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I went through 3/4 of 2015 without any over due books. And that was an accomplishment because in 2014 my overdue fines funded new carpeting for the library and a staff trip to Hawaii. (Not really, but almost) And then we fell off the wagon. Haven't been there since September.

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  • Slache


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Good morning!


Late start here. I'm having biscuits and gravy for breakfast. An all time pregnant favorite of this very thin woman.


All kids and adults are completely better.


I'm beginning a dance, strength, and yoga routine after next week because hubby's home until then. I really hope I feel good enough to stick with that plan.


I've made a plan to tackle neglected home areas while hubby's home and can cover kid duty. Today is paper, bedroom closet and linen closet.


Our library fines are 15 cents a day.


Edited to change finds to firds and eventually fines.

Edited by Slache
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Our library fines are 10 or 15 cents a day.  I try to return everything on time, so I don't have fines often.


But, we sometimes max out the 99 book limit.  15 cents x 99 books x 3 or 4 days late = not pretty.


We didn't have 99 books this time, but it was still a lot.

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Our library fines are 10 or 15 cents a day. I try to return everything on time, so I don't have fines often.


But, we sometimes max out the 99 book limit. 15 cents x 99 books x 3 or 4 days late = not pretty.


We didn't have 99 books this time, but it was still a lot.

My kids are so little we only get around ten at a time. Right now we only have WTM 1st Edition, Tales of Peter Rabbit, Stories From Around The World, Berenstain Bears Big Book of Science and Nature, and some What's In The Bible DVDs.

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Hello, friends.


We had a nice day yesterday and now will have more of the same today.  One kid said that he couldn't find his giftcards from dh's mother so dh, the boys, and I went out to the curb at dark thirty last night to go through seven bags of trash.  Then kid remembered he had left them upstairs.  




Edited by texasmama
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Hi all! I'm back from the land of crazy. 
We went to dh's family Christmas gathering. Time with his mom and sister is nice. We had our own quiet gift opening and went to the zoo on Wednesday. Then, on Christmas Eve, we went to his aunt and uncle's for a gift exchange.  It's the loudest and most stressful thing I do all year. I really don't enjoy any bit of it. DH doesn't really either, but I think he feels obligated to go. 
It makes me thankful for the Christmas with just dh, me, and dd and then my family's Christmas (we're doing it on New Years Eve this year). 

It was a crazy trip for me. On the 2nd day there, I ended up with 2 spider(?) bites, one on each arm. I think it's a spider bite, but we aren't really sure. Then, coming home last night, I started running a 103 fever. No fever now, but we were trying to figure out if I got what dd had last week or if it was a result of the bites. We're not really sure. 
I'm pretty wiped out today, which is sad because I was supposed to finally have a lunch date with my old roommate. We haven't seen each other in about 2 years. But, I'm happy to be home and away from drama and chaos. I'm enjoying the quiet and dd playing with her new toys. 

In other news, it is pouring here - our street is flooded and I can barely see the house across the street. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Ooh. Eggnog. Good idea.


I'm thinking of how to organize 3 children. We plan to move to a 3 bedroom about 2 months before the baby gets cut out of me so we're considering 2 options.


1. John and Mary in one room, nursery in the other.


2. Bunk beds, crib and changing table in one, toys and gym equipment in the other.


Matt likes option 1, everyone else likes option 2. We can keep Babiness with us for the first 6 weeks or so. We didn't need to make a decision now, but I don't want to waste time and money on this trundle bed storage thingy if we're moving all of the toys into another room. Now please make this decision for me.

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Ooh. Eggnog. Good idea.


I'm thinking of how to organize 3 children. We plan to move to a 3 bedroom about 2 months before the baby gets cut out of me so we're considering 2 options.


