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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


You guys are really good at gift ideas! A bottle of wine would really offend them, but I am sure someone at the church would love it! :D A new coffee maker would be nice for dh's nephew to use as well (he lives with them).


One other thought I just had was to get Grandma a reading wrap-type thing and Grandpa a knit cap to keep his head warm.

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Topic for discussion: gifts for Elderly People Who Should Be in a Nursing Care Facility But Still Live on the Side of a Mountain in the Middle of Nowhere.


Points for consideration:

They would be offended if there was not a gift for them even though they say otherwise.

If you spend a lot on a gift they will consider it a waste.

If you spend a little on a gift they will consider it junk.

Any gift you bring will be be left at the church in case anyone else wants it.

Homemade gifts (even made by grandchildren) will be stuffed into the magazine rack and forgotten.

Candles are not allowed in the house.


Ready, set, GO!

Shutterfly Family album?? That’s what I got the Grandparents this year.
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Ok. Now I'm tired.

You can get in a half-hour nap before the kids get up!



Good morning. Easy day at home today. I will probably cook and clean and wrap some presents. I also need to make a shopping list for items that I need before our family Christmas on Saturday. I can't find my trifle bowl. How can I make a peppermint trifle without a trifle bowl?

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

You can borrow mine.

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Good morning. Easy day at home today. I will probably cook and clean and wrap some presents. I also need to make a shopping list for items that I need before our family Christmas on Saturday. I can't find my trifle bowl. How can I make a peppermint trifle without a trifle bowl?

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk


You can get in a half-hour nap before the kids get up!



You can borrow mine.

You can borrow mine, too. Make a peppermint trifle and a chocolate/Carmel trifle.
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I'm up and very tired. I have running around to do today. I hate running around. I just want to stay home and do nothing. Or something. Just not get in the car and brave the town. From November to January the traffic becomes so bad that I just want to retire to the deep mountains and only go to town once every three months or something like that.




I hate running around, too. Just want to stay at home all the time.
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I think the turtles need more time in their hibernaculum at night. They've been going to bed too late (think toddler-sobbing tired) and getting up grumpy (typical teenage turtle). It's a good thing we don't have school this morning because I'm tired from being kept up too late by grumpy, overtired teens, and cranky from dealing with grumpy, overtired teens this morning.

They have physical labor planned for this morning down in the hole in the driveway. I hope that will settle their mood.


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You guys are really good at gift ideas! A bottle of wine would really offend them, but I am sure someone at the church would love it! :D A new coffee maker would be nice for dh's nephew to use as well (he lives with them).


One other thought I just had was to get Grandma a reading wrap-type thing and Grandpa a knit cap to keep his head warm.


I just updated my original post with the idea of a blanket!  I think something to keep them warm is a great idea, since people on fixed incomes tend to lower the temp in their houses to save on monthly bills.  A reading wrap is a great idea, imo.

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Topic for discussion: gifts for Elderly People Who Should Be in a Nursing Care Facility But Still Live on the Side of a Mountain in the Middle of Nowhere.


Points for consideration:

They would be offended if there was not a gift for them even though they say otherwise.

If you spend a lot on a gift they will consider it a waste.

If you spend a little on a gift they will consider it junk.

Any gift you bring will be be left at the church in case anyone else wants it.

Homemade gifts (even made by grandchildren) will be stuffed into the magazine rack and forgotten.

Candles are not allowed in the house.


Ready, set, GO!

My dad really liked applets and cotlets. https://www.libertyorchards.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6Kzj5O6T2AIVioV-Ch2TRw30EAAYASAAEgIWOvD_BwE



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I did it again. I was up for a 4:30am class...that actually started at 5:00.


I'm missing a package. I'm pretty sure it came in, but I can't find it anywhere.


The dogs kept barking, so I went to the window to knock on it to tell them to shut up, but hit the one-piece Holy Family and they fell and broke as I made my way outside to shut the dogs up. Now, I'm looking for the Holy Family on cbd, but can't find it. I know I saw it earlier this season. :/

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I did it again. I was up for a 4:30am class...that actually started at 5:00.


I'm missing a package. I'm pretty sure it came in, but I can't find it anywhere.


The dogs kept barking, so I went to the window to knock on it to tell them to shut up, but hit the one-piece Holy Family and they fell and broke as I made my way outside to shut the dogs up. Now, I'm looking for the Holy Family on cbd, but can't find it. I know I saw it earlier this season. :/

:banghead: :banghead: :ack2: Edited by Susan in TN
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I did it again. I was up for a 4:30am class...that actually started at 5:00.


I'm missing a package. I'm pretty sure it came in, but I can't find it anywhere.


