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Tex, if it's any consolation, I think kitchen chairs are just not what they used to be.  Our current table has several chairs that are a bit iffy.  One, the seat has come completely apart from the frame of the chair so you have to make sure it's in place before you sit.  A couple others are extremely rickety.  I'm considering metal folding chairs next time around.  And just get really nice washable cushions to tie on them to make them more comfortable.


ETA:  Does that sound totally tacky?


Also adding:  What I'd really like to do is forget a table and chairs and have a love seat, couple chairs and coffee table instead.  But that would make having company kind of difficult. 

Edited by Another Lynn
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Advice, if you want it. If not, feel free to ignore. Stop arguing back. Say what you need to say and walk away. (Both DD and I will debate each other to death; it's in our natures. I'm really working on this right now. And have been for a while. It's hard, but it does get better.)



Yes, you are right. And I do work on that. But sometimes that means ignoring everything the child says because if I answer even the most innocent comment from him he turns it into an argument. It takes a lot of mental energy staying one step ahead of this child conversationally.
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Good Morning!!!


I have a problem. Dd16 has been "talking to" this boy. "Talking to" means going with or some form of exclusivity. This boy is a year older and has been kicked off the basketball team for drugs. Dh took her to a ball game Wednesday evening and found her at the very top of the bleachers with this boy, and he had his arm around her. Dh was not happy. He said he stared until the arm was removed. So last night ds20 and dd16 went to the YMCA to swim. So I call ds, and make sure this boy is not going to be there. He assures me no, not going to happen while he is around. Ok good. But however, apparently, he tells dd about the call. Dd16 then sends me a big long text about why I don't trust her. She wants to talk. Ok fine I told her we would talk.


My plan was to just keep a really close eye on her, and not let her be alone with the boy. I figured the relationship would fizzle out in a couple of weeks. But now I have been called out on it. What do I do? I trust her completely, she is a wonderful daughter, but I DO NOT trust this boy. I know his parents and some of his family. Dh is firmly against any type of relationship. Again, what to do?

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You can join Prof and me in our group cuz we are make-up triplets.


Everybody is going to the dentist!


This is a sad story!   :grouphug:



So much fun!  I did it, too.

You can add "anus" to your rude word list.  Apparently it is all the rage in the teen boy world. :huh:


I was saying "anus" before "anus" was cool.  Copycats!   :coolgleamA:

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Everyone is very sick.


It was recommended to me by an older lady with chronic health problems. She was able to drop 3 medications because of it. One for arthritis, one for a lung problem and I forget the third. Once I didn't need percocet this stuff was enough for my back, and I've never put it on my feet and felt as bad or worse the next day, always much, much better.


That's us. Coughing, sore throats, runny noses, vomiting and dry heaving.


You started putting an h at the end of booya. You started a friggen civil war!


I've never tried it. :lol:



I didn't start it.  The pregnant goldfishies who chose to do the fighting started it.  I merely noted that both spellings are acceptable, and the "h" seems more classic.


I have now order some Unkers for 2-day delivery.  It won't be here to help me through the company this weekend, but I'll get some relief after that!  Thank you!

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At the risk of giving advice where it wasn't asked for (lol), I would eliminate or reschedule some of those.  Anniversary - move to January when I'd like a nice supper out and no one else is clogging up roads and restaurants.  Birthdays - depending on closeness and age of relative - seriously downscale.  Only cook for one of the holidays.  Make the other ones catered or finger foods or whatever.  Allergies - can't help you there.  Educating kids - isn't so bad once you eliminate the other things.  NaNoWriMo - #aintnobodygottimefordat.  :leaving:


Mostly, I'm kidding with you.  I know I'm well qualified for the Humbug award, but I also know my limits.  Which is why I pulled everyone out of piano lessons this year, even though it was really one of the most important things to me.  There's only so much time in a day, a week, and I say keep cutting until life fits in that time.  I say all this, not because I'm running for the title bossypants <ahem>  but because I'm justifying the decisions I've made.   






Move anniversary -- no.  It's the one thing that month that is about someone in our own household, so we are keeping it.  October is the month I first met DH, the month (3 years later) we first started dating, the month he unofficially proposed (after I told him to his face I wouldn't say no if he asked) (unofficially because he didn't have a ring until early November and he feels a piece of jewelry somehow makes it more official), and therefore the month we chose for the wedding ceremony.  Half of the 6 birthdays came along later, and all 6 are extended family birthdays.