1. John and Mary in one room, nursery in the other.


2. Bunk beds, crib and changing table in one, toys and gym equipment in the other.


Matt likes option 1, everyone else likes option 2. We can keep Babiness with us for the first 6 weeks or so. We didn't need to make a decision now, but I don't want to waste time and money on this trundle bed storage thingy if we're moving all of the toys into another room. Now please make this decision for me.


I'd do option 1 for the first year, then probably move baby and the older child of the same sex into the larger room and the other child into the smaller.


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Advice for future mothers-in-law: do not feel it necessary to warn the parents of your grandchildren that you may need to watch their diet because they look like they are "filling out", or because the very skinny 9yo said she ate too much for dinner, or because your special grandmother vision can see "chubby" in their future. Especially do not do this in an evil half-whisper in the presence of the child.


Elephant Ninjas may be called upon.


Throat punches may be ordered.


I don't care if you are 83 years old.


You have been warned.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Advice for future mothers-in-law: do not feel it necessary to warn the parents of your grandchildren that you may need to watch their diet because they look like they are "filling out", or because the very skinny 9yo said she ate too much for dinner, or because your special grandmother vision can see "chubby" in their future. Especially do not do this in an evil half-whisper in the presence of the child.


Elephant Ninjas may be called upon.


Throat punches may be ordered.


I don't care if you are 83 years old.


You have been warned.


That's crazy.  Even if a person might think such a thing (crazy to start with), wouldn't their next thought be "well, it is the holidays - time for eating lots of yummy treats!" and wouldn't their third thought be to never say such a thing outloud!?


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Little dd had no room until she was 21/2. I would keep john and Mary together and put baby in a separate room. Less disruptive for the olders.



I always tried to give the baby his/her own room no matter how many I crammed in the other room (until the last one - then something had to give).  I felt like my sanity depended on the baby taking good naps and sleeping at night.  The last thing I wanted was to risk that with the presence of siblings. 



I'd do option 1 for the first year, then probably move baby and the older child of the same sex into the larger room and the other child into the smaller.


All of these. 


My friend is currently dealing with a similar situation, but she has 4 kiddos now. The two oldest are girls, the two babies (2 year and newborn) are boys. The oldest girl is in the room with the newborn, and the two middles (since the 2 year old adores his middle sister) are in a room together. It's not ideal, but it's the best she can do right now and will ensure she gets more sleep. 


So, go with the one that gives you sleep - baby in its own room.

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You guys are boring! Matt and I talked more and the baby's getting it's own room. I figured that's what we'd do but I just wanted to be sure before I ordered the trundle. For some reason my prime purchase won't be here until the 6th? There goes the idea of building it this week.

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Obligatory educational post (homemade eggnog recipes do not count):


Most high school graduation plans include world history as part of the course plan. Can we just do an in-depth study of ancient history and call it a day?

I'd say no. Word History typically includes ancient up through present day. 

Though, history does repeat itself, so maybe? 

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Obligatory educational post (homemade eggnog recipes do not count):


Most high school graduation plans include world history as part of the course plan. Can we just do an in-depth study of ancient history and call it a day?


Well, I don't think you should feel like you have to do what most high schools do.  Do you think she needs a better grasp of modern history?  If you did ancients in-depth, and you want to call it world history on the transcript, could she just read another source or spine (or even watch some documentaries) and get a quick over view of modern, no output and call it done?


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Most elderly cannot hear half-whispers Just sayin'


Then just say it loudly. I never understood why old people get away with being rude just because the are old. Humph. They are the ones who should know better. (Dementia aside, that is.)



I think I am grumpy today because TWD on AMC.com requires cable login, and I only have regular Comcast not xfinity. I wanted to watch season 6 tonight. Now I have to wait until Friday night for the marathon. ☹

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Then just say it loudly. I never understood why old people get away with being rude just because the are old. Humph. They are the ones who should know better. (Dementia aside, that is.)