The dogs kept barking, so I went to the window to knock on it to tell them to shut up, but hit the one-piece Holy Family and they fell and broke as I made my way outside to shut the dogs up. Now, I'm looking for the Holy Family on cbd, but can't find it. I know I saw it earlier this season. :/

This is why we plan our day the night before.
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I survived The AFSA. Whew.


I discovered that the washing machine will put itself on pause if you open the top to sneak in another sock and will not start again until you return from The AFSA and discover it patiently blinking at you.


I have a headache that is sort of in my nose. How did it sneak in there?


My mom called to tell me what she got ds13 for Christmas and it is exactly the thing he has been asking for for over a year but is a little on the expensive side for us. :) He will be so thrilled!

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Ooos, sorry.




Do I remember correctly that you used TRISMS at one point, or at least tried it?  If so, can you tell me what you liked/did not like about it?




Trisms is butt. Not that I have a strong opinion. I found it to be stupid and disjointed and ineffective and terrible.


On the other hand, if you're the kind of mom who does crafts and decorates your house seasonally, it's probably a good fit. But I'm not, at all, and it was train wreck.


I may actually still have it, though. I know that I tried to sell it, but I can't remember if I did.  Lemme check and I'll send it to you, if you want.

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Trisms is butt. Not that I have a strong opinion. I found it to be stupid and disjointed and ineffective and terrible.


On the other hand, if you're the kind of mom who does crafts and decorates your house seasonally, it's probably a good fit. But I'm not, at all, and it was train wreck.


I may actually still have it, though. I know that I tried to sell it, but I can't remember if I did.  Lemme check and I'll send it to you, if you want.


:LOL:  I don't want it if it's really that bad!!!  And I am not one for crafts or seasonal decorating.  Nope.  But I like the idea of TRISMS.  It's just, hmmm.  I don't know.  I can't put my finger on it.


I am also thinking Calvert might be the way to go for next year.  Everything planned out and mom just goes to work.  (For those lurkers out there - I am kidding.  I would not just hand him the box and wash my hands of the whole thing.) I like the idea of that, too.


What I really need is a secular three-year history for middle school.  So you all just need to tell me what that is. 


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Trisms is butt. Not that I have a strong opinion. I found it to be stupid and disjointed and ineffective and terrible.


On the other hand, if you're the kind of mom who does crafts and decorates your house seasonally, it's probably a good fit. But I'm not, at all, and it was train wreck.


I may actually still have it, though. I know that I tried to sell it, but I can't remember if I did.  Lemme check and I'll send it to you, if you want.


Hmm. I might be tired and cranky.


I remember loving the idea, BTW. I just sucked at the implementation.


I do, in fact, have it. Only the first couple of lessons are done. If you want it, re-PM your address. :)

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ikslo, I believe Oxford University Press has an Ancient, Medieval and Modern set but I can't find them all. Here's the Ancient.

 You also could do a year of World, American and Geography. He liked his iPad so much is The Great Courses an option?


Are you making rude comments about how I look in my ultra-fashionable fuzzy robe? 


No.  :mellow:

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ikslo, I believe Oxford University Press has an Ancient, Medieval and Modern set but I can't find them all. Here's the Ancient.

 You also could do a year of World, American and Geography. He liked his iPad so much is The Great Courses an option?


I'm looking for something with a bit of output for Middle School.  I might just stick with History Odyssey.


The Oxford U Press books look nice, though.  Never hurts to have too much history!


(As far as his iPad is concerned - he actually hates doing school online.  His iPad is his down time away from school. :001_rolleyes: )

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Lunchtime. I wrote about 1000 words on my next novel, researched two more agents for my prospects list, read up on how to construct a killer synopsis, printed off my own synopsis and I am about to subject it to yet another revision.

But lunch first.


I'm out of sorts today. Just depressed, grumpy, snappish and tired.

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The child who barfed is now asking for a McDonald's mcchicken sandwich (he says chicken burger) and fries! Blech Blech Blech! I gave him a dose of pepto first. He only thought of it because we're in the afsa that has McDonald's and he smelled the food. He didn't want to go with his dad and sis who were eating better food.

McDonald's is great when you're sick or supposedly hungover. It cured my morning sickness for about 4 hours.

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I just spent 15 minutes locked in my room searching for this list.  I may remain locked in this room.*  It's Lord of the Flies on the other side. 





So... The Christmas Break List, 3.0.  (I lost the 2.0 version, so... whatever.  It isn't going to look like I've done much, but I have!  I really really have!   :svengo:   In fact, I'll add stuff to this that I've already done, so I can cross it off.  :D  )


Alright.  Here are the options:


-Type up a Tackle List on ITT

-Label the remaining wrapped gifts and stow them away --- in the crawlspace.

