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I will reiterate: I do not understand this "taco salad" thing. What about a taco can be turned into a salad? What about a salad can be made into a taco (other than putting lettuce and tomato on it)?


This takes me back to the uncomfortable time at Bible study when they were deciding who was bringing what to the potluck. They said I could bring "taco chips" for the taco salad. I asked what are taco chips, and what is a taco salad. I got the strangest looks. They were like, just regular taco chips. And I was like, there's a bag that says "taco chips" on it? I've never seen that. And one lady was like, you can just get some corn chips and we'll break them up and put them on top of the salad. And I was like, wait. You want me to buy a big bag of Tostitos or something so you can break up a handful to put on top of the salad? Is that what makes it a taco? And they were giving me weird looks and were like, you've never had a taco salad? And I was like, I'm married to a MEXICAN and never heard of one. Except from a couple of gringos in passing. But, I've never seen one. So I went home and googled it. And I still don't get why it's called a taco salad.


So explain it to me. Keeping in mind that our tacos are soft-shelled.

It’s a salad with taco meat and taco toppings on it. Soft tortillas would be yucky on top so people use hard tortilla chips instead. (Plus a lot of gringos eat hard shell tacos. ).

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When I was growing up, it sems to me that taco salad was made with nacho Doritos and French dressing. :ack2:

I make mine with lettuce, chili beans (drained and rinsed) avocado, tomato, shredded cheese, sliced olives, broken Fritos and I make a really good dressing with homemade ranch dressing mixed with a bit of salsa.
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I have never heard of that. But I never had Mexican or Tex-Mex food until college.


Maybe taco salad made in the manner ya'll are describing is considered Tex-Mex, but it's not Mexican. (just to clarify)


HOWEVER, I finally decided to look it up in Spanish and came across this pic which is very different than when you search it in English. We do eat these:  But we top it with shredded lettuce and tomato, etc. It's not the main part of the meal. We've always called them Taco Bowls, and it's still made with the hard-shell corn.



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Maybe taco salad made in the manner ya'll are describing is considered Tex-Mex, but it's not Mexican. (just to clarify)


HOWEVER, I finally decided to look it up in Spanish and came across this pic which is very different than when you search it in English. We do eat these: But we top it with shredded lettuce and tomato, etc. It's not the main part of the meal. We've always called them Taco Bowls, and it's still made with the hard-shell corn.



This is what I call a taco salad.

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Maybe taco salad made in the manner ya'll are describing is considered Tex-Mex, but it's not Mexican. (just to clarify)


HOWEVER, I finally decided to look it up in Spanish and came across this pic which is very different than when you search it in English. We do eat these: But we top it with shredded lettuce and tomato, etc. It's not the main part of the meal. We've always called them Taco Bowls, and it's still made with the hard-shell corn.



I don't like the bowl, and they're expensive, so we use chips, but yeah same thing.


I was supposed to be asleep 2 hours ago.

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I will reiterate: I do not understand this "taco salad" thing. What about a taco can be turned into a salad? What about a salad can be made into a taco (other than putting lettuce and tomato on it)?


This takes me back to the uncomfortable time at Bible study when they were deciding who was bringing what to the potluck. They said I could bring "taco chips" for the taco salad. I asked what are taco chips, and what is a taco salad. I got the strangest looks. They were like, just regular taco chips. And I was like, there's a bag that says "taco chips" on it? I've never seen that. And one lady was like, you can just get some corn chips and we'll break them up and put them on top of the salad. And I was like, wait. You want me to buy a big bag of Tostitos or something so you can break up a handful to put on top of the salad? Is that what makes it a taco? And they were giving me weird looks and were like, you've never had a taco salad? And I was like, I'm married to a MEXICAN and never heard of one. Except from a couple of gringos in passing. But, I've never seen one. So I went home and googled it. And I still don't get why it's called a taco salad.


So explain it to me. Keeping in mind that our tacos are soft-shelled.


It's like a tostada but the tortilla is formed into a bowl. That is my understanding. I was raised on tostadas. Taco salad is like... tostada with a concave over-fried tortilla, and too much lettuce.


Why is Chrome not understanding tostada? In Washington and Oregon this is like a thing. I don't know if my relatives in NM eat them. We love them.