I think I am grumpy today because TWD on AMC.com requires cable login, and I only have regular Comcast not xfinity. I wanted to watch season 6 tonight. Now I have to wait until Friday night for the marathon. ☹

There are *egh hem* other sites you could watch it on. Not that I would ever endorse such a thing. What's so special about Friday? Season 6 sucked. The only surprising thing happened in the last 7 seconds. People joke that it should be called what not to do in a zombie apocolypse. I was very disappointed.

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I'd say no. Word History typically includes ancient up through present day. 

Though, history does repeat itself, so maybe? 



Well, I don't think you should feel like you have to do what most high schools do.  Do you think she needs a better grasp of modern history?  If you did ancients in-depth, and you want to call it world history on the transcript, could she just read another source or spine (or even watch some documentaries) and get a quick over view of modern, no output and call it done?



This is probably what we'll do. It's halfway through the year and she hasn't left Greece. Or, maybe even Mesopotamia...I better check... :leaving:


ETA: So, I checked and she said she's in Africa. Great sense of humor, that one.  :glare:

Edited by Renai
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There are *egh hem* other sites you could watch it on. Not that I would ever endorse such a thing. What's so special about Friday? Season 6 sucked. The only surprising thing happened in the last 7 seconds. People joke that it should be called what not to do in a zombie apocolypse. I was very disappointed.

It's a good thing you're not endorsing it, since you didn't give me much to go on.


Friday is the new year's marathon when season six starts. We've watched through season 5 on Netflix. Do even if 6 sucks, I can't not watch it at this point.


Besides, who cares about realistic? We're talking zombies here.

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It's a good thing you're not endorsing it, since you didn't give me much to go on.


Friday is the new year's marathon when season six starts. We've watched through season 5 on Netflix. Do even if 6 sucks, I can't not watch it at this point.


Besides, who cares about realistic? We're talking zombies here.

I just mean those sites with illegal streaming.


Iv'e gotten into arguments with people about whether or not zombies could actually be a thing. Really? Have you seen The Crazies? Now that's scary.

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Renai, how's the bike?


What about a one year world history course like Notgrass or Crash Course with supplements? Please remember that I haven't taught 1st grade.  :smash:


We have Notgrass. She spends most of her time not doing Notgrass and listening to ancient history lectures. Sigh.

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Oh, and the rest of the family have spent more time on the bike than I. I have sent pics of Gymnast, dd16 (with a tub of Nutella in hand), and dh on the bike. We take off the seat and place pillows in the crotch of the bike for Gymnast. She's done more miles than anyone. 

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Oh, and the rest of the family have spent more time on the bike than I. I have sent pics of Gymnast, dd16 (with a tub of Nutella in hand), and dh on the bike. We take off the seat and place pillows in the crotch of the bike for Gymnast. She's done more miles than anyone.

Is it comfortable?

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Is it comfortable?


I had to figure out how to sit on it in a way that doesn't bruise a bone on my left side, but I've figured it out. I think I'll need to get a cushion for the seat though. Dh cut the bar so we could lower the seat more for me. Because short.

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Oh, and Lynn went running today and made me feel lazy, so I got off my duff and went around 3. And I ran (well, jogged) the whole route! First time since I started exercising again.


So thank you, Lynn. I dedicate this momentous achievement to you, the one who guilted me into going by posting today.


A not attempting to be booty-licious, just trying not to let myself go BOOYAH!

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I had to figure out how to sit on it in a way that doesn't bruise a bone on my left side, but I've figured it out. I think I'll need to get a cushion for the seat though. Dh cut the bar so we could lower the seat more for me. Because short.

Ha! That's better than not being able to use one because your knees hit the thingies.



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So, dd16 and I were looking at the cc list of certificate programs available, and opening up interesting ones in a separate tab. One program she wanted to look at was Federal Law Enforcement. I read, "Critical Thinking in Federal Law Enforcement." She responds, "Ewww. Thinking!" Then laughs. I gave her the momma look and said I was going to smack her. She thought that was even more funny. She's such a brat.



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