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11 minutes ago, Ellie said:

Oh, I like this one so much better than the Hayley Mills one.

Did you notice the that girlfriend's mother is the same actress who played the girlfriend in the first one?

Yes, I like this one better, too.

And I knew about the girlfriend's mother because I almost can't watch a movie without reading the entire IMDb immediately afterward.

7 minutes ago, ikslo said:

What??!??  That’s...that’s...I can’t even. 


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I finally watched the movie Wonder a few nights ago.  Such a good movie.  Of course I cried most of the way through it.

I haven't read the book yet because my library never seems to have it.  I wonder if it's lost under some kid's bed..

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52 minutes ago, ikslo said:

Internet Explorer.

Yeah, I know. I hateth Explorer. 

37 minutes ago, Paige said:

No, it's sitting on the counter full of bananas. 

Come on over.

Ok. I'll break the thing.

2 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I have wet knees. Juliet keeps licking them 

Take care that she doesn't eat you. 

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3 minutes ago, Paige said:

I gave up and have scheduled a grooming appointment for my cat. I'm so worried about this poor lady who thinks she can do it. I hope she's right and nobody gets hurt.

Is she a professional? It's extraordinarily easy to rip a cat's skin.

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I’m sitting outside right now, enjoying the not-so-cool evening, but at least there are crickets. It sounds like summer. I wish we had fireflies. There’s a June bug crashing around outside here. And my poor kitty is too lazy to go after it.

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19 minutes ago, Slache said:

Is she a professional? It's extraordinarily easy to rip a cat's skin.

Yes, she has her own store front and everything, and gets good reviews. But Mister Kitty is a handful. I do doggie's grooming and we tried Mister Kitty last night- I gave him some prescription chill out pills, waited an hour, and 4 of us tried to get it done. We surrendered within 2 min. If she can't do it, I'm going to have to find a vet who'll sedate him and that's bound to be really $$$. Why can't Mister Kitty wash himself like a nice cat?! ?

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9 minutes ago, Paige said:

Yes, she has her own store front and everything, and gets good reviews. But Mister Kitty is a handful. I do doggie's grooming and we tried Mister Kitty last night- I gave him some prescription chill out pills, waited an hour, and 4 of us tried to get it done. We surrendered within 2 min. If she can't do it, I'm going to have to find a vet who'll sedate him and that's bound to be really $$$. Why can't Mister Kitty wash himself like a nice cat?! ?

Every cat is. a. handful. You have no idea. Seriously. Don't stress. Our vet does it for $150, but it's not beautiful. 

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Good Tuesday Morning!  Coffee is brewing!

I'm outta likes a couple pages back.

Hi Paige!  Hope it goes well for Mr. Kitty.

I have never seen either parent trap movie.

I can't wait to see the hula lesson.  (remind me to never meet up with Ellie or to steal all recording devices if I do.  ?)

Krissi, I'm jealous of your '69 Pontiac and your escape plan.  

(((Ikslo)))  I can't remember what to do unless I have it written down either, but I not because I work. ? I struggle with google docs too, but I can't remember why. ? On the upside, planning is the most fun part of homeschooling and now you get to do it twice.  (maybe?) 



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14 hours ago, Slache said:

I MADE $8 WITH MY PLAN TO EAT REFERRAL. Go Slache. I can buy like 3 potatoes with that.

Whitehawk, was that you? Do you like it?

Yup. I like it, but I have to be careful not to plan too much and wind up with a fridge full of leftovers. (A bit like my school planning?) But now I don't have the but-I-forgot-the-lime problem.

13 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

It makes us feel felpful!  

And don't forget we have the Song of Reminder And/Or Punishment!

8 hours ago, ikslo said:

Oh, and I detest Chrome.  I have an irrational love for IE.  I think that was my issue with Google docs.  But I can’t remember. 


We were out too late last night, and of course DS just bounces out of bed as always! I'd better go swish this goat, because there's a ton to do.

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Good morning ? Trying to convince myself that chai is just as good as coffee for the second day in a row (pretty sure something about coffee makes my PMS worse).