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Good morning! It's the Queen's favorite day!


Happy MLK day.


I am putzing around. No school for us today - too much nonsense to take care of. Have to pick up dd11 an hour south of here and dd19 & Roommate an hour north. Ds22 is going back to school (an hour east :D) - it's been so nice having him home the past month. God willing, he graduates in 4 months. :) We have nowhere west to go today.


Safe travels, AMJ!


(((Sick People)))


Possible snowstorm is on the way. We need eggs and milk! :D



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I'm up. No exercise for me or Turtle One. His message to me today, direct quote: "If we do school today, I won't be able to do anything. Oral drill in Latin? That would kill me," he croaked.

I informed him that we had no school planned, and won't be doing school until we are recovered. He slumped to the kitchen for something soothing for his throat. He's still running fever and coughing.


I had extremely vivid dreams last night involving a decaying old house being sold for tear down, a baby blanket with a name of a missing person on it, a remorseful but downright creepy old ghost, a forgotten treasure in the attic and a shallow grave somewhere in the acres of dark woods in the back of the house. Why can't I ever dream I'm walking through my nice garden and wondering whether I should plant a rose bush near the chicken house? 

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I exercised. Now I'm having another cup of coffee.


ETA I only managed 15 minutes before the littles got up, but it counts, aye?

It definitely counts. My littles got up early and I sent them to watch TV so I could stay in bed for another hour.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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I had extremely vivid dreams last night involving a decaying old house being sold for tear down, a baby blanket with a name of a missing person on it, a remorseful but downright creepy old ghost, a forgotten treasure in the attic and a shallow grave somewhere in the acres of dark woods in the back of the house. Why can't I ever dream I'm walking through my nice garden and wondering whether I should plant a rose bush near the chicken house?

'Cause there's a novel hiding in those dreams!

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Critter Love Booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you!


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!




Monday!!😩😩 But it is a holiday Monday so...ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘


((Critter)) I hope you and the turtles feel better fast!!!


Bookmom, it totally counts as exercise. Remember our motto, “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly!â€


AMJ, safe travels today!!

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Good Morning!!


I have set a walking goal this year.  You all inspired me with your 100 books, so I am going to attempt to walk 100 miles.  There is a destination that I would like to go to that is 99 miles from here, so I am going to plan a virtual walk to that location.  Then as a reward I plan to actually go there and spend a fun day.  :)


I don't have a fitness tracker, or I would use that and choose a destination farther away.  I found a 1-mile walking video that I am planning to do 100 times this year.  


So far this year, I have walked 0 miles.  :glare:

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Good Morning!!


I have set a walking goal this year. You all inspired me with your 100 books, so I am going to attempt to walk 100 miles. There is a destination that I would like to go to that is 99 miles from here, so I am going to plan a virtual walk to that location. Then as a reward I plan to actually go there and spend a fun day. :)


I don't have a fitness tracker, or I would use that and choose a destination farther away. I found a 1-mile walking video that I am planning to do 100 times this year.


So far this year, I have walked 0 miles. :glare:

That is an awesome idea, Junie!!!!
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It's like a tostada but the tortilla is formed into a bowl. That is my understanding. I was raised on tostadas. Taco salad is like... tostada with a concave over-fried tortilla, and too much lettuce.


Why is Chrome not understanding tostada? In Washington and Oregon this is like a thing. I don't know if my relatives in NM eat them. We love them.




See, THOSE I know (tostadas and taco bowls). That is NOT what I got on an English search for taco salad, and isn't what those ladies at Bible study meant.


I get this, which is what they were talking about, thus my confusion about the "taco" part of it: 


Edited by Renai
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For those who struggle with weight I wanted to share that my MIL lost 30 pounds with Saxenda, a hormonal supplement she injected at home. She lost 30 pounds and it stopped, but it's been 6 months and she hasn't gained it back. She keeps trying to get me to use them but the idea makes me uncomfortable. Her insurance paid for it and I believe she put out $30 a month for the medication. I don't know anything about the medication.

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See, THOSE I know (tostadas and taco bowls). That is NOT what I got on an English search for taco salad, and isn't what those ladies at Bible study meant.


