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12 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Your daughter woke you up at 1:30 too?

Yes! She was crying because she had a dream her legs hurt and we wouldn't let her have Tylenol. We gave her Tylenol but I don't think her legs hurt. I'm confused about the whole thing.

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We got rain and some wind. The power flickered but didn't stay out more than a minute at a time. PS was closed and the State Fair didn't open as scheduled.

DH worked from home. We schooled as usual, except that somehow a frog got into the living room! And there wasn't time to shoo it out before DS's Spanish class online, so it was a little distracting. Shockingly, Kitty (Terror of Pompoms, Scourge of Polyester Mousedom) didn't even notice a small wild animal hopping around the same room.

Today we have improved (read: cooler) weather, and this metro area is back to normal. Cool weather and rain (which we call the Sleepy Noise, having for years used a rain CD to help DS fall asleep) meant we slept in a little. It's now 30 minutes past time for DS to start school, and he is just now getting dressed, and I haven't showered yet.

And that's the Hurricane Report. Now back to our regularly scheduled Ignoring.

Edited by Carolina Wren
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Good morning!

What is a brown out?

We have decided to do morning lessons and then go orienteering right before lunch.  I need to get downstairs to help ds13 with some of his cello music.

Dh has a rash on his foot from the backpacking trip - red pinpricks on the top of his foot.  It used to be a lot more red, but now it just itches.  Not spreading.  He enjoys showing it to me every morning.  :rolleyes:



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Correction: PS is closed again. I have no idea why. ?

Update: Apparently a few roads are closed because of downed trees, including Route 64 near Flying Hawk Road. I didn't do it, I swear.

The State Fair is opening, though, and I suspect there will be a lot of families going just because they need to get out.

Edited by whitehawk
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Good Morning!!!



Today is the day!! The first day of a glorious weekend where I can be a real person and not just “Mom”and I am not responsible for anyone except my own self.

Whitehawk, I am glad you are safe!!

Angi, enjoy the cool weather.

Slashie and Jean, I hope you got back to sleep.

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So, have any of you seen or heard of any sort of curriculum or even a pamphlet that has educational information for young teens about internet etiquette, texting, navigating social media? A couple nights ago we had the cops show up at our house because of something DS2 had texted. It is all fine, his text was basically something an extremely immature, socially awkward, and impulsive, etc. etc. boy would say orally, but in this day and age can cause all manner of panic and misunderstanding in a text. Anyhow, since Mom and Dad are stupid and old and don’t know what we are talking about (we have had many talks about how horrible a method of communication texting is, and why) I would like something he can look at and study and learn from before he gets his texting privileges back again.

Edited by KrissiK
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10 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

So, have any of you seen or heard of any sort of curriculum or even a pamphlet that has educational information for young teens about internet etiquette, texting, navigating social media?

Social Rules for Kids touches on it:


Since text is in print, it is more permanent than something that is said, and can be seen by others.
I should never text or send gossip, rumors, or inappropriate words or pictures to friends.
It is not private.
The person I sent it to may share it with others.
Other people may see it.
My parents may see it.
It may be sent to kids I don't want to see it.
I may become a victim of bullying. Kids may laugh and tease me.
When I get older, pictures will still be available for all to see, so I should choose appropriate words and pictures.


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41 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

What is a brown out?

We have decided to do morning lessons and then go orienteering right before lunch.  I need to get downstairs to help ds13 with some of his cello music.

Dh has a rash on his foot from the backpacking trip - red pinpricks on the top of his foot.  It used to be a lot more red, but now it just itches.  Not spreading.  He enjoys showing it to me every morning.  :rolleyes:



A brown out is when the power almost goes out but doesn't.

The ceiling light in the room I was in became very dim for several seconds and flickered a little bit between low and full power, but it never actually went out.

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Good morning.  It's cool and raining. I feel much better. Summer depression can go freeze as far as I am concerned. 

I didn't get into the writing contest for the second year in a row. But I got further this time than last. Back to work for me. Got queries to send, words to write, and two pitch contests to prep for.

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 Good morning! I'm rejoicing that today is Friday typically, because it's our shorter day.  i think I need a new counselor, when I pay someone to listen to me whine and complain shouldn't they actually listen, mine starts talking to me like I'm her counselor.  Today is lessons with the boys and lawn care, the grass looks horrible and we need to join the oversleepers club today because I slept a full half hour past my normal wake up time.

