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I don't remember who posted the chicken enchilada rollup recipe, but thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! (Yes, I took out half a cup for dd16 before adding chicken. She wants to just eat the mixture, it's so good! I told her no.). Anyway, thanks.


Oh, and she wants to change the name to Mexican sushi.

Edited by Renai
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I am at Old Navy in a long line but nearly done w/Christmas shopping.


We were at Kmart yesterday because I wanted to pick up some hair barrettes for Gymnast's stocking. There were only about 5 people in front of me, and it took over 30 minutes to get through the line!

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Worked late every night this week. But off today. Christmas Eve dinner at SIL's. We spent about $100/person allllll together which is a good Christmas I think.

This is the first year we got the kids gifts. MIL gets them *so much* we never wanted to add to it, but it's become apparent that she doesn't get anything they like, so we got them 2 shared things they'll love and picked out one thing each from my dad that they'll love so it isn't a total bust like last year. We don't exchange gifts but we always get something cool when the tax return gets here. I think we spent $50 total for the kids and around $100 each for the in laws, but we've been buying stuff for the in laws for a few months.

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I don't remember who posted the chicken enchilada rollup recipe, but thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! (Yes, I took out half a cup for dd16 before adding chicken. She wants to just eat the mixture, it's so good! I told her no.). Anyway, thanks.


Oh, and she wants to change the name to Mexican sushi.

So she's not a vegetarian yet?

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Shopping is done (or done enough).  Ds15 will have to get an IOU for Star Wars Legos.  Toys R Us, 2 Targets, 2 Walmarts, a Barnes and Noble -- no one had more than just a few of the $100+ sets (that he doesn't even like).


Spaghetti sauce was pretty good.  It needed more meat.  And it wasn't quite thick enough -- I'll need to cook it on high for a few hours next time.


And, now it's time to wrap presents.   :wacko:   See you next year!!   :laugh:

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This is the first year we got the kids gifts. MIL gets them *so much* we never wanted to add to it, but it's become apparent that she doesn't get anything they like, so we got them 2 shared things they'll love and picked out one thing each from my dad that they'll love so it isn't a total bust like last year. We don't exchange gifts but we always get something cool when the tax return gets here. I think we spent $50 total for the kids and around $100 each for the in laws, but we've been buying stuff for the in laws for a few months.

Adults in our family do books or events together thank heavens.

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Adults in our family do books or events together thank heavens.

That's nice. My MIL usually gets me camouflage clothing and kitchen equipment she wants to use while she's out here, my mom gets me things she likes and my dad sends money. My dad didn't raise me so he figures it's safest.


I like the idea of taking people out. SIL took MIL to a hockey game this year. They loved it because she never does stuff like that and SIL got the tickets for free so she bought food and souvenirs.

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I don't remember who posted the chicken enchilada rollup recipe, but thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! (Yes, I took out half a cup for dd16 before adding chicken. She wants to just eat the mixture, it's so good! I told her no.). Anyway, thanks.


Oh, and she wants to change the name to Mexican sushi.

Yum ym yum! I wonder if you could make it with turkey?

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My mother's angry with me again. I have no clue why. We've spoken twice since she blew up on me. She didn't apologize to me, but she was nice and told me she loves me for the third time since I was 12 and she told me she was finished being my mother. She wants me to call her. I'm very not doing that. I'll have the kids call tomorrow and thank her for the books. This woman makes no sense and I'm not interested in her mess right now. She thinks I'm a horrible daughter. I might have become one, but I didn't start out this way. The only horrible thing I do is avoid her and that doesn't sound too horrible to me considering how unpleasant she is to talk to. Everyone thinks it's sad that we live states away from both sets of parents. Most don't know that it's on purpose!

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Dh took dd with him to walk at the mall. I wonder if they can find room to walk? I'm so glad that I had already walked at the Y

Because there was so much room there? What do you do there? All I've ever done is volunteer at after school programs. I didn't even know people use it as a gym.

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Because there was so much room there? What do you do there? All I've ever done is volunteer at after school programs. I didn't even know people use it as a gym.


I walked on the treadmill.  There are stairsteppers, elipticals, exercise bikes, weight machines, free weights and much more.  And a pool.  And two gyms.  And classes for Zumba and cardio kickboxing and yoga and . . . .   And stuff for kids. 

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I walked on the treadmill. There are stairsteppers, elipticals, exercise bikes, weight machines, free weights and much more. And a pool. And two gyms. And classes for Zumba and cardio kickboxing and yoga and . . . . And stuff for kids.

Wowzers. Mine was in the bad part of DC and was essentially a huge room with a matted floor and some bleachers. Maybe I should go look at one. They charge on a sliding scale, right?

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Taking a (long) break from gift-wrapping.  Dh has been graciously helping.


