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We went to the pool today.  They set up a slip and slide for the kids and played games.  They even had an adult game.  They threw a bunch of tennis balls in the pool.  Anyone who grabbed a tennis ball with an x got a free beer.  We did did not play, but thought it would have been better to just bring a sharpie.  :D

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Did she get a smart mouth with you, Renai?


Worse (I think so anyway). She seems to think she has an authority and her words carry a weight that is a bit overestimated. It doesn't help that she knows that dh was...on probation...I have to constantly remind her she is not the parent. Seriously, they fight like a divorcing couple. Last night, I realized how bad she instigates things when I listened to her tone.


Unfortunately, there's not much I could take anyway, and nothing really matters to her.

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Worse (I think so anyway). She seems to think she has an authority and her words carry a weight that is a bit overestimated. It doesn't help that she knows that dh was...on probation...I have to constantly remind her she is not the parent. Seriously, they fight like a divorcing couple. Last night, I realized how bad she instigates things when I listened to her tone.


Unfortunately, there's not much I could take anyway, and nothing really matters to her.

Yes, that is worse!  I'm sorry.  

Edited by texasmama
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Ya all make me smile and laugh.



Ds6 walked out on the porch, proceeded to go number 1, and announced "The world is my bathroom." Now, where did he learn that?


I admit though, that I laughed. :D



Tex, Take his stuff!  Take his stuff!  Take his stuff!







We can come over if you need last minute replacement dinner guests. 


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Yes, that is worse!  I'm sorry.  My dh and oldest always got along well.  In fact, they got along better than she did with either me or her dad at that age.  We were grateful that she would listen to anyone.  He mostly just was supportive of her but did no discipine.

I've been with him since I was pregnant with her. We married when she was 3.

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POST #15,000!!!!!


You see how she is not just Another Lynn - she is extraordinary!


Renai, can you contribute a cool picture?


This deserves rewards and prizes! Cheesecake? Coffee?


I will contribute homemade blueberry-grape jam and some blueberry bread.


Another Lynn,



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I think I'm just going to have her do her online classes for now - geometry, logic, and chemistry - and her daily grammar (Easy grammar) and wait until November to start heritage Spanish and history.


That way, she'll have accountability for the online classes, I can keep up with checking her grammar, then when my program is over in November I can do history and Spanish with her. Some of the history will be in Spanish although we're using Notgrass, so I need to plan how to integrate those subjects for her to get those credits. I want to get literature for different time periods in Spanish to study, for example. Waiting until November will allow me to do that planning. She said she's okay going into June with those subjects if we start late.

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I think I'm just going to have her do her online classes for now - geometry, logic, and chemistry - and her daily grammar (Easy grammar) and wait until November to start heritage Spanish and history.


That way, she'll have accountability for the online classes, I can keep up with checking her grammar, then when my program is over in November I can do history and Spanish with her. Some of the history will be in Spanish although we're using Notgrass, so I need to plan how to integrate those subjects for her to get those credits. I want to get literature for different time periods in Spanish to study, for example. Waiting until November will allow me to do that planning. She said she's okay going into June with those subjects if we start late.


Makes perfect sense!  Very good plan!


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Had a lovely, vacation-like Labour Day. Slept in, walked the dogs, went to friends for lunch, went to the beach, then dh and I played doubles tennis for a couple hours. Now I'm sitting enjoying a glass of wine, chips and ice cream. It doesn't get much better than this!   :thumbup:


The only annoying part was the 6am wake-up barks and whines from Pine Cone Jr. I'll be happy to drop him off with his family tomorrow.  :D

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Somehow my old sad slide phone got wet. :(  So I cried and threw a fit and now I have a nice new iPhone. 

But I can't get it to text anyone but DH.  Hmmmm.


DS is complaining about having to read.


I don't blame him for being in a mood.  His friend's mom bailed on our get together today at the park because she got her tattoo fixed up right before the play date and the gel that she needed to put on it attracts bugs and she didn't want anymore bug bites. (Sorry, still wrapping my brain around this one.)  This is the second time in a row she cancelled at the last minute.  Last time it was because she forgot she had to work until work called her asking where she was. 


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We spent Labor Day following the time-honored tradition of....... Staining the deck.


DH would kill me if he saw that 1st person plural pronoun there, BUT since I was on my feet all day tending to the littles to keep them OFF the deck, the I say YES. I took just as much part in staining the deck as you, buddy.


Between coats, we did hit Cumberland Farms for half a dozen 85 cent slushies, which we then took to a playground. Had a blast. So a fun day in spite of all the work!


I'm am now enjoy a huge catch up reading of the ITT. I wish I could like everything, but COMPUTER DEAD SO IT'S PHONE FOR ME. And liking on my phone is sloooow.

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Dd4 is now dd5. <weepy eyes>


She got a knitting fork for her bday this weekend and is soooooo proud of her little knit snakes. It's adorable.


And our unbelievably amazing IRL friends, who throw us all a big family birthday season party each year, spoiled us again this weekend with another great night out. They wrapped up their decades-old port-a-potty and gave it to us so that we can now say we have a two-bathroom house. REALLY. They already drive us to the airport whenever we need them to, even at 3am, and now this. Can't ask for better friends. I puffy-heart-adore them. :-)


More importantly, though, they also had a chocolate lava cake to die for. Which of course is the real point of my posting of all this. If I can get my hands on the recipe, I will share with y'all. I think a few of you may be in need of one???