((krissi and Ds)). I hate texting, so much can be taken out of context.

slache and Jean, I hope you guys get naps today!

whitehawk, so glad you're ok.

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36 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

Mama, you should get a new counselor.  I have no recommendations, though.  Maybe mom's night out with me or amber and me would help more?  We could talk and whine all we want.  Amber wouldn't have to be included.  I don't know her any better than you do!

You know I was thinking the exact same thing.

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Our checking account is now positive. Whew. I don't mind being overdrawn, but there's a $35 fee.

I don't know what's wrong with my kids but I called school off. They're all teary. They've been tired and emotional since camping. I'm not sure what to do about it.

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Baby had his check up and shots. Poor, poor Baby. :sad: He's still hiccuping in his sleep. They are unhappy that he's now under the 3rd percentile and hasn't gained weight in 3 mos. I told them he's a very busy baby and started walking a few days after his last appointment. And he's 4lbs and 2 inches bigger than his sisters were at the same age, so that's pretty good to me. I'm refusing to be concerned about it. 

I love Fridays! 

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22 minutes ago, Slache said:

Our checking account is now positive. Whew. I don't mind being overdrawn, but there's a $35 fee.

I don't know what's wrong with my kids but I called school off. They're all teary. They've been tired and emotional since camping. I'm not sure what to do about it.

Yeah, that $35 fee is a killer!

give them hot cocoa, back rubs and a movie or audio book and when they drift off, you take a nap too.

Edited by mama25angels
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Edpo: DS and I know all the countries in Africa! Yay for mnemonic devices.  ? ? ?  ?️ ?

We're doing a super-light schedule next week, just making sure we finish some science stuff and the math unit, and a little Spanish. And scouting requirements. He needs a break.


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Math done and graded. I get a gold star for being able to really explain algebra. 

Chemistry graded (though we still have today’s lab to do. )

Lit graded up to today’s work, which still needs to be done. 

History was already up to date. She still needs to do today’s portion. 

Apparently I dropped the ball on this week’s Psychology and “someone “ didn’t bother to tell me. 

Japanese-  had to reiterate AGAIN that I am not responsible for the creation of the Japanese writing systems. 

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1 hour ago, Paige said:

Baby had his check up and shots. Poor, poor Baby. :sad: He's still hiccuping in his sleep. They are unhappy that he's now under the 3rd percentile and hasn't gained weight in 3 mos. I told them he's a very busy baby and started walking a few days after his last appointment. And he's 4lbs and 2 inches bigger than his sisters were at the same age, so that's pretty good to me. I'm refusing to be concerned about it. 

I love Fridays! 

I had one way ahead, one way behind, and I have no idea what the baby is doing. Everyone wanted me to starve him, put her in speech therapy and discipline the baby more. I was never concerned. Mom knows best.

1 hour ago, mama25angels said:

Yeah, that $35 fee is a killer!

give them hot cocoa, back rubs and a movie or audio book and when they drift off, you take a nap too.

They went boar hunting and are now watching something. They're pretty happy now that I've cancelled school.

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My understanding is that a baby (or child's) growth curve is more important than the actual percentile. 

ETA:  I wish that we (and the doctors) had paid more attention to dd's (nonexistent after age 11) growth curve.  We would have had celiac testing and diagnosis sooner if we had, I think. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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19 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

ETA:  I wish that we (and the doctors) had paid more attention to dd's (nonexistent after age 11) growth curve.

I'm really thankful for DS's ped's attention to this. It was the only sign of a problem: dude fell off his well-established curve like a rock off a cliff--in a year when he'd been so (apparently) healthy he hadn't seen a doctor at all between check-ups.

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18 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

My understanding is that a baby (or child's) growth curve is more important than the actual percentile. 

ETA:  I wish that we (and the doctors) had paid more attention to dd's (nonexistent after age 11) growth curve.  We would have had celiac testing and diagnosis sooner if we had, I think. 

I definitely have an eye out for celiac. Was she not growing because she wasn't absorbing nutrients?

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47 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

My understanding is that a baby (or child's) growth curve is more important than the actual percentile. 

