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I have socks from Alaska, from our trip earlier this year.  While on the couch I noticed a trick I could do with my moose socks.



I grossed out my kids by wiggling my toes and making the moose twerk.   :laugh:

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That's what I told DS we should do next year. We should get some kind of Santa hats and stick them on the skeletons, pumpkins, etc, and decorate once.



Get some pilgrim hats and turkey feathers for the interim between Halloween and Christmas!

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I can't find our file with all our identification information in it - birth certificates, social security cards, copies, etc.... The last time I had it was in court sometime in October. I realized it was missing in November before the next court date.


If you were that file, where would you be?



Under a potted plant somewhere, or someplace else "in plain sight".

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Guys, I'm having a rough day.

DH's endoscopy went well, and that's good. But we got back and MIL's dog was chasing the ducks on the frozen pond last night and fell in. I just spent the last hour up to my waist in icy water trying to chop a path to get his body out of the pond, but I can't swing the splitting maul if the water is much higher than my waist. The danged ice is still about two inches thick where I had to leave off. I'll try to get out further tomorrow--we are supposed to get into the lower forties and I might make more headway.

My dog-loving boy is devastated. He loved that dog. :crying:

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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No, I had it in a bag and the bag is here at the house. Dancer has found an older file with a xerox copy of Dancer's birth certificate and ss card. We'll see how far that will get us...



Did it get tucked in with gift wrap and gift bags?  How about still in the bag but with the bag repurposed as a craft or toy tote?

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Slache, it means nothing has changed (because mental health/cycles/moods...his, not mine), but I have more time to figure things out because the pressure is temporarily lifted. I found some transcription work that I can do from home, and I'm looking into school possibilities still. I just don't have to rush and do it all RIGHT NOW.



I so am on board with relieving pressure in that way!  I have been sorting Dad Project stuff into "can wait until Dad is down here" and "has to be done sooner" piles.  Several things in the latter have migrated to the former.

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Guys, I'm having a rough day. 

DH's endoscopy went well, and that's good. But we got back and MIL's dog was chasing the ducks on the frozen pond last night and fell in. I just spent the last hour up to my waist in icy water trying to chop a path to get his body out of the pond, but I can't swing the splitting maul if the water is much higher than my waist. The danged ice is still about two inches thick where I had to leave off. I'll try to get out further tomorrow--we are supposed to get into the lower forties and I might make more headway.

My dog-loving boy is devastated. He loved that dog. :crying:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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But chocolate will apparently be extinct by 2020 or something.  :crying:



No, that would mean it would be extinct, dead.  Chocolate is an integral part of ITT and is bound by the no-dying rule.

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I spent about 3+ hours shoveling us out from the first blizzard of the season.  I think it was about 16 inches, but hurricane force winds caused lots of drifting.  


Dh helped toward the end in spite of his wrist (he rigged up a mitten to go over his cast, out of lots of socks and scrap leather and duct tape.) I was annoyed because hellooooyoubrokeyourwrist! but also relieved.  I needed the extra help.  We had to be sure Plumber Guy can access everything he needs tomorrow, so that meant more shoveling than usual.


Now iHurt.  Lots.  


We haven't lost power (yay!) and also had no flooding (surge at high tide), though we are surrounded by coastal towns that had severe flooding.   Thanks for the prayers!




Now I plan to fall asleep in front of The Hobbit, which dh grabbed a couple days ago on dvd at the library.  

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Trigger Warning!


Copy that.






So, I am sitting down and starting to plot out the rest of the school year. DS’s and DD’s history are fine. If only Susan could get on it right away and pound out SOTW:Middle Ages like the Ancients, then I’d be all set for history for my little girls, too. Science - I think we’ll just keep moseying our way through Apologia Land Animals like we have been doing. We’re sadly behind in Grammar with all the kids.


And Bible Curriculum.... I need suggestions. Oldest DD and DS will finish God’s Great Covenant NT from CAP at the end of this year. It’s the last book in the series. We have loved it. It’s taken about 6 years to get through all 4 books. But I will need to start thinking about next year. We really need something structured and work-bookie. I was looking at Bob Jones’ Bible curriculum. I like the format, but I don’t think I agree with them theologically (we’re Reformed, Presbyterian at heart).


I haven't used this, so I don't know if it's tedious or not, but I think it might be in the right line doctrinally:  The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study by Starr Meade.  (for the older ones).  