Birthdays -- we don't do prep other than getting a present for each, but we do show up to the birthday parties and spend the time being supportive family.


I only cook for Thanksgiving, but Halloween, Christmas, and New Year's all require prep, too.


Skip NaNoWriMo?  #aintnobodygonnaconvincemetodothat!  I get MORE accomplished because of NaNoWriMo because I have to figure out how to make it all work.  Otherwise I'd just sit there feeling overwhelmed and sorry for myself because I can't even find the time to write.  Fie on that!


It's more a matter of remembering what's coming up in time to deal with it.  I think what throws me off most is the short notice given for school performances and other events.  We have now officially missed ALL THREE of the Christmas school performances of which we were notified.  I get to face whatever fallout there might be later today.  Hopefully my rum balls will soften people up!

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I have discovered a huge, unpleasant task!!!


For years, every night the parrot flew to the fan in the living room, where he pooped on the blades. :huh:   Yes, we have years of dried parrot poop on the fan.  Why, you ask?  Because I refused to clean off the poop of an animal I did not want and have it just come back.  But he stopped doing that and now will put himself to bed in his cage when you open the door at night so I can clean it off.  So I will be balancing precariously on a ladder chipping dried parrot poop off the fan and if that does not qualify as unpleasant I don't know what does.



sending rum balls to Tex....

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It's 3 days after the phone bill is due. SIL doesn't know when she's going to be able to pay us. Seriously? Her portion is $140! We need to go grocery shopping.


At least my Mayhew's home. And I got to sleep in until 6. And aforementioned Mayhew got nutter butters on the way home, because pregnant and ITT.

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I need an easy, not needing to be served hot (because this party lasts awhile), chicken appetizer recipe.  I can cook a meal but I am helpless and clueless when it comes to appetizers.  Gluten free is needed.  Party is Saturday, which is also ds12's bday.  I scheduled a hair cut appt for the boys on that day, too, because it is what she had available.  Ds12 is vexed due to bday.


I feel like I got off light with the parrot poop thing so I am looking for another unpleasant task.  Will report back.  The glue fix did not work for the coffee table, but we will get bolts and nuts at Home Depot tomorrow when we go.  May attack dog mats.  Dog got overly excited yesterday and jumped on me and left a big scratch on my hand so she deserves a brushing as payback.  


Also, Lilycat (our 9 yo) was sitting nicely on the couch when crazy kitten leapt up, sat on her head and tried to chew her face off. :confused1:


Regarding the table -- I already told you, ammo can base.  It'll be stable, it's easy to disassemble and reassemble when you want to move it, and your pesky neighbors will think twice before being quite so pestiferous!

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But no, not a suitable meal or two or three for a young, growing lad.  (or lass)


My other three kids will eat a more varied diet left to their own devices, but not this one.  It's a large bag of tortilla chips, baby. :huh:


What does he eat if you are out of tortilla chips?

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She didn't actually have lung cancer though. She was diagnosed with it, went through treatment which didn't work so she had surgery to have it removed. That's when they realized it was just an infection. When insurance realized it was an unnecessary surgery they decided not to pay so she got stuck with the bill. I don't think she should have had to pay for cancer treatment when all she had was an infection. I know mistakes happen, but this was an $80,000 mistake. That's a lot of tortilla chips!



This is something that should be pushed back to the doctor and billing agency and insisting they work it out with insurance.  Medical mistakes do happen, and there are systems in place to take care of the expenses.  Push it back, insist on her rights not to pay, and state that if the doctors and insurance don't resolve this soon a lawyer will be consulted about starting a malpractice suit.

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Good Morning!!!


I have a problem. Dd16 has been "talking to" this boy. "Talking to" means going with or some form of exclusivity. This boy is a year older and has been kicked off the basketball team for drugs. Dh took her to a ball game Wednesday evening and found her at the very top of the bleachers with this boy, and he had his arm around her. Dh was not happy. He said he stared until the arm was removed. So last night ds20 and dd16 went to the YMCA to swim. So I call ds, and make sure this boy is not going to be there. He assures me no, not going to happen while he is around. Ok good. But however, apparently, he tells dd about the call. Dd16 then sends me a big long text about why I don't trust her. She wants to talk. Ok fine I told her we would talk.


