole has it's share of stragglers. In my writing group there are people who *know* they're going to do it, do all their prep, get ready weeks before etc and then there are a whole bunch of people who rush in at the last minute (or several days in)

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Where's Mary? I'm glad Ducky checked in (we were gathering bazookas for the search party), but Mary announced she was quitting her job and vamoosed. Did she quit us too? MMMMMAAAAAAAARRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!! Where AAAAAARRRRRREEEEE YOOOUUUUUUUU??????

I've been worried too. She hasn't posted on instagram in 4 days.
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No, bilingualism does not have a role in reading difficulties. Studies show this over and over. Children that will have reading difficulties are going to have them. In fact, learning to read in one language transfers to assisting to read in another language. This is also shown time and again in studies. It is best if the child is taught in the first language first (vocabulary, grammar, etc., is already ingrained), then taught in the subsequent language(s). It doesn't always happen that way though.


That's what I mostly study when I decide to research stuff. Dyslexia and reading difficulties are not correlated to the number of languages spoken in a home.


Says the bilingually homeschooling mom who taught her dyslexic, LD child to read in two languages. Dd16 showed signs of dyslexia before she was taught to read, it just became more apparent when we started. I only taught reading in one language first (her strongest - Spanish). 2-3 years later I started the other language (English), and it was blaring. These issues are not caused by bilingualism, or we'd have a much higher population of dyslexic children in multilingual homes.


It is a common misconception. But, this is the answer you can expect to get from someone who teaches bilingual education. :lol:

Lol, it might have been that they took him from a Portuguese-speaking home and thrust him into English right when he was in a crucial stage of language-development. Plus, his home language remained pre-dominantly Portuguese. Some of them never did bother to learn English, and Portuguese is the pre-dominant language they speak at family gatherings.


I don't know whether it had a role or not, but anecdotally, it seemed to. Same with his nephew.

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As I drove into the driveway after taking my food to my friend's house, the power came back on.  Dh wanted me to put my whole brain into a "business dilemma", and I told him I only had like a quarter of a brain.  Then I solved it for him.  It was about boundaries.  Everything is.


I am supposed to take the odd father to get his car from the mechanic, and I am all goofed up on meds and cranky due to little sleep and badly behaved children.  We also have troop tonight.  My house was so clean, and now it is a wreck since we had no power for less than a day.  How does that even happen?


I do have some people feeling sorry for me, so I am being bolstered by that and nothing else.  Feel free to add any spare sympathy you have to the pile.  I might make it through the meeting tonight with enough sympathy.

Edited by texasmama
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 I am goofed up on migraine meds, and I am only able to make whiny, dramatic girls.  What's up with that?  I'm okay with boys - it's just the girls. 


You're MAKING whiny, dramatic girls? & then you started talking about your dh and I looked away quickly just in case you give more details about how you're making these.... 




oodles of sympathy sent your way from the West Coast!!!!  Organic, energy balanced, and infused with super greens sympathy, of course. It's the only kind we use in Vancouver. 



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You're MAKING whiny, dramatic girls? & then you started talking about your dh and I looked away quickly just in case you give more details about how you're making these.... 




oodles of sympathy sent your way from the West Coast!!!!  Organic, energy balanced, and infused with super greens sympathy, of course. It's the only kind we use in Vancouver. 



:laugh:  :leaving:   (No more babies - I promise!)


Is this sympathy also vegan and heathen?  That would really make my day.   :lol:

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Time for a bizarre story. Once while my family and I were hiking we saw an incredibly strange woman. She looked possesed, stood in the middle of the path, wouldn't move and was rocking a baby. Matt and I were really upset so I turned back to talk to her and she just stared blankly. It was then that I realized she was rocking a pile of blankets that resembled a baby. We left quickly.

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A half hour on a page? That's like lightening speed! I couldn't do anything, even the most plain and ugly page, in under 2 hours. My scrapbooking phase was very short-lived!

Oh wow! That could get discouraging! Fortunately, with more kid my picture taking tapered off, too. So, not as many to put in albums.
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Time for a bizarre story. Once while my family and I were hiking we saw an incredibly strange woman. She looked possesed, stood in the middle of the path, wouldn't move and was rocking a baby. Matt and I were really upset so I turned back to talk to her and she just stared blankly. It was then that I realized she was rocking a pile of blankets that resembled a baby. We left quickly.

