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Tex--you find that it's more of a booster than a stabilizer? Interesting. For me, it takes away the crazy swings.


My dd used to take 60mg of decadron which is like 400 mg of prednisone every day for her brain tumor.  The key to containing her crazy was to eat completely low carb. The steroids brought on hyperglycemia and the sugar swings as the drug metabolized were crazy.


So, you know, be sure to eat a lot of Easter candy and film things, ok? One of us has to become a youtube sensation. 

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I need to make good friends here. I need someone to tell me when my grey hairs are overpopulating and I need to dye again. And when I need to change wrinkle creams and give up yoga pants. How do you interview people for that?


I saw my friends when I was back home visiting last week and I miss them immensely. They looked at me, realized what a train wreck I am sometimes, and told me their own train wreck stories.  I love y'all, but you can't be on my grey hair watch.

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We stopped by the library on the way home from the grocery store to pop a couple books in the drive-through return slot, and dd17 spent the rest of the trip home trying to figure out how one could get away with putting a sandwich in the book deposit.

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I'm knocking out syllabi and schedules like a champ.  I have ancient history, ancient literature, geometry, spanish, biology, and art schedules and syllabi done. Boom!  I just have a couple of half credit electives to go!


Umm.  No one told me that I needed a syllabus and schedule.


My idea of a syllabus is writing out a description of what we did.


My idea of a schedule is doing the next thing.


Is that close enough?



Edited 3 times for grammar.   :huh:

Edited by Junie
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Prairie, if you text us pics, we can help you with grey hair. I only have friends who are either hot messes or love hot messes. Because the chances of me ever being not a hot mess are about zero. I think you would make a fabulous friend.

I cannot imagine 400 mg of prednisone daily.

Edited by texasmama
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Prairie, if you text us pics, we can help you with grey hair. I only have friends who are either hot messes or love hot messes. Because the chances of me ever being not a hot mess are about zero. I think you would make a fabulous friend.


I have pernicious anemia so the B12 is to keep me alive. I had a true deficiency before shots.


I cannot imagine 400 mg of prednisone daily.


I missed the 400 mg. of prednisone.  Really?


I was horrible at 5 mg.

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Does anyone (Critter, or anyone else, I know there are animal-type people here) know when a pet is in pain? I know it's a dumb question. We have an elderly cat. She's 15 years old. Yes, she really is. And she has some tumors on her rump, on top. My plan is to just hold on with her until it seems that she's in pain and her quality of life is diminished and then take her to the vet. But how do I know she's in pain? She miaows a lot, but it seems more like she wants to be petted. She doesn't flinch when when we pet her. She's always been an outdoor cat, but the last several years she's been living in the garage. She has a bed, food and water. She has a cat door to go outside to go potty. I guess I'm just a little worried about her, but generally she seems fine.

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With elderly cats, I *assume* they're in pain & hiding it. 

There are few good pain relievers for cats though we used metacam offlabel for years. Then later prednisone; gabapentin & buprenex are also options. 

I'd try pain relievers and see if you see a difference. Attn seeking bhvr can be symptom of pain.

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She ended up with full-blown Cushing's. Steroids are bittersweet.


One of the universities ds is considering requires a considerable portfolio from students who have been homeschooled. I don't know if ds will end up there, but I'm doing an upfront CYA so that the work of college application is distributed amongst his high school years. I don't want to be doing a senior year scramble trying to remember which books we covered in lit class three years ago. I don't think we'll have the same concerns with a couple of other kids (who we will be praying will be able to get into community college and thrive), but we're trying to get it right for oldest.  A syllabus also prevents grade wrangling with my argument-prone child. The expectations are laid out, and the grading scheme is in black and white.  

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Trying to find a precalculus program for ds means I'm frantically searching the high school boards for the perfect thing. Haven't found it yet. 

Have you looked at generic Chalkdust? The text is Larson's Precalculus with Limits, Functions, and Graphs. I have a copy of it, and it's pretty decent. Dh actually used a much earlier edition of the book in college. We own both, and the changes between editions are fairly minimal so you could buy an earlier edition for cheap and still have the DVDs match well.

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I need to make good friends here. I need someone to tell me when my grey hairs are overpopulating and I need to dye again. And when I need to change wrinkle creams and give up yoga pants. How do you interview people for that?


