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Being Mennonite, you generally have to play the Mennonite Game every time you meet someone with a Mennonite name like Enns, Friesen, Harder, Klassen, Penner, Thiessen, etc. You have to find out their grandparent’s names as far back as you can go, find out where they are from (generally some place in Kansas or Oklahoma - Hillsboro, Kansas gives you the most clout) and then see if you are somehow related to each other. When I was in high school we had to do a family tree and back when I was at that high school, there were a lot of Mennonite kids (it’s actually a Mennonite-started school). We all discovered a bunch of 2nd and 3rd cousins we never knew we had.

I know a Penner and a Thiessen family!

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Why does Dd want to be a doctor? I told her that any disputes about the Anatomy and Physiology answers are to be taken up with her father. If he, as a medical professional agrees with her, then I will change the grade.



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So she can take care of us when we're old! I mean you. I meant to say you. So she can take care of you when you're old!

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Well, I got the results of the second squish and ultrasound. Looks like I get the fun, fun experience of a biopsy. Butt.


ETA: I've been following Hornblower's journey, and I'm so glad that those little ice packs got mentioned. Will be asking for those.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Once, I tried to make my member title a woman of finite resources and sagacity but it didn't fit. Or didn't look good. I don't remember.



You had the word order wrong.  It should be "...of sagacity and finite resources".

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I'm failing at being patient, loving, and kind today.

I am cranky and irritated and I just want everyone to leave me alone.

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

This was so me yesterday. I'm sorry.



You had the word order wrong.  It should be "...of sagacity and finite resources".

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Being Mennonite, you generally have to play the Mennonite Game every time you meet someone with a Mennonite name like Enns, Friesen, Harder, Klassen, Penner, Thiessen, etc. You have to find out their grandparent’s names as far back as you can go, find out where they are from (generally some place in Kansas or Oklahoma - Hillsboro, Kansas gives you the most clout) and then see if you are somehow related to each other. When I was in high school we had to do a family tree and back when I was at that high school, there were a lot of Mennonite kids (it’s actually a Mennonite-started school). We all discovered a bunch of 2nd and 3rd cousins we never knew we had.


My step-grandfather's parents were both Mennonite.  As in Lancaster County Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite.  I have his tree going back several hundred years in Switzerland.

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Well, I got the results of the second squish and ultrasound. Looks like I get the fun, fun experience of a biopsy. Butt.


ETA: I've been following Hornblower's journey, and I'm so glad that those little ice packs got mentioned. Will be asking for those.

:grouphug: to you both

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I'm failing at being patient, loving, and kind today.


I am cranky and irritated and I just want everyone to leave me alone.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

:grouphug: Only very quiet ones and then I'll tiptoe away and leave you alone with the chocolate, the cushy socks and a raft of your favorite shows or good books.

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The doctor did not call me back today. He might get an earful from me tomorrow. I'm generally nice and understanding when it comes to medical things, because I know it's not easy to keep up with stuff, but a patient who needs a biopsy is something you probably want to follow up on when they call you and request a call back.


ETA: It's a kick-butt and taking names Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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A FAFSA on the FAFSA.  I have been trying and trying and trying to get into the system.  I had a card with the username etc.  The stupid site says that it's wrong.  It is not wrong.  It's right.  Let me in, darn it! 


1/2 the reason I didn't go to college.

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Diaper rash cream works well on noses chafed from tissues and viruses. My kids think it's disgusting but I'm desperate. 


I have no idea what to get anyone for Christmas and no desire to shop. Everything looks blah. Big kids are boring. I miss the days when I was hiding dollhouses and train sets. Even Baby...there's no fun in shopping for a 2 month old. 


DH retires in 6mos and will quit working long before that!  :ohmy: I've wanted this for so long but now it feels a little scary. People keep saying he should stay home and I should work but people are morons. My MS is so old and dusty that I don't even know where I'd start to look for a job and it wasn't in a high paying field anyway. I think I'd need to go get a 2nd masters to make myself relevant. 



Lanolin wipes are a small miracle.  For some silly reason the stores keep putting them in the breastfeeding supplies area instead of with the other diaper wipes, but they are God's gift to babies suffering from diaper rash.  Rashes heal much faster when lanolin wipes are used instead of regular baby wipes.  When used regularly they also help prevent diaper rash in the first place.  They saved DD16's tender little behind when she was a babe, and DD13 never had to contend with diaper rash at all.


Then I discovered that when periods or incontinence or flu make an adult behind raw and tender the lanolin wipes are God's gift again.  There are no babies in this house, nor do I know any, but I still stock the lanolin wipes.


Imagine what they can do for chapped noses, when used instead of a tissue.  They lay down a soothing, protective, invisible barrier.

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I'm failing at being patient, loving, and kind today.


I am cranky and irritated and I just want everyone to leave me alone.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk



Right there with you, Sister!


DH was cooking supper when we finally got home from music.   :001_wub:  :001_wub:   As DD16 walked past him at the grill she said, "Watch out.  Mom's mad."  "I'm not mad, I'm exhausted.  I am past done."


Really, you'd think she would have learned the difference between angry Mom and so-tired-I-could-cry Mom by now.

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Right there with you, Sister!


DH was cooking supper when we finally got home from music.   :001_wub:  :001_wub:   As DD16 walked past him at the grill she said, "Watch out.  Mom's mad."  "I'm not mad, I'm exhausted.  I am past done."


Really, you'd think she would have learned the difference between angry Mom and so-tired-I-could-cry Mom by now.

Argh. :grouphug:

Right down to times when the boys say "You're in a bad mood, Mom," and I have to remind them for the umpteeth time that when one has only slept a few decent hours in a few days, tired looks a lot like angry.

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:grouphug: Only very quiet ones and then I'll tiptoe away and leave you alone with the chocolate, the cushy socks and a raft of your favorite shows or good books.



And just the right amount of chill in the air and mugginess all gone and a lovely fire in the fireplace and hot apple cider and soft, flannel shirts or fluffy blankies?

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Mine weren't too thrilled when I met my DH online either.



Imagine what my ILs think about me hanging out every day with a bunch of people I only know online!  What a great example I am to their grandchildren!

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I know it isn't even 7:30 here yet, but I think I'm going to head upstairs and start getting ready for bed.


G'night allllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............................................................


:zombie:  :zombie:  :zombie:  :zombie:

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A FAFSA on the FAFSA. I have been trying and trying and trying to get into the system. I had a card with the username etc. The stupid site says that it's wrong. It is not wrong. It's right. Let me in, darn it!

(((Jeannie))) I understand completely. May the FAFSA be eternally audited in the 7th level of hell.

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Edpo Jesuits

“Ask everybody everything everyday.†Big emphasis on talking with your students, not at them. Decries university lecture model. STudents must be active in class, thinking, replying orally, practicing art of composition.

Well, I have the first part down. Everybody, did you put the chickens up? Did you finish your Latin translation? Did you study your vocabulary? Did you write? Did you feed the dogs? Take out the garbage?

Second part, pretty good. We talk a lot and they talk back plenty.

Third part--um. Active--well.... :laugh:

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