-Sort the stocking stuffers by kid

-Plan for Christmas meals

-Put away the luggage and backpack I found on sale for ds' birthday (in the crawlspace).

-Clean up the post-Oil-Guy disaster still sitting in the basement (which will involve shoving things into the crawlspace).

-Dispose of oily furniture.

-Clean boys' room

-Clean girls' room

-Buy degreaser (which requires a trip to The HD with all five kids, so it warrants its own spot on this list.)

-Buy 24"shelving for pantry

-Sort all the mixed up Playmobil (which will require entering the crawlspace).

-Find that extra Playmobil knights set that I think I'll give to ds10 (it's in the crawlspace).

-Wash floor with degreaser. 

-Install shelving.

-Buy more shelving if possible.

-Install that, too.

-Restock shelves.

-Help ds10 finish sewing that stuffed ninja bunny for ds3.

-Those seven garbage bags full of kid stuff that I shoved in the crawlspace when we refinished the floors?  KonMari those. 

-Pick up the school room mess and file stuff away and fill in the last two weeks of my planner/journal.

-Write up Christmas grocery list.

-Grocery shop.

-Take donations to Savers.

-Make three batches of meatballs.

-Mop all floors.  Detail the dining room.

-Pop a bowl of popcorn and hang out here. 


Starting with the bunny that DS10 wants to finish.  He's really proud of it and has been waiting for months to get the legs attached.   :001_wub:




*after i get more coffee and some chocolate.

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:lol:  I don't want it if it's really that bad!!!  And I am not one for crafts or seasonal decorating.  Nope.  But I like the idea of TRISMS.  It's just, hmmm.  I don't know.  I can't put my finger on it.


I am also thinking Calvert might be the way to go for next year.  Everything planned out and mom just goes to work.  (For those lurkers out there - I am kidding.  I would not just hand him the box and wash my hands of the whole thing.) I like the idea of that, too.


What I really need is a secular three-year history for middle school.  So you all just need to tell me what that is. 



I was going to say that odyssey thingy but you're already using it.  (But, maybe I was going to recommend the other one.  I get the names confused....  The one that's a textbook seems to be a popular option for those wanting secular.  I bought the first one once several years ago and thought it was very textbookish.  Go figure.)


ikslo, I believe Oxford University Press has an Ancient, Medieval and Modern set but I can't find them all. Here's the Ancient.

 You also could do a year of World, American and Geography. He liked his iPad so much is The Great Courses an option?



No.  :mellow:


Oxford might be better.  But as Slache later corrected herself, there is no modern.  And there are a lot of books for ancient and medieval so you can spend a lot or maybe pick and choose.


I'm looking for something with a bit of output for Middle School.  I might just stick with History Odyssey.


The Oxford U Press books look nice, though.  Never hurts to have too much history!


(As far as his iPad is concerned - he actually hates doing school online.  His iPad is his down time away from school. :001_rolleyes: )


Oxford U Press books have student and teacher guides that look possibly worthwhile.  I think they incorporate primary sources too.  maybe.  


Ed Po




Who likes Guest Hollow? I have their Knowledge of Nature, but I'm waffling.


I should probably add that I'm waffling because it's one more thing, but it looks good on the skim-through I did of the schedule/book list.


I'm using Guest Hollow's highschool biology for 14yo dd.  But I'm not sure I can extrapolate much from that to the younger years.  Plus, the best part of what we're doing is that I outsourced locally for labs.   :tongue_smilie:   But my own .02 is that I would go with library books for science in the early years.  If you're library is decent enough to do so.  Let's Read and Find Out series is golden for your oldest.  Keep it simple, imho.  Or get some Draw Write Now books and let them draw and copy sentences.  


The child who barfed is now asking for a McDonald's mcchicken sandwich (he says chicken burger) and fries! Blech Blech Blech! I gave him a dose of pepto first. He only thought of it because we're in the afsa that has McDonald's and he smelled the food. He didn't want to go with his dad and sis who were eating better food.


Maybe he wants the salt.  I'd consider the frenchfries but not the chicken sandwich.   :w00t:

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I crave it sometimes, but it is usually when I smell the fries. When I was a kid, the closest one was 30-45 minutes away, so we only stopped by there on band trips, bathroom breaks when shopping, etc. I would NOT eat there, even if everyone else did. I would walk over to Wendy's and get my food and bring it back to eat with the group.


But that was because I was told McD put earthworms in their meat.


Yes.  It is the smell of the fries.  But I can't have them (or most fast food fries) because they are not gluten free. 

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Ed Po




Who likes Guest Hollow? I have their Knowledge of Nature, but I'm waffling.


I should probably add that I'm waffling because it's one more thing, but it looks good on the skim-through I did of the schedule/book list.


I liked their Jr. Anatomy.  So did DS, for that matter.


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