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Morning, Happy Monday.  Back to work today (but only for two more weeks).   

This morning I have one student trialing a class who has "food allergies" but we don't know which ones and the teacher is of course, planning stuff with food.   I only got confirmation that they were coming and doing that class overnight so don't have time to ask until they get there this morning.

I have two others who never paid for this session and haven't come past the first two weeks but were on vacation and may show up today, that I need to catch mom to pay if they do show up.   

Plus this is the first day we are trying our new arrangement to check it out for next year, so all around this could be very interesting.  

A very late ETA:  I guess I got the booya.  I could swear it wasn't a booya when I posted it this morning. 

Edited by Wheres Toto
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Good Morning!!!



Hot!!!☀️☀️☀️🔥🔥🔥☀️☀️☀️🔥🔥🔥 We’ll be heating up to 107 degrees by next weekend here in Central,California. So, buckle up your air conditioners folks and get ready for our descent into 🔥🔥.

Work today. This is my last contracted week of work, though I will be spending all summer preparing my new challenge for next year, which will be teaching Home Economics for our High School. I’m excited about it. But, this week I need to finish up all the stuff from this past school year, make some phone calls to new families on my roster (Svengo, I hate phone calls) and today my team is having an end of the year lunch at a local Mexican Restaurant which should be fun.

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Morning! My back/hip is hurting again. I’m pretty sure it’s because I sit on my bed for hours at night before I fall asleep and not the new Casper mattress. I didn’t have pain the morning I didn’t do that. Sigh! I like watching movies and zonking out. Of course, I was hauling a 40lb 5 yr old yesterday, too. And I put our old mattress in the tv room then sat sitting up on it for hours watching Moana with Little Man. Or could dairy be a culprit? I ate ice cream last night. Or gluten? Costco cinnamon rolls are too hard to resist. So in conclusion, it could be any number of reasons that are maybe not connected. I need to find an osteopath like one of you suggested.

Happy day!

Edited by Green Bean
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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Hot!!!☀️☀️☀️🔥🔥🔥☀️☀️☀️🔥🔥🔥 We’ll be heating up to 107 degrees by next weekend here in Central,California. So, buckle up your air conditioners folks and get ready for our descent into 🔥🔥.


So what I think I'm hearing is that you would like to come with me to England?  Please come!  High temps will average 68 degrees. ☃️

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I am prepping my next lopsided yard circle area.  So I weedwhacked the barely discernible outline of where it used to be before I let entropy take over.  And then I raked the innards of the circle because dh has been using as a dumping ground for lawn clippings.  I still have more to do before I can start barking it section by section.  But we're on our way.


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Another gardenpo.   Actually this is a Devotional Garden po.

After working on the yard circle I turned my attention to "rooting out evil".  I have had some very stickery and extremely healthy weeds staring at me for the last ocuple of weeks.  I got (most of) them out by the roots.  Some I don't think that I got out all the root and you know what happens with evil if there is a root left. . . .   I also rooted out a couple of evil blackberry vines as best I could.  (I like to eat blackberries but where I live blackberries are an invasive species.)  I have noticed that weeds seem to have a lot more defenses (thorns, stickers, sticky gluey stems that cause rashes etc.) than the nice plants.  Evil works hard to survive. 

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EdPo, but just a tiny one: I bought Sonlight’s I Can Read It! series used to try with Little Man. I’m still not sure what else to pick for him. I will figure it out.

Susan: You have to try fish n chips and pastys while there. DH says look for a Gregg’s shop.

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Good Morning!

Happy Whatever Day It Is!  Tuesday?

I have a lot of stuff that I need to try to get done today -- buy things for camp, send things to ds and ddil, clean up the house, put stuff away, schedule appointments, finish dd17's grades/transcript/diploma...

I'm hoping to get it all done by Saturday...

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Good Morning!!!




DS is going on a rafting trip, so I have to get him to Big City of the South by 10:30, but Ima get him here about 15 minutes early because DD 2&3 have an orthodontist consult on our town at 11:00. Ugh. They need the orthodontia, but 💲💲😩😩😩.

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I got a call from the mechanic.  He says the spark plugs and coils need to be replaced and something or other needs a good clean-out.  Or he could just replace the one spark plug and coil for about 1/3 of the cost, but the others are ready to go any minute what with over 200K miles on it.  So I told him to go ahead and do the whole shebang.  Svengo.  But it's cheaper than replacing the van.

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13 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

What am I forgetting to pack?








Nail clippers/file


Chapstick/ lip balm

Period supplies?

Bug repellent if you are doing country hikes? If customs allows.

Bathing suit

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16 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I tend to pack light and pick things up at my destination if I need them. 

That is smart.  It's not like we're going into the wilderness.  At this point, everything fits into an under-seat sized case, but I'm also wearing my jacket and sweater on the plane, and those are the biggest items.

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I make a list a week before so I can edit. I usually pack light, but going to Europe would make me nervous and I might pack everything.

I also pack my suitcase the night before and put all of my toiletries in a Ziploc in the bathroom so I have to get everything from the bag. Having to go through my morning routine with everything already packed tells me if I missed anything.

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Well, we are back from the orthodontist. Thank goodness they have a family plan. DH is also a patient. He’s had braces for a year now. And he’s 54 years old. 🤣 anyhow, DD2 has an overbite, so her treatment plan is pretty straightforward (no pun intended), but Baby… oh mercy. Her teeth are a mess.  She’s going to have to have 4 extractions and then the braces. Well, they can put the brackets on first and then do the extractions. 

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Krissi- my sympathy. DS17 and DD13 have mess o mouths. Thank goodness for braces and retirement funds!

I just ordered Little Man the new TGTB K, their new nature reader, and Little Hearts/Hands science unit! I'll order K handwriting as a pdf later when he finishes what we have already. The buying has begun!

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