I saw my friends when I was back home visiting last week and I miss them immensely. They looked at me, realized what a train wreck I am sometimes, and told me their own train wreck stories.  I love y'all, but you can't be on my grey hair watch.


You'll have to post a picture, lol.  :hat:



J/K.  I know what you mean. 


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I need to make good friends here. I need someone to tell me when my grey hairs are overpopulating and I need to dye again. And when I need to change wrinkle creams and give up yoga pants. How do you interview people for that?



[blasphemy alert]

If you give up yoga pants now, no one will ever have to tell you.




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Have you looked at generic Chalkdust? The text is Larson's Precalculus with Limits, Functions, and Graphs. I have a copy of it, and it's pretty decent. Dh actually used a much earlier edition of the book in college. We own both, and the changes between editions are fairly minimal so you could buy an earlier edition for cheap and still have the DVDs match well.


I <3 Chalkdust & I was hoping ds would go back to it sometime (he last used it for pre-alg) but he really fell in love with the simplicity of TT. Open laptop, watch lesson/read text along, do problems. With Chalkdust, even with the matched up lessons and book exercises, he just often wasn't getting things done (& they never played on his laptop so it meant going to the tv, where he can't really take notes etc). TT, even if doesn't get  a lot of love on the boards, worked for him because it got done, day in, day out....


Alas, the TT precalc level doesn't mark automatically & that's a big selling point for him so now we're revisiting the whole topic. I'm trying to wean him on to something that would not only get him to a good level but also prep him for the type of teaching that happens at post sec level but at the same time, I also get his frustration with things that aren't all nicely laid out & just flow to the next thing without shuffling through, trying to match things etc.... 

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Nana Brag Alert!


My mom just called me.  When she moved up here last fall, Nana needed something to fill in her days, so she went to the library and signed up as a reading tutor.  She inherited a 17-year-old girl from another tutor who was moving. E- is super smart and super dyslexic; when she started tutoring she could.not.read.  When my mom took over, E- could struggle through a simple paragraph, but it took an incredibly long time.  They are using the Barton method, but my mom decided that it was more important that the girl read than spell correctly, so she's adjusted their focus a bit.  By Christmas time, she was buying E- books of short stories.  After Christmas, Nana introduced her to Nancy Drew-which she loved.  Last week in Boise, Nana found a book with short vignettes about Idaho history.  E- was THRILLED.  Nana suggested that they try to get their rule work next week during the Tuesday session, so they could spend Friday just reading.  E- did her one better; she wants to try working over the weekend so they can read both days!


Basically, Nana has helped a young lady who couldn't read hardly at all progress to the point where she can read a newspaper and chooses to read for fun.  Yay, Nana!! I'm so proud!  :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:

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Nana Brag Alert!


My mom just called me.  When she moved up here last fall, Nana needed something to fill in her days, so she went to the library and signed up as a reading tutor.  She inherited a 17-year-old girl from another tutor who was moving. E- is super smart and super dyslexic; when she started tutoring she could.not.read.  When my mom took over, E- could struggle through a simple paragraph, but it took an incredibly long time.  They are using the Barton method, but my mom decided that it was more important that the girl read than spell correctly, so she's adjusted their focus a bit.  By Christmas time, she was buying E- books of short stories.  After Christmas, Nana introduced her to Nancy Drew-which she loved.  Last week in Boise, Nana found a book with short vignettes about Idaho history.  E- was THRILLED.  Nana suggested that they try to get their rule work next week during the Tuesday session, so they could spend Friday just reading.  E- did her one better; she wants to try working over the weekend so they can read both days!


Basically, Nana has helped a young lady who couldn't read hardly at all progress to the point where she can read a newspaper and chooses to read for fun.  Yay, Nana!! I'm so proud!  :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:


That is absolutely awesome news!!


Yay Nana!!!

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Dh just left with all the kids. It.is.so.quiet. I am smiling like a cheshire cat, except I can't think of anything delicious to do with the time. (Well, I mean I can think of lots of things, but none of them seem worthy!)