We had devotions and bedtime snack with the dc.  Then we let them open their gifts to each other and their gifts from Grandpa.


Sent most of them to bed.


It's really warm here this evening; we had to open the windows.


Somewhere in the middle of all of this my headache came roaring back.


Gifts for the younger 3 children are finished.  3 more to go...

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Snow around barn shoveled:  Check


Ponies watered and given enough hay for until the Apocalypse:  Check


Poop shoveled right before dark:  Check


Barn kitties fed, treated, brushed,and loved:  Check



Mama's putting off chores until tomorrow afternoon:  :thumbup:  CHECK

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Nana is making Christmas dinner, so we had homemade soup tonight and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas.  :001_wub: We have no food in the house, because Nana.  (We'll be eating leftovers for a month.)


I finished wrapping the last present about 15 minutes ago.  In a few moments, I shall locate the stockings and hang them by the bookcase with care (the fireplace is SMOKING hot.)


The house is a wreck, but I am finished.  I shall do no chores except for those necessary to keep people or furry friends happy and healthy until day after tomorrow.





Edited by JoJosMom
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We went to the Christmas Eve candle light service, which was quite nice. Came home and had some pear cobbler and I read "The Night Before Christmas" (the most beautiful edition with paper cutouts by Niroot Puttapipat http://www.amazon.com/Night-Before-Christmas-Magical-Cut-Paper/dp/0763634697/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1451015877&sr=1-1 )


Kids are finally asleep and dh is making waffles and bacon in the morning for breakfast. :)

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We went to the Christmas Eve candle light service, which was quite nice. Came home and had some pear cobbler and I read "The Night Before Christmas" (the most beautiful edition with paper cutouts by Niroot Puttapipat http://www.amazon.com/Night-Before-Christmas-Magical-Cut-Paper/dp/0763634697/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1451015877&sr=1-1 )


Kids are finally asleep and dh is making waffles and bacon in the morning for breakfast. :)

Is the musical service tomorrow?

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My mother's angry with me again. I have no clue why. We've spoken twice since she blew up on me. She didn't apologize to me, but she was nice and told me she loves me for the third time since I was 12 and she told me she was finished being my mother. She wants me to call her. I'm very not doing that. I'll have the kids call tomorrow and thank her for the books. This woman makes no sense and I'm not interested in her mess right now. She thinks I'm a horrible daughter. I might have become one, but I didn't start out this way. The only horrible thing I do is avoid her and that doesn't sound too horrible to me considering how unpleasant she is to talk to. Everyone thinks it's sad that we live states away from both sets of parents. Most don't know that it's on purpose!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


One's mother should always love one. :crying:


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So, I have a computer of sorts--a random laptop. I don't love laptops, but it's better than trying to do this on my cell phone (how do folks do that???).


Mr. Ellie is almost finished getting my new computer up and running. Yay Mr. Ellie!


I have done all my Christmas shopping, which wasn't very much. Tomorrow I'll go to Mass at 9:30 and sing in the choir, then come home and schlep around the house. I decided to fix a small dinner for us (turkey breast, potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole), and I invited a single friend from church to come over (she's bringing dessert). I've made cookies (which I gave away), and found one (1) gift for Mr. Ellie (well, a shirt and two ties, so I guess that's three). Mr. Ellie always gives me awesome gifts, I always feel like I'm a slacker when I shop for him, lol.


I went to the grocery store every day this week. What?! But I won't have to go again until Monday.


I met with the director of activities at the rec center and I am now official the Hula Teacher. That should look good on my resume when I run for City Council next year, lol.


We saw Star Wars today. No spoilers, but we can expect a sequel...


And that's my update. I have missed you all biggie bunches.

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Merry Christmas, East Coast!!


Dc's gifts are wrapped. Dh did most of the work. Because headache.


Now dh and I need to wrap each other's gifts. :glare: I'm not sure how I'm going to wrap his gifts, as I can't really move my head...

Do it in the morning. Sorry about your head.

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Merry Christmas! 


My 14yo ds (who has the gift of sleep, we lovingly say, because he can sleep in later than anyone I know) was the first one up this morning, lol.  I heard him go in our bathroom and take a shower before 6:00am.  Then he came back in with a flashlight to let us know "we" (not sure who "we" is) agreed to open at 7:00 and we had one hour to get down there, lol.  Even 10yo ds was saying "Why are you waking us up?!"  So, everyone was up soon after that.  When we got to the end of opening, Mom and Dad came down to our house to see what the kids got and hang out a bit before going to my brother's house to see my nephew's gifts.  We will eat munchies and junk food all day - cheese, crackers, veggie tray, leftover turkey and ham and rolls, mini-quiches, sweets, etc.

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