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Phew.  Healthy enough now to have my computer back,* so I'm finally caught up.   :hurray:



That Imposter Discussion may have done me in again, though.  Y'all are too deep for me.  Off to contemplate my perfectionist tendencies and find a motrin. Or three. 










*Because Curious George babysits for free.  (Though I'm not thrilled that he taught my darlings how to make pinatas.)





ETA:  Well look at that.  Boo to the Yah.   :D


It's okay.  I'm over the imposter thing now.  I've decided that, in my case, there are parts of an activity that I'm good at and parts I'm not good at, and that's okay.  I can live with that.  Maybe I could have overcome the parts that didn't come as naturally to me, maybe not.  That's okay too. 


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I am trying to find science curriculum for next year. It's exhausting.

Have you looked into RFWP since you like their other stuff so much? I'm really excited about BFSU. I have the K-2 PDF and it looks neat. I love science but I have a *lot* to learn and I'm excited.

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Have you looked into RFWP since you like their other stuff so much? I'm really excited about BFSU. I have the K-2 PDF and it looks neat. I love science but I have a *lot* to learn and I'm excited.

They only have Dr Dave and I wanted to physics and similar next year. Leaning towards superchargedscience. DH is opening the purse strings now that it's looking like we will be doing this homeschool thing long term, LOL, and we've checked out the cost of private school ;).

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NYE: There's a church thing, but neither Gymnast or I should leave the house. I'm wondering if we'll be over this by Monday. I did a mile on my exercise bike this morning and then passed out. Besides, the church thing is 20 minutes down the highway, and I'm not sure I want to be out tonight that far from home. 


Usually, we watch the ball drop in the East and everyone goes to bed. I get up (or have stayed up) for our new year's. I wake up everyone else about 10-15 till. Or an hour. It depends on who all is singing during the show :D. If it's a good band, we'll sing and dance along. I remember one year it was Earth, Wind, and Fire. That was a fun night. Usually, dh stays in bed, because he's a bump on the log. Dd16 and I (and now Gymnast) will run into my bedroom when the ball drops and jump on the bed, waking dh, screaming and yelling "Happy New Year!" It's a great tradition.


Dinner tonight will be a traditional one I haven't had in a long time - ham, collard greens, black-eyed peas, and cornbread. You have to have black-eyed peas on NYE. Just sayin'.

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So, I kinda sorta finished the course proposals. I feel like I know what I'm doing with Basic and Advanced, but no idea about Beginning and Intermediate. I'm also only supposed to have three proposals, not four. I had copied and pasted all ya'lls previous comments and my original thought, which was a good thing because I had lost my original vision - literature-based and conversation. They can all use some fleshing out, but need ya'll to decide which three to keep and/or maybe combine. I had to put ages on them as it was a requirement. My brain just isn't working right now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oa0ibyAw-qa6YpMVn8GvSMXNGcgpzlisRfLSBGjq_tw/edit?usp=sharing

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Sad news - Misty the Hamster has passed away. Visitation and burial service is scheduled in 5 minutes.


Rats! I just read the obit, so I missed the services.




(Didja catch that? **snort, giggle**  I think I'm soooo clever! :wacko: )




(Actually, I really am sorry.  Losing a pet can be hard, especially on short people.)

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So, I kinda sorta finished the course proposals. I feel like I know what I'm doing with Basic and Advanced, but no idea about Beginning and Intermediate. I'm also only supposed to have three proposals, not four. I had copied and pasted all ya'lls previous comments and my original thought, which was a good thing because I had lost my original vision - literature-based and conversation. They can all use some fleshing out, but need ya'll to decide which three to keep and/or maybe combine. I had to put ages on them as it was a requirement. My brain just isn't working right now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oa0ibyAw-qa6YpMVn8GvSMXNGcgpzlisRfLSBGjq_tw/edit?usp=sharing

to be (ser, estar) and gustar.


For consistency should read:


to be (ser, estar) and to like (gustar).


I can't pick three. Maybe one could be listed as a prerequisite of another in the latter' description, so you don't actually have to eliminate one? ;)

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So, I kinda sorta finished the course proposals. I feel like I know what I'm doing with Basic and Advanced, but no idea about Beginning and Intermediate. I'm also only supposed to have three proposals, not four. I had copied and pasted all ya'lls previous comments and my original thought, which was a good thing because I had lost my original vision - literature-based and conversation. They can all use some fleshing out, but need ya'll to decide which three to keep and/or maybe combine. I had to put ages on them as it was a requirement. My brain just isn't working right now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oa0ibyAw-qa6YpMVn8GvSMXNGcgpzlisRfLSBGjq_tw/edit?usp=sharing


What is the difference between basic and beginning?