OMW - same here! Dh took the kids out for a hike. I am finishing my lunch (lobster bisque, thank you very much, Kroger Deli) and then I think I'll take a shower. If I get a little bit motivated, I might go get my clothes out of the dryer. I may need to bribe myself with a toffee.

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OMW - same here! Dh took the kids out for a hike. I am finishing my lunch (lobster bisque, thank you very much, Kroger Deli) and then I think I'll take a shower. If I get a little bit motivated, I might go get my clothes out of the dryer. I may need to bribe myself with a toffee.


Come on over! 


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Nana Brag Alert!


My mom just called me. When she moved up here last fall, Nana needed something to fill in her days, so she went to the library and signed up as a reading tutor. She inherited a 17-year-old girl from another tutor who was moving. E- is super smart and super dyslexic; when she started tutoring she could.not.read. When my mom took over, E- could struggle through a simple paragraph, but it took an incredibly long time. They are using the Barton method, but my mom decided that it was more important that the girl read than spell correctly, so she's adjusted their focus a bit. By Christmas time, she was buying E- books of short stories. After Christmas, Nana introduced her to Nancy Drew-which she loved. Last week in Boise, Nana found a book with short vignettes about Idaho history. E- was THRILLED. Nana suggested that they try to get their rule work next week during the Tuesday session, so they could spend Friday just reading. E- did her one better; she wants to try working over the weekend so they can read both days!


Basically, Nana has helped a young lady who couldn't read hardly at all progress to the point where she can read a newspaper and chooses to read for fun. Yay, Nana!! I'm so proud! :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:

Nana is a hero.

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Ok, ITTers with high schoolers and littles, how do you balance things? I'm trying to figure out how to have the in-depth discussion and oversight that my oldest needs while keeping the ankle biters at bay. Currently, the plan is to spin off oldest during the first four days of the week, and give him my Fridays. The ankle biters will have me Monday-Thursday.  Because we school year-round, 4 day a week school shouldn't be bad. If all goes well, we should be done by noon Friday which will give me some time to do a library run, etc.


I'm shoving ds's 1.5h occupational therapy sessions to late afternoons so that we have less disruptions. I can't handle having my school days broken up anymore, and a slot just opened up.

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I'm knocking out syllabi and schedules like a champ. I have ancient history, ancient literature, geometry, spanish, biology, and art schedules and syllabi done. Boom! I just have a couple of half credit electives to go!

I should be working on school stuff. But I am not. I weeded and am now sitting on my stoop with a mug of coffee enjoying the spring flowers. DH is at working. DS is on "break" and has free reign of the tv. I am blissfully alone.


Well, except for my ITT peeps who are right here with me. :)

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Today I turned Thomas on for the kids.


They all looked at me like I had four heads.


"Really Mom? Thomas? That's BABY stuff."





They use to LOVE Thomas. All I ever heard about was Thomas. Thomas and Percy and James and...and...and...


Why do they have to grow up?! I need another baby. Stat. Just to borrow though...from maybe birth through...3. Yeah. No...wait..5.

But...but...babies poop and spit up and...oh, forget it. I want another, too. But DH is firmly in the no camp. :(

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Ok, ITTers with high schoolers and littles, how do you balance things? I'm trying to figure out how to have the in-depth discussion and oversight that my oldest needs while keeping the ankle biters at bay

I was a failure with this. With my oldest, I finally gave up and sent him to a classically based literature and history tutorial. My next oldest is now in a (different) 1-day-a-week tutorial literature class with a few other classes, and dd13 will eventually be going there as well. Fortunately, we live in an area where homeschooling tutorials are found on almost every street corner, and most of them are reasonably priced.

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Does anyone have any super great recipes with chicken that you would like to share? We're getting kind of tired of the same thing every week.

Chicken-Stuffed Manicotti with Porcini Cream Sauce?


It's a yummy recipe BOOYAH!

Edited by ikslo
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OMW - same here! Dh took the kids out for a hike. I am finishing my lunch (lobster bisque, thank you very much, Kroger Deli) and then I think I'll take a shower. If I get a little bit motivated, I might go get my clothes out of the dryer. I may need to bribe myself with a toffee.



Come on over! 




Wouldn't it be cool if we lived close enough to each other in real life to have play dates when we get rid of our peeps some alone time?

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