Take DD11 to VBS

Make DH some lunch and bring it out to his work

Stop procrastinating and write a couple BFSU lessons ? 

Make plan of attack for first lesson with new Japanese student tonight

Edit: Fold that darn pile of laundry that I've conveniently forgotten about for 5 days now ? 

If time: work on Japanese textbook draft. (Just a pleasure project right now, don't have any plans to publish.) Probably won't happen but today's the most likely day that I'll have time this week.

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Good morning!  I'm outta likes! :sad:  But I like y'all!  :smile:

June bugs are of the devil.

I've never seen any version of The Parent Trap.

Sorry about the stupid shot, Junie.  FAFSA.

I like IE, but we have to use Firefox.  I hate Chrome, but can't remember why.

I had a dream last night that I returned to teaching the classes of my Braindead Tuesday days.  It was not a good dream.


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Good morning ladies!  My mom was released from the hospital yesterday, thank you so much for your prayers.

Paige-my kitty has to be sedated to be groomed and then the other cat tried to attack him when he gets home because she doesn't recognize him, lol.  It takes about two days for them to work it out.

im bummed that I missed the meet up yesterday but I'm hoping to make the next one.

gonna work on inputting everything into every dollar and stop procrastinating and get to planning the next school year.

A couple of us use Safari, the rest uses Firefox.

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Good morning. I've already written two poems before caffeine, one funny, the other more serious. I posted the funny one for my writing buddies. So my ITT buddies get it too. If you substitute your favorite hobby, passion, life-work for the word "write" it works well, too.

I write when I’m lonely,

I write when I’m glad,

I write when I’m bored,

I write when I’m mad.


I write in the morning,

I write in the bed,

And when I stop my writing,

You can bury me.

I’m dead.


R. Musings


Today I will...write.

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2 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Good morning. I've already written two poems before caffeine, one funny, the other more serious. I posted the funny one for my writing buddies. So my ITT buddies get it too. If you substitute your favorite hobby, passion, life-work for the word "write" it works well, too.

I write when I’m lonely,

I write when I’m glad,

I write when I’m bored,

I write when I’m mad.


I write in the morning,

I write in the bed,

And when I stop my writing,

You can bury me.

I’m dead.


R. Musings


Today I will...write.

Bravo, bravo!! Excellent piece!!

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2 hours ago, myblessings4 said:


I am in conflict over this one.  I love them both.  But I like Brian Keith and Dennis Quaid equally, so it's a hard decision.  

The storyline in the Hayley Mills adaptation (it was based on a book) was a little convoluted. I was confused about the camping trip. And I didn't love the singing ("Let's Get Together."). Blasphemy to some, I'm sure, lol.

And FTR, I rilly, rilly disliked "Pollyanna," although to be fair, I have never seen an adaptation that was half as good as the book, so there's that.

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40 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:


I haven't read the book (I have to read the book first, because since I never like the movies as much as the books, if I see the movie first, I never go back to the book), and never read or watched Polyanna.  I just like Brian Keith.  Lol!   

I'm not stuck on the book that Parent Trap was based on. It's just a cute little book, and the movie storyline is the same: couple divorces, each parent takes one of the children, children meet later, etc. I just think that the Haley Mills adaptation was, IDK, maybe too focused on being a vehicle for Hayley Mills or something, KWIM? I like Brian Keith, too, and Maureen O'Hara.

But Pollyanna...none of the movie adaptations have come close. :-(

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5 hours ago, Another Lynn said:


I have never seen either parent trap movie.



How is that possible? ?

3 hours ago, egao_gakari said:

Good morning ? Trying to convince myself that chai is just as good as coffee for the second day in a row (pretty sure something about coffee makes my PMS worse).


Welcome! I'm glad you are staying. Nothing is as good as coffee!! Coffee making PMS is some sort of medical emergency.

2 hours ago, Junie said:

Good Morning!

I was awake until almost 5.

I may take my afternoon nap before lunch today instead of after.


Before and after sounds good.

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