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I dropped off the last of our stuff at Goodwill, ate burritos out with dh and the girls, hit the grocery store and Target and we're home before the crazies are out. Traffic on the main road was backed up in either direction for the two miles we could see it, and well beyond, so we didn't venture out far. 


Dh is out mowing the lawn (because Texas) and I'm eating valentine's day candy and avoiding putting away the stuff from Target. 


I keep avoiding the school room.  We don't HAVE to start back Monday, do we? (We do.)

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What is the difference between basic and beginning?


Ages and approach. I think. Beginning would add some grammar aspects, but Basic would not. I'd probably rather just do a Basics type class, method-wise, but was trying to get the age groups in there. Kwim?

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Slache has been importing Whole30 recipes into her Plan to Eat recipe book and BOY IS SHE STARVING! How could I have forgotten about Romesco Sauce? Everyone should make it. I want to get into tea. Do you guys do tea? I mean hot tea in a mug, I don't like cold tea except for sweet tea and my hips don't need any more of that.


Romesco Sauce:


2 tablespoons cooking fat

1â„cup almonds chopped

1 small onion diced

3 cloves garlic minced

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 teaspoon paprika

2 tomatoes seeded and chopped

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1â„teaspoons red wine vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

1â„teaspoon pepper


Melt the cooking fat in a large skillet over medium-high heat. When the fat is hot, add the almonds and toast for 3 minutes, stirring often.

Add the onion and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes.

Add the garlic and cook until aromatic, about 1 minute.

Add the chili powder and paprika and cook until the flavors open up, about 30 seconds.

Finally, add the tomatoes, mix into the ingredients, and cook, stirring to bring up the tasty bits from the bottom of the pan, until the tomatoes are warmed through, about 2 minutes.

Transfer the sauce mixture to a food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend on low speed until the sauce is smooth, then pour into a serving dish or glass storage container.

Allow to cool before refrigerating; the sauce will keep for up to 5 days.

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I drink red raspberry leaf tea which is an herb and not a true tea.  


It is full of magnesium and other minerals which my body seems to crave, especially when I'm pregnant or nursing.  Those days are done now for me, but I'll link this study for you:



I still drink raspberry leaf tea most days.


Whole 30...does the book have a lot of recipes with coconut or coconut oil? I'm allergic to coconut, and it's frustrating to buy a book and not be able to use half of the recipes.

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We also drink a lot of hot teas. I'll sometimes buy bulk certain ones: chamomile, red raspberry leaf, nettle, spearmint. These are good alone and mixed with other herbs for medicinal use. Peppermint is good too. When buying premade, dh likes the fruity ones from Celestial.


Red raspberry leaf is good for pregnancy, but if you have early labor history, do not start to drink until after 36 weeks.

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I drink red raspberry leaf tea which is an herb and not a true tea.  


It is full of magnesium and other minerals which my body seems to crave, especially when I'm pregnant or nursing.  Those days are done now for me, but I'll link this study for you:



I still drink raspberry leaf tea most days.


Whole 30...does the book have a lot of recipes with coconut or coconut oil? I'm allergic to coconut, and it's frustrating to buy a book and not be able to use half of the recipes.

Thanks for the tip! Whole 30 has a lot, but most call for "cooking fat" which is one of 4 things, we used butter. I imagine most people use coconut oil, but we're fat. :)

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We went to the zoo today. Fresno has an awesome zoo. They have a new African Safari exhibit. It is really cool. Lions and rhinos and elephants and cheetahs and giraffes all out in the open. And you walk along these walkways through this big Safari thing. It is really awesome! That zoo has come a long way from the days when I was a kid on a field trip, trying to avoid the poop throwing gorilla. It's now really a beautiful park!

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My barn kitties look so beautiful!  They are two, big, strapping boys.  Each is a bit on the chunky side (they plumped up for winter), but their coats are so thick and soft and lustrous.  They're so black they're almost blue.  Petting them is like petting the softest, finest fur coat.  :001_wub:




*this has been my random post of the day.

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My barn kitties look so beautiful!  They are two, big, strapping boys.  Each is a bit on the chunky side (they plumped up for winter), but their coats are so thick and soft and lustrous.  They're so black they're almost blue.  Petting them is like petting the softest, finest fur coat.   :001_wub:


I love a plush cat. I don't have any cats with thick coats, because they are all indoor. And the kitten has the thinnest coat of any cat I've ever met that wasn't a Rex or a Sphinx. When she gets old and cranky I'll either have to keep a fire year round or put her in a sweater for winter.

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