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I envy all of you who did fun things today. I was in bed last night with the lights out by 10, because I have vertigo. Spent all day in my jammies because...vertigo. It's a Hashimoto's thing. And today is Mr. Ellie's birthday. I did buy him a card a few weeks ago, so he got that. We had dinner with friends yesterday (I barely made it through; happily, we watched "The Karate Kid" on the ginormous TV in the hosts' media room, and I was able to lay my head down while I watched), and the vertigo got worse as the evening progressed. Yay us. Whinewhinewhine

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It was 17 bags to the trash in the end. I finished all of the cleaning I had to do because of all the cleaning I did. Dusting, vacuuming, laundy. The house looks great. I'm really hoping that this "tidying up" is "life changing". It took over 30 hours. Everything is in the right place. Finally.

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I envy all of you who did fun things today. I was in bed last night with the lights out by 10, because I have vertigo. Spent all day in my jammies because...vertigo. It's a Hashimoto's thing. And today is Mr. Ellie's birthday. I did buy him a card a few weeks ago, so he got that. We had dinner with friends yesterday (I barely made it through; happily, we watched "The Karate Kid" on the ginormous TV in the hosts' media room, and I was able to lay my head down while I watched), and the vertigo got worse as the evening progressed. Yay us. Whinewhinewhine

Happy Birthday to Mr. Ellie!


I'm sorry you had such a bummer of a day. The Queen should not have bummer days. It's a rule.

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It was 17 bags to the trash in the end. I finished all of the cleaning I had to do because of all the cleaning I did. Dusting, vacuuming, laundy. The house looks great. I'm really hoping that this "tidying up" is "life changing". It took over 30 hours. Everything is in the right place. Finally.

You are awesome!


(There are 2 inconsequential corners in my house that are completely clean. The two bathtubs, however, are very clean, so if anyone wants to come over, that's all they get to see.)

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Good Morning!  I'm late posting because I was dealing with kitten issues this morning.  She was crying after we were up a little bit, so I let her out.  (She stays in the basement at night).  Then later, I was going to take her back down and noticed she had knocked a photograph off the ledge (of the basement steps) and it had fallen, and glass had broken.  So, I entertained her upstairs until 6:30, then woke up dd to have her "babysit" while I cleaned up the glass and photograph, etc.  It wasn't too bad of a clean-up.  Then I hung the three photographs from the ledge in the basement so that kitty can't knock them off.  (You know one of the others had already had the glass broken out because kids.)


So, a belated Good Morning! 


(ETA;  dd has gone back to bed;  hope I haven't ruined her for school today.  :crying: )

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Ellie - Sorry about the vertigo. How does it work that you can feel it when you aren't physically in a high spot?


Slache - Awesome job on the decluttering and cleaning! Enjoy the reunion with the family.



Pine Cone Junior was at it again barking at 3am then 6am. I'm thrilled to be returning this furry bundle of "joy" this morning!!! :hurray:


We're heading to the apple orchard today. Should be lots of fun and lots of yummy apples to munch. I'll be taking my allergy pills as this is my annual forbidden fruit eating time.

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Good Morning, from the West Coast. Where summer has not gotten the message that Labor Day has come and gone and he should have, too! It's supposed to be 106 degrees this week! Woohoo, and we start soccer practice!


Ellie, hope the vertigo is better.


Lynne, sorry about the kitty troubles!


Everyone else, have a mighty good day!

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Jean was here.  I am hoping to go back to bed as soon as dh leaves for work because I didn't sleep well.  I've already taken ds to work and packed dh's lunch and made his breakfast so technically I could be in bed now.  But I will wait because I can never sleep until he's left and everything is totally quiet again anyway.)

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Just popping in before I take the dogs for their walks. The apple orchard was awesome. I love apples straight off the treel. So crisp and delicious!  Then there are the yummy apple donuts, the apple cider and honey products. I'm sugared out and happy. ;)


If the rain holds out, I'll play tennis this afternoon with dh and friends, then off to a charity running race coordinating meeting.


Barky, whiny Pine Cone Jr is out of our house and back in his own!!  :hurray:   I'll be able to sleep again.

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So, so sick. Ug. Really crappy summer cold. I also have about 30 pages of due diligence post-readings to get back into the ring with you all. I am sitting at piano, then the grocery store, then tennis lessons. Then, I can go home and crawl under a rock.


But I did go to Walgreens and get the REAL Sudafed. Not that crap they sell off the shelves, but the good stuff you now have to sign your life away for at the pharmacist's counter😆

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Just popping in before I take the dogs for their walks. The apple orchard was awesome. I love apples straight off the treel. So crisp and delicious! Then there are the yummy apple donuts, the apple cider and honey products. I'm sugared out and happy. ;)


That sounds wonderful! I would love to go to an apple orchard!


Well, we're living in he// today. It's hot and the air quality is horrible. We can't see the sky because of all the smoke from the Rough Fire. The sky is a whitish-gray. Just praying for rain so that fire goes out. They aren't trying to put it out at this point, it's too big. They're just trying to save structures.



ETA: Booya/Booyah. I'm trying to be inclusive here. Don't want to offend the H-ers.

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Apple orchard sounds wonderful... We try to do it every year, but I like going when it is cool, so I have to wait a week or so:-)


Hell does not sound wonderful. I am sorry for your poor lungs:-(


On a positive note, I saw a dear friend at Good Harvest (when I went to pick up pizza for dinner because I am to blech to cook) so that made me smile. Plus, dh called on his way home from work and offered to pick the kids up from tennis. I usually don't leave when they practice because the lessons are at our club, and I can get a workout in. Today I dropped them so I could come home and make aforementioned pizza so I wouldn't have to do it later, lol. So, I avoided a trip back and am now safely ensconced in my couch with my Kleenex box and the newly arrived Breaking the Spanish Barrier for me to peruse in between hacking coughs;-)


I love the silver lining.

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