I get this, which is what they were talking about, thus my confusion about the "taco" part of it:


Yes, when I think of/make taco salad, this is it.
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I'm mixing watercolors today to create my own special mixes of colors. I found that French Ultramarine does the strangest stuff with this cheaper paper that I have in my mixing book. It seriously looks like sea-turtle skin. I guess I have a new painting project to try....

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See, THOSE I know (tostadas and taco bowls). That is NOT what I got on an English search for taco salad, and isn't what those ladies at Bible study meant.


I get this, which is what they were talking about, thus my confusion about the "taco" part of it:


Isn’t this simply what is in a taco bowl but without the tortilla bowl? I was told at our local Mexican place that the taco bowls were a northern Mexico thing and that further south they had them without the bowls.

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See, THOSE I know (tostadas and taco bowls). That is NOT what I got on an English search for taco salad, and isn't what those ladies at Bible study meant.


I get this, which is what they were talking about, thus my confusion about the "taco" part of it: 



I think that both of these (the photo above and the one with the "bowl") are "taco salad".  One's just fancier than the other.  This one is the cheaper version because it uses chips of some sort instead of the expensive bowls.  It also works better at pot luck because people can take whatever size serving they want.


This has the same basic ingredients as the other taco salad.  I use the same term for both.  :shrug:

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I think that both of these (the photo above and the one with the "bowl") are "taco salad".  One's just fancier than the other.  This one is the cheaper version because it uses chips of some sort instead of the expensive bowls.  It also works better at pot luck because people can take whatever size serving they want.


This has the same basic ingredients as the other taco salad.  I use the same term for both.  :shrug:


I was confused because I didn't know where the taco part came from. When I saw the other picture with the tortilla bowl, I was like, ok that makes sense.

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Those of you with watercolorists will find that when they work wet-on-wet, the paper turns into a buckled mess if it isn't 300 weight. And who wants to wet that mess? The fix--after the painting has dried, take the painting and turn it paint-side down on a towel. Wet the back of the paper, and press flat with a low to medium iron. The paper flattens out perfectly.

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In my defense, I was ironing a watercolor painting that I'm seriously thinking about matting and framing.  :D


Oh.  OK, then.  Carry on.  :)


Question:  I didn't know that was something that could/should be done.  "How do you iron watercolor paintings?" asks the mom of aspiring artists with stacks of wrinkly watercolor paintings.

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I made that overnight oatmeal stuff for breakfast. Not the recipe you linked to, Slashie, but one of the other gazillion on the web. I didn’t have pumpkin. Anyhow, I think it is super healthy (Greek yogurt, flax seed meal, skim milk, oatmeal, banana) and filling, but it may take a while to get used to. Plus, it’s 11WW points (I did put some peanut butter in for flavoring, which added points and I could leave out next time) and that’s a lot since I only have 23 per day. Although there’s a lot of zero points foods now, so it’s really not as bad as it seems. But, I am happy I made it because I have been very frustrated with my eating habits lately and I feel very good about this breakfast.

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Webmd says it has the thing that signals your brain that you're full.


But lots of side effects. Since it actually lowers blood sugar.

I don't have a problem with this. MIL definitely does. Hmm. Thanks for looking at webmd which was clearly too difficult a task for me.

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I was confused because I didn't know where the taco part came from. When I saw the other picture with the tortilla bowl, I was like, ok that makes sense.


My taco salads are like the taco bowl one, but with hard "taco" shells broken on a plate, and everything else pile on top.  Think of a hard taco with all the fillings, and then imagine it breaking apart in your hand as you go to eat it/take a bite.  Why bother with the mess?  Just break it up from the get-go and eat it with a fork.  Added bonus is you don't have to try to get the meat neatly in the taco.  Which never works anyway.  I serve the toppings a la carte and everyone makes their own.  If they want the whole tacos they can have it, but I get to make my taco salad. 


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Mine was the highest this morning that I've ever had in the morning since I started checking. And it's been higher lately, anyway.


But I don't know which came first. Chicken or egg. I didn't catch any cold or stomach bug or anything the whole year and a half that I kept the bs controlled. And rarely had a headache. Lately bs has been higher, I have had a cold, and headaches more often.

So did I get sick because of not controlling bs, or is bs higher because of illness?


It's a vicious circle isn't it.  Just a note since I know that you are insanely busy - stress can cause your bloodsugar to go up. 

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