My plan was to just keep a really close eye on her, and not let her be alone with the boy. I figured the relationship would fizzle out in a couple of weeks. But now I have been called out on it. What do I do? I trust her completely, she is a wonderful daughter, but I DO NOT trust this boy. I know his parents and some of his family. Dh is firmly against any type of relationship. Again, what to do?


Well, she did allow the boy to put his arm around her so she is complicit in having a boy-girl relationship with the boy.  If the boy is a bad egg, then at the very least this means that you can't trust the wisdom and discernment of a 16 year old girl.  (Ha!  I remember how foolish I was at that age. . .   )  It is tricky because I'm sure you didn't want to make the boy the "attractive and misunderstood bad boy".  I guess I would tell her what I had to tell my much younger daughter (sigh) -- that you love her and want her to pursue relationships that will honor her as the beautiful young woman that she is.  No matter how many good qualities she might trot out, the recent drug activity would be a deal breaker for me.  And then schedule some really neat mother-daughter things with her?  (Some of how you address this will also depend on your family's approach to dating in general.) 

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Where have we gone wrong? Does AMJ not *know* that the first message on a new page is supposed to be a BOOYA???!!!


Oh, the horror of it all! :svengo:


Your Majesty,  AMJ is doing her darndest to respond to posts in a timely manner AND keep straight where in the conversation she hasn't been yet.  A little patience, please.  As you can see she discovered it when she got that far reading and added her booyah.


Do we need to treat you for hysterics?

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It's 3 days after the phone bill is due. SIL doesn't know when she's going to be able to pay us. Seriously? Her portion is $140! We need to go grocery shopping.


At least my Mayhew's home. And I got to sleep in until 6. And aforementioned Mayhew got nutter butters on the way home, because pregnant and ITT.


Get your own phone separate from SIL.  You can't be tied to someone who is not financially responsible (the Bible talks about this. . . .) 

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Make it so.


I like our kids' dentist.  Apparently so do a lot of other people, many of whom swarmed the office yesterday.  When setting up the next appointment I also requested setting up the appointment following that (a full year ahead).  I requested a week earlier next December, so we can avoid some of the holiday-break-is-upon-us school crowd.


They will let me book appointments a year in advance!  I SOOOO love this dentist!

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I'm pretty comfortable with my ugliness. And, reading further, I was ugly as a teen too. No hot here. Some things never change. I make beautiful children, though. I'm happy with that.

I have not met many women who are ugly but almost no ugly teen girls. You need a seminar on how beautiful you are.

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Get your own phone separate from SIL. You can't be tied to someone who is not financially responsible (the Bible talks about this. . . .)

I can't we're in a contract. We can't break the contract until the phones are paid for, she owes over $1,000 in iPhone charges, and even then there's a cancelation fee. We took her off as a head person so she can no longer upgrade. We'll talk to her about paying by the 15th. This is her first month of paying her own bills.

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Dd's fever is finally gone...but as soon as I left for work this morning, her whole body exploded in hives. They were bright red and covered every inch of her body - face, legs, back, tummy, feet.
Mom gave her a dose and a half of Benadryl. I ran home on my break and they were still massive, even after 40 minutes of meds; but they were going down. 
I feel so bad for her. :( She can't catch a break this week. 

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You see what you did there?

I am truly horrified. :mellow:


Good Friday Morning! 


Star Wars! - We have tickets to go see it tomorrow.  I'm not watching any news or anything on TV that would give anything away and I'm staying off the Chat board (not that hard to do anyway). 


Tsuga - :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   I do the same kind of analyzing.  My parents' childhoods, my childhood, my dh's childhood, my kids' childhoods - where am I improving, where am I making it worse and what are my blind spots?  Some things we just can't know for a long, long time.  But, the other thing is even if we did it all perfectly, they are still who they are.  You're not responsible for every thing.  Some of it is them (her).  And the thing is, you never know when all the plowing, cultivating, planting, and weeding you are doing now may some day bear fruit.  :grouphug:


I agree, Lynn.  Before kids, I thought they were blank slates I wrote on with Sharpie.  After I had baby #1, I realized that they were a fully written novel from day one.  If I really screwed up, I could tear out a page or change the ending.  Mostly, I would just change some minor dialog with my mistakes, and it would not change the ending.  The ending was already written, though.  It was not up to me.  My job is to stay out of the way of the author.  This has a faith influence that some people would not find useful, but maybe there are applications beyond people of faith because it is really about how we see our role as a parent and how we define our responsibilities.