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I spent about 3+ hours shoveling us out from the first blizzard of the season.  I think it was about 16 inches, but hurricane force winds caused lots of drifting.  


Dh helped toward the end in spite of his wrist (he rigged up a mitten to go over his cast, out of lots of socks and scrap leather and duct tape.) I was annoyed because hellooooyoubrokeyourwrist! but also relieved.  I needed the extra help.  We had to be sure Plumber Guy can access everything he needs tomorrow, so that meant more shoveling than usual.


Now iHurt.  Lots.  


We haven't lost power (yay!) and also had no flooding (surge at high tide), though we are surrounded by coastal towns that had severe flooding.   Thanks for the prayers!




Now I plan to fall asleep in front of The Hobbit, which dh grabbed a couple days ago on dvd at the library.  



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Stay warm and safe.  

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Dh is sick. He never gets sick. We think it was something he ate this morning that disagreed with him. :( I gave him mint tea. He'll probably be fine in the morning.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Starting today we get a reprieve from the freezing temps overnight, at least for a few days.  Must pull outside lights before possible precipitation this weekend.  Must get ready to move furniture to Dad's new apt this weekend and move DD13 into the soon-to-be-former guest bedroom.  DD16 will mop the floor today, having spilled something last night.  Must do some school today, and plan things out for the coming week.


Two weekends more, and then DD16 and I head for Colorado again.



DD16 now calls leftover hamburger patties "meat cookies" and eats them cold.  (Last night's supper was scrounge night.)  She calls turkey bacon "meat paper" -- she loves the stuff.

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I guess this is the last day of our winter break. I suppose I'd better have something ready for school on Monday.


This was my thought today, too. Prep for Monday school for Gymnast, and Dancer leaving in another 2 weeks. We need to organize her schoolwork and hope she gets something done in the next two months.

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Good Morning!!!




Last day of vacation!!😩😩😩😩😩


Woke up at 5:00am due to hot flashes and couldn’t breathe. Tried the Neti pot. I’m so congested the water just ran down the side of my face.🤪🤪

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Good Morning!!!




Last day of vacation!!😩😩😩😩😩


Woke up at 5:00am due to hot flashes and couldn’t breathe. Tried the Neti pot. I’m so congested the water just ran down the side of my face.🤪🤪


:grouphug:  :grouphug:   I hope your congestion clears soon.

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Reminder to me: start teaching the boys to handle cooking as a joint effort and not a single-person job. I already do this with chores, but cooking ramps up this quarter and I want to get both of them working together to plan meals, execute them and then be able to relax while DH and I clean up, or the other way around. 

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Ed-Po/Plan-Po WARNING! Avert your eyes!


Goal this year is 5 hrs of leisure time (aka Mom's writing time) this year.

The time break down per day is:

Chores/Housekeeping-2.5 hrs per day (includes cooking time and general clean up)

School-5.5 hrs per day

Free Time-5 hrs


But it's tight. That's a 6:30 to 7 wake-up time and a 9 bedtime.

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Ed-Po/Plan-Po WARNING! Avert your eyes!


Goal this year is 5 hrs of leisure time (aka Mom's writing time) this year.

The time break down per day is:

Chores/Housekeeping-2.5 hrs per day (includes cooking time and general clean up)

School-5.5 hrs per day

Free Time-5 hrs


But it's tight. That's a 6:30 to 7 wake-up time and a 9 bedtime.



Those start and end times match what we typically try to do, too!  Somehow I don't get 5 hours free time, though, or if I do I'm too tired to realize it.



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I'm thinking that if I can put all three of us on clean-up three days a week we can have Tuesday and Thursday afternoons off, and all of Sunday off from housekeeping chores proper, although we will still have general chores.



DD16 is currently sweeping in preparation for mopping here.  We checked in on school this morning and figured out the plan of attack for next week.  The girls are really trying to be a bit more independent on household tasks (for certain reasons), so I have hopes I can do something similar to your plan come February.  I'm tired of ranting about being the brain that drives everyone around here.

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I am also trying to prep for school next week. I have a feeling it's going to be a rough transition back to a routine.


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I only have three days of school next week and the schedule is going to be light. I don't know how good I'll feel on Wednesday.

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Then you can tell them to clean up after their painting and you'll all have a tea party when it's done. :D


Cleaning up after their painting results in me having to clean the bathroom.  It is also the reason that we can't have fancy towels.  

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