ETA:  I wish that we (and the doctors) had paid more attention to dd's (nonexistent after age 11) growth curve.  We would have had celiac testing and diagnosis sooner if we had, I think. 

Yeah, if he doesn't grow between this and the next appointment we'd consider looking into it. We know he's not allergic to anything since he had testing. He's still tripled his birth weight, and if you met me, you'd probably agree that him being a bigger baby for a few months was probably the anomaly and him being a little guy is more likely where he'll stay for a while. 

I know someone whose child did not grow in height or weight from ages 2-6 yrs and the doctors kept saying she was fine! That was crazy. She needed and eventually got growth hormones. 

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What a mess - that flooding!  :sad:

I'm home.  We went orienteering.  Started on the advanced course but turned back when our path sent us into a ravine.  So we did the beginners course which was kinda stupid because it followed an established trail, but I made ds13 use the compass and map at every marker and count steps for distance.

We got home way later than I expected and got in a quick story time chapter and some writing and a bit of history reading.  Then I took ds and dd to Kroger and Goodwill for boy scout backpacking groceries and halloween costume clothing (white, hooded long-sleeved shirt). I also found a black suit jacket for ds13 - too big for him now but he'll grow out of his current one soon enough.

Turkey pot pie is made and in the oven, and I am planning to loaf around for the rest of the evening.



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10 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

I'm tired.  

Time for everyone to go to bed.  Except me because I didn't drink my afternoon coffee until 5:00.  ?

According to the internet quizes, I am supposed to retire in Danville, KY, Danville, KY, or New Orleans.  Strangely enough, I always picture myself in a hammock strung between two palm trees on the beach of the ITT Island. ?

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I watched The Great Pumpkin which I believe was my first peanuts experience. They all have terrible parents.

8 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

According to the internet quizes, I am supposed to retire in Danville, KY, Danville, KY, or New Orleans.  Strangely enough, I always picture myself in a hammock strung between two palm trees on the beach of the ITT Island. ?

I love New Orleans. Love so much. I'm not sure that's common though. Can I take the test?

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11 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Time for everyone to go to bed.  Except me because I didn't drink my afternoon coffee until 5:00.  ?

According to the internet quizes, I am supposed to retire in Danville, KY, Danville, KY, or New Orleans.  Strangely enough, I always picture myself in a hammock strung between two palm trees on the beach of the ITT Island. ?

I'm going to bed now, I'm exhausted and annoyed, not a good combination.  Go to KY, those blue hills and all that.

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8 hours ago, Slache said:

I watched The Great Pumpkin which I believe was my first peanuts experience. They all have terrible parents.

I love New Orleans. Love so much. I'm not sure that's common though. Can I take the test?

I am a little afraid of NO, though I've never even been to Louisiana.  Plus hot.

15 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

I would think Danville might be a little boring - I don't know, it's pretty small.  But close to Lexington is good. ?

I am boring.  Danville seems to be pretty much the same town that I live in now, which probably means we should just stay here.  :biggrin:

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Good morning!  I had a hard time remembering what day is was when I woke up.

Dh has taken ds13 to the backpacking meeting place.  I am taking the girls to the dollar store (birthday presents for dh and halloween costume supplies) and Hobby Lobby a little later.  I am supposed to find our fall decorations which are hiding pretty well so far.  And the kids are begging to get out the bins of winter clothes, so that might also happen.


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29 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!  I had a hard time remembering what day is was when I woke up.

Dh has taken ds13 to the backpacking meeting place.  I am taking the girls to the dollar store (birthday presents for dh and halloween costume supplies) and Hobby Lobby a little later.  I am supposed to find our fall decorations which are hiding pretty well so far.  And the kids are begging to get out the bins of winter clothes, so that might also happen.


Happy birthday!

36 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I am a little afraid of NO, though I've never even been to Louisiana.  Plus hot.

I am boring.  Danville seems to be pretty much the same town that I live in now, which probably means we should just stay here.  :biggrin:

Take the kids for Mardi Gras one year. There are plenty of family friendly parades.

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1 hour ago, Another Lynn said:

I would think Danville might be a little boring - I don't know, it's pretty small.  But close to Lexington is good. ?

How did Danville get on anyone's list for possible places to retire? I'm sure it's fine if you live there, but moving there on purpose to retire seems, I dunno...boring.  ITT Island would be so much better. 


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