Tex, if it's any consolation, I think kitchen chairs are just not what they used to be.  Our current table has several chairs that are a bit iffy.  One, the seat has come completely apart from the frame of the chair so you have to make sure it's in place before you sit.  A couple others are extremely rickety.  I'm considering metal folding chairs next time around.  And just get really nice washable cushions to tie on them to make them more comfortable.


ETA:  Does that sound totally tacky?


Also adding:  What I'd really like to do is forget a table and chairs and have a love seat, couple chairs and coffee table instead.  But that would make having company kind of difficult. 

No, not tacky!  Do what works, I say!  This is very reassuring.  I had come to believe that my children were barnyard animals.


Good Morning!!!


I have a problem. Dd16 has been "talking to" this boy. "Talking to" means going with or some form of exclusivity. This boy is a year older and has been kicked off the basketball team for drugs. Dh took her to a ball game Wednesday evening and found her at the very top of the bleachers with this boy, and he had his arm around her. Dh was not happy. He said he stared until the arm was removed. So last night ds20 and dd16 went to the YMCA to swim. So I call ds, and make sure this boy is not going to be there. He assures me no, not going to happen while he is around. Ok good. But however, apparently, he tells dd about the call. Dd16 then sends me a big long text about why I don't trust her. She wants to talk. Ok fine I told her we would talk.


My plan was to just keep a really close eye on her, and not let her be alone with the boy. I figured the relationship would fizzle out in a couple of weeks. But now I have been called out on it. What do I do? I trust her completely, she is a wonderful daughter, but I DO NOT trust this boy. I know his parents and some of his family. Dh is firmly against any type of relationship. Again, what to do?

You trust her, but you do not trust her lack of experience which can lead to bad judgment nor this particular boy one bit.  The "you don't trust me" is a red herring.  In fact, doesn't she trust your life experience to help her make good decisions?   Don't fall for it.  Carry on, warrior!




What does he eat if you are out of tortilla chips?

I think we are rarely out, but in this rare instance or when I have failed to provide large quantities of healthy food he will agree to consume, he will find crackers, cereal, or cookies.  He is on the diet mentioned a few pages back. :lol:

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Dd's fever is finally gone...but as soon as I left for work this morning, her whole body exploded in hives. They were bright red and covered every inch of her body - face, legs, back, tummy, feet.

Mom gave her a dose and a half of Benadryl. I ran home on my break and they were still massive, even after 40 minutes of meds; but they were going down. 

I feel so bad for her. :( She can't catch a break this week. 

Hives are miserable, so I am very sorry to hear!

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Awesome link, Slache! I love all of them but I worry about the kid weight lifter.  Not developmentally appropriate....



He was power-lifting, a type of weight-lifting.  Our girls' personal trainer (now moved away) was a juvenile power lifter when she was younger.  We never got interested in the power lifting, but we did take heart and inspiration from the way her Dad helped her overcome severe scoliosis by building up the muscles carefully.

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I need to find a dentist. Any tips on choosing a good one? I'm leary of all of the postcards I've been getting for local dentists offering low, low rates. I want someone good, you know? Teeth are important.


I once had to choose a dentist for myself out of the phone book, so I chose Dr. Mangle.  The staff in the office were polling new patients to see how they found out about the Dr, and so I told them.  They were surprised, for sure!  I told them I figured with a name like Dr. Mangle he had to be good, or he wouldn't still be in business.  He WAS good!  I stayed with him for years.

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I once had to choose a dentist for myself out of the phone book, so I chose Dr. Mangle.  The staff in the office were polling new patients to see how they found out about the Dr, and so I told them.  They were surprised, for sure!  I told them I figured with a name like Dr. Mangle he had to be good, or he wouldn't still be in business.  He WAS good!  I stayed with him for years.