My most bizarre hiking story was coming across a young couple taking nudie shots. We came around the corner and the boy was frantically putting his jeans on and his girlfriend was rolling on the ground with her camera dying laughing.
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:laugh:  :leaving:   (No more babies - I promise!)


Is this sympathy also vegan and heathen?  That would really make my day.   :lol:


Guaranteed to be 100% vegan and heathen! 



(Vegan Heathen sounds like a plausible West Coast band. Folk rock with asian influence and some indigenous drumming. It could also be a cafe.) 


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So, I removed the toy shelf, a student desk and a wooden kitchen set (2 pieces). Every wall still has something on it. I have no idea how this stuff fit to begin with, but no it is not coming back in. Well, at least not where it was before. The kitchen set is a good one, and was given to us through freecycle. A great find! But, alas, it may need to go. I sometimes want to keep it on the off chance that I decide to do home daycare again. Which I don't want to do, so probably won't.


At some point, I will need to cull the books. Then I will be able to get rid of the broken bookshelf in the hallway, replace it with the toy shelf that is currently sitting outside, and hopefully dramatically reduce the number of boxes/crates of books as well as maybe another bookshelf. At least, that is the plan. Before spring break is over.



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Guaranteed to be 100% vegan and heathen! 



(Vegan Heathen sounds like a plausible West Coast band. Folk rock with asian influence and some indigenous drumming. It could also be a cafe.) 


That does have a ring to it. It would do well in Santa Fe, too. (Ironic in a city in which the name means "holy faith.")

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I sorted through the girls' closets this morning. Younger dd is very tall, and a lot of her dresses from last summer no longer fit.  I also found a box of cloth diapers I had put away when we sold our house and I added all of that to my donation pile. Hopefully I'll find half an hour to get through the boys' room this afternoon.  Our own closet is overcrowded, but not on my side.


The pest control guy is coming tomorrow, so I'm cleaning through all of our nooks and crannies.  

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I sorted through the girls' closets this morning. Younger dd is very tall, and a lot of her dresses from last summer no longer fit.  I also found a box of cloth diapers I had put away when we sold our house and I added all of that to my donation pile. Hopefully I'll find half an hour to get through the boys' room this afternoon.  Our own closet is overcrowded, but not on my side.


The pest control guy is coming tomorrow, so I'm cleaning through all of our nooks and crannies.  


Wait, you can't get rid of the cloth diapers. That means another baby will be on the way. 

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I only have one weird hiking story, and it wasn't really weird, just funny. I was happily sitting with the family, gnawing on an apple for a snack, when another hiker's dog came waltzing up to me, wagged a hello, and stole my apple. Took a great big bite out of it.

I let her have the apple.

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Wait, you can't get rid of the cloth diapers. That means another baby will be on the way. 

No more babies for us.


I almost died in my last pregnancy, more than a few times over.  I should've died.  All of the perinatologists made me swear to never get pregnant again.  I had ultra-high risk pregnancies to begin with, and nearly pushed my luck too far trying to have another. :(


So, we're done.


ETA: baby booyah


Edited by kbeal
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No more babies for us.


I almost died in my last pregnancy, more than a few times over.  I should've died.  All of the perinatologists made me swear to never get pregnant again.  I had ultra-high risk pregnancies to begin with, and nearly pushed my luck too far trying to have another. :(


So, we're done.


ETA: baby booyah


:grouphug:  I'm glad you're with us.


I should have put in my disclaimer that babies can come by various methods. You have been duly warned.

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Guaranteed to be 100% vegan and heathen! 



(Vegan Heathen sounds like a plausible West Coast band. Folk rock with asian influence and some indigenous drumming. It could also be a cafe.) 



If we ever move to Seattle, I think it would be awesome to open a bakery cafe called Vegan Heathen.



That does have a ring to it. It would do well in Santa Fe, too. (Ironic in a city in which the name means "holy faith.")


Next to the Vegan Heathen cafe would be the Christian Carnivore, a barbecue joint. :lol:   (Remember I'm extra geeked up on Imitrex and prednisone and lack of sleep today... :leaving: )

659 sq ft sucks.


Truly.  I can't imagine that space with a family.  By myself?  Sure.  With a husband?  Maybe.  But not with kids.  

No more babies for us.


I almost died in my last pregnancy, more than a few times over.  I should've died.  All of the perinatologists made me swear to never get pregnant again.  I had ultra-high risk pregnancies to begin with, and nearly pushed my luck too far trying to have another. :(


So, we're done.


ETA: baby booyah

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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