I chose dh's vasectomy doc because I liked the sound of his name. 

Edited by texasmama
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This evening, I went with the AHG troop to carol at a nursing home and give out homemade cards and fuzzy socks.  It was a large room and we are a small group.  The leader asked me to lead the singing because the other moms were shy and I have stage and singing experience.  So I led everyone in many songs, belting them out until I was hoarse.


Then I greeted the residents and talked to one who reminded me of my grandma, and her name is the same.  As we were leaving, she followed us out and a mom opened the door for her and let her into the parking lot!  Here is a nursing home resident on a walker at night in the cold let into the parking lot! :huh:  So I got her to come back in and walked her to her room.  I think I would like to stop by and see her again.  I miss my grandmas.





I told DH's grandmothers years ago that they were my grandmothers now, too.  I missed having living grandparents, and I love these two dearly!

Edited by AMJ
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I have been thinking about one of my grandmothers a lot lately myself.  One of my deep regrets was that my daughter was terminally ill at the same time she was. I didn't get to do all of the good-bye-ing that I had hoped to.  I really wish that I could've spent more time with her and just really talked.  She went through some hard things in life (like losing a young daughter herself) and she was one of the kindest people I have ever known. She was always bringing people meals, caring for them, and showing a lot of love and acceptance.  I hope to become more open with my heart.


My last visit with my aunt/godmother/second mother was one of high upset for me, after my uncle was mean at my mother's funeral and internment.  She spent the time consoling me and preparing to go to bat for me, and sent me off with DH to rest up and fly home.  I wanted to talk with her more later and get a visit that wasn't all about me, but she died before I could, 4 weeks to the day after Mom died.


I really really really miss them both.

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BY THE WAY, YOU GUYS (and then I have to go)- we received a very nice wooden plaque with a basketball photo of my boys and dh as the coach with our last name at the bottom, PLURALIZED USING AN APOSTROPHE. :confused1:  :confused1:  :confused1:


In other words, it said in large letters at the bottom:


Smith's  (only our name is not Smith)


This is a professional photographer.  I told dh he is out.  Next year we find someone who does not kill kittens.


I sent some people photographic proof of the evidence so they can vouch I am not making this up.

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Also, a mom videoed part of the singing, put it on FB and tagged me without asking because she does not understand The Rules, which is nothing goes on my page without my approval. :hat:


Toss her to the wolves!  This is a capital offense!

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I feel so tired of my love and goodwill to my children and attempts to give them a better life being wasted. I am beginning to thing that it's true that we were poor because we are not good people and that's why my kids are so hard. That I was never worth the time put into me and they aren't worth the time put into them because they just argue and the world doesn't need arguers. The world needs people who can follow

Directions! Just. Stop. Arguing. Stop. It's an a note. You can't win this one.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


You ARE good people and they are going through a phase.  Maybe they should join a debate team!  Or go into law school.

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Thanks guys. I know this is good advice but my kid went to bed without brushing teeth, no pajamas, no violin practice, and still didn't finish her room tonight. UGH.


I just needed to vent.


It is very hard when your own parents had normal upbringings but kind of disastrous young adulthoods. It feels like you never know what caused that behavior so you never know whether you're preventing it.


Or maybe they are just destined for one thing and it's all pointless.


I know this isn't healthy thinking but I'm so SICK of it. Not just arguing, but â€‹arguing for the sake of arguing to the exclusion of living a full life.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I have not met many women who are ugly but almost no ugly teen girls. You need a seminar on how beautiful you are.


I actually was an ugly teenager.  The jokes about Chelsea Clinton were hurtful, because I could have passed for her sister.  Anytime anyone called her ugly, they were really saying it to me.  (Good thing the internet hadn't caught on yet...)  She and I both look much better as adults.

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I'm pretty comfortable with my ugliness. And, reading further, I was ugly as a teen too. No  hot here. Some things never change. I make beautiful children, though. I'm happy with that.




And your gorgeous spirit shines through in all 600 pages here.  So there.





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No. Just no.


I calculate I have wasted YEARS of my life trying on clothes that don't fit, and now DD11 has decided she hates shopping exactly because of this "need".  If it will save me from searching the entire store for one pair of